Is the intention a Civil War ?

Even Liberals thought that the firing of Juan Williams had gone to far.
I have never run down black people.
How about the insults to white people?

The 1st amendment protects your speech against government reprisal. It does not protect you from private recriminations.

Here's something for you to try. Curse out your boss, get fired, then sue based on 1st amendment protection and see how far you get.

You are confusing common sense with freedom of speech in the press.
The 1st amendment gives Juan Williams the right to express his opinion and he got fired for it.
This is what happens under Dictatorial and Tyranical Governments.
It's too bad you can't see it.
Even Liberals thought that the firing of Juan Williams had gone to far.
I have never run down black people.
How about the insults to white people?

The 1st amendment protects your speech against government reprisal. It does not protect you from private recriminations.

Here's something for you to try. Curse out your boss, get fired, then sue based on 1st amendment protection and see how far you get.

You are confusing common sense with freedom of speech in the press.
The 1st amendment gives Juan Williams the right to express his opinion and he got fired for it.
This is what happens under Dictatorial and Tyranical Governments.
It's too bad you can't see it.

You simply do not understand 1st amanedment protect.

The 1st protects your right to speak freely, but it does not protect you from the consquences of that speech.

You want to have the ability to speek and not suffer any consequences, regardless what you say. That right never existed.
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.


That must be why the American people peacefully and democratically elected Obama three months ago (the exact opposite of what you had been predicting for a year, incidentally).

The only people talking war are you fundamentalists, and there aren't enough of you to start a war on termites.

Very close to half the country is not interested in accepting his leadership which is why there are so many gun sales. obama wasn't elected with an overwhelming mandate, but a barely squeaked by majority. And, that didn't count the people who didn't vote at all.

That said, it's not the government that's a driving force behind a civil war, not now. Not in this case. It is a deep and very personal hostility among the populace who want nothing whatsoever to do with one another. A civil war is not the same as a rebellion against the government. Right now, the progression is that both liberals and conservatives are hardening their divisions. They have their own media, their own schools, their own workplaces, their own communities. In some cases, their own states. Liberals intend to encroach and are encroaching. They more they do, the more opposition they will get.

This can only go so far. The left envisions the French Revolution, that's their ideal. They can't imagine that it may not go that way.
Seriously, seccession and civil war fantasies are republican porn.

Guess articles like this just give them a reason and an opportunity to fanasize.
^ that
Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

Oh please....hysterical much?

Cause and movement conservatives like to talk big shit about standing up to tyranny, their 2nd amendment solutions, seccession etc. But that's all it is, talk and fantasy.

After they're done talking, they go home, eat dinner and watch NCIS with their fat wives, fantasizing about being tough and killing bad guys.
exactly ;) :D
obama sees himself as another Lincoln. Lincoln kept the union together. obama cannot be the same kind of president as Lincoln unless there is a civil war and he can keep the country together. Except this time, he won't keep the country together but facilitate its divide.

It really makes me wonder what is going on in someone's brain when they post stuff like this.

I suspect it involves drugs.
It involves something OTHER THAN critical thinking skills ;) I guess I appreciate people like her because she constantly reminds/illustrates how out of touch the repub base is.
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I was willing to give the author a shot to make his case. He lost me when he said Obama stole two elections. This guy doesn't know what he is talking about. He's agitating for violence. We should be working for peace. Violence may come and the President may even want it (I dont know his heart). But if there is violence, we should not be the ones starting it. And if the President wants violence, we especially shouldn't be the ones starting it because then he wins.

Personally, I dont think he wants civil war. I dont think he would mind a occupy-type violent uprising that he can crack down on though. If the conservatives do it, it's better in his book.
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.


That must be why the American people peacefully and democratically elected Obama three months ago (the exact opposite of what you had been predicting for a year, incidentally).

The only people talking war are you fundamentalists, and there aren't enough of you to start a war on termites.

Very close to half the country is not interested in accepting his leadership which is why there are so many gun sales. obama wasn't elected with an overwhelming mandate, but a barely squeaked by majority. And, that didn't count the people who didn't vote at all.

That said, it's not the government that's a driving force behind a civil war, not now. Not in this case. It is a deep and very personal hostility among the populace who want nothing whatsoever to do with one another. A civil war is not the same as a rebellion against the government. Right now, the progression is that both liberals and conservatives are hardening their divisions. They have their own media, their own schools, their own workplaces, their own communities. In some cases, their own states. Liberals intend to encroach and are encroaching. They more they do, the more opposition they will get.

This can only go so far. The left envisions the French Revolution, that's their ideal. They can't imagine that it may not go that way.

He won by more than Bush ever did and without cheating voters out of their vote
Katz -

I agree that the US is deeply divided, and has been at least since Bush's entry into Iraq and the WMD scandal, if not before. Certainly there was division under Clinton and Bush Snr as well.

But the US is nowhere nearly as deeply divided now as it was during the Viet Nam era, when there really was both a genuine Marxist movement in the US, and a very strong right wing. These days the divide is nowhere nearly as bitter or as violent. We have yet to see the likes of Kent State, the Strawberry Statement or Woodstock in this decade.

Realy - the only people dreaming of violence here is you.

As you can see from the responses to this thread, for most people you just come across as tin helmet types.
I was willing to give the author a shot to make his case. He lost me when he said Obama stole two elections. This guy doesn't know what he is talking about. He's agitating for violence. We should be working for peace. Violence may come and the President may even want it (I dont know his heart). But if there is violence, we should not be the ones starting it. And if the President wants violence, we especially shouldn't be the ones starting it because then he wins.

Personally, I dont think he wants civil war. I dont think he would mind a occupy-type violent uprising that he can crack down on though. If the conservatives do it, it's better in his book.

obama supported the occupy type movements. He would tend to use occupy type movements to divest property owners of their property instead of cracking down on them.
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.

there is NO need for a civil war in this country.

The only ones who want one are the delusional

Im sure we didn't need a civil war the last time it happened. It happened nonetheless. Human nature doesn't change. War will happen eventually. Maybe tomorrow or 100 years from now, but it will happen. Pretending as though it's not possible is naive.
why do you refuse to face that NO ONE owns occupy?

the whole way its set up to prevent anyone from owning it
We are in a civil war right now. It hasn't quite come down to open shooting in the streets, but it is still going on. The struggle is to keep it peaceful.

there is NO need for a civil war in this country.

The only ones who want one are the delusional

Im sure we didn't need a civil war the last time it happened. It happened nonetheless. Human nature doesn't change. War will happen eventually. Maybe tomorrow or 100 years from now, but it will happen. Pretending as though it's not possible is naive.

There is NO need for a civil war.

Your just insane with partisan lies
there is NO need for a civil war in this country.

The only ones who want one are the delusional

Im sure we didn't need a civil war the last time it happened. It happened nonetheless. Human nature doesn't change. War will happen eventually. Maybe tomorrow or 100 years from now, but it will happen. Pretending as though it's not possible is naive.

There is NO need for a civil war.

Your just insane with partisan lies

I know we dont need a civil war. I agreed with you there. That doesn't mean war wont or cant happen. You seem to think wars only happen when needed.

Not sure where you think I lied. But then Im not sure you know what a lie is considering our countless conversations and your countless denials of clear lies you've made.
Im sure we didn't need a civil war the last time it happened. It happened nonetheless. Human nature doesn't change. War will happen eventually. Maybe tomorrow or 100 years from now, but it will happen. Pretending as though it's not possible is naive.

War is possible, I agree.

But in the forseeable future it is extremely unlikely.

The only ones with a taste for war are the militia types and the fundamentalist extremists like Katz. That's about 200 people. They couldn't take over a gas station.
why do you refuse to face that NO ONE owns occupy?

the whole way its set up to prevent anyone from owning it

Obama and the Democrats were openly supporting the Occupy movement. So were the communists and nazis. Soros was heavily funding it. Some libertarians were supporting it as well

Not sure what your definition of owning it is, but you can't deny who was involved and supporting it. Even if you don't like that.
We may not "need" a civil war or even "want" one. But you can't expect the rhetoric to increase and both sides to build up this kind of armament without something unwanted or unneeded happening.
We may not "need" a civil war or even "want" one. But you can't expect the rhetoric to increase and both sides to build up this kind of armament without something unwanted or unneeded happening.

the gap exsists because the right stopped believing in verifiable facts
Im sure we didn't need a civil war the last time it happened. It happened nonetheless. Human nature doesn't change. War will happen eventually. Maybe tomorrow or 100 years from now, but it will happen. Pretending as though it's not possible is naive.

War is possible, I agree.

But in the forseeable future it is extremely unlikely.

The only ones with a taste for war are the militia types and the fundamentalist extremists like Katz. That's about 200 people. They couldn't take over a gas station.

We may not "need" a civil war or even "want" one. But you can't expect the rhetoric to increase and both sides to build up this kind of armament without something unwanted or unneeded happening.

the gap exsists because the right stopped believing in verifiable facts
yep. I likes to say "fact averse" :)
Liberals lose elections and they protest, Repubs lose elections and talk about open rebellion :rolleyes:

"second amendment remedies" to not winning elections

Exactly. katzndogs is promoting that, in her own way, too.

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