Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Looks about right to me. The Democratic Party is a coalition party. To belong, you have to be "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others". No one, not even Republicans, would suggest that conservatives or Republicans are "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others".

Just because Democrats and liberals don't like the mean spirited ideas of the Republican Party doesn't mean they are narrow minded. You can reject a bad idea and not be narrow minded. Tax cuts for people with private jets, cutting medical benefits of seniors, subsidies for oil companies, these are just plain "bad" ideas. Even the most broad minded can't embrace them.
The Democrats are by no means free from bigotry. Their existence depends on identity politics, which is based on bigotry.

Neither are Democrats tolerant of other ideas. They are as intolerant and closed-minded as any fundamentalist cracker.

When you're ready to abandon your fantasies, we can talk. If you want to continue believing in unicorns, there's really not much point.

That's comedy gold Daveman. Now you are asking liberals and democrats in general to accept the mean spirited ideas of the republican investigating President Obama's place of birth, or whether or not he's a marxist, or whether or not he's those are "ideas" to even be considered. You, yourself, always in interactions with me..are the first to get personal. So you guys go into attack mode each and every time then get wounded and victimized when people respond in kind. President Clinton was villianized on an almost daily basis..then impeached. That's a good thing? You want the Democrats to respond the EXACT SAME WAY to every Republican President? Clinton committed no crime..none.

Even before Obama won the election they were saying all sorts of nasty things about him. Some of that is fine..because in the game of politics you have to point out negatives in your opponent..but calling him a un-american Terrorist? Oh gosh..and you expect serious interaction after that? For President Obama's part..he's been a real gentlemen about this. He's been inclusive with people that say they want him to fail, want him to be a one term president, that he's unamerican and that he's a communist. In fact..he's INCLUDED their policy recommendations into legislation. It DOESN'T HELP.

Maddow had a great piece on this.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Maddow Exposes Shameless, Craven Republican Hackery, Flip-Floppery & Rooting For America To Fail‬‏[/ame]

I know you are not going to watch it..but I led the horse to the water.
DEMOCRATS control the senate and they have yet to come up with a plan to address this train wreck. DEMOCRATS were in contol of the house since 2006--and they made a bigger mess. Barack Obama has been in office for 3 years now--and has only made unemployment WORSE with his flood the basement economic policies.

MASSIVE government spending--massive government regulations do not create private sector jobs.

No one can BORROW and SPEND their way to PROSPERITY.

Sure it does.

I made a radical thread to illustrate how spending influences the private sector.

Almost none of the cons posting in the thread got what was happening..or used it as an opportunity to flame the thread.

Sometimes I really wonder if you guys even want the "buy in" to our collective future.

Or if you are just looking to smash it all to bits.
Your idea was repeatedly shown to be unrealistic and unworkable.

You probably missed the part where I voted no to it.

That's because you and your buddy were to busy spewing lies about me..and not focusing on the subject.

But then never do.
Go google the states that are booming right now:D:D:D..........Texas........North Dakota.......Wisconsin.......New Jersey........Ohio.

Republican governors and Repbublican leadership...........

Lefty states?

No fcukking jobs............



It's truly amazing how myths get carved in stone.

Only ONE of the five states you mentioned is in the top quintile.

Of course MY state is right there in the top group. With GDP growth in 2010 almost double Texas, hmmm... is that possible?? :lol::lol::lol:

Private sector jobs...............dont change the subject s0n!!!:gay::gay::gay:

Red states FTMFW!!!

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

And like any committed lefty k00k, they always post up retro maps, just like the dicks who post up deficit maps through 2007!!!
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Go google the states that are booming right now:D:D:D..........Texas........North Dakota.......Wisconsin.......New Jersey........Ohio.

Republican governors and Repbublican leadership...........

Lefty states?

No fcukking jobs............



It's truly amazing how myths get carved in stone.

Only ONE of the five states you mentioned is in the top quintile.

Of course MY state is right there in the top group. With GDP growth in 2010 almost double Texas, hmmm... is that possible?? :lol::lol::lol:

Private sector jobs...............dont change the subject s0n!!!:gay::gay::gay:

Red states FTMFW!!!

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

Isn't government spending great, skookerasbil?
Go google the states that are booming right now:D:D:D..........Texas........North Dakota.......Wisconsin.......New Jersey........Ohio.

Republican governors and Repbublican leadership...........

Lefty states?

No fcukking jobs............



It's truly amazing how myths get carved in stone.

Only ONE of the five states you mentioned is in the top quintile.

Of course MY state is right there in the top group. With GDP growth in 2010 almost double Texas, hmmm... is that possible?? :lol::lol::lol:

Private sector jobs...............dont change the subject s0n!!!:gay::gay::gay:

Red states FTMFW!!!

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

And like any committed lefty k00k, they always post up retro maps, just like the dicks who post up deficit maps through 2007!!!

Last year is retro? Are you a retard? Seriously.
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?

They don't really want to cut government spending Carb. They want to cut government spending that helps the poor out of their predictments. They gleefully ask for public investments when it makes a private concern outstandingly wealthy. In other words..socialism for the rich..corporatism for everyone else.

Of course they don't realize that cutting education for their fellow Americans dooms this nation into become a third world backwater with a big army.

And we all know how long that lasts..
Looks about right to me. The Democratic Party is a coalition party. To belong, you have to be "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others". No one, not even Republicans, would suggest that conservatives or Republicans are "broad minded" and "tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others".

Just because Democrats and liberals don't like the mean spirited ideas of the Republican Party doesn't mean they are narrow minded. You can reject a bad idea and not be narrow minded. Tax cuts for people with private jets, cutting medical benefits of seniors, subsidies for oil companies, these are just plain "bad" ideas. Even the most broad minded can't embrace them.
The Democrats are by no means free from bigotry. Their existence depends on identity politics, which is based on bigotry.

Neither are Democrats tolerant of other ideas. They are as intolerant and closed-minded as any fundamentalist cracker.

When you're ready to abandon your fantasies, we can talk. If you want to continue believing in unicorns, there's really not much point.

That's comedy gold Daveman. Now you are asking liberals and democrats in general to accept the mean spirited ideas of the republican investigating President Obama's place of birth, or whether or not he's a marxist, or whether or not he's those are "ideas" to even be considered.
Wrong. We're asking you to accept the idea that smaller government and less spending will help the nation.

But you just keep telling lies about us. That's all you're good for.
You, yourself, always in interactions with me..are the first to get personal. So you guys go into attack mode each and every time then get wounded and victimized when people respond in kind.
Really? You want the freedom to tell lies about conservatives without being called on them. When you are, you claim conservatives are playing the Victim Card.
President Clinton was villianized on an almost daily basis..then impeached. That's a good thing? You want the Democrats to respond the EXACT SAME WAY to every Republican President? Clinton committed no crime..none.
Really? Perjury and obstruction of justice aren't crimes? An interesting legal theory, but wrong.
Even before Obama won the election they were saying all sorts of nasty things about him. Some of that is fine..because in the game of politics you have to point out negatives in your opponent..but calling him a un-american Terrorist? Oh gosh..and you expect serious interaction after that? For President Obama's part..he's been a real gentlemen about this. He's been inclusive with people that say they want him to fail, want him to be a one term president, that he's unamerican and that he's a communist. In fact..he's INCLUDED their policy recommendations into legislation. It DOESN'T HELP.
"I won." Yeah, sounds like an invitation to STFU to me.

Reality does not agree with your views.
Maddow had a great piece on this.

YouTube - ‪Maddow Exposes Shameless, Craven Republican Hackery, Flip-Floppery & Rooting For America To Fail‬‏

I know you are not going to watch it..but I led the horse to the water.
And we'll just mark you down in the "Bitterly Clinging to the Unicorn Fantasy" column.
you might as well go back to 2000 when our gifted leader gave away a surplus and gave out tax breaks only to have recession and stimulus monies sent directly to the mass populace.

There was no surplus.... Bush inherited a $5.8 Trillion deficit.

That's a lie.

Just stupid actually, many do not know the difference between a defecit and the national debt. And besides republicans ran up over half of that debt.
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?

There is no fast and easy fix for the corener we have eagerly worked ourselves into.
We are into a downward spiral.
Sure it does.

I made a radical thread to illustrate how spending influences the private sector.

Almost none of the cons posting in the thread got what was happening..or used it as an opportunity to flame the thread.

Sometimes I really wonder if you guys even want the "buy in" to our collective future.

Or if you are just looking to smash it all to bits.
Your idea was repeatedly shown to be unrealistic and unworkable.

You probably missed the part where I voted no to it.

That's because you and your buddy were to busy spewing lies about me..and not focusing on the subject.

But then never do.

Wrong. I focused on the subject and showed where your idea was unrealistic and unworkable. Then you got all petulant.
Your idea was repeatedly shown to be unrealistic and unworkable.

You probably missed the part where I voted no to it.

That's because you and your buddy were to busy spewing lies about me..and not focusing on the subject.

But then never do.

Wrong. I focused on the subject and showed where your idea was unrealistic and unworkable. Then you got all petulant.

I posted the thread. Simple enough to see where personal attacks started. Like in your response to me above.. :lol:
You probably missed the part where I voted no to it.

That's because you and your buddy were to busy spewing lies about me..and not focusing on the subject.

But then never do.

Wrong. I focused on the subject and showed where your idea was unrealistic and unworkable. Then you got all petulant.

I posted the thread. Simple enough to see where personal attacks started.
Yeah. Like you calling me a socialist, Comrade.
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?

They don't really want to cut government spending Carb. They want to cut government spending that helps the poor out of their predictments. They gleefully ask for public investments when it makes a private concern outstandingly wealthy. In other words..socialism for the rich..corporatism for everyone else.

Of course they don't realize that cutting education for their fellow Americans dooms this nation into become a third world backwater with a big army.

And we all know how long that lasts..

Oh, exactly. As I've said for a long time, conservatives don't want less government, they just want less of the other guy's government.

Of course you get a few outliers like Ron Paul who'll talk up significant defense cuts, but guys like him don't get the GOP presidential nominations, and the truth is, conservatives like him are quietly despised by the conservative Republican establishment.

Well, I should say, not always so quietly despised if anyone recalls how Ron Paul was treated by establishment conservatives back in 2008 and prior,

when the prowar militarist conservatives didn't hold back. :lol:
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?

There is no fast and easy fix for the corener we have eagerly worked ourselves into.
We are into a downward spiral.

The Right keeps trying to sell this fantasy that big cuts in government spending will cause some sort of boom in jobs creation.

That's not how austerity works. If austerity worked that way, BOTH parties would be cutting spending like mad.

The grim reality is that austerity would cost thousands, perhaps millions of jobs. Anyone who says otherwise is either naive, ignorant, or lying.
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?

They don't really want to cut government spending Carb. They want to cut government spending that helps the poor out of their predictments. They gleefully ask for public investments when it makes a private concern outstandingly wealthy. In other words..socialism for the rich..corporatism for everyone else.

Of course they don't realize that cutting education for their fellow Americans dooms this nation into become a third world backwater with a big army.

And we all know how long that lasts..

Oh, exactly. As I've said for a long time, conservatives don't want less government, they just want less of the other guy's government.

Of course you get a few outliers like Ron Paul who'll talk up significant defense cuts, but guys like him don't get the GOP presidential nominations, and the truth is, conservatives like him are quietly despised by the conservative Republican establishment.

Well, I should say, not always so quietly despised if anyone recalls how Ron Paul was treated by establishment conservatives back in 2008 and prior,

when the prowar militarist conservatives didn't hold back. :lol:

Your perception of conservatism is astoundingly goofy.
If cutting government spending will create jobs, let's cut a few hundred billion out of defense,

and after we see the layoffs in the PRIVATE SECTOR of the defense industry, let's see where the jobs magically materialize somewhere else to make up those job losses and then some.

That's really going to happen? Are you sure?

There is no fast and easy fix for the corener we have eagerly worked ourselves into.
We are into a downward spiral.

The Right keeps trying to sell this fantasy that big cuts in government spending will cause some sort of boom in jobs creation.

That's not how austerity works. If austerity worked that way, BOTH parties would be cutting spending like mad.

The grim reality is that austerity would cost thousands, perhaps millions of jobs. Anyone who says otherwise is either naive, ignorant, or lying.

Oh yes, and Clinton left Bush a surplus and FDR brought us out of the Great Depression and ATM machines are killing jobs and there are 58 states and Obama has a 13 yo daughter and Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman and asthmatics need breathalysers.

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