Is the Bible at least partially a lie?


Platinum Member
Feb 6, 2021
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
I know a great book when I read one. I read it too and it is no great book. It’s pretty good for being as old as it is but I prefer Homer who wrote better stories 1000 years before the Jesus story.
The King(as always) unintentionally create the "lies' that confuse with that foul English.
Verily I say unto you today you'll be with me in heaven
Where should the comma be ? Where is that thief right now ?
I do believe in Jesus. But there is not a single word in the Bible directly from him, it is all "he said", "he did" stuff that could just as well have been written by one of Timothy Leary's desciples snorting too much LSD. Autobiography of a Yogi made me believe in Jesus, the Bible didn't. I believe that "God" is within, not without. I believe "God" is a universal force, cosmic law if you will. I do not believe in some anthropomorphic all-knowing being. I believe the Bible was assembled by the Church with the express aim of controlling the people through fear. One of the most important books, the Book Of Enoch, was deliberately omitted.
The King(as always) unintentionally create the "lies' that confuse with that foul English.
Verily I say unto you today you'll be with me in heaven
Where should the comma be ? Where is that thief right now ?

The story says he was in his underwear and nailed to a cross, dying for every time you jerked off, and every other sin that everybody else ever committed, and you want to bitch about his punctuation? That's tougher than Miss Baker's english class in 8th grade.
When you talk about the bible you have to distinguish which one you're talking about. The old testament combined with the new. The old testament shows us a very vengeful GOD but I don't think I'll ever turn into a pillar of salt. I think the bible was written by man and is by and large false. Some how I don't think women were made from Adam's rib and find the bible treats wommen as second class citizens. That being said I have no objection to religions and their beliefs, unless their beliefs directly effect me adversely. I prefer to live in a secular country where religious freedom is enshrined but no laws written favoring or disparage them.
I do believe in Jesus. But there is not a single word in the Bible directly from him, it is all "he said", "he did" stuff that could just as well have been written by one of Timothy Leary's desciples snorting too much LSD. Autobiography of a Yogi made me believe in Jesus, the Bible didn't. I believe that "God" is within, not without. I believe "God" is a universal force, cosmic law if you will. I do not believe in some anthropomorphic all-knowing being. I believe the Bible was assembled by the Church with the express aim of controlling the people through fear. One of the most important books, the Book Of Enoch, was deliberately omitted.
That goes for every other character in the bible too..he said..he did. If your to believe what's in the bible then Adam lived for almost nine hundred years or something. God wiped all life off the earth with a great flood that lasted forty days and nights and the only thing left alive was what a guy Noah could get on his boat. Notice how as man became more intelligent about the law of physics these so-called biblical events like global floods, women being turned into salt, men living in whales, burning bushes talking to you etc. suddenly stopped.
The King(as always) unintentionally create the "lies' that confuse with that foul English.
Verily I say unto you today you'll be with me in heaven
Where should the comma be ? Where is that thief right now ?
On the way to living as a righteous being verses living to that sinful nature.

Elysium | Greek mythology Paradise=Elysium, also called Elysian Fields or Elysian Plain, in Greek mythology, originally the paradise to which heroes on whom the gods conferred immortality were sent. ... By the time of Hesiod, however, Elysium was a place for the blessed dead, and, from Pindar on, entrance was gained by a righteous life.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
I know a great book when I read one. I read it too and it is no great book. It’s pretty good for being as old as it is but I prefer Homer who wrote better stories 1000 years before the Jesus story.
Wikipedia reads as follows:
Today only the Iliad and Odyssey are associated with the name 'Homer'. In antiquity, a very large number of other works were sometimes attributed to him, including the Homeric Hymns, the Contest of Homer and Hesiod, the Little Iliad, the Nostoi, the Thebaid, the Cypria, the Epigoni, the comic mini-epic Batrachomyomachia ("The Frog-Mouse War"), the Margites, the Capture of Oechalia, and the Phocais. These claims are not considered authentic today and were by no means universally accepted in the ancient world. As with the multitude of legends surrounding Homer's life, they indicate little more than the centrality of Homer to ancient Greek culture.

I like the book of Job and Esther. Nothing tops the book of Revelation.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
I know a great book when I read one. I read it too and it is no great book. It’s pretty good for being as old as it is but I prefer Homer who wrote better stories 1000 years before the Jesus story.
Wikipedia reads as follows:
Today only the Iliad and Odyssey are associated with the name 'Homer'. In antiquity, a very large number of other works were sometimes attributed to him, including the Homeric Hymns, the Contest of Homer and Hesiod, the Little Iliad, the Nostoi, the Thebaid, the Cypria, the Epigoni, the comic mini-epic Batrachomyomachia ("The Frog-Mouse War"), the Margites, the Capture of Oechalia, and the Phocais. These claims are not considered authentic today and were by no means universally accepted in the ancient world. As with the multitude of legends surrounding Homer's life, they indicate little more than the centrality of Homer to ancient Greek culture.

I like the book of Job and Esther. Nothing tops the book of Revelation.
What about Troy and Oh Brother where for art thou?
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
Let me know when they raise the dead
I have read that the Bible is written in metaphors.

Not a lie, just metaphors.

JESUS stated in Mathew 24: 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

This is clearly not metaphorical ----- but an absolute warning based on a previous event.
When I was a Christian in my early 20s. Reading this made be begin to think.

This Awareness indicates that essentially, under Constantine, the concept of the Catholic or Universal, (Catholic meaning Universal) religion, the official Roman religion, as that which was a composite of various religious writings which were brought together to form that which is known as the Christian religion. That many of the writings were assembled from various sources, and brought into, and comprised those books of the Bible.

The Evolution of the Bible

This Awareness suggest, there is a book by Loyd Graham titled Deceptions and Myths in the Bible; that this book goes into the origin of the stories that have been related in the Old Testament, especially in the Old Testament, which were literally taken, in many cases word for word, or concept for concept from earlier writings. For example, the story of Noah and his four sons having been taken from writings which long predated the stories in the Old Testament and which used terms and names for the sons which were identical to those reported in the Old testament.

This Awareness indicates that the story of Moses as having been stolen from a Syrian myth that had come down in relation to an entity names Misis. This Awareness indicates that a great number of the stories within the Old Testament were simply the result of the Hebrew priests attempting to create a set of myths and stories by which they could organize their own religion, their own philosophy, in order to form a more cohesive society in those days. This Awareness indicates that the works of Loyd Graham go deeply into finding these earlier stories from Babylon, which was the source of the story of the garden of Eden, through Syrian and other cultures and Indian records and stories of India.

This Awareness indicates that even the New Testament is assembled from patterns related to stories taken from earlier sources, such as Zoroastrian, Mithrain, Krishna, Buddhism, and Egyptian, and others, in which many verses are literally paraphrasing earlier writings, and many of the stories attributed to the story of Jesus, were lifted directly out of these other writings. The story of Jesus at the well, as one which was taken from earlier writings. This Awareness indicates that it is of importance that entities realize the origins of the Bible did not come from the pen of God, but came from the earlier writings in different cultures and nations at the time these Hebrew priests put this work together. This Awareness indicates that these countries who were plagiarized then became labeled as heathen, - nations whose philosophies were heathenistic, but this was only after their stories had been stolen.

Allegory, metaphor, philosophical, and literal; all of them apply. It is not 'lying', it just takes study to grasp much of it, thought it is also fine for those who aren't scholars or have time for exegesis and subtleties of language. It is internally consistent and written by some very smart people.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
Let me know when they raise the dead

There a dead body walking around claiming to be 'President'. Brain dead anyway.

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