CDZ Is Slavery America's Original Sin?

If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, we rid ourselves of slavery within 80 years even though slavery was the common practice worldwide
What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, ridvoiraelves of slavery within 80 years.
.What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one

And now they will say Britain banned it first.....don't let them get away with that crap...

There were no slaves on English soil......all they had to do was ban transporting slaves on their ships......we had to go to war against the democrat party who fought for 4 years at the cost of 500,000 lives because we had millions of slaves on our soil........
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, ridvoiraelves of slavery within 80 years.
.What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one

And now they will say Britain banned it first.....don't let them get away with that crap...

There were no slaves on English soil......all they had to do was ban transporting slaves on their ships......we had to go to war against the democrat party who fought for 4 years at the cost of 500,000 lives because we had millions of slaves on our soil........

The original sin concept is fairy tale Christian nonsense and has nothing to do with slavery, or the issue at question, which is racism in America.

Americans don't even seem to have the courage to talk about the issue yet, while your cities burn because of racism.

Other countries let the racism go but the US didn't and the clue is in the fatally flawed Union needing to provide compromises for racists in the southern states. Now it's become too big of an issue to deal with.

Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, ridvoiraelves of slavery within 80 years.
.What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one

And now they will say Britain banned it first.....don't let them get away with that crap...

There were no slaves on English soil......all they had to do was ban transporting slaves on their ships......we had to go to war against the democrat party who fought for 4 years at the cost of 500,000 lives because we had millions of slaves on our soil........

The original sin concept is fairy tale Christian nonsense and has nothing to do with slavery, or the issue at question, which is racism in America.

Americans don't even seem to have the courage to talk about the issue yet, while your cities burn because of racism.

Other countries let the racism go but the US didn't and the clue is in the fatally flawed Union needing to provide compromises for racists in the southern states. Now it's become too big of an issue to deal with.

Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

What do you mean we don't have the courage to talk about it yet? There is nothing we talk more about than racism......and we are one of the countries with the least racism ........

Biden belongs to the party that gains power by perpetuating the false claims of America being a racist country........
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, ridvoiraelves of slavery within 80 years.
.What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one

And now they will say Britain banned it first.....don't let them get away with that crap...

There were no slaves on English soil......all they had to do was ban transporting slaves on their ships......we had to go to war against the democrat party who fought for 4 years at the cost of 500,000 lives because we had millions of slaves on our soil........

The original sin concept is fairy tale Christian nonsense and has nothing to do with slavery, or the issue at question, which is racism in America.

Americans don't even seem to have the courage to talk about the issue yet, while your cities burn because of racism.

Other countries let the racism go but the US didn't and the clue is in the fatally flawed Union needing to provide compromises for racists in the southern states. Now it's become too big of an issue to deal with.

Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

What do you mean we don't have the courage to talk about it yet? There is nothing we talk more about than racism......and we are one of the countries with the least racism ........

Biden belongs to the party that gains power by perpetuating the false claims of America being a racist country........

You're missing the boat. Biden is the yes man and the compromise to the rightist extreme neo-nazi faction in the US. Kamala is the real trouble that's brewing, regardless of whether or not Biden can survive the 4 years.

a little secret for you: Kamala hates Biden's guts because he's a sellout to the failed establishment American way. That shouldn't be too hard to understand.
Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

Congratulations on elevating your straw man argument into a rejection of basic logic When President Trump was elected, you accused his supporters of being racists. Now you accuse him of stirring racist hate to epic proportions. Exactly who has been so stirred? Since his supporters were already racist, the only increase in racist hate could have come from his opponents. Literally!
Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

Congratulations on elevating your straw man argument into a rejection of basic logic When President Trump was elected, you accused his supporters of being racists. Now you accuse him of stirring racist hate to epic proportions. Exactly who has been so stirred? Since his supporters were already racist, the only increase in racist hate could have come from his opponents. Literally!
You seem to be suggesting that racists can't be stirred up to new heights by a leader who uses existinig racism as his drawing card.
That would appear to contradict how Hitler found so much support and success in promoting racism and hate for the Jews.

If you have something rational to say to me, I'll continue to respond to your ideas. 'That' is an example of a non-starter.

Please also remember that I'm a Canadian and we don't allow ourselves to be dragged down into the neo-nazi cesspool.
Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

Congratulations on elevating your straw man argument into a rejection of basic logic When President Trump was elected, you accused his supporters of being racists. Now you accuse him of stirring racist hate to epic proportions. Exactly who has been so stirred? Since his supporters were already racist, the only increase in racist hate could have come from his opponents. Literally!
You seem to be suggesting that racists can't be stirred up to new heights by a leader who uses existinig racism as his drawing card.
That would appear to contradict how Hitler found so much support and success in promoting racism and hate for the Jews.

If you have something rational to say to me, I'll continue to respond to your ideas. 'That' is an example of a non-starter.

Please also remember that I'm a Canadian and we don't allow ourselves to be dragged down into the neo-nazi cesspool.

Trump isn't a racist, has never been a guys called him a racist only when democrats started calling him a racist when he decided to run against hilary.

The true racism has been and always will be with the democrat party, whose leaders and core groups are all openly and proudly racist.....
Trump isn't a racist, has never been a guys called him a racist only when democrats started calling him a racist when he decided to run against hilary.

The true racism has been and always will be with the democrat party, whose leaders and core groups are all openly and proudly racist.....
Get your talking points in order before you ask me to debate with you again.

1. I'm a Canadian.
2. I would never suggest that the Democrat supporters aren't racists too.
3. America is a hugely racist country, by your own admission.

If you can understand that then we may have something to discuss, but keep in mind I won't allow any American to drag me down into their cesspools of hate and racism.

Have a nice day.
Trump isn't a racist, has never been a guys called him a racist only when democrats started calling him a racist when he decided to run against hilary.

The true racism has been and always will be with the democrat party, whose leaders and core groups are all openly and proudly racist.....
Get your talking points in order before you ask me to debate with you again.

1. I'm a Canadian.
2. I would never suggest that the Democrat supporters aren't racists too.
3. America is a hugely racist country, by your own admission.

If you can understand that then we may have something to discuss, but keep in mind I won't allow any American to drag me down into their cesspools of hate and racism.

Have a nice day. isn't a hugely racist country. The democrat party is a racist organization, but the U.S. is one of the least racist countries in the world. Americans are the best people in the world as well, generous, caring and willing to extend themselves for people around the world at great cost in blood and treasure....all while people like you call us names ......
Trump isn't a racist, has never been a guys called him a racist only when democrats started calling him a racist when he decided to run against hilary.

The true racism has been and always will be with the democrat party, whose leaders and core groups are all openly and proudly racist.....
Get your talking points in order before you ask me to debate with you again.

1. I'm a Canadian.
2. I would never suggest that the Democrat supporters aren't racists too.
3. America is a hugely racist country, by your own admission.

If you can understand that then we may have something to discuss, but keep in mind I won't allow any American to drag me down into their cesspools of hate and racism.

Have a nice day. isn't a hugely racist country. The democrat party is a racist organization, but the U.S. is one of the least racist countries in the world. Americans are the best people in the world as well, generous, caring and willing to extend themselves for people around the world at great cost in blood and treasure....all while people like you call us names ......
I'm sorry but you raise no points of interest while you are still in denial of the damge done by Trump. Have a nice day.
You were warned.
....all while people like you call us names ......

You're already getting close to being reported. We're going to end it now.
Trump isn't a racist, has never been a guys called him a racist only when democrats started calling him a racist when he decided to run against hilary.

The true racism has been and always will be with the democrat party, whose leaders and core groups are all openly and proudly racist.....
Get your talking points in order before you ask me to debate with you again.

1. I'm a Canadian.
2. I would never suggest that the Democrat supporters aren't racists too.
3. America is a hugely racist country, by your own admission.

If you can understand that then we may have something to discuss, but keep in mind I won't allow any American to drag me down into their cesspools of hate and racism.

Have a nice day. isn't a hugely racist country. The democrat party is a racist organization, but the U.S. is one of the least racist countries in the world. Americans are the best people in the world as well, generous, caring and willing to extend themselves for people around the world at great cost in blood and treasure....all while people like you call us names ......
I'm sorry but you raise no points of interest while you are still in denial of the damge done by Trump. Have a nice day.
You were warned.

You are foolish.
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, ridvoiraelves of slavery within 80 years.
.What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one

And now they will say Britain banned it first.....don't let them get away with that crap...

There were no slaves on English soil......all they had to do was ban transporting slaves on their ships......we had to go to war against the democrat party who fought for 4 years at the cost of 500,000 lives because we had millions of slaves on our soil........

The original sin concept is fairy tale Christian nonsense and has nothing to do with slavery, or the issue at question, which is racism in America.

Americans don't even seem to have the courage to talk about the issue yet, while your cities burn because of racism.

Other countries let the racism go but the US didn't and the clue is in the fatally flawed Union needing to provide compromises for racists in the southern states. Now it's become too big of an issue to deal with.

Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

1. The point is that the Left uses slavery and "wacism" like the church used original sin.

2. We talk about the issue all the time. THe problem is not lack of courage, but lack of honesty from the Left.

3. The racism that is making our cities burn is the anti-white racism of people like you.

4. The US has had a bi-partisan consensus against anti-Black wacism since the mid 60s. That you lie about that is you being a an anti-American, and anti-white racist.

5.Trump did nothing on this issue. It is the Left that has stroked racism to new levels, anti-white racism.
1. The point is that the Left uses slavery and "wacism" like the church used original sin.

2. We talk about the issue all the time. THe problem is not lack of courage, but lack of honesty from the Left.

3. The racism that is making our cities burn is the anti-white racism of people like you.

4. The US has had a bi-partisan consensus against anti-Black wacism since the mid 60s. That you lie about that is you being a an anti-American, and anti-white racist.

5.Trump did nothing on this issue. It is the Left that has stroked racism to new levels, anti-white racism.
Rewrite your post without all the personal insults and I can discuss your issues with you in a decent and suitable way for the CDZ section.
1. The point is that the Left uses slavery and "wacism" like the church used original sin.

2. We talk about the issue all the time. THe problem is not lack of courage, but lack of honesty from the Left.

3. The racism that is making our cities burn is the anti-white racism of people like you.

4. The US has had a bi-partisan consensus against anti-Black wacism since the mid 60s. That you lie about that is you being a an anti-American, and anti-white racist.

5.Trump did nothing on this issue. It is the Left that has stroked racism to new levels, anti-white racism.
Rewrite your post without all the personal insults and I can discuss your issues with you in a decent and suitable way for the CDZ section.

So, it's cool for you to smear America and Americans as wacist, but not cool for me to do that same to you?

Yeah, I don't play by rules like that. YOu dish it out, be prepared to take it.
1. The point is that the Left uses slavery and "wacism" like the church used original sin.

2. We talk about the issue all the time. THe problem is not lack of courage, but lack of honesty from the Left.

3. The racism that is making our cities burn is the anti-white racism of people like you.

4. The US has had a bi-partisan consensus against anti-Black wacism since the mid 60s. That you lie about that is you being a an anti-American, and anti-white racist.

5.Trump did nothing on this issue. It is the Left that has stroked racism to new levels, anti-white racism.
Rewrite your post without all the personal insults and I can discuss your issues with you in a decent and suitable way for the CDZ section.

So, it's cool for you to smear America and Americans as wacist, but not cool for me to do that same to you?

Yeah, I don't play by rules like that. YOu dish it out, be prepared to take it.
Report my behaviour if I break the rules.
And now we'll end it there!
1. The point is that the Left uses slavery and "wacism" like the church used original sin.

2. We talk about the issue all the time. THe problem is not lack of courage, but lack of honesty from the Left.

3. The racism that is making our cities burn is the anti-white racism of people like you.

4. The US has had a bi-partisan consensus against anti-Black wacism since the mid 60s. That you lie about that is you being a an anti-American, and anti-white racist.

5.Trump did nothing on this issue. It is the Left that has stroked racism to new levels, anti-white racism.
Rewrite your post without all the personal insults and I can discuss your issues with you in a decent and suitable way for the CDZ section.

So, it's cool for you to smear America and Americans as wacist, but not cool for me to do that same to you?

Yeah, I don't play by rules like that. YOu dish it out, be prepared to take it.
Report my behaviour if I break the rules.
And now we'll end it there!

Obviously I was not referring to the site's rules.

BUt, playing dumb gave you a pretense to avoid my point.

RUn along now.
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

As a nation, ridvoiraelves of slavery within 80 years.
.What other country got rid of slavery 80 years after it began?

There are nations that are THOUSANDS of years old and still tolerate slavery. But AMERICA is the evil one

And now they will say Britain banned it first.....don't let them get away with that crap...

There were no slaves on English soil......all they had to do was ban transporting slaves on their ships......we had to go to war against the democrat party who fought for 4 years at the cost of 500,000 lives because we had millions of slaves on our soil........

The original sin concept is fairy tale Christian nonsense and has nothing to do with slavery, or the issue at question, which is racism in America.

Americans don't even seem to have the courage to talk about the issue yet, while your cities burn because of racism.

Other countries let the racism go but the US didn't and the clue is in the fatally flawed Union needing to provide compromises for racists in the southern states. Now it's become too big of an issue to deal with.

Nothing can get better under the new Biden regime. Trump has stirred the racist hate to epidemic proportions. Literally!

1. The point is that the Left uses slavery and "wacism" like the church used original sin.

2. We talk about the issue all the time. THe problem is not lack of courage, but lack of honesty from the Left.

3. The racism that is making our cities burn is the anti-white racism of people like you.

4. The US has had a bi-partisan consensus against anti-Black wacism since the mid 60s. That you lie about that is you being a an anti-American, and anti-white racist.

5.Trump did nothing on this issue. It is the Left that has stroked racism to new levels, anti-white racism.


You seem to be suggesting that racists can't be stirred up to new heights by a leader who uses existinig racism as his drawing card.
That would appear to contradict how Hitler found so much support and success in promoting racism and hate for the Jews.

Can you provide examples of the new heights of racism stirred up by President Trump? Please be specific as to cause and effect.

P.S. Trump is not Hitler and his supporters are not Nazis. Why resort to that type of argument?

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