is something wrong with this. . .

Do you mind my asking what kind of paperwork?? does it entail falsified documents? or how does that work? and then,, I might add, if they serve shouldn't they be given citizenship?? It should be an automatic.

I'm not 100% percent sure of the process, but I am sure that nothing gets falsified. These guys have to go through the same process as anybody else, they just have the added step of gaining resident alien status before actually joining. Remember, recruiters have "quotas." If you don't meet them, then it is a big deal. So most recruiters will go that extra mile to get a good recruit.

Also, I know Vasquez was to get full citizenship at the completion of his enlistment.

He definitely earned it.

You have no idea.
Hey asswipe. I'd vote for the draft. How about you? Both men and women.

A draft is morally unconscionable, guts the professional military, endangers those who want to be there, and impinges on our citizen's basic rights.

So, no. I wouldn't vote for the draft.

If you would, I'd consider you a fuck-tard. Which is a step down from asswipe.

I tend to agree. The draft would just screw thing up. If you don't want to be there, then I don't want you next to me. All volunteer military is the only way to go.
just as I thought.. it's your kid you want to keep out of harms way.. thanks for the answer.

I don't have a kid numb-nuts.

My objection to the draft have been laid out in clear English it has nothing to do with my non-existant progeny.

Oh, you can ad this to the list: "it unfairly discriminates against the poor and disenfranchised so some asshole like George Bush never has to go to combat and some poor kid from his district goes in his place."
We don't turn down people that want to pick up a rifle. Too many fucksticks that are here by birthright that don't want to serve. I served with guys that joined up when they were illegal. Recruiters can help them get the paperwork together to make them resident aliens. There was a PFC in my squad that slept on his recruiter's couch until the paperwork came. Hell of a soldier. Did more for this country than most shit stains could ever imagine.

Exactly. The cons can whine about it all they want, I (and the military) could give a fuck. Maybe if their kids got off their ass this wouldn't be a "problem" (I direct that only at people who want to gripe about enlistment standards.

Also a gross generalization, but I found the Hispanics (both natural and non) were phenomenal infantrymen.

That machismo culture goes a long way on the line.

Uh, I grew up in a pretty conservative household. I vote to the right more often than not. Dad served. I served as did all three of my brothers. Military apathy is problem on both sides of the aisle there fuckwad.

I agree, I was more drawing a parallel between the "deport them all mentality" that is more prevalent among the conservatives in light of the military's naturalization process as opposed to making an overall generalization.
just as I thought.. it's your kid you want to keep out of harms way.. thanks for the answer.

I don't have a kid numb-nuts.

My objection to the draft have been laid out in clear English it has nothing to do with my non-existant progeny.

Oh, you can ad this to the list: "it unfairly discriminates against the poor and disenfranchised so some asshole like George Bush never has to go to combat and some poor kid from his district goes in his place."

yes,, right.. like McCain, and Eishenhower. and Patton,, and oh well, you get the picture, you unfairly accuse rich people of being un patriotic,, what an asswipe.
yes,, right.. like McCain, and Eishenhower. and Patton,, and oh well, you get the picture, you unfairly accuse rich people of being un patriotic,, what an asswipe.


I did? Where? Damn you are dumber than the bricks used to build the shithouse.

BTW, thanks for pointing out three examples of outstanding soldiers/sailors who served on their own volition and weren't drafted.
I'm all for the draft. Might teach some appreciation for the country instead of just a gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude.
yes,, right.. like McCain, and Eishenhower. and Patton,, and oh well, you get the picture, you unfairly accuse rich people of being un patriotic,, what an asswipe.


I did? Where? Damn you are dumber than the bricks used to build the shithouse.

BTW, thanks for pointing out three examples of outstanding soldiers/sailors who served on their own volition and weren't drafted.

so you just say stupid shit without knowing what you've said..? figures.
yes,, right.. like McCain, and Eishenhower. and Patton,, and oh well, you get the picture, you unfairly accuse rich people of being un patriotic,, what an asswipe.


I did? Where? Damn you are dumber than the bricks used to build the shithouse.

BTW, thanks for pointing out three examples of outstanding soldiers/sailors who served on their own volition and weren't drafted.

oh! and just let me point out,, Geogre Bush served a hellavu lot longer than your elected asswipe.. just saying.
yes,, right.. like McCain, and Eishenhower. and Patton,, and oh well, you get the picture, you unfairly accuse rich people of being un patriotic,, what an asswipe.


I did? Where? Damn you are dumber than the bricks used to build the shithouse.

BTW, thanks for pointing out three examples of outstanding soldiers/sailors who served on their own volition and weren't drafted.

so you just say stupid shit without knowing what you've said..? figures.

Oh, how about you enlighten me:

Where did I say that rich people were un-patriotic?

I did? Where? Damn you are dumber than the bricks used to build the shithouse.

BTW, thanks for pointing out three examples of outstanding soldiers/sailors who served on their own volition and weren't drafted.

so you just say stupid shit without knowing what you've said..? figures.

Oh, how about you enlighten me:

Where did I say that rich people were un-patriotic?

by your typical whine about how it's unfair to the poor and disenfranchised.. what is disenfranchised code for??? hhhhhmmmmm?
I'm all for the draft. Might teach some appreciation for the country instead of just a gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude.

The military isn't a social club and it isn't the Boy Scouts. In general draftees were not good soldiers, after WW2 that is.
I'm all for the draft. Might teach some appreciation for the country instead of just a gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude.

The job of the military is to break things, not to serve as a finishing school for America's youth.

we call you a DUmmie for a reason.. and I'll just add coward.

The term "dummie" means little to me when it comes from the stupid.

The term "coward" means little to me when it comes from the un-initiated.

You are both.
so you just say stupid shit without knowing what you've said..? figures.

Oh, how about you enlighten me:

Where did I say that rich people were un-patriotic?

by your typical whine about how it's unfair to the poor and disenfranchised.. what is disenfranchised code for??? hhhhhmmmmm?

It is unfair to the poor and disenfranchised. If you doubt that, go talk to any drafted VN vet in a small town and ask them about their opinions on the matter.

You could go to a small town in Missouri like Cape Girardeau and ask how Rusty Limbaugh avoided the draft.

Other than that, I see you know how to resort to magical inferences to support your statements about me. Not that I am surprised. You are generally a dim bulb.

Obviously you are having trouble in the deep part of the pool. Perhaps you'd be better served to go back to the kiddy pool where you can hang with your lolcatz and listen to your buddy Limbaugh prattle on and on about what makes a good "patriot" in this country and then scamper back here to enlighten us all.
Send us a quarter and we'll call someone who cares what you think.

Congrats. Short of "I know you are, but what am I?", you couldn't have come up with a lamer retort.

you are just too cowardly to say if there was a draft you or yours might have to actually get up off their ass and do something besides bash this country.. we write the readers decide..

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