Is the intention a Civil War ?

But aren't you the person on this thread increasing the rhetoric most?

yes she is. I guess she's taking over for WillowTree

When all is said and done, there's a lot more said than done.

If the shit hit the fan, most of these republicans talking big smack about civil war would be hiding in their basements.

if you havent been paying attention, which im concluding you haven't, you would see that all of us don't want a civil war. We just aren't naively going to pretend that it can never happen.
yes she is. I guess she's taking over for WillowTree

When all is said and done, there's a lot more said than done.

If the shit hit the fan, most of these republicans talking big smack about civil war would be hiding in their basements.

if you havent been paying attention, which im concluding you haven't, you would see that all of us don't want a civil war. We just aren't naively going to pretend that it can never happen.

I think some form of secession is much more likely than a civil war. The country is so divided philosophically right now, it will be very hard to bring it back together, and obama is doing everything possible to deepen the divide.
yes she is. I guess she's taking over for WillowTree

When all is said and done, there's a lot more said than done.

If the shit hit the fan, most of these republicans talking big smack about civil war would be hiding in their basements.

if you havent been paying attention, which im concluding you haven't, you would see that all of us don't want a civil war. We just aren't naively going to pretend that it can never happen.

Then you would not qualify as a "republican talking big smack'" right?
Is the intention a Civil War ? I doubt it. Even Democrats know the troops would likely side with the Constitution and the people before siding with an ideological dingbat like Obama, and his progressive minions.

Then why is the right wing so paranoid about having to be armed to fight off the government?

The only people who they'd have to fight would be the military and police.

If the right is so sure they'd side with the Constitution, then whats the big worry?

We're not paranoid. We have a civic duty to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government should it come to that, and we want to make sure that we remain capable of doing that.

The military and police may become instruments of a tyrannical government (you know, that's they way they do it). We all hope that the oath-keeper types would refuse to carry out unlawful orders, but it's a very unnatural thing to do when you are in a military organization. Also, if you are wrong, then you prematurely end your career. So, you have to hedge your bets.
I think some form of secession is much more likely than a civil war. The country is so divided philosophically right now, it will be very hard to bring it back together, and obama is doing everything possible to deepen the divide.

Well, you are doing everything possible, anyway....

I believe the parties have been pushing a civil war for a long time.

I first took notice when Bill Clinton took office with only 43% of the popular vote
during a time when pro-choice and pro-life advocates were fighting for representation
to dominate the other. I knew in advance this would incite violence, and took a public oath to uphold
the Constitution and all religious views protected thereunder.

I started out by addressing the divide between pro-choice and pro-life groups,
then pro and anti-death penalty, and now health care and gun control.

To unite around the Constitution, I have been promoting the idea of respecting political views and beliefs as protected equally as religious beliefs, so it is unconstitutional by
the 1st and 14th amendments to bully by party and majority rule, when all views should be
independently funded and followed freely, not imposed on the public by majority.

So this has been going on for a while.

The karma between Bush and Obama supporters and opposition
is like watching Romeo and Juliet kill themselves as a scourge laid upon our hate.

If this is the final scene, then the epilogue is Paris
the peacemaker, telling us all to drop our colors,
make peace and not let war take our greatest joys
and turn them into our worst sorrows.

I believe we are at the end of this stage in the learning curve toward equal justice,
and everyone will get the message, but there will be a multitude of messengers.
The spirit of the message will be one, but how we express it will be diversified.
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I think some form of secession is much more likely than a civil war. The country is so divided philosophically right now, it will be very hard to bring it back together, and obama is doing everything possible to deepen the divide.

I think you are over reacting a bit. The country has been just as divided or worse in the past, and still we are united. We were born divided, yet we remain united. Obama does appear intent on leadership through dividing us into groups and pitting us against each other, but he has lots of help coming from the right as well.

We the American people will get through this. I don't see a Civil War happening where 2 sides fight it out. I could see some sort of revolution/rebellion aimed at the government happening, but I don't think we are going to line up and fight it out left vs right in the streets.

If things ever got so bad, and it was clear the Federal Government had become nothing more than a dictatorship, I think the actual most likely Scenario would be a Military Coup. Every member of our military, from the Top Brass down to the private. Swears an oath, not to the Government, or even the people, but to defend and protect the Constitution of the United states.
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We're not paranoid. We have a civic duty to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government should it come to that, and we want to make sure that we remain capable of doing that.

The only way that the government will become tyrannical is if the corporations completely buy it out and the "real" people of this country have no voice left - kind-of like what's happening now. We're well on the way to a full-fledged plutocracy. THAT is what you should be afraid of. It has happened before. Remember the coal company "defenders" bombing the miners that were trying to unionize / marching on Blair Mountain... at the behest of the mining companies? Imagine if Monsanto had the backing of our military because they now own and control the government.
yes she is. I guess she's taking over for WillowTree

When all is said and done, there's a lot more said than done.

If the shit hit the fan, most of these republicans talking big smack about civil war would be hiding in their basements.

if you havent been paying attention, which im concluding you haven't, you would see that all of us don't want a civil war. We just aren't naively going to pretend that it can never happen.

No. People do want a civil war. They just don't understand what that means. For them it is some John Wayne fantasy where they ride in out of the sunset and take down the town bad guy. But fantasy is all it is. There is no such movement. If it weren't for the internet giving people a chance to vent, you wouldn't have heard a peep about it.
We're not paranoid. We have a civic duty to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government should it come to that, and we want to make sure that we remain capable of doing that.


And that is paranoid.

Beyond paranoid, it's stupid.

There is tyranny, and there is not about to be. It's just the blind whipping up hysteria amongst the blind.

At some point you need to climb off the ferris wheel and realise that the world is not actually spinning - only your head is.
I think some form of secession is much more likely than a civil war. The country is so divided philosophically right now, it will be very hard to bring it back together, and obama is doing everything possible to deepen the divide.

I think you are over reacting a bit. The country has been just as divided or worse in the past, and still we are united. We were born divided, yet we remain united. Obama does appear intent on leadership through dividing us into groups and pitting us against each other, but he has lots of help coming from the right as well.

We the American people will get through this. I don't see a Civil War happening where 2 sides fight it out. I could see some sort of revolution/rebellion aimed at the government happening, but I don't think we are going to line up and fight it out left vs right in the streets.

If things ever got so bad, and it was clear the Federal Government had become nothing more than a dictatorship, I think the actual most likely Scenario would be a Military Coup. Every member of our military, from the Top Brass down to the private. Swears an oath, not to the Government, or even the people, but to defend and protect the Constitution of the United states.

I would note a couple of thing from your comment. First, I think you are probably right. I don't really see a civil war coming. People are getting antsy though. However, while we have been at each other's throats before over very serious matters, we are now talking about fundamentally altering the structure of the country. If we become a social democracy, we cannot also be a Constitutional Republic. You can see the stresses and strains of trying to still act like we have one now. It just doesn't work. Eventually, the sham will be unmasked and it will be out in the open. As I said, I think the game is over already. We passed the health care law and upheld in the court. The government now controls our bodies. There really isn't much left after that. Understand I'm boiling this down to brass tacks we can quibble over the details but if you want to look 10 years into the future, that's what's there.

Will people fight over the loss of the Constitutional Republic? I dunno. It is useful, maybe instructive to note that in the American Revolution only about 1/3 of the people living here were in favor. About 1/3 against and 1/3 just wanted to be left alone.
We're not paranoid. We have a civic duty to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government should it come to that, and we want to make sure that we remain capable of doing that.


And that is paranoid.

Beyond paranoid, it's stupid.

There is tyranny, and there is not about to be. It's just the blind whipping up hysteria amongst the blind.

At some point you need to climb off the ferris wheel and realise that the world is not actually spinning - only your head is.

You clearly don't understand what the word paranoid means.

I doubt the founders thought it was either paranoid or stupid. In fact, the enabling the natural right to self-defense is the height of sensibility. Do you disagree?

That must be why the American people peacefully and democratically elected Obama three months ago (the exact opposite of what you had been predicting for a year, incidentally).

The only people talking war are you fundamentalists, and there aren't enough of you to start a war on termites.

Very close to half the country is not interested in accepting his leadership which is why there are so many gun sales. obama wasn't elected with an overwhelming mandate, but a barely squeaked by majority. And, that didn't count the people who didn't vote at all.

That said, it's not the government that's a driving force behind a civil war, not now. Not in this case. It is a deep and very personal hostility among the populace who want nothing whatsoever to do with one another. A civil war is not the same as a rebellion against the government. Right now, the progression is that both liberals and conservatives are hardening their divisions. They have their own media, their own schools, their own workplaces, their own communities. In some cases, their own states. Liberals intend to encroach and are encroaching. They more they do, the more opposition they will get.

This can only go so far. The left envisions the French Revolution, that's their ideal. They can't imagine that it may not go that way.

He won by more than Bush ever did and without cheating voters out of their vote

You are right!
Obama won because he with the help of the MSM which is the ONLY way people can get supposedly non-political information did the following:

In 2008 1,160 employees (85%) of the three major broadcast television networks, GAVE The Democratic total of $1,020,816 with an average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 (15%) of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
The average Republican contribution was $744.

So I was honest and admitted Obama won by more then Bush did right? I admit it!
But will YOU admit that with 85% of 3 major networks' employees GIVING to Democrats don't you honestly be honest, as I was ,
consider if 85% news gathers give to Democrats wouldn't they most likely slant stories, print stories show stories that FAVOR Democrats and
attack GOP??

Like this that happened in the last Obama/Romney election campaign "news" stories...

According to Pew, “42% of the character narrative” about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS
while 58% was negative.

BUT when it came to ROMNEY???
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election | Women of Grace

Now I am talking very simple here because I want clearly educate you!
If the News/MSM gave 85% to the Democrats AND
they showed only 29% positive stories and 71% Negative stories about Romney
while showing OVER 42% positive stories versus 58%
Do you honestly think the voters WERE NOT influenced by the 71% negative stories to vote for Obama with only 58% negative stories?
And to have further proof of the BIASED attitude by MOST people on the internet??

4,540,000 Google results of Romney's "47 percent" Published on September 18,2012

But since 2007 when Obama attacked people with "cling to guns and religion" has to date About 331,000 Google results.

Why did Romney's 47 percent comment command OVER 1,372% MORE search results then Obama's "cling to guns and religion" except for the BIASED DEMOCRAT/OBAMA KISSING MSM!!!
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We're not paranoid. We have a civic duty to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government should it come to that, and we want to make sure that we remain capable of doing that.

The only way that the government will become tyrannical is if the corporations completely buy it out and the "real" people of this country have no voice left - kind-of like what's happening now. We're well on the way to a full-fledged plutocracy. THAT is what you should be afraid of. It has happened before. Remember the coal company "defenders" bombing the miners that were trying to unionize / marching on Blair Mountain... at the behest of the mining companies? Imagine if Monsanto had the backing of our military because they now own and control the government.

I'm not in the business of predicting anything. I'm just saying why the right/responsibility exists. I'm sure when there is tyranny, we'll know it. Some of us with act against that tyranny, others of us won't and still others will assist the tyrannical believing them to be right.
No. People do want a civil war. They just don't understand what that means. For them it is some John Wayne fantasy where they ride in out of the sunset and take down the town bad guy. But fantasy is all it is. There is no such movement. If it weren't for the internet giving people a chance to vent, you wouldn't have heard a peep about it.

If you look at it this way, we already HAVE a "civil" war going on:
We've been using the Courts and Congress to dominate and bully opposing sides
"civilly" without using physical military weapons but abusing force of law and authority
for attack and threatening to take rights/freedoms from opponents instead of defense of the same.

We abuse party and majority rule like getting bigger guns and "outspending" the opponents to win elections run like wars.

We may not kill people physically, but abusing the media to "assasinate" someone's character without due process and defense has the effect of crippling them politically.

So we emulate all the same tactics in warfare - divide and conquer, psychological warfare,
demonizing the enemy -- but use "civilized" legalized means of achieving the same ends!

I believe the parties have been pushing a civil war for a long time.

I first took notice when Bill Clinton took office with only 43% of the popular vote
during a time when pro-choice and pro-life advocates were fighting for representation
to dominate the other. I knew in advance this would incite violence, and took a public oath to uphold
the Constitution and all religious views protected thereunder.

I started out by addressing the divide between pro-choice and pro-life groups,
then pro and anti-death penalty, and now health care and gun control.

To unite around the Constitution, I have been promoting the idea of respecting political views and beliefs as protected equally as religious beliefs, so it is unconstitutional by
the 1st and 14th amendments to bully by party and majority rule, when all views should be
independently funded and followed freely, not imposed on the public by majority.

So this has been going on for a while.

The karma between Bush and Obama supporters and opposition
is like watching Romeo and Juliet kill themselves as a scourge laid upon our hate.

If this is the final scene, then the epilogue is Paris
the peacemaker, telling us all to drop our colors,
make peace and not let war take our greatest joys
and turn them into our worst sorrows.

I believe we are at the end of this stage in the learning curve toward equal justice,
and everyone will get the message, but there will be a multitude of messengers.
The spirit of the message will be one, but how we express it will be diversified.
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Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

Oh please....hysterical much?

Cause and movement conservatives like to talk big shit about standing up to tyranny, their 2nd amendment solutions, seccession etc. But that's all it is, talk and fantasy.

After they're done talking, they go home, eat dinner and watch NCIS with their fat wives, fantasizing about being tough and killing bad guys.
Have to disagree with you on that one.

People like JB and his minions on this board actually want an excuse to murder (in cold blood) anyone who disagrees with their rw dogma. "Civil war" is just a code for that goal.

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