Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Liberals are extremely open-minded as long as you believe everything they believe.

Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.

kind of reminds me of that health care thing a while back the Democrats were shoving down everyones throats.....

That "health care" thing? That was what Got Obama and the dems in congress elected... just in case you forgot. It was only after tons of bullshit misinformation and out and out lies from the right that some people got scared.
Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.

Funny how bipartisanship is so important now. If only liberals weren't so incredibly hypocritical and actually allowed the Republicans to participate in the Obamacare discussions, along with everything else from Feb 2009 until Nov 2010.

ALLOWED??? ALLOWED??? God God... they begged them to. But Republicans didn't want ANYTHING to do with REAL Health Care reform... they just wanted the status quo wrapped up in pretty paper with a red bow.

You believe everything you hear, huh? If only facts backed up your points.

Olympia Snowe, who was one of the most instrumental players from the R side said that after they got her vote from her position on the committee, she was absolutely LOCKED OUT. She had been a key player, and one of their allies. If she wasn't invited to the table, you know that no one else was.
Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.

kind of reminds me of that health care thing a while back the Democrats were shoving down everyones throats.....

That "health care" thing? That was what Got Obama and the dems in congress elected... just in case you forgot. It was only after tons of bullshit misinformation and out and out lies from the right that some people got scared.

How old are you?
Some people are saying no, see the 'argument' against, here:

Schumer's conspiracy theory: GOP sabotaging recovery | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

The evidence suggests Schumer's on to something. The House of Representatives has offered no debate on the issue of unemployment and has passed only 18 bills since taking control in January. 15 of those bills were passed to name federal buildings after someone. This do-nothing congress sees no urgency as millions of Americans are out of work, work one or two or three part time jobs simply to pay rent or the morgage on a home underwater.

The GOP leadership in both houses of congress has opposed all efforts by the president, and even turned down an offer by President Obama to reduce the payroll tax for businees. It seems ideology is only an excuse, the real reason is their lust for power.

This is another example as to the mentality of the left. They truly don't see how Obama being president holds him accountable to anything--because he's following Bush. That is the entire Obama premise: it's because of Bush, and would be worse if we hadn't passed the stimulus.

The entire two years holding office, passing sweeping and unprecedented legislation this country is on the decline. All polling data shows vast majority of Americans discontent with the direction of this country and their aspects for the future of the children.

I have a liberal friend that said last year that 2012 Obama is going to run on Reagan's slogan: "Are you better off than four years ago", because he is so ignorant of history that when Reagan said it he knew what the answer to 49 out of 50 state landslide that perhaps we will never see again.

Shovel ready jobs just weren't as shovel ready as this man-child president we have :eusa_eh::eusa_eh:
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The Economy got Obama/Dems elected in 08. Healthcare was not one of their main talking points during the campaign.

Not Bush was pretty much all they said.

Along with Hope and Change.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Mr. President‬‏[/ame]
kind of reminds me of that health care thing a while back the Democrats were shoving down everyones throats.....

That "health care" thing? That was what Got Obama and the dems in congress elected... just in case you forgot. It was only after tons of bullshit misinformation and out and out lies from the right that some people got scared.

How old are you?

46 and make $100k combined with my wife... we pay our taxes and don't complain, we sent one kid to Penn State University and are sending our second to Pitt-Johnstown in the fall... with our own money.

Just because you are a failure and want someone to blame, don't make it about me.
Oh so this must be what Obama and the Dems meant when they were lecturing us that "Elections have consequences" and "we won", right?


THEY DON'T HAVE THE POWER. Republicans have the majority in congress and democrats have the senate and the presidency. Is this an Alinsky post designed to try to accuse others of what you are guilty of? Democrats had Congress and the Senate for two years and during that time Fannie Mae collapsed while the House Banking Chairperson told Americans that Fannie was solvent? When is Barney Frank going to be indicted?
That "health care" thing? That was what Got Obama and the dems in congress elected... just in case you forgot. It was only after tons of bullshit misinformation and out and out lies from the right that some people got scared.

How old are you?

46 and make $100k combined with my wife... we pay our taxes and don't complain, we sent one kid to Penn State University and are sending our second to Pitt-Johnstown in the fall... with our own money.

Just because you are a failure and want someone to blame, don't make it about me.

I'm a failure? Based on what you just typed, I'm far better off financially than you. :lol:

Q: Has President Obama taken more vacation time than his predecessors?

A: According to one count, Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush spent more time on "vacation" during their first year than President Obama did. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton spent less time on "vacation."

President Obama’s Vacation Days |

COLUMN: Record Breaker! Bush Takes Most Vacation Days For Sitting President
COLUMN: Record Breaker! Bush Takes Most Vacation Days For Sitting President - CBS News

Q: Has President Obama taken more vacation time than his predecessors?

A: According to one count, Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush spent more time on "vacation" during their first year than President Obama did. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton spent less time on "vacation."

President Obama’s Vacation Days |

COLUMN: Record Breaker! Bush Takes Most Vacation Days For Sitting President
COLUMN: Record Breaker! Bush Takes Most Vacation Days For Sitting President - CBS News

Just because Obama says his globetrotting trips (with kids and Michelle in tow) are not vacation, doesn't really make it so, now does it?
How old are you?

46 and make $100k combined with my wife... we pay our taxes and don't complain, we sent one kid to Penn State University and are sending our second to Pitt-Johnstown in the fall... with our own money.

Just because you are a failure and want someone to blame, don't make it about me.

I'm a failure? Based on what you just typed, I'm far better off financially than you. :lol:

Good for you. Simply turning the tables on what I hear From Conservatives all the time. How does it feel? I truthfully didn't know what you made or what you did.

But that doesn't matter to your side either, does it?
THEY DON'T HAVE THE POWER. Republicans have the majority in congress and democrats have the senate and the presidency. Is this an Alinsky post designed to try to accuse others of what you are guilty of? Democrats had Congress and the Senate for two years and during that time Fannie Mae collapsed while the House Banking Chairperson told Americans that Fannie was solvent? When is Barney Frank going to be indicted?

It is really astounding how good you are at the Glenn Beck talking points. The only name you missed this time is Soros. What happened? Did it just slip your mind?

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