Is the intention a Civil War ?

Sounds to me like he's right on the money.
All you leftist loons are all for the transformation to a socialist nation. And real Americans will fight to stop it.
And if obammy keeps it up,you leave us no choice.
Obviously it will take a major over reach by your messiah to set things off. But he sure is heading in the right direction.....and it's obvious that it's intentional.
So whose starting the shit?
obama sees himself as another Lincoln. Lincoln kept the union together. obama cannot be the same kind of president as Lincoln unless there is a civil war and he can keep the country together. Except this time, he won't keep the country together but facilitate its divide.
Ignorance is not always a valid excuse.

In this case, HomeInspect should consider it isn't.

The only people who would take even the vaguest notion of this kind of delusion fantasy are delusional fantasists - and I see we have at least two on this board.
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Obama is attacking our rights from all angles and you want to call us crazy for defending them?
He's starting shit on purpose so he can further his agenda. And it's obvious.

Your rights are not being attacked in reality - only in the world of nutcase blogs and acid flashbacks.

Pretending otherwise is not only stupid, it's based on the insane premise that the American did people did not just democratically re-elect Obama three months ago. Accept that, accept the will of the people, and join the World of the Living.
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Sounds to me like he's right on the money.
All you leftist loons are all for the transformation to a socialist nation. And real Americans will fight to stop it.
And if obammy keeps it up,you leave us no choice.
Obviously it will take a major over reach by your messiah to set things off. But he sure is heading in the right direction.....and it's obvious that it's intentional.
So whose starting the shit?

You and others who are dumb as a box of rocks and brainwashed, on top of your dis-acuity.

Sounds to me like he's right on the money.
All you leftist loons are all for the transformation to a socialist nation. And real Americans will fight to stop it.
And if obammy keeps it up,you leave us no choice.
Obviously it will take a major over reach by your messiah to set things off. But he sure is heading in the right direction.....and it's obvious that it's intentional.
So whose starting the shit?

Doesn't Obama envision himself as the next Lincoln?? And as part of that overreaching he becomes a President for a 3rd term because he has to keep the union together??

Like Lincoln, Obama enters office without any military experience of his own, yet he becomes commander in chief during a time of not one but two wars. What can Obama learn from Lincoln's example? CNN put that question to McPherson, but first we discussed how the 16th president developed into arguably the country's greatest commander in chief. The following is an edited version of the interview.

Like Lincoln, Obama is...
"And what he [Lincoln] did was to -- I wouldn't say usurp some of the powers that had been traditionally exercised by Congress in wartime in creating and maintaining an Army and Navy, but to assert powers that could really only be exercised by the commander in chief himself.
Historian sees lessons, Lincoln parallels for Obama -
Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

Oh please....hysterical much?
Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

Oh please....hysterical much?

I guess forcing this guy to post here was how his first amendment rights have been obliterated, right?

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