is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

It’s is The Core Problem with No Interest on part of black community to address it or change it
They instead choose the dysfunction and blaming.
True in part but you're ignoring 'white' America's responsibility to find a solution.

The only solultion so far is brutal force and promoting police murder of black people on America's streets.

This clusterfuk forum serves a purpose in bringing America's big issues to light. But never serves as a place to discuss solutions!

And so nearly every thread becomes a soapbox for white Americans to express their racism and hating.
how many unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2020 ? the fact that you believe cops are hunting down and murdering blacks is insane .... provide a reputable stat showing unarmed black deaths at the hands of the police . you may have to dig because leftist tech buries those kinds of things [truth] deep . but since you made the claim back it up .
If you can rise above useless hate spam then I welcome a discussion.

My premise is to suggest that America is attempting to solve its huge and growing racism problem with violent force. That's not limited to just police violence against black people.

We have to be past the denial now. We've come to the need for finding a solution.

Is there any solution? Is brutal force a solution that can work?

I'm suggesting that white American needs to pull back from that and look for ways of working with black America.

And so far, it's not even being debated that your cities have become what extremists refer to as shitholes. So far!
your data does not give info on how many were unarmed .
Armed or unarmed, the proof has been presented.
You don't deserve any more replies from me until you can present something relevant.

You're just another American racist who hasn't shown anything to indicate otherwise.

Last warning.
Get lost, troll.
My interest in talking to you is in discussing America's failed prison system that has proven to be the greatest example of failure in the modern world. Nothing else will be discussed between us until you can face the music on that.

Your comment on the D's releasing too many criminals is the exact opposite of proven facts.

If you can't man up to that then run away you gungoon piece of shit.

How many articles would you like on commies releasing prisoners in their cities or states? During the riots, our now VP was promoting her followers (the few that she had) to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bail out these troublemakers so they can get back in the streets to cause more problems. In Portland, the Mayor called riots the Summer of Love. In Baltimore, the Mayor there told the police to stand down and let the rioters do whatever the hell they wanted. More recently, Mayor Lighthead in Chicago created policy that police can no longer chase suspects until they call their supervisor for permission, which gives criminals a six block head start on the pursuing officer(s).

The bottom line is the commies have always been on the side of the criminals. That's why they want to take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens in this country.
Just one more thread that's really meant for American racists as a place to express their burning cause of racism.

While the rest of the world's modern democracies moved on and accepted their diverse races, America turned to erecting monuments to their civil war racist pigs.

Is racism at 60's levels back to America again?
Will Trump regain power to make it even worse?

Or is it just the exaggerated ugliness of those who participate on this forum?

What we are doing is discussing the problem we've had for generations. The rest of the world accepting their diversity? What country is more diverse than the United States?

Yes, we have statutes of people in the past good or bad. We don't believe in trying to change history because a handful of snowflakes are offended. Leftists do, because it comes from their Holy Bible, the book 1984.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”​

George Orwell
It’s is The Core Problem with No Interest on part of black community to address it or change it
They instead choose the dysfunction and blaming.
True in part but you're ignoring 'white' America's responsibility to find a solution.

The only solultion so far is brutal force and promoting police murder of black people on America's streets.

This clusterfuk forum serves a purpose in bringing America's big issues to light. But never serves as a place to discuss solutions!

And so nearly every thread becomes a soapbox for white Americans to express their racism and hating.
Your act has become nothing but boring, troll. Still not clever, and no one is impressed. Move on, troll.
Stop trolling him troll. Thread derailer
They aren't people. They are seeds in some woman's womb and if she doesn't want to have it, she should be able to get an abortion. If $ is the reason then maybe your society needs to change. In the last few decades the rich have gotten richer and the middle class poorer. More and more people are choosing not to have kids. I commend them. We're overpopulated. And I'm not having any kids. And if I did I'd pay for them myself.

I made that same choice myself: No marriage and no kids. It cost me several relationships, but I was always an honest and up-front person. The ones that stuck around did it for a challenge. Some women always think they're the special one that will make you change your mind.

On the subject a few months ago I looked up the cost to raise a child today from the day they are born to the day they turn 18. It's $230,000 per child for a middle-class parent(s). That's just raising the child and no college plan. Family of two children? Better have a half-mil for that adventure.

Well, the half-million is worth it for precious kids, right? This is true if you put that money in between your mattresses. But a half-million in a conservative growth account 20 years is pretty hefty sum, and young people today who do their homework on kids opt to have none.
Yes, but as you age, you will need help--------you won't have the family to help.
If I need help I’ll go to a home. Assisted living. I have two nephews I do anything and everything for them But I don’t expect them to nurse me when I get older. Neither do their parents. But if they become rich and famous I expect them not to forget everything I’ve done for them. They are 15 and 18. This is the first year they can take the pontoon boat out without me. Omg they’re over all the time. Lol.
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

Two parents prevent poverty.....being married before you have children is one of the factors that keep you out of poverty.
Getting married doesn’t do shit. You have to first get out of poverty before you have a child. Doesn’t matter if the coupl is married.

Whats sad is back in my parents day you could be poor and start a family. Eventually you’d find something like a job at Ford or whatever. But today I strongly advise you don’t have a kid before you at least have a college degree or profession that keeps you out of poverty. I don’t care if it’s a plumber that’s good enough. Then you should have a baby.
It’s is The Core Problem with No Interest on part of black community to address it or change it
They instead choose the dysfunction and blaming.
True in part but you're ignoring 'white' America's responsibility to find a solution.

The only solultion so far is brutal force and promoting police murder of black people on America's streets.

This clusterfuk forum serves a purpose in bringing America's big issues to light. But never serves as a place to discuss solutions!

And so nearly every thread becomes a soapbox for white Americans to express their racism and hating.
how many unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2020 ? the fact that you believe cops are hunting down and murdering blacks is insane .... provide a reputable stat showing unarmed black deaths at the hands of the police . you may have to dig because leftist tech buries those kinds of things [truth] deep . but since you made the claim back it up .
If you can rise above useless hate spam then I welcome a discussion.

My premise is to suggest that America is attempting to solve its huge and growing racism problem with violent force. That's not limited to just police violence against black people.

We have to be past the denial now. We've come to the need for finding a solution.

Is there any solution? Is brutal force a solution that can work?

I'm suggesting that white American needs to pull back from that and look for ways of working with black America.

And so far, it's not even being debated that your cities have become what extremists refer to as shitholes. So far!

there is no huge and growing racist problem.....the democrat party is pretending there is a racism power because they use fake racism to gain and hold power.
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

Two parents prevent poverty.....being married before you have children is one of the factors that keep you out of poverty.
Getting married doesn’t do shit. You have to first get out of poverty before you have a child. Doesn’t matter if the coupl is married.

Whats sad is back in my parents day you could be poor and start a family. Eventually you’d find something like a job at Ford or whatever. But today I strongly advise you don’t have a kid before you at least have a college degree or profession that keeps you out of poverty. I don’t care if it’s a plumber that’s good enough. Then you should have a baby.

Hmmm...tell that to the various immigrants from Haiti, Africa, India, China, who come here penniless, often without speaking the language and then go on to have sons and daughters who are doctors and lawyers and every other profession............

The research shows...

If you graduate high school
Keep from getting a criminal record
get married before you have children

Your chances of staying out of poverty are huge...
I love it when even people I argue with hate Unkotare as much as I do.

He makes such comments to a person that was forced to go on disability. Shows you how much of a lowlife he is and bad upbringing he had; likely from a single-parent household. I ignore the punk unless he chimes in with his usual stupid comments about me. Too bad he doesn't possess the intelligence to do the same.
And before that spent YEARS here badmouthing his now fellow welfare recipients.

Too bad about your public education where you don't understand the difference between welfare and disability, so let me explain it: Welfare is a system that hands out money to people that don't contribute to the system. Social programs are provided to people that paid into the system their entire lives. Welfare is for people that made bad decisions in their lives. Disability is for people who's medical condition prevented them from working.

Did you learn anything now? I doubt it. You're nothing but a fucken troll is why.
And before that spent YEARS here badmouthing his now fellow welfare recipients.

Too bad about your public education where you don't understand the difference between welfare and disability, so let me explain it: Welfare is a system that hands out money to people that don't contribute to the system. Social programs are provided to people that paid into the system their entire lives. Welfare is for people that made bad decisions in their lives. Disability is for people who's medical condition prevented them from working.

Did you learn anything now? I doubt it. You're nothing but a fucken troll is why.
Still trying to have it both ways, welfare queen?

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