Is the entire country stuck on stupid?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Even a little old 72 year die hard liberal women with massive Multiply Sclerosis scaring in the brain understand what Romney meant when the said he was not worried about he poor and the rich because they had a safety net but he was worried about the middle class, who is the new poor but temporary and their safety net is jobs which he plan to create for them. The poor is the long term chronic poor, elderly, disabled, mental ill, and their safety net which they have always had is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, free cell phones, utility subsidies, access bus and discount bus tickets, medicare drug program, food bank, etc. and if there are holes in them he will fix them. The rich can take care of them selves. Even a village idiot can understand this and if you don’t, it is because you do not want to and just want to attack Romney on something. If he fix the middle class with jobs he will fix most of the problems of our economy and the deficit.

How many of you would like to "fire" Obama because he is not doing this job. "Fire" teachers not doing their job. You "fire" people when they are not doing their job. WTF is wrong with that?

These attacks on Romney is a new meaning for stupid. And this country is in big dodo.

Romney, you did not miss-spoke and have nothing to apologize for. You cannot apologize for stupid. He has said many stupid things but this was not one of them.

I am the poor he should not be worrying about. I have social security, Medicare, drug program, food stamps, HUD housing, discount bus passes, utility allowances, discount cable, free cell phone with 250 minutes a month. I am in my safety net and doing quite well and save $500 a month. So don't worry about me. Now the ones he worry about is my daughter, son, and grand children, that don't have these safety nets. When these people are doing fine, we all do fine. Because they will contribute to the economy and pay down the deficit while providing for their own safety net. Unemployed they cannot do it.
If that was too hard to understand, lets try this;

The temporary poor which in the middle class that does not have a safety net because their safety net were jobs. They are those that depend on jobs and they have families, lost of losing their homes, children in school and lost their healthcare when they lost their jobs, unemployment is not sustaining them or it is running out. They are the ones Romney is worried about.

The permanent poor are the elderly, disabled that cannot work and have safety nets in place for them. Those safety nets are Social Security, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, free cell phones, food banks, subsidized housing, discount cable, energy assistance, city bus discounts and senior transportation, etc. These are the poor that Romney is not worried about because they have these safety nets. BUT if there are holes in those nets he will fix them. Some how the village idiots only heard “I am not worried about the poor” unable to read between the lines and minds drew a complete blank.

Romney, WTF are you apologizing for? You said what you meant and if anyone did not understand and they did not want to and they are stuck on stupid and you cannot fix stupid by apologizing.

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