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Is the $85 Billion of Military Equipment Left in Afghanistan after the withdrawal a Truth or a Lie?

Biden said Trump let him with no plan at all.

There was a plan. Biden and his administration were just too incompetent to carry out Trump's withdrawal plan.

That's what happens when you let a bunch of retarded children try to do an adult's job. And if that's not bad enough, they're setting us up for the same thing in Ukraine.
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Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if it's an exaggeration or an outright lie. Any means necessary to get that asshole out of office and branded as "the worst president in history" are justifiable and ok with me.

"Any means necessary" to get Biden out of office? So, are you comfortable with calling for his assassination to get him out of office? You said "any means necessary", I'm just wondering what is a bridge too far for you.

Why do the LIES keep being told?
Well it depends on what you call "left". Material we supplied to the Afghan army was confiscated by the Taliban. It wasn't left. The Afghan army gave it up.

Then the stuff our soldiers had...a lot of that was left.

A lot of the stuff is generations old. Some of it is front-line.

Its not a good look. But It's hilarious for the Republicans to think this is a threat...what are they going to do fly a helicopter across the ocean and strafe Florida?
Is the 13 dead soldiers a lie, also?
On of the conditions agreed to for us to withdraw all those troops in 2020 was that the Taliban was suppose to stop ISIS from using Afghanistan as a base to attack Americans. His Generals reported that the Taliban only complied with one out of seven of the conditions. Another ignored condition the herd ignores........Saul Biden man.
Who did Biden hold accountable for the preventable deaths of 13 US soldiers?

Biden knew how badly he fucked up, there's no doubt about that.

Remember this?

Biden puts head in his hands during tense exchange with Fox reporter


Why do the LIES keep being told?
Why do you accept an AP "fact check" as truth and discount original military estimates as "lies"? Are you really that gullible to not see you are being lied to every single day by the Democrat controlled media organizations?
The DOW dropped 6,700 points in only a year
The Dow is Higher TODAY than when Biden took office.

Did you forget that the Dow went for 29,000 in Feb 2020 to 19,000 in March 2020?
Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 8.33.03 AM.png

That was under the dotard trump.
Why do you accept an AP "fact check" as truth and discount original military estimates as "lies"?

Even FoxFakeNews says the number is closer to $7 Billion.

The $85 Billion number stretches back to 2001 and includes payroll of military and training. It's NOT $85 Billion in equipment.

The point is, why does tump and others continue to use this number when they know it's a lie?
To fill their agenda. That's why.
The Dow is Higher TODAY than when Biden took office.

Did you forget that the Dow went for 29,000 in Feb 2020 to 19,000 in March 2020?
View attachment 779856

That was under the dotard trump.

Only an economic idiot thinks the DOW is the major indicator of the American economy.

So the rich are getting richer under Biden. :laughing0301:
There was a plan.
The was no detailed military plan with logistics and all to meet the May 1 deadline was developed or forwarded after the contentious transfer of power was complete. Benendict Donald did everything he could to force our hand. The Dumbshit even bragged about it....

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Who did Biden hold accountable for the preventable deaths of 13 US soldiers?
The terrorist group who send in the Suicide Bomber. Like the terrorists who's SBer killed 241 servicemen in their barracks in Lebanon were to blame not RayGun.
• The DOW dropped 6,700 points in only a year

• Stock market lost $9 trillion dollars worth of value in only two years

• Retirement accounts lost $3 trillion dollars

Only an economic idiot thinks the DOW is the major indicator of the American economy.
Then why did you list the DOW in your statement above.

You said it well when you said "Only an economic idiot thinks...."
That came from you, an economic idiot.
Way to go jgalt.
So the Taliban is our ally now?
If that's true, that's OK with you?

Was that a trick statement?
It was the Afghan Army that was our ally not the terrorists Trumpyberra negotiated with.

The Afghan Army is who the American taxpayer gifted all those weapons too. You know to defend themselves with.

Do you think we should have taken away the weapons they were using to fight the Taliban with?

Should we have asked them nicely to give them back? Perhaps since we were still supporting them from the skies throughout July, maybe you think we should have just bombed all the equipment they were using instead of the Taliban?
The recent leak of secret files indicates that everything the Biden administration told us about the Ukraine situation was a lie but the media wasn't interested. If the media assumes that it's job is to be the propaganda arm of the democrat party and and to defend the Biden administration, there is no way Americans would able to determine fact from fiction.
The was no detailed military plan with logistics and all to meet the May 1 deadline was developed or forwarded after the contentious transfer of power was complete. Benendict Donald did everything he could to force our hand. The Dumbshit even bragged about it....

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

The terrorist group who send in the Suicide Bomber. Like the terrorists who's SBer killed 241 servicemen in their barracks in Lebanon were to blame not RayGun.

If there was no "detailed military plan" to remove or destroy that equipment left in Afghanistan, that's not a President's responsibility. That's the responsibility of the Joint Chiefs Chairman, who was General Milley at the time. And those same military leaders stated that they advised Biden not to start the withdrawal, because they weren't ready.

In other words, Biden rejected the advice of his own military leaders.

Milley, military leaders contradict Biden on support for complete Afghanistan withdrawal
I have no idea if billions of dollars in equipment was left behind but it wouldn't surprise me if it was. Joey has shown us time and time again he doesn't think or plan things out adequately. Not sure if it's mental health issues pertaining to his age or that he's simply another liberal puppet that does as he's told. Regardless, he needs to be held responsible if the thread is true.
Then why did you list the DOW in your statement above.

You said it well when you said "Only an economic idiot thinks...."
That came from you, an economic idiot.
Way to go jgalt.

In case you missed those, I also factored in Biden's high inflation rate, the price of gasoline, the decline of household wealth, the losses in purchasing power and retirement accounts, and the rise in mortgage rates, home prices, and rent prices, and stagnant wage growth.
not a President's responsibility. That's the responsibility of the Joint Chiefs Chairman, who was General Milley at the time.
It is the president's responsibility and for most modern president they order the Generals to create those plans. There was only the looming withdrawal deadline that ended the truce as well. No plan had been drawn up, waiting in the wings or nothing. After reviewing all the advice from the Generals and advisors President Biden made the decision to remove the final 2500 troops. He tasked the Generals to come up with options and plans. They did.
It's been pretty well established that it was purposely being left for the government. But America's government knew that the government would fall and the Taliban would inherit all of it.

And now we should have no difficulty understanding the reason why America was quite happy with the Taliban coming to power.

Thus, one of the biggest lies on the outcome of the useless war is exposed.

Trump's regime was largely responsible for negotiating peace with the Taliban. America obviously didn't sit across the negotiating table from it's enemies.

Biden honoured the negotiation for peace and brought it to fruition in time to meet Taliban demands.

And so nobody should continue to wonder how America's military got out relatively unscathed, under the friendly watchful eyes of the Taliban.

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