Is The Holocaust A Hoax?

Only the deniers say that 6mm died at Auschwitz, so they can deny it and impugn the Holocaust.

Nope...... Dodge is in Kansas......the Auschwitz fantasy theme park is in Poland. ...... :cool:

:lmao: You are losing it. That cartoon was from an Israeli contest mocking the Iranian "HoloHoax" contest and anti-Semitic twits like ... you Sunni Boy.
and? no one ever said 6 million died a Auschwitz
it has no effect the 6 million figure.
Get a grip one, including me, is claiming 6 died at Auschwitz.

The problem is the Jews for years claimed 6 million Juden perished during WWll in Europe and the surrounding areas.

Even though the Polish government and various Jewish organizations have reduced the official body count at Auschwitz by 2.5 million.

The jews to this day still fraudulently advertise that 6 million chosen people died during the so called Holocaust. ........ :cool:
and? no one ever said 6 million died a Auschwitz
it has no effect the 6 million figure.
Get a grip one, including me, is claiming 6 died at Auschwitz. The problem is the Jews for years claimed 6 million Juden perished during WWll in Europe and the surrounding areas...

Jews have claimed 6 million "Juden" perished or German historians?

According to Wilhelm Höttl's (SS officer and a Doctor of History) testimony at both the Nuremberg Trials and Eichmann's trial, Eichmann told him that some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then – 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 (two million) through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.

I would find your obsession with the Holocaust (and all things "Juden") a bit strange but then I fully understand why a self-described Sunni Man would eagerly be driven by hatred.
View attachment 50371 The general assumption is that 6 million Jews died in Jewish internment camps. ("death camps") I will include a picture of a couple plaques here. I'm pretty sure they are from the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. The old one on the left says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. The new one on the right is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million Jews died at Auschwitz. And if they got the first number of those who died at Auschwitz so wrong, then all of the original death tolls at all of the other Jewish internment camps ("death camps") are probably just as wrong. You tell me. Where do you think that puts the "6 million" figure at.

Don't imagine the Jews believe it's a hoax. Whatever the actual number, the entire thing was a horrible autrocity.
According to Wilhelm Höttl's (SS officer and a Doctor of History) testimony at both the Nuremberg Trials and Eichmann's trial, Eichmann told him that some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then – 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 (two million) through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.
That is called "hearsay" testimony and would not be admissible in any court in America.

But the Nuremberg trials were a kangaroo court show any thing was allowed as evidence. .... :cool:
and? no one ever said 6 million died a Auschwitz
it has no effect the 6 million figure.
Get a grip one, including me, is claiming 6 died at Auschwitz.

The problem is the Jews for years claimed 6 million Juden perished during WWll in Europe and the surrounding areas.

Even though the Polish government and various Jewish organizations have reduced the official body count at Auschwitz by 2.5 million.

The jews to this day still fraudulently advertise that 6 million chosen people died during the so called Holocaust. ........ :cool:
that's be cause they did and that's the low estimate !
question how many ounces of ash makes up one human?
According to Wilhelm Höttl's (SS officer and a Doctor of History) testimony at both the Nuremberg Trials and Eichmann's trial, Eichmann told him that some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then – 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 (two million) through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.
That is called "hearsay" testimony and would not be admissible in any court in America.

But the Nuremberg trials were a kangaroo court show any thing was allowed as evidence. .... :cool:
bullshit it's only hear say when there is no forensic evidence to support it.
According to Wilhelm Höttl's (SS officer and a Doctor of History) testimony at both the Nuremberg Trials and Eichmann's trial, Eichmann told him that some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then – 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 (two million) through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.
That is called "hearsay" testimony and would not be admissible in any court in America.

But the Nuremberg trials were a kangaroo court show any thing was allowed as evidence. .... :cool:
the anything you are talking was presented by the defense.
Just for your information.. The US didn't destabilize the region on behalf of Israel. We did it in the name of stupidity and arrogance.

Whom do you mean with "we"?
USA is controlled by the Israel Lobby.
Prominent American professors have written a well footnoted book about that.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yes, the destabilization was planned to solve the security problems of Israel.
The plan is called "A clean break".

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle forBenjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East....

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just for your information.. The US didn't destabilize the region on behalf of Israel. We did it in the name of stupidity and arrogance.

Whom do you mean with "we"?
USA is controlled by the Israel Lobby.
Prominent American professors have written a well footnoted book about that.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yes, the destabilization was planned to solve the security problems of Israel.
The plan is called "A clean break".

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle forBenjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East....

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Art, you are part of the screwed up lobby.

We did not go stupid in the ME for Israel but some screwed up idea that we could stabilize ME oil sources. What a buncha fucking idiots.

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