Is the judge in the Michael Mann SLAPP suit in the tank with the plaintiff?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The lawsuit is obviously a SLAPP suit-- a strategic lawsuit against public participation-- and this judge is obviously in the tank with the fraudsters. The Constitutional issue here couldn't be more clear. AGW is a matter of intense public debate, and the debate falls entirely within the bounds of constitutionally protected freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Mann is a public figure, and Steyn is a journalist/columnist, and long-standing legal precedent properly insulates journalists from libel claims brought by public figures based on public debates.

The irony is that Mann concealed his emails from the Virginia attorney general who was investigating AGW scientific fraud, and Mann was a core co-conspirator in the Climategate emails ("Mike's Nature trick... to hide the decline") that should have earned him and the other criminals vigorous criminal prosecution for fraud and evasion of FOIA laws.

This decision to continue the lawsuit resonates with the corrupt intelligent design rulings and school prayer rulings of recent decades.

The formula works well: find a tool posing as a judge, file a lawsuit to shut your target up, and you win.


If a court can decide that Mann's research "and conclusions" have been sufficiently vindicated as to be judged provably "sound" -- that is, sound enough to be regarded as legally unassailable -- then what does this imply about the research and results of all those who believe they are proving Mann's conclusions false? The implication is clear enough: anthropogenic global warming is one area of truth-seeking that is no longer merely "settled science" (whatever that means), but is now settled law. It is now, apparently, legally dangerous to question this theory, unless one prefaces one's questions with the proviso that the research supporting the theory was conducted with the purest scientific heart, and that its conclusions are sound.

When you are dragged into court for teaching about ID or praying in school or questioning global warming or helping a kid who doesn't want to be gay, then this ain't America no more.

We are far down the road to totalitarianism when "settled science" is settled law.
Here is the article which is the basis of the defamation lawsuit: Football and Hockey | National Review Online

Journalist Mark Steyn called the scientist's (Michael Mann's) global warming work "fraudulent" and quoted another right wing article comparing the scientist to the child molesting coach Jerry Sandusky.

Mann is suing. Here is the complaint filed with the court:

Steyn and National Review Online are trying to get the lawsuit dismissed, claiming it is a nuisance suit. The judge has decided to let it go forward.

There. Now you are caught up.
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Mann is being sued up in Canada too where he will HAVE to provide his backup data or lose
So a climate change denier journalist (not a scientist) decides the best comparison to make is to compare the guy to a convicted pedophile.

What a hack! Is there NO journalistic talent left on the Right? Bill Buckley would blush at that garbage writing being on NRO.

Anyway. Free speech should trump Mann's hurt feelings.
So a climate change denier journalist (not a scientist) decides the best comparison to make is to compare the guy to a convicted pedophile.

What a hack! Is there NO journalistic talent left on the Right? Bill Buckley would blush at that garbage writing being on NRO.

Anyway. Free speech should trump Mann's hurt feelings.

Mann can make all us "Deniers" STFU by showing a lab experiment that shows 800PPM of CO2 increasing temperature by 3 degrees

Can any Warmer do that?
So a climate change denier journalist (not a scientist) decides the best comparison to make is to compare the guy to a convicted pedophile.

What a hack! Is there NO journalistic talent left on the Right? Bill Buckley would blush at that garbage writing being on NRO.

Anyway. Free speech should trump Mann's hurt feelings.

Michael Mann is the hack. Furthermore Mark Steyn is hilarious. The university of Pennsylvania should have been embarrassed to have Mann on their staff. Apparently they have no shame. That explains the reference to Sandusky.

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