Is the intention a Civil War ?

Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

Oh please....hysterical much?

Cause and movement conservatives like to talk big shit about standing up to tyranny, their 2nd amendment solutions, seccession etc. But that's all it is, talk and fantasy.

After they're done talking, they go home, eat dinner and watch NCIS with their fat wives, fantasizing about being tough and killing bad guys.
obama sees himself as another Lincoln. Lincoln kept the union together. obama cannot be the same kind of president as Lincoln unless there is a civil war and he can keep the country together. Except this time, he won't keep the country together but facilitate its divide.

It really makes me wonder what is going on in someone's brain when they post stuff like this.

I suspect it involves drugs.
obama sees himself as another Lincoln. Lincoln kept the union together. obama cannot be the same kind of president as Lincoln unless there is a civil war and he can keep the country together. Except this time, he won't keep the country together but facilitate its divide.

It really makes me wonder what is going on in someone's brain when they post stuff like this.

I suspect it involves drugs.

Nah he/she claims they are a lawyer. And you know how they are.
Well maybe drugs to.
Obama is attacking our rights from all angles and you want to call us crazy for defending them?
He's starting shit on purpose so he can further his agenda. And it's obvious.

name the rights you claim are under attack?

Freedom of speech. Political Correctness run amok. It is not even a law and people are getting fired for it.

Freedom of Religion is now Freedom from Religion.
The new Health care bill forces religions institutions and businesses to give contraceptions.
Which is now going to the Supreme Court.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms. Now trying to ban a semi automatic firearms.magazines and shot guns.

Continuation of taking away the Sates rights. Done by both parties.

Continuation of the 3 branches of government merging. Done by both parties.

This is just a few of the many, off the top of my head.
Zeke -

I didn't know that....that is interesting. I would also have thought rather unlikely.

At least unless he can find a line of customers keen to hear about how Obama is building death camps in Kansas, how Obama blew up the Twin Towers, and particularly how Obama is planning to become the President of the UN.
Freedom of speech. Political Correctness run amok. It is not even a law and people are getting fired for it.

If it isn't a law, then it's hardly infringing on your rights, is it?

The fact that most people no longer want to listen to you running down black people isn't an issue of law or rights; it's an issue of society's attitudes towards bigotry changing.
Obama is attacking our rights from all angles and you want to call us crazy for defending them?
He's starting shit on purpose so he can further his agenda. And it's obvious.

name the rights you claim are under attack?

Freedom of speech. Political Correctness run amok. It is not even a law and people are getting fired for it.

Freedom of Religion is now Freedom from Religion.
The new Health care bill forces religions institutions and businesses to give contraceptions.
Which is now going to the Supreme Court.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms. Now trying to ban a semi automatic firearms.magazines and shot guns.

Continuation of taking away the Sates rights. Done by both parties.

Continuation of the 3 branches of government merging. Done by both parties.

This is just a few of the many, off the top of my head.

Freedom of speech? That's what you start with? We begin with an article which, in 99% of human societies in our history, would have at least landed the author in a dungeon cell and probably a bit of time with the official torturer followed by an axe. Yet the author puts his photo on it and it gets passed around. No one, not a single person, sheds one drop of sweat over concern of the consequences. You all don't even consider there might be consequences. It does not even cross your mind. But you talk about freedom of speech?

Our freedoms aren't being eroded. The problem is that people, such as yourself, have become so spoiled that you kick and scream at the first inkling someone might not let you have a toy. You all aren't patriots defending your rights. You're children throwing a tantrum.
Even Liberals thought that the firing of Juan Williams had gone to far.
I have never run down black people.
How about the insults to white people?
Even Liberals thought that the firing of Juan Williams had gone to far.
I have never run down black people.
How about the insults to white people?

The 1st amendment protects your speech against government reprisal. It does not protect you from private recriminations.

Here's something for you to try. Curse out your boss, get fired, then sue based on 1st amendment protection and see how far you get.

This is meant to be what? Serious?

Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

Over 70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare… so of course, Obama rammed ObamaCare through in an unprecedented misuse of executive power that shut out the entire legitimate legislative process, as spineless Republicans sat quietly on their hands watching it all happen. The people said “no more deficit spending…and no more raising the debt ceiling…” so, Obama ignored the debt ceiling and ran up the federal debt by more than 60% in one term.

The ideological divide in America is not only deeper than ever in history, it is now galvanized. With the leftist gun grab underway, the moment when push comes to shove is fast approaching.

Since his second stolen election, Obama and his Marxist minions are doing all they can to ignite civil disobedience from more than half of the nation’s population. But are the new American Marxists pushing for much more than civil disobedience?

This is redneck boilerplate..bereft of anything but inciteful rhetoric.
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.


That must be why the American people peacefully and democratically elected Obama three months ago (the exact opposite of what you had been predicting for a year, incidentally).

The only people talking war are you fundamentalists, and there aren't enough of you to start a war on termites.
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.

there is NO need for a civil war in this country.

The only ones who want one are the delusional
Obama is attacking our rights from all angles and you want to call us crazy for defending them?
He's starting shit on purpose so he can further his agenda. And it's obvious.

name the rights you claim are under attack?

His right to not have to have health insurance, even though he would never consider actually going without it. That's his right damnit! And that's a damn good reason to consider taking up arms against the government. He's a real American and he's not afraid to let you know.

We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.

The only struggle you have is with common sense and which moo-moo to wear today. Let's be honest.
Obama is attacking our rights from all angles and you want to call us crazy for defending them?

Um, do you want to know who is really attacking your rights from all angles? Hint... it ain't the government (at least not the bought part).

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