is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

Still trying to have it both ways, welfare queen?

Nope, one way. You're just to fucken stupid to understand anything because you are just a young punk. When you are on the level of OCD Joe, you can't get much lower than that. I've worked more years than you ever have and likely ever will. That's because God (or Karma as you people believe) has a way of revenge.
It’s is The Core Problem with No Interest on part of black community to address it or change it
They instead choose the dysfunction and blaming.
True in part but you're ignoring 'white' America's responsibility to find a solution.

The only solultion so far is brutal force and promoting police murder of black people on America's streets.

This clusterfuk forum serves a purpose in bringing America's big issues to light. But never serves as a place to discuss solutions!

And so nearly every thread becomes a soapbox for white Americans to express their racism and hating.
Here’s a solution
Don’t impregnate the woman and then run off
That’s what the thread is about.
I'm pretty sure almost all of these inner city kids have fathers — the only question is, what are the fathers of these kids doing when they aren't living with the mothers as married spouses, working some kind of job or another bringing home an income help take care of the kids — maybe the mother needs to work too?
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households
Yes it is a massive reason.

There are others but this is one of the biggest and most ignored by the left who caused it to begin with.

Having worked in a prison for over a decade I see an endless stream of guys coming in raised by moms and grandmas with no dads. Their male role models were the corner dealer who has a prison term as part of his resume. They actually arrive at the prison nervous but excited and determined. Rather like real men when they arrive at basic training in the military ( or used to when the military was a true fighting force ). They know they are on their way to earning their spurs like the dealer or gangsta they looked up to. They just need to get through their first number and they get to take his place as the alpha male on the corner. Prison is just a right of passage for them.
I'm pretty sure almost all of these inner city kids have fathers — the only question is, what are the fathers of these kids doing when they aren't living with the mothers as married spouses, working some kind of job or another bringing home an income help take care of the kids — maybe the mother needs to work too?

This brings us to the term baby daddies they created. A portion of these women have children from different men, so it's impossible for them to all live with the mother. It's because the mother is working where most of the problems are with these kids. They have to work a lot of hours to support a family of two, three, or four people. They don't have the time to discipline their children and the kids end up alone for most of the day doing whatever the hell they want.
Guess again, welfare queen. Must suck to reflect on all the years you spent here badmouthing other people doing exactly what you are now doing, huh hypocrite?

Get lost you little punk. When you grow up and mature a bit, then talk to me. Until then just put me on ignore if you can't control yourself from being involved in my posts.
I didn't have a father growing up, not much anyway. I saw him about 4 times before he died and I didn't turn out black.
Guess again, welfare queen. Must suck to reflect on all the years you spent here badmouthing other people doing exactly what you are now doing, huh hypocrite?

Get lost you little punk. When you grow up and mature a bit, then talk to me. Until then just put me on ignore if you can't control yourself from being involved in my posts.
It's good to have Americans spewing hate against each other.

How long before it becomes the real thing with real guns and real bullets? Trump hate rhetoric isn't going to keep his hopes alive for him. He's going to have to make a call to violence sooner or later.

Will that cause the CIA to make the move to save America by eliminating the cause of fascism's rise?

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