Is The DOJ Independent, Fair, and Unbiased?

Lol, it does say a lot that your response consists of editing my quote to the point that it means something completely else, without even trying to address the premise.
You made a post and admitted that you were guessing and I agreed that you were guessing. That about does say it all.
You’re playing troll games. How about acting like you have a fraction of intelligence and try engaging in depth into the subject
What? I asked why the DOJ released that recent picture. He gave me a scenario and admitted that that was just his guess. Then I agreed with him that that was just his guess. What more is there to it?
What? I asked why the DOJ released that recent picture. He gave me a scenario and admitted that that was just his guess. Then I agreed with him that that was just his guess. What more is there to it?
No need to reiterate that we are stating opinions here, that’s a given. How about you respond to his actual comments. Do you agree or disagree with his guess?
Do you know anything about an investigation?

Evidence is not for public view until an indictment for fear of tarnishing the reputation of the accused who has not been indicted or the reputation of the witnesses.

Wow. And you are actually in this debate?

Learn something child.
I do know a thing or 2. For instance that it is the judge that decided that the DOJ should respond to the defendant's motion.

and on August 27, the Court entered a preliminary order on Plaintiff’smotion, D.E. 29. In compliance with this Order, the government hereby files its public response to Plaintiff’s Motion and Supplement.

And by the way, evidence or at least descriptions or photos can and do get released before charges. In fact, the judge ORDERED them to for instance release the affidavit. And she just released this. Empty folders with classified banners are among the items seized from Mar-a-Lago. Hard to claim something can't be shown by a photo that is already known by the inventory of the search-warrant and this latest release.

Before you try to insult someone it would behoove you to be sure about your facts.
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No need to reiterate that we are stating opinions here, that’s a given. How about you respond to his actual comments. Do you agree or disagree with his guess?
I thought you guys liked to deal in facts? If it's not a fact then it is just a guess. I don't comment on people's guesses. I already know that anti-Trumpers always guess the worst on anything Trump. There's no surprises there.
I thought you guys liked to deal in facts? If it's not a fact then it is just a guess. I don't comment on people's guesses. I already know that anti-Trumpers always guess the worst on anything Trump. There's no surprises there.
This is a discussion board. It’s a mix of facts and opinions. Don’t pretend to be holier than thou and act like you only speak facts and never express opinions.
I thought you guys liked to deal in facts? If it's not a fact then it is just a guess. I don't comment on people's guesses. I already know that anti-Trumpers always guess the worst on anything Trump. There's no surprises there.
Lol. I'm dealing with facts. Facts that inform my opinions. I don't confuse them. We are on an OPINION board. In which you started an OP giving your OPINION. To which I respond with my OPINION. The difference is mine is informed by discernable FACTS, and yours is informed by... well I don't really know because you refuse to engage my premise.
You’re playing troll games. How about acting like you have a fraction of intelligence and try engaging in depth into the subject
Troll games are all the ironically named independent thinker has ( I've never seen him spout anything but talking points that more talented people have made on right-wing media before him.)

The problem he has is that there is little dispute that Trump took documents that weren't his to his home. So instead he's crying foul and playing these rhetorical games when he's confronted by the undeniable facts. Hoping nobody notices that he can't deny that Trump did what he did and that there is no good defense.
Lol. I'm dealing with facts. Facts that inform my opinions. I don't confuse them. We are on an OPINION board. In which you started an OP giving your OPINION. To which I respond with my OPINION. The difference is mine is informed by discernable FACTS, and yours is informed by... well I don't really know because you refuse to engage my premise.
LOL. So, you're opinion is formed by discernable facts? So is mine. It is rather obvious that when the left attacks Garland for not going after Trump and then shortly after the attacks, Garland goes after Trump, it is rather obvious that the DOJ is just a branch and working for the Democratic party. That is my opinion based on discernable facts.

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