Is the Impeachment Back Firing Already?

It certainly has exposed The Democrats as being exclusively PARTY before country.

Since their secret hearings are entirely a party matter (by excluding non-Democrats) they need to be billed for the use of government property to conduct party affairs. Or maybe President Trump could offer them cheap rent on a conference room somewhere.

They'd jump at that....'cause it would be "more proof".
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I keep hearing it is generating sympathy for Trump to where his polling numbers are going through the roof. Isn't this early?

Where is the link that supports this.

Because every sane indicator shows a different story.
Of course it is falling apart just like the whistle blower shit...hey what happened to that whistle blower?...and Russia?....and Stormy?...and Mueller....?
I keep hearing it is generating sympathy for Trump to where his polling numbers are going through the roof. Isn't this early?

Is that what they are saying at the gathering?

This impeachment is their last hope. They know they have nobody that can beat Trump. I have a friend that owns his own business.....he was always a very dedicated democrat. He made a 180 and is now all in for Trump. He's seen how his business is doing now compared to when Obama was in office.....and he's VERY happy! People are running, not walking, away from the dem party and it's fun to watch :)
I keep hearing it is generating sympathy for Trump to where his polling numbers are going through the roof. Isn't this early?

Where is the link that supports this.

Because every sane indicator shows a different story.
Trump's approval rating has been ticking up all week where have you been?...this is why the dems were beside themselves yesterday...Donna Brazil was shouting at the American people this morning on FOX because of it....she was screaming at the camera..."no one is above the law...not even the president what is wrong with you people"....
I keep hearing it is generating sympathy for Trump to where his polling numbers are going through the roof. Isn't this early?

To say that the shit is falling apart for the pathetic DNC is to imply they ever had it together in the first place! :auiqs.jpg:

They were sure that tearing at him during the general would destroy him --- --- --- instead it propelled him into the White House!

So after elected they decided to try --- --- --- tearing at him some more. Investigations, hearings, rank accusations, abject contempt. Now he is set to win his 2nd term!

Donald Trump: the President that for three years they thought they had checkmated in 7 moves, only to find out he had them in 2.

Donald Trump: the great Chinese Finger Puzzle of the Left.

The more they pull, the tighter a grip he gets around their own throats instead.


That they polled mainly Registered Voters. How many of them ACTUALLY vote? We get registered here in Michigan when you apply for your drivers license or Michigan ID. Most never have gone to the polls to vote! I'd like to see them poll ONLY people that actually plan to vote. You or anyone else believing in any poll now is just funny. Keep believing it....Remember 2016! Lol!
I keep hearing it is generating sympathy for Trump to where his polling numbers are going through the roof. Isn't this early?

If you're hearing that, you have a bucket over your head.

Oct 13-15, 2019
Rasmussen Reports/Pulse Opinion Research
1,500 LV Approve 50% Disapprove 49% Approve +1

Oct 20-22, 2019
Rasmussen Reports/Pulse Opinion Research
1,500 LV Approve 44% Disapprove 53% Disapprove +9

What a difference a week makes - a 10 point swing in the opposite direction from the roof. From Repub-leaning Rassmussen.

That they polled mainly Registered Voters. How many of them ACTUALLY vote? We get registered here in Michigan when you apply for your drivers license or Michigan ID. Most never have gone to the polls to vote! I'd like to see them poll ONLY people that actually plan to vote. You or anyone else believing in any poll now is just funny. Keep believing it....Remember 2016! Lol!
Also the poll for removing Trump from office went the other way...the people don't want Trump removed from office...after all of this for two and a half years the people that voted for Trump are still happy with Trump...and you can't impeach and remove a president like will never happen...which means this is all a waste of time and money...

That they polled mainly Registered Voters. How many of them ACTUALLY vote? We get registered here in Michigan when you apply for your drivers license or Michigan ID. Most never have gone to the polls to vote! I'd like to see them poll ONLY people that actually plan to vote. You or anyone else believing in any poll now is just funny. Keep believing it....Remember 2016! Lol!
Also the poll for removing Trump from office went the other way...the people don't want Trump removed from office...after all of this for two and a half years the people that voted for Trump are still happy with Trump...and you can't impeach and remove a president like will never happen...which means this is all a waste of time and money...
Right.....everyone knows this is going to drag on and on and cost us millions more than they've already blown on trying to get rid of him!! Like someone once said, just let the people decide on this at the election. But the dems won't chance that, they know nobody can beat him.
Pelosi warned them this would happen. That's why it's still an "informal" lynch mob running the "investigation". There are enough sane party members that they're not taking the simple vote that would give at marginal legitimacy to their romp. But the number is fast dwindling. Remember, especially in the case of Nancy, sanity is a relative thing.

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