Is The Liberal Media / The Left HOPING For More Violence In Boston?

Of course they are... they eat that $hit up... so long as they, themselves, are not on the firing line.
Of course they are... they eat that $hit up... so long as they, themselves, are not on the firing line.

Just because ‘the media’ relate facts and the truth which conflict with failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma doesn’t make ‘the media’ ‘liberal.’
To use against Trump?

To justify their movement to take down 'offensive' monuments / history?

To continue division in the country?

For continued higher RATINGS?

Hold on to your hats. The Boston Free Speech rally - Hot Air

You're just as bad as those racist cretins the Pro-Klan-Nazis with their tiki torches in Charlottesville. Trying to start shit. Flip on your television, stupid goon, and see the reality of what is happening in Boston today.
Of course the media wants violence. It's not about left or right. It's about ratings. I'll watch it.
Of course they are. Evidenced by their portrayal of all protesters as white supremacists, and all counter protesters heroes or victims.
The media would love violence. But using it against Trump never cf crosses their minds.

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