CDZ Is Slavery America's Original Sin?

Except Genocide was the policy...

Check it out. This is what the Army did in the 1800's. They wiped out the bison in order to deprive the Plains Nations of their food source.

When Hitler was coming up with concentration camps, he looked at the American Indian Reservation system as a model.

Except Genocide wasn't a policy.

And why you invoke Hitler in this thread...
You seem to be suggesting that racists can't be stirred up to new heights by a leader who uses existinig racism as his drawing card.
That would appear to contradict how Hitler found so much support and success in promoting racism and hate for the Jews.

Can you provide examples of the new heights of racism stirred up by President Trump? Please be specific as to cause and effect.

P.S. Trump is not Hitler and his supporters are not Nazis. Why resort to that type of argument?
Certainly I can provide instances of Trump's racism. He was guilty of insisting Obama is not an American, born in America. I don't feel there's any need to go further than that until I can see that you're sincerely asking questions and not just trying to argue for Trump.

The privilege of talking to a Canadian has some behavioiur qualifications that must be met. Some are willing and so I don't need to try to coax those who are reluctant.

I have more to say to you but you need to demonstrate that you are deserving.
You seem to be suggesting that racists can't be stirred up to new heights by a leader who uses existinig racism as his drawing card.
That would appear to contradict how Hitler found so much support and success in promoting racism and hate for the Jews.

Can you provide examples of the new heights of racism stirred up by President Trump? Please be specific as to cause and effect.

P.S. Trump is not Hitler and his supporters are not Nazis. Why resort to that type of argument?
Certainly I can provide instances of Trump's racism. He was guilty of insisting Obama is not an American, born in America. I don't feel there's any need to go further than that until I can see that you're sincerely asking questions and not just trying to argue for Trump.

The privilege of talking to a Canadian has some behavioiur qualifications that must be met. Some are willing and so I don't need to try to coax those who are reluctant.

I have more to say to you but you need to demonstrate that you are deserving.

How is saying obama wasn't born in the U.S. racism? The democrats used the same tactic against McCain since he born in the Panama canal zone.

The fact that his mother married a man from Kenya and traveled around the world, and that obama himself used Kenya as his birthplace in a book biography fueled the question...which he didn't answer.

That has nothing to do with "racism."

You feel no need to go further because there is nothing but that weak sauce to use........

I, however, can go into great detail about obama's racism........he is good friends and allies with actual racists.......Jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, and al sharpton, who are all also rabid anti-semites....he belongs to a political party whose core groups are openly and proudly racist....

Right there, I show more actual racism from obama than you can pretend to find about Trump.
I, however, can go into great detail about obama's racism........he is good friends and allies with actual racists.......Jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, and al sharpton, who are all also rabid anti-semites....he belongs to a political party whose core groups are openly and proudly racist....

Right there, I show more actual racism from obama than you can pretend to find about Trump.

Those are issues I choose to not debate with you. You may or may not be correct but they don't pertain to the racism from Trump against Obama.

You've lost the privilege of having an honest and sincere discussion with me.
I, however, can go into great detail about obama's racism........he is good friends and allies with actual racists.......Jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, and al sharpton, who are all also rabid anti-semites....he belongs to a political party whose core groups are openly and proudly racist....

Right there, I show more actual racism from obama than you can pretend to find about Trump.

Those are issues I choose to not debate with you. You may or may not be correct but they don't pertain to the racism from Trump against Obama.

You've lost the privilege of having an honest and sincere discussion with me.

What racism against obama....? You still haven't shown any.

Questioning his place of birth when his mother traveled around the world and married a man from Kenya, and the when obama allowed the publishing company to list him as Kenyan, isn't evidence of Trump being a racist.

Again, what racism against obama?
No, America's original sin is not slavery, but that America accepted money from the enemies of Christ to fight the revolutionary war.

It is very difficult to cleanse such things away. Even when they tried to cancel the first bank, they ended up with a civil war.

This is too why America couldn't protect itself by neutrality in both world wars.
Original sin is a fantasy of Americans who still believe in sky fairies.
Try to catch up to the 21st. century and get over the bullsh-t.
No, the earth isn't 6000 years old and no, the grand canyon wasn't formed in a few months of Noah's flood!
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.
I, however, can go into great detail about obama's racism........he is good friends and allies with actual racists.......Jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, and al sharpton, who are all also rabid anti-semites....he belongs to a political party whose core groups are openly and proudly racist....

Right there, I show more actual racism from obama than you can pretend to find about Trump.

Those are issues I choose to not debate with you. You may or may not be correct but they don't pertain to the racism from Trump against Obama.

You've lost the privilege of having an honest and sincere discussion with me.
Picking up and running a democratic claim that Obama was born in a foreign country isn't racism, perhaps you can call it nationalism or something equally foolish. Isn't there a biblical quote that goes something like "by their friends ye shall know them"? Obama spent most of his adult life surrounding himself with unrepentant racists and domestic terrorists. He injected the office of the president into ongoing criminal investigations and trials by using inflammatory public statements. I don't care what color or nationality someone is, I judge them on their actions and both Bushes, Obama and Trump all come up lacking in my view. Carter was a nice guy, but lacked the moral strength to be a leader.
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If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.

Yep....slavery has existed Throughout the entire history of mankind, our Constitution finally put down in words how we would be different from the rest of the planet, by ending slavery and stating that all men are created equal.........since Europe and Africa brought slavery to America, we had to deal with it....and we did........we ended slavery with bloodshed....and have been working to create our ideals in this country....all the while, the democrat party, from it's very creation, has been fighting to keep racism and hate alive.
I, however, can go into great detail about obama's racism........he is good friends and allies with actual racists.......Jeremiah wright, louis farakhan, and al sharpton, who are all also rabid anti-semites....he belongs to a political party whose core groups are openly and proudly racist....

Right there, I show more actual racism from obama than you can pretend to find about Trump.

Those are issues I choose to not debate with you. You may or may not be correct but they don't pertain to the racism from Trump against Obama.

You've lost the privilege of having an honest and sincere discussion with me.
Picking up and running a democratic claim that Obama was born in a foreign country isn't racism, perhaps you can call it nationalism or something equally foolish. Isn't there a biblical quote that goes something like "by their friends ye shall know them"? Obama spent most of his adult life surrounding himself with unrepentant racists and domestic terrorists. He injected the office of the president into ongoing criminal investigations and trials by using inflammatory public statements. I don't care what color or nationality someone is, I judge them on their actions and both Bushes, Obama and Trump all come up lacking in my view. Carter was a nice guy, but lacked the moral strength to be a leader.
All bullshit from a member of the party of dumb and sedition.
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...
nobody likes talking about how the american indians were killing off each other long before whiteman came here,,
Native tribes routinely killed, enslaved, stole land from each other. Europeans won, why do people hate winners.
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.

Yep....slavery has existed Throughout the entire history of mankind, our Constitution finally put down in words how we would be different from the rest of the planet, by ending slavery and stating that all men are created equal.........since Europe and Africa brought slavery to America, we had to deal with it....and we did........we ended slavery with bloodshed....and have been working to create our ideals in this country....all the while, the democrat party, from it's very creation, has been fighting to keep racism and hate alive.

The Democratic Party included the Dixiecrats until the republic party decided they wanted them.

Enjoy them. They have made the GOP into a new dumber party.
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.

Yep....slavery has existed Throughout the entire history of mankind, our Constitution finally put down in words how we would be different from the rest of the planet, by ending slavery and stating that all men are created equal.........since Europe and Africa brought slavery to America, we had to deal with it....and we did........we ended slavery with bloodshed....and have been working to create our ideals in this country....all the while, the democrat party, from it's very creation, has been fighting to keep racism and hate alive.

The Democratic Party included the Dixiecrats until the republic party decided they wanted them.

Enjoy them. They have made the GOP into a new dumber party.

And that is not true or accurate......

The dixiecrats stayed democrats.....they never changed sides.....the lie of the great party switch on racism is just that, a lie....the democrat party never abandoned it's racism and violence, as we see today as joe biden voters burned and looted cities, beat and murdered Americans and as the democrat party, today, seeks to resegregate society based on race.....
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

Huh! Good point. I was going to say yes, you could consider slavery America's Original Sin, but there is the wipe-out of the Indians. (Cleveland and otherwise.) But I guess not: because that's the same deal as COVID ---- it wasn't about people. As much as 90% of American Indians, South first and North next, died of diseases never seen here before: tuberculosis, smallpox, measles (worse than you think), many others. The only disease believed to have come from the Americas to Europe was syphillis. But WE did not kill those Indians with those diseases (except one time, maybe, those infected blankets...); it was the little germies that did that, just like with COVID. The mayors and governors constantly blame, blame, us the people, but it's not us, it's the virus doing it.

So no, back to slavery as the Original Sin. Because that was done by people, and it didn't work out, did it? Brought all these blacks here and they reproduced and now look at the situation. They're better off and we're much worse off.
the NAs did the same thing to include TORTURE
And ritual sacrifice.
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.

Yep....slavery has existed Throughout the entire history of mankind, our Constitution finally put down in words how we would be different from the rest of the planet, by ending slavery and stating that all men are created equal.........since Europe and Africa brought slavery to America, we had to deal with it....and we did........we ended slavery with bloodshed....and have been working to create our ideals in this country....all the while, the democrat party, from it's very creation, has been fighting to keep racism and hate alive.

The Democratic Party included the Dixiecrats until the republic party decided they wanted them.

Enjoy them. They have made the GOP into a new dumber party.

And that is not true or accurate......

The dixiecrats stayed democrats.....they never changed sides.....the lie of the great party switch on racism is just that, a lie....the democrat party never abandoned it's racism and violence, as we see today as joe biden voters burned and looted cities, beat and murdered Americans and as the democrat party, today, seeks to resegregate society based on race.....
Don't try to deny what any 3rd grade kid can plainly see.
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.

Yep....slavery has existed Throughout the entire history of mankind, our Constitution finally put down in words how we would be different from the rest of the planet, by ending slavery and stating that all men are created equal.........since Europe and Africa brought slavery to America, we had to deal with it....and we did........we ended slavery with bloodshed....and have been working to create our ideals in this country....all the while, the democrat party, from it's very creation, has been fighting to keep racism and hate alive.

The Democratic Party included the Dixiecrats until the republic party decided they wanted them.

Enjoy them. They have made the GOP into a new dumber party.

And that is not true or accurate......

The dixiecrats stayed democrats.....they never changed sides.....the lie of the great party switch on racism is just that, a lie....the democrat party never abandoned it's racism and violence, as we see today as joe biden voters burned and looted cities, beat and murdered Americans and as the democrat party, today, seeks to resegregate society based on race.....
Don't try to deny what any 3rd grade kid can plainly see.

3rd Graders are smarter than that.......given the truth, they will see that the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism and hate...
No one likes talking about the genocide of the native inhabitants that Europeans found in America ...

Huh! Good point. I was going to say yes, you could consider slavery America's Original Sin, but there is the wipe-out of the Indians. (Cleveland and otherwise.) But I guess not: because that's the same deal as COVID ---- it wasn't about people. As much as 90% of American Indians, South first and North next, died of diseases never seen here before: tuberculosis, smallpox, measles (worse than you think), many others. The only disease believed to have come from the Americas to Europe was syphillis. But WE did not kill those Indians with those diseases (except one time, maybe, those infected blankets...); it was the little germies that did that, just like with COVID. The mayors and governors constantly blame, blame, us the people, but it's not us, it's the virus doing it.

So no, back to slavery as the Original Sin. Because that was done by people, and it didn't work out, did it? Brought all these blacks here and they reproduced and now look at the situation. They're better off and we're much worse off.
the NAs did the same thing to include TORTURE
And ritual sacrifice.

Torture, mass murder, cannibalism, slavery.......the Indians participated in all of those things..........
If slavery had existed for 150 years before the creation of the United States, how can it be described as our original sin? The answer is that it can't be blamed on our country unless you miraculously reset the date of its creation to 1619, when the first African slaves were sold to British colonialists in Jamestown. The principal reason for buying African slaves was their natural resistance to malaria., which was killing off the European workers in the Southern Colonies. Once purchased, they became an indispensable asset to labor intensive agriculture in those colonies.

Slavery was never popular in the Northern Colonies, and abolitionist movements began to spring up in the mid 1700s. However, resentment of the British government's authoritarian policies was also building and finally erupted into the War for Independence from Great Britain. After winning that war, the Colonies realized that their independence could not be protected unless a common government was formed. A proposed Constitution was hotly debated among the former colonies, and was ratified only after allowing the southern States to retain slavery in return for accepting joint responsibility for the war debts that had been accrued.

This compromise enabled the creation of the United States, but did not end the ever-growing abolitionist movement which culminated in the Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflagration, and it is an insult to those who died for that cause to now be accused of supporting the institution they fought against. If there is any original sin to be assigned, it was the widespread rape of African women by their slave masters. But this is not and should not be an indictment of the entire United States of America.

Hove you read the Constitution and it’s proclaimed values and compared that to actions at the time?

That would help you.

Yep....slavery has existed Throughout the entire history of mankind, our Constitution finally put down in words how we would be different from the rest of the planet, by ending slavery and stating that all men are created equal.........since Europe and Africa brought slavery to America, we had to deal with it....and we did........we ended slavery with bloodshed....and have been working to create our ideals in this country....all the while, the democrat party, from it's very creation, has been fighting to keep racism and hate alive.

The Democratic Party included the Dixiecrats until the republic party decided they wanted them.

Enjoy them. They have made the GOP into a new dumber party.

And that is not true or accurate......

The dixiecrats stayed democrats.....they never changed sides.....the lie of the great party switch on racism is just that, a lie....the democrat party never abandoned it's racism and violence, as we see today as joe biden voters burned and looted cities, beat and murdered Americans and as the democrat party, today, seeks to resegregate society based on race.....
Don't try to deny what any 3rd grade kid can plainly see.

3rd Graders are smarter than that.......given the truth, they will see that the democrat party has been and still is the party of racism and hate...
Sure, sure.

Which party in 2020 is still bitching about all those African-American votes from urban areas.

Which party will again move to suppress voters in urban areas.

Which party has a president who retweets from racist alt-right websites and call neo-nazi protesters fine people?

Which party president pushed for and signed the Civil Rights bills?

Which party is david duke a current member of?

Why do you support the party of dumb?
Will never understand why black American citizens, are treated differently than any other American. Don't care who started it, any date you choice or any other population you blame this on. We should have been educated & civilized enough by now too know too treat each other.
All of the immigrant groups from Europe were treated poorly, discriminated against in various manners, Poles, Irish, Italians, etc, especially Catholics. This is bound to happen anytime you have people from all types of countries, backgrounds emigrating in waves to somewhere else. Today Turks dislike Syrian refugees. Ironically the only groups never discriminated against in any measure in the USA have been the post 1965 non Europeans. Even today "whites" are largely the only folks who fight for civil rights of people not of their clan.

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