Is the Earth flat?


Nice pic ! Aliens obviously took it .. thanks NASA !!
You are in total confusion and fear ..

You are welcomed unto as much until you are ready

To suckle at the bosom of the divine and sacred Light , and so be it ,

Your confusion matters not unto truth and fact

Still no answer ... still having troubles reading English? ... let me go slower and louder ...

What ... caus ... es ... cy ... clon ... ic ... mo ... tion ... ? ....

(I know ... dumb ≠ deaf ... )

Magnetic subatomic buoyancy through the matrix of polarity conflict
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Polarity is conserved, in both matrix form and using the stress tensor solution set ... and neither of those produce torque, without torque, nothing spins ...

Buoyancy is an effect of gravity ... please explain how electromagnetism creates buoyancy at macroscopic scales ... specifically synopic scales ... this should be an easy answer ... I don't know why you're bringing muons up, that theory isn't holding water ... (haha ... get it ... "holding water" ... I kill me) ...
The fact is ,

Your human "science" can only observe less than 1% of the Light Spectrum ..

And as such ye shall remain clueless upon such expanded awareness at this time and space concerning " matter " or " anti matter " for that matter
I simply extrapolate and exude reality

Yeah ... I noticed ... do you know what those two words mean? ... apparently not because I would never insult you with them ... saying you extrapolate is far far worst than calling you the evil spawn of Satan ... yeesh ...

You are definitely exuding reality ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... that's rich ...
Polarity is conserved, in both matrix form and using the stress tensor solution set ... and neither of those produce torque, without torque, nothing spins ...

Buoyancy is an effect of gravity ... please explain how electromagnetism creates buoyancy at macroscopic scales ... specifically synopic scales ... this should be an easy answer ... I don't know why you're bringing muons up, that theory isn't holding water ... (haha ... get it ... "holding water" ... I kill me) ...

Collective sub atomic buoyancy mutates magnetically and manifests at larger scales.. research string theory
Serious question... Does anybody here believe that the Earth is flat?

Ive heard some buzz about the subject and I’d love to talk to somebody who actually believes this.
I want to know how you got so many people respond to subject so stupid
The fact is ,

Your human "science" can only observe less than 1% of the Light Spectrum ..

And as such ye shall remain clueless upon such expanded awareness at this time and space concerning " matter " or " anti matter " for that matter

I'm waiting for you to provide some honest discussion ... simple questions like how does gravity work in the Flat Earth ... it shouldn't be that hard ... or why the sun and moon are round but the Earth isn't ... simple basic stuff ...

So far you've provide nothing ... just a butch of "ah ha, mine eye hath seen it" ... then show us images without explaining what we're looking at ...

What physics does Flat Earth explain? ...
How’d that work out for him?

Steve Lehto is getting great mileage out of this ... filling his inbox and his phone message machine ... we're expecting his office to be firebombed later this week ...
So he has support from all around the world.

Not sure about around the world ... his channel tends to focus on Michigan State Law, where he's a member of the bar ... although that translates well into Federal Law and other State Law ... it kinda breaks down past our borders ...

He's also a massive Piston Head ... cars cars cars cars ... written a couple books about cars ... he also likes to rant about SovCits and other crazies ... he tore the Flat Earthers a new asshole so they're out to get him now I guess ...
Collective sub atomic buoyancy mutates magnetically and manifests at larger scales.. research string theory

String Philosophy ... there's no known way to experimentally test for strings ... thus such an idea remains outside the realm of science ...

You need to read about it yourself ... all your terminology is wrong ... "buoyancy", "mutates", "magnetically" ... you don't know anything about strings, do you? ...

Please try again ... may I suggest a third natural force? ... we can get some damn runny bullshit with that ...
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