Is the FAR left doing irreparable damage to the Democrat party?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Watching socialists, Bernie Sanders and that chic from NY who defeated a powerful Democrat in the primaries, campaign in Kansas kind of blows my mind.
Whatever you think of the mess that Kansas has got itself into there is no way the solution is Socialism. And who thought sending two of the most far left people to Kansas was a good idea?

Then you have complete wack jobs like Maxine Waters telling people to stalk and harass Republicans... When did the Democrat party decide to concede their power to the most controversial people in politics? They created the very monster, political correctness & social justice, that is now consuming them. They dare not speak out least they be marginalized as a racist or bigot or worse.
Moderate Democrats and Bluedogs have been completely sidelined.
The pendulum is so far out of kilter that it is seemingly skipping 80% of the swing from left to right and right to left.
Watching socialists, Bernie Sanders and that chic from NY who defeated a powerful Democrat in the primaries, campaign in Kansas kind of blows my mind.
Whatever you think of the mess that Kansas has got itself into there is no way the solution is Socialism. And who thought sending two of the most far left people to Kansas was a good idea?

Then you have complete wack jobs like Maxine Waters telling people to stalk and harass Republicans... When did the Democrat party decide to concede their power to the most controversial people in politics? They created the very monster, political correctness & social justice, that is now consuming them. They dare not speak out least they be marginalized as a racist or bigot or worse.
Moderate Democrats and Bluedogs have been completely sidelined.
The pendulum is so far out of kilter that it is seemingly skipping 80% of the swing from left to right and right to left.
I wonder about this a lot. I hope not. The party is under the control of people who aren't liberal.

The far Left is assuming/hoping that demographics will pull the country significantly their way.

It'll be up to those who oppose them to convince the electorate otherwise.
Did you miss Whoopie screaming at Judge Pirro on The View?? The rules seem to be degenerating to no rules. Just vote fukwads, then get out of the way, or sit there and whine after the GOP and middle America wins...
Ocasio-Cortez is probably the future of the party, and I think the Old Guard knows it.
You would think after the 60's and 70's people would have learned their lessons about the dangerous of the far left religion.

But since the far left control the schools, they hold the far left terrorist up as heroes. They also teach that socialism and communism is a form of compassion.

So no this will not harm the far left in anyway. Although anyone in the right mind would never vote for or support the far left. Even in a vote against Trump!
Ocasio-Cortez is probably the future of the party, and I think the Old Guard knows it.
People like her need to stop carpet bagging and just create their own party. Democrats would do well to push them out. Socialist values =/= anything remotely like traditional Democrat values.

The handful of far out leftists that hold power need to create their own party with their own platform and stop trying to hijack mainstream values
Watching socialists, Bernie Sanders and that chic from NY who defeated a powerful Democrat in the primaries, campaign in Kansas kind of blows my mind.
Whatever you think of the mess that Kansas has got itself into there is no way the solution is Socialism. And who thought sending two of the most far left people to Kansas was a good idea?

Then you have complete wack jobs like Maxine Waters telling people to stalk and harass Republicans... When did the Democrat party decide to concede their power to the most controversial people in politics? They created the very monster, political correctness & social justice, that is now consuming them. They dare not speak out least they be marginalized as a racist or bigot or worse.
Moderate Democrats and Bluedogs have been completely sidelined.
The pendulum is so far out of kilter that it is seemingly skipping 80% of the swing from left to right and right to left.
Each party has its extremes

Problem is that moderates from both parties used to make the deals to get things done

Now the extremists prevent deals from being made
The handful of far out leftists that hold power need to create their own party with their own platform and stop trying to hijack mainstream values
Why should they start from scratch? They're in complete control. They've won, at least for now.
The handful of far out leftists that hold power need to create their own party with their own platform and stop trying to hijack mainstream values
Why should they start from scratch? They're in complete control. They've won, at least for now.
If they won Sanders would be president.

They won? Lol

They may be controlling the discussion but that isn't a result of any victory. They are just the loudest

Each party has its extremes

Problem is that moderates from both parties used to make the deals to get things done

Now the extremists prevent deals from being made

At one point it was appropriate to work together for consensus.
Moderates were more important then ... But the extremes have taken center stage.

I have no desire to see that deals get done ...
I don't like the deals the extremes are pushing for.
I would rather they do nothing than agree to screw us one way or another ... :thup:

Watching socialists, Bernie Sanders and that chic from NY who defeated a powerful Democrat in the primaries, campaign in Kansas kind of blows my mind.
Whatever you think of the mess that Kansas has got itself into there is no way the solution is Socialism. And who thought sending two of the most far left people to Kansas was a good idea?

Then you have complete wack jobs like Maxine Waters telling people to stalk and harass Republicans... When did the Democrat party decide to concede their power to the most controversial people in politics? They created the very monster, political correctness & social justice, that is now consuming them. They dare not speak out least they be marginalized as a racist or bigot or worse.
Moderate Democrats and Bluedogs have been completely sidelined.
The pendulum is so far out of kilter that it is seemingly skipping 80% of the swing from left to right and right to left.
I wonder about this a lot. I hope not. The party is under the control of people who aren't liberal.

The far Left is assuming/hoping that demographics will pull the country significantly their way.

It'll be up to those who oppose them to convince the electorate otherwise.
The people in control of the party were exposed in the previous election as cheats who need to convince no one of anything. They will just manipulate the action behind the scenes in order to maintain control. You needn't worry.
Something has gone very wrong when the actions of Democrats are cheered by America's adversaries.
Kansas happens to already be a place where Socialism abounds in the form of a standard tenet of Socialism, Co-ops, and Kansas has endless Agriculture and energy Co-ops. They are the lifeblood of Kansas.
Did you miss Whoopie screaming at Judge Pirro on The View?? The rules seem to be degenerating to no rules. Just vote fukwads, then get out of the way, or sit there and whine after the GOP and middle America wins...

Yeah especially since Trump encouraged his cronies to rough up people they disagree with.

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