Is the election really "rigged"??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

" Is the election really "rigged"?? "

YES. Against Trump. Next question.
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

We're already seeing ballots thrown in the trash, and people showing up with loads of ballots to turn in...

And these are ballots that were sent out for the "mail-in voting" scam...

As a matter of fact, Texas is making arrests for ballot harvesting (voter fraud) as we speak...

So, since you are claiming that there haven't been problems before, are you now claiming that BIDEN'S CAMPAIGN is suddenly participating in voter fraud????
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

I don't know your system of security, I do know it's extremely odd for any politician to not answer fundamental questions that they know could cost them greatly in an election, such as "who would you elect to the Supreme Court?" and "Will you pack the courts if you win"?

In my estimation, I don't see how avoiding both of those questions helps a candidate. They are so fundamental and straightforward. So the question is "why do they not feel a need to do so"?
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

No more than it was "rigged" last time.
Well...let's see...the first sentence of this thread is false, so where do we go from there?

There is a long and storied history of bid rigging and other shenanigans in big, eastern cities, namely, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. And although Chicago is not geographically "eastern," it is part of the mix. The reason why the voter fraud is not generally known is because it was mainly centered in those venues (nobody else cares), and because in those local elections, the Democrats ALWAYS win; it is just a case of one Democrat cheating another Democrat, so again, who gives a shit?

With Exhibit A being the fraudulent election of Al Franken in the 2008 Senatorial race, Democrats always seem to be able to come up with just enough "lost" or "misplaced" or "forgotten" ballots to win races that are too close to call at the end of the day on Election Day.

Around the country, but mainly in "swing" states, Democrats are laying the groundwork for "finding" as many of such votes as necessary to win. In Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court recently decreed that votes received up to three days after Election Day would still be counted...and let's be honest, those late votes will ALL be for Democrats. Republicans are competent enough to mail their ballots with a few days to spare, although most of us will vote in person.

The Biden campaign, largely financed by George Soros, is employing hundreds of attorneys around the country, in anticipation of challenging every close vote count that doesn't go their way. Vote harvesting will be ubiquitous. Ballots are being promiscuously mailed out to dead people, illegals, people who have moved away, and imaginary people all over the country, and "we" are supposed to believe that none of them will actually be cast by Election Day. Dubious ballots will flow in by the thousands if not millions. Democrats will win in inner-city precincts by preposterous margins, with no possible explanation other than fraud.

It is impossible to say that the coming election will be "rigged." All we know is that the Democrats are positioning themselves to cheat. As they always do. And massive numbers of mail-in ballots create a perfect storm of opportunity.

The only thing that will stop it is a landslide for Trump. One can only hope and pray.
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud.
How do you know that? How much is "very little"?

Would you support a mandatory death penalty or mandatory life in prison for voter fraud?
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

Let's see now, the Democrats had a phony Russian collusion investigation to try and get rid of Trump. Then they conducted a phony impeachment to get rid of Trump with no impeachable offenses and no crimes committed. Now they are talking about making DC and PR states so they can cheat the system and usher in 4 new Democrat Senators. Neither Biden or Harris will directly answer the question about packing the Supreme Court.

But you don't think it's beyond Democrats to cheat an election? It's all they do is cheat or try to cheat.
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

Yes. Whether it be debate commission working for Biden or the mail in voter fraud, or the BLM supporting media, it is rigged.
Well...let's see...the first sentence of this thread is false, so where do we go from there?

There is a long and storied history of bid rigging and other shenanigans in big, eastern cities, namely, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. And although Chicago is not geographically "eastern," it is part of the mix. The reason why the voter fraud is not generally known is because it was mainly centered in those venues (nobody else cares), and because in those local elections, the Democrats ALWAYS win; it is just a case of one Democrat cheating another Democrat, so again, who gives a shit?

With Exhibit A being the fraudulent election of Al Franken in the 2008 Senatorial race, Democrats always seem to be able to come up with just enough "lost" or "misplaced" or "forgotten" ballots to win races that are too close to call at the end of the day on Election Day.

Around the country, but mainly in "swing" states, Democrats are laying the groundwork for "finding" as many of such votes as necessary to win. In Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court recently decreed that votes received up to three days after Election Day would still be counted...and let's be honest, those late votes will ALL be for Democrats. Republicans are competent enough to mail their ballots with a few days to spare, although most of us will vote in person.

The Biden campaign, largely financed by George Soros, is employing hundreds of attorneys around the country, in anticipation of challenging every close vote count that doesn't go their way. Vote harvesting will be ubiquitous. Ballots are being promiscuously mailed out to dead people, illegals, people who have moved away, and imaginary people all over the country, and "we" are supposed to believe that none of them will actually be cast by Election Day. Dubious ballots will flow in by the thousands if not millions. Democrats will win in inner-city precincts by preposterous margins, with no possible explanation other than fraud.

It is impossible to say that the coming election will be "rigged." All we know is that the Democrats are positioning themselves to cheat. As they always do. And massive numbers of mail-in ballots create a perfect storm of opportunity.

The only thing that will stop it is a landslide for Trump. One can only hope and pray.
With Exhibit A being the fraudulent election of Al Franken in the 2008 Senatorial race, Democrats always seem to be able to come up with just enough "lost" or "misplaced" or "forgotten" ballots to win races that are too close to call at the end of the day on Election Day.

Odd how this phenomenon only swings in the direction of one party, innit?
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

Pretty sure promoting 250 years of US election as uncorrupt is racist... :eusa_think:
There are certainly forces at work attempting to create a one-party state and who have been applying themselves relentlessly to attaining that status by any means necessary, that's for sure. Those forces include globalists from outside our country and the Democrat party and the mainstream media from within , all working together under the shared desire to undermine our sovereignty and dilute citizens ability to control our own destiny.

I see it more in terms of an enormous propaganda apparatus at work to undermine our democracy by any means necessary than an actual "fix", but we are certainly finding out about many instances of intentional ballot mishandling by opertives working for these forces.
For nearly 250 years America's elections have operated with a reliable degree of accuracy and very little voter fraud. Now Donald Trump has declared the election of 2020 will be "rigged" President Trump has presented no documentation or proof of this, nor has there been reports from individual states of any election inconsistencies. In addition, the conservative state of Utah and liberal state of Washington have voted exclusively by mail for many years, with little or no voter fraud. So the question must be asked:

Is the election really "rigged"??

It's only rigged if he loses. If he wins, the people (or electoral votes) have spoken.

Silly, silly, silly.
Elections have been rigged from the jump...

German journalist in DC says while he isn't eligible to vote in the US, he has received 3 mail-in ballots to his DC address: 1 for previous tenant who moved out 5 years ago, 1 for landlord living in Puerto Rico, 1 for landlord's deceased husband.


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