is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

Ok, all set with that. Guess what? You're still a despicable hypocrite, among other things.

At least I had a proper upbringing which is why I turned out the way I did. Too bad you can't say the same.
You turned out to be a racist and a hater Ray, and you demonstrate that by pretending over a pointed gun.

But really just the average now for Americans' behaviour.

When will the hate rhetoric turn into the real thing?
Lack of father's? No, not really.

Over abundance of dumb, ignorant, selfish, rude, I'll mannered, temperamental, inconsiderate, entitled, loud mouthed, ghetto ass, lazy, ambitionless and stupid blacks? Definitely yes.

A good and responsible single parent mother or father has the ability to raise a decent child. Most blacks are not responsible or good people.
How long before it becomes the real thing with real guns and real bullets?
It already is real, asshole. Some people just can't mind their own business and leave other people alone with their guns and ammo.
No, there is no significant amount of gun violence in the US right now that is more than the normal background level of slaughter by gun.

But I'm predicting that Trump is going to have to move the hating and racism to real physical violence in order to be taken seriously again.

How much harm will America suffer before it turns to something like the Kennedy solution?
Lack of father's? No, not really.

Over abundance of dumb, ignorant, selfish, rude, I'll mannered, temperamental, inconsiderate, entitled, loud mouthed, ghetto ass, lazy, ambitionless and stupid blacks? Definitely yes.

A good and responsible single parent mother or father has the ability to raise a decent child. Most blacks are not responsible or good people.
Racists like you blame the entire black race. The few Americans who aren't ugly racists should know that there's truth in condemning many black people.

America created its race problem while other countries were facing up the their problem by addressing it.

America turned to building monuments in honour of slavery and racism in the 60's and now there's a racism problem with no apparent solution.
No, there is no significant amount of gun violence in the US right now that is more than the normal background level of slaughter by gun.
What sort of drugs are you doing now, in addition to legal marijuana, medical marijuana, and recreational marijuana?

Heroin, crack, meth, LSD, PCP?

Fucking gun grabbing dope dealers with skeleton key access to every apartment on the city block.
Ok, all set with that. Guess what? You're still a despicable hypocrite, among other things.

At least I had a proper upbringing which is why I turned out the way I did.
And what way did you turn out, champ? Living all alone waiting for your government check each month, posting thinly-veiled racism and hypocrisy on the internet? Yeah, quite the role model you are.

You want to talk about growing up? How about YOU own up to having been a world-class asshole here for years and not loving it now that you have some notion of walking in other people's shoes. Be honest with yourself and then move on. It shouldn't be so hard.
Lack of father's? No, not really.

Over abundance of dumb, ignorant, selfish, rude, I'll mannered, temperamental, inconsiderate, entitled, loud mouthed, ghetto ass, lazy, ambitionless and stupid blacks? Definitely yes.

A good and responsible single parent mother or father has the ability to raise a decent child. Most blacks are not responsible or good people.
Oh, another racist douche bag. Just what we needed. :rolleyes:
And what way did you turn out, champ? Living all alone waiting for your government check each month, posting thinly-veiled racism and hypocrisy on the internet? Yeah, quite the role model you are.

You want to talk about growing up? How about YOU own up to having been a world-class asshole here for years and not loving it now that you have some notion of walking in other people's shoes. Be honest with yourself and then move on. It shouldn't be so hard.

My parents are plenty proud of me and my sister. It's a shame your parents can't say the same. If they raised children that became adults and made fun of people who are disabled and couldn't work, they would have to hang their heads in shame like your parent(s). But they raised us much better than that. If you don't like my posts, put me on Iggy. Don't know how to do it, just ask, I'll teach your little punk ass how to do it.
And what way did you turn out, champ? Living all alone waiting for your government check each month, posting thinly-veiled racism and hypocrisy on the internet? Yeah, quite the role model you are.

You want to talk about growing up? How about YOU own up to having been a world-class asshole here for years and not loving it now that you have some notion of walking in other people's shoes. Be honest with yourself and then move on. It shouldn't be so hard.

My parents are plenty proud of me and my sister. It's a shame your parents can't say the same. ...
You guess wrong AGAIN, welfare queen.
Racists like you blame the entire black race. The few Americans who aren't ugly racists should know that there's truth in condemning many black people.

I don't think anybody is condemning an entire race, but certain races have a much higher criminal percentage than others. For instance: 53% of all murders in the US are committed by 7% of our population which are black males. That's not a racist statement, that's a fact backed by statistics.

Did you ever live in this country? You should before making comment. In fact if you ever think of moving here, let me know. We have plenty of housing here and over 80% black. Come live with them for a while and see how you feel after a few years of it, then comment.
It seems very popular to blame the situation on the lack of a father figure.

So probably that is not the root cause.

Everyone, of course, has his/her opinion as to why a large number of young gentlemen act so violently.

Does it really matter why?

Maybe all we can do is to accept it as a fact of American life and severely punish any young gentleman who is found guilty of violent crime.

But that is not going to happen, for the Dem-supporting electorate does not believe in punishment.
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households
That is one of the many reasons. The welfare system had made it hard for the recipients to have a spouse to help watch over their children. That it made the children prey for the corrupted. Children were left with neighbors, friends and even strangers to watch over them while the mother took care of business.

The majority of these children were molested or raped by their babysitters, which made them become sexually active at a young age. That this incident has led them down the wrong path.

Having sex has became these children new candy. And it is hard to control a child who is addicted to sex because they are too immature to understand life. You can't stop a problem that even adults cannot stop. If the adults try, it will be like the blind leading the blinds. But the only way to stop the problem. That is if everyone else stops having sex.

As it says in the Bible. "If something causes your neighbors to sin, then you should pluck it out from your life. So that it will not tempt your neighbor who has fallen.
but no one can do that. And so it is better not to be judgmental. Or else you maybe condemning yourself.

it also says that the wicked ones only worries about their own problems, but not understanding others, And when you asked for mercy, you are pleading to the judge to understand your situation you were in.

1 Corinthians 8:13
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.

Luke 17:1-4 ESV​

And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”

1 Corinthians 4:5
Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.

1 Corinthians 7:38
So then, he who marries the virgin does right, but he who does not marry her does better.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

It seems very popular to blame the situation on the lack of a father figure.

So probably that is not the root cause.

Everyone, of course, has his/her opinion as to why a large number of young gentlemen act so violently.

Does it really matter why?

Maybe all we can do is to accept it as a fact of American life and severely punish any young gentleman who is found guilty of violent crime.

But that is not going to happen, for the Dem-supporting electorate does not believe in punishment.

Nobody is blaming the father exclusively, it takes two to Tango. A man can't live with a woman he can no longer stand, and the same for a woman. People have children at a young age and quickly grow apart. The focus should be on people who intentionally or irresponsibly have children with no intention of a family unit be it married or otherwise.

I had a neighbor kid next door about ten years ago. He bought a free standing basketball hoop. Before you knew it, all the neighborhood kids were here, and kids from several streets away. They played basketball all day and well into the night during the school week. On several occasions I had to tell them to cut it out, and in a few cases call the cops. One time I was listening to the police officer talking to the kids since I couldn't see anything in the night. It was 10:30, and one of the kids told the officer he was six years old.

I know times have changed, but when I was a kid, your ass better be home before the street lights came on. You better have your homework done, and have a shower or bath, and in bed by 10:00 for school the next day. So where were the parent(s) of all these kids here? If I let it go, they probably would have played basketball until midnight.
It's good to have Americans spewing hate against each other.

How long before it becomes the real thing with real guns and real bullets? Trump hate rhetoric isn't going to keep his hopes alive for him. He's going to have to make a call to violence sooner or later.

Will that cause the CIA to make the move to save America by eliminating the cause of fascism's rise?

What, you sissy Canadians always agree? That's not what I've seen. Last report they had on Canada, lowlifes were burning churches down with little resistance from the government. They arrested a priest for having outdoor masses, and he said he's facing two years in prison along with a line of Pastors in Canada.

Law abiding citizens don't turn to guns to settle disputes--criminals do. That's why we law abiding citizens carry guns.
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I had a neighbor kid next door about ten years ago. He bought a free standing basketball hoop. Before you knew it, all the neighborhood kids were here, and kids from several streets away. They played basketball all day and well into the night during the school week. On several occasions I had to tell them to cut it out, and in a few cases call the cops. One time I was listening to the police officer talking to the kids since I couldn't see anything in the night. It was 10:30, and one of the kids told the officer he was six years old.

I know times have changed, but when I was a kid, your ass better be home before the street lights came on. You better have your homework done, and have a shower or bath, and in bed by 10:00 for school the next day. So where were the parent(s) of all these kids here? If I let it go, they probably would have played basketball until midnight.
For cryin' out loud, how many times are you gonna tell this same freaking story? Do you just keep it on copy/paste ALL the time?
And what way did you turn out, champ? Living all alone waiting for your government check each month, posting thinly-veiled racism and hypocrisy on the internet? Yeah, quite the role model you are.

You want to talk about growing up? How about YOU own up to having been a world-class asshole here for years and not loving it now that you have some notion of walking in other people's shoes. Be honest with yourself and then move on. It shouldn't be so hard.

My parents are plenty proud of me and my sister. It's a shame your parents can't say the same. ...
You guess wrong AGAIN, welfare queen.
Lay off this constant tripe with this one person

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