Is telling the truth make you a racist

Seem many in democrat politics such as bernie and harris and booker think trumps a raciest for refering to certain african nations along with Haiti shit hole nations.
Well sorry if the truth hurts but some are along with other nations around the globe.
Fact is some nations are terrible places to live with extreme poverty diseases corruption no infrastructure. Sorry if the truth hurts. But telling the truth about it dont make you raciest .
When it offends a leftist's feelings then yep! I don't care though. Call me whatever you want facts are facts and I don't give a shit about people's feelings.
Seem many in democrat politics such as bernie and harris and booker think trumps a raciest for refering to certain african nations along with Haiti shit hole nations.
Well sorry if the truth hurts but some are along with other nations around the globe.
Fact is some nations are terrible places to live with extreme poverty diseases corruption no infrastructure. Sorry if the truth hurts. But telling the truth about it dont make you raciest .
You really should visit rurl American shitholes it's loads of fun...And yes there are shitholes in the USA...

Yes I agree there are places in tge usa that are
Seem many in democrat politics such as bernie and harris and booker think trumps a raciest for refering to certain african nations along with Haiti shit hole nations.
Well sorry if the truth hurts but some are along with other nations around the globe.
Fact is some nations are terrible places to live with extreme poverty diseases corruption no infrastructure. Sorry if the truth hurts. But telling the truth about it dont make you raciest .
English please.

Bite my butt bite it please
Seem many in democrat politics such as bernie and harris and booker think trumps a raciest for refering to certain african nations along with Haiti shit hole nations.
Well sorry if the truth hurts but some are along with other nations around the globe.
Fact is some nations are terrible places to live with extreme poverty diseases corruption no infrastructure. Sorry if the truth hurts. But telling the truth about it dont make you raciest .
You really should visit rurl American shitholes it's loads of fun...And yes there are shitholes in the USA...
I have been to some places in la and frisco baltimore and rual wv and some not so nice places here in fl.
While they were better than what I have see in person in mexico and some of the islands they were not good at all. Im fully aware of the fact we have some areas that qualify as shit holes . there were latino white blacks .
Seem many in democrat politics such as bernie and harris and booker think trumps a raciest for refering to certain african nations along with Haiti shit hole nations.
Well sorry if the truth hurts but some are along with other nations around the globe.
Fact is some nations are terrible places to live with extreme poverty diseases corruption no infrastructure. Sorry if the truth hurts. But telling the truth about it dont make you raciest .

You must look at the bigger picture. Consider I'll say large parts of Mexico are crap but also we should double or triple the number of immigrants we allow.

The bumper sticker needs expanded, or smaller font to convey a complex thought.
Why should we do that it makes no sense at all to import more poor people

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