Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

List of things Pubes say are preventing our recovery....


Big government would be more accurate.

Whichever ideologue serves up the progressive agenda is offensive to conservatives. It is Obama's policies that are toxic. He is just some community organizer that has proven to be an empty suit.

You are absolutely wrong. It must be terrible to be so blind.
Susan. You are so wise. Thank you for sharing. You have changed my viewpoint on the matter. Again, thank you so much.
List of things Dems say are preventing recovery: bank ATM's, airport kiosks, Booooooosh, GOP

List of things Pubes say are preventing our recovery....


Big government would be more accurate.

Whichever ideologue serves up the progressive agenda is offensive to conservatives. It is Obama's policies that are toxic. He is just some community organizer that has proven to be an empty suit.

Sooooo.... what you are saying is that we shouldn't "offend" you poor Conservatives feelings with the things we strongly believe in?

Ummmm.... too fucking bad. This is America. We have the right to fight for what we believe just the same as you do your beliefs. That's why we still have elections.
List of things Pubes say are preventing our recovery....


Big government would be more accurate.

Whichever ideologue serves up the progressive agenda is offensive to conservatives. It is Obama's policies that are toxic. He is just some community organizer that has proven to be an empty suit.

Sooooo.... what you are saying is that we shouldn't "offend" you poor Conservatives feelings with the things we strongly believe in?

Ummmm.... too fucking bad. This is America. We have the right to fight for what we believe just the same as you do your beliefs. That's why we still have elections.

Liberals seem to be wound a little tight.

You OK?

It isn't Obama, it is progressivism. I was just offering an opinion of the conservative perspective. Calm yourself. Don't stroke out.

You are entitled to want the government to run your life from cradle to grave. Many men and women have died for your right to think for yourself and express your unrealistic Utopian views.
Looks about right to me. The Democratic Party is a coalition party. To belong, you have to be "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others". No one, not even Republicans, would suggest that conservatives or Republicans are "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others".

oh you mean like you are?......
Big government would be more accurate.

Whichever ideologue serves up the progressive agenda is offensive to conservatives. It is Obama's policies that are toxic. He is just some community organizer that has proven to be an empty suit.

Sooooo.... what you are saying is that we shouldn't "offend" you poor Conservatives feelings with the things we strongly believe in?

Ummmm.... too fucking bad. This is America. We have the right to fight for what we believe just the same as you do your beliefs. That's why we still have elections.

Liberals seem to be wound a little tight.

You OK?

It isn't Obama, it is progressivism. I was just offering an opinion of the conservative perspective. Calm yourself. Don't stroke out.

You are entitled to want the government to run your life from cradle to grave. Many men and women have died for your right to think for yourself and express your unrealistic Utopian views.

yeah, can't figure out why we'd be uptight. What a bunch of bullshit.
"You are entitled to want the government to run your life from cradle to grave. Many men and women have died for your right to think for yourself and express your unrealistic Utopian views."

All this from affordable guaranteed health care to solve our country's one greatest problem- with a Pub style plan? You appear to be brainwashed by Glenn Beck:lol:
Looks about right to me. The Democratic Party is a coalition party. To belong, you have to be "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others". No one, not even Republicans, would suggest that conservatives or Republicans are "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others".

oh you mean like you are?......

Liberals are extremely open-minded as long as you believe everything they believe.
Sooooo.... what you are saying is that we shouldn't "offend" you poor Conservatives feelings with the things we strongly believe in?

Ummmm.... too fucking bad. This is America. We have the right to fight for what we believe just the same as you do your beliefs. That's why we still have elections.

Liberals seem to be wound a little tight.

You OK?

It isn't Obama, it is progressivism. I was just offering an opinion of the conservative perspective. Calm yourself. Don't stroke out.

You are entitled to want the government to run your life from cradle to grave. Many men and women have died for your right to think for yourself and express your unrealistic Utopian views.

yeah, can't figure out why we'd be uptight. What a bunch of bullshit.

Were you hoping for a national debt closer to 16 Trillion? Would another Trillion dollar stimulus make you less uptight?

Help me to help you...
Looks about right to me. The Democratic Party is a coalition party. To belong, you have to be "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others". No one, not even Republicans, would suggest that conservatives or Republicans are "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others".

oh you mean like you are?......

Liberals are extremely open-minded as long as you believe everything they believe.

Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.
Liberals seem to be wound a little tight.

You OK?

It isn't Obama, it is progressivism. I was just offering an opinion of the conservative perspective. Calm yourself. Don't stroke out.

You are entitled to want the government to run your life from cradle to grave. Many men and women have died for your right to think for yourself and express your unrealistic Utopian views.

yeah, can't figure out why we'd be uptight. What a bunch of bullshit.

Were you hoping for a national debt closer to 16 Trillion? Would another Trillion dollar stimulus make you less uptight?

Help me to help you...

More rhetoric... no substance... the Conservative Mantra.
oh you mean like you are?......

Liberals are extremely open-minded as long as you believe everything they believe.

Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.

Funny how bipartisanship is so important now. If only liberals weren't so incredibly hypocritical and actually allowed the Republicans to participate in the Obamacare discussions, along with everything else from Feb 2009 until Nov 2010.
Obsession is what Republicans have for Obama. Go ahead, try to deny it.

oh of course they are out there,some we see in these threads......but unlike you.....i know that not all of them obsess with the its your turn.....go ahead and deny that 90% of your Posts are about Republicans/Conservatives and the evils they do.....and remember your the guy,after i had said that no matter the topic you would bring Cons/Repubs into the the Review section in the thread about the HBO Show True Blood.....everyone no matter what their leanings were talking about the show.....who was the one that out of no where,the only post he made says..."Who is the biggest audience? Conservatives or liberals?"......take a guess....
Can you name something they even attempted to pass that would create jobs? Just one thing please. No? Didnt think so.

Oh yeah, everything will change in 12.
Ryan's budget.

:razz: Ryans budget? Really?

Rep. Ryan’s House GOP Budget Plan

Federal Government Would Collect $2 Trillion Less Over a Decade
and Yet Require Bottom 90 Percent to Pay Higher Taxes
Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee,

The federal government would collect $183 billion less in 2011 and more than $2 trillion
less over a decade than it would if Congress adopted President Obama’s tax proposals.

􀂃 Federal taxes would be lower for the richest ten percent, and higher for all other income
groups, than they would be if President Obama’s proposals were enacted.

􀂃 The bottom 80 percent of taxpayers would pay about $1,700 more, on average, than they
would if President Obama’s proposals were enacted.

􀂃 The richest one percent would pay about $211,300 less on average than they would if
President Obama’s proposals were enacted.

􀂃 The poorest 20 percent would pay 12.3 percent of their income more than what they
would pay under the President’s proposal, while the richest one percent would pay 15
percent of their income less than they would pay under the President’s proposal.

yea baby...let her rip!!!

oh you mean like you are?......

Liberals are extremely open-minded as long as you believe everything they believe.

Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.

kind of reminds me of that health care thing a while back the Democrats were shoving down everyones throats.....
Liberals are extremely open-minded as long as you believe everything they believe.

Pot.... meet Kettle. You shiite Republicans are worse. Your boys are strongarming the country and a huge majority of people who DON'T feel like you for you agenda. There is no compromise, there is no negotiation... it's either "our way" or will sit on our hands and hold our collective breath like impudent little Children.

Funny how bipartisanship is so important now. If only liberals weren't so incredibly hypocritical and actually allowed the Republicans to participate in the Obamacare discussions, along with everything else from Feb 2009 until Nov 2010.

ALLOWED??? ALLOWED??? God God... they begged them to. But Republicans didn't want ANYTHING to do with REAL Health Care reform... they just wanted the status quo wrapped up in pretty paper with a red bow.
Oh so this must be what Obama and the Dems meant when they were lecturing us that "Elections have consequences" and "we won", right?

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