Is that the end of Fox News?

Consider the cable news opposition to Fox News. CNN and MSNBC are worthless. They just push propaganda from the Democratic Party.
Consider most people turning off their cable.

It's really too expensive, especially in a democrat economy where you can't afford anything anymore anyway.
NewsMax and AON don't have the reach, do they?

So now the rubes will need to just adhere themselves to the internet, where standards are even LOWER, to hear what they want to hear?

This could backfire.
Cable does not have the same reach as it once did either.

This could backfire on THEM

Someday it will be even harder to give propaganda to the masses as people simply turn it all off.
NewsMax and AON don't have the reach, do they?

So now the rubes will need to just adhere themselves to the internet, where standards are even LOWER, to hear what they want to hear?

This could backfire.
We are a nation of many people who abuse practically everything we do. Progs have vented their anger at Law Enforcement and the Courts for the last several years due to their abuses. We drink light beer because of quantity over quality. Just two of the human genomes.
no, yall will do the normal over reaction...rage for a hot minute then return to fox and suck at their tit of lies....
It's a slippery slope.

Fox needs someone for people to tune in to that can voice their frustrations as their economy and country goes down the tubes. Basically one of the few voices out there that seem to actually care.

At the same time though, you want control over that voice to try and tune down things and keep the status quo.

Gutfeld is the best. I tape Gutfeld but not the five because Ford and Rivera suck, bigtime. I watch Maria sometime in the morning. I like Waters, Charles Paine and Laura but I don't watch anymore. Fox is on its way out.
People said this was the end of FOX when Roger Ailes was out they said it again when Bill O’Reilly was gone they are saying it again now that Carlson is out. They were wrong the previous two times they will be again yes the ratings have dropped short term they did when O’ Reilly was let go as well when a permanent host was hired they rebounded.
Can’t imagine why the ratings would have dropped instead of skyrocket after billy boy left,he was a blowhard propaganda machine unlike tucker.
I think he was the only reason people tuned into Fox news all the other mainstream "news" channels .theyre unbearable to watch .

I like this take on tucker
The social media feeds of late have been abuzz with all this blathering about poor wretched little Tucker Carlson.

Please observe my "lack of shits to give face."

Let's be frank here. The man is a walking, talking, CIA OP. He glows so brightly you could glimpse him from low orbit. The world "bioluminescent" fails to do this man justice. Red-super-giants go nova with less light output.

Understand what this man is. Tucker Carlson is the final bastion of acceptable establishment thought - the goalie - who works to prevent people from truly taking that final step into "overthrow the government" tier politics.

He addresses the real issues, and pontificates on them in a clear, understandable way... and promptly leads the masses to faulty conclusions and false narratives. Particularly regarding who is behind our woes and the objectives of said tribesmen. (Cluebat time: They want founding stock Americans dead). He's extremely good at his job. The man's not being fired. He's moving up in the world.

The smart money says Tucker Carlson will toss his hat in the political ring to split the vote in the event any real populists show up - uninvited - to our farcical elections. (Fat Orange Retard was an accident they will NEVER tolerate again).

Following or in place of this, I'd bet on Tucker helming a new "fake-and-gay-fringe-right" to divert clueless conservative energy and money from projects that might actually endanger our occupation government. Think of it as Jordan Peterson with less drugs and incest.

It gets funnier
:thankusmile: That’s the understatement he was the only reason they tuned i the fact he was a rebel and did not parrot government propaganda and exposed government corruption which the lamestream media never does.
Wishful thinking don't make it so. Fox survived firing popular Bill O'Reilly. CBS kept chugging along when long time news anchor Dan Rather and his producer were fired over a fake document scandal. Nobody even noticed when CNN fired Don Lemon
He was fired because he fought the system.
Hardly. He was fired because he thought he was bigger then the network & he trash talked his betters who sign his paychecks. The fact that he helped to cost Fox Inc with a $760 million settlement also played a part as is the fact that he's a white supremacist dirtbag.

Ratings have been decimated after Tucker leaving.

Tucker stated that he was leaving mainstream media because no one believes them anymore.

Yep, that is pretty much it.

Having said that online/digital content is killing the msm anyway. Once the older generation is gone they'll cease to exist as they are regardless of their on air personalities.

Youtube & social media are far better at offering FACTS and balanced opinions.
Uh duh everybody knows the lamestream media is controlled by the cia.tucker was a rebel.
I'll bet good ole Tuck didn't donate to Trump's "stop the steal" scam like the MAGA herd did, but he did blow plenty of smoke up your asses about him as he talked shit about that retard behind the scenes.
Wishful thinking don't make it so. Fox survived firing popular Bill O'Reilly. CBS kept chugging along when long time news anchor Dan Rather and his producer were fired over a fake document scandal. Nobody even noticed when CNN fired Don Lemon
Tucker‘s latest Twitter video got 72 million views. So wherever Tucker goes clearly he will get tons of support …

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