Is the MSM becoming more "fair and balanced" after seeing evidence against the Bidens? (Poll)

Is the "free press" becoming more "fair and balanced" or not?

  • Yes, the pressers are becoming less partisan, there is hope for a "free press"

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, as the 2024 election season approaches the MSM will show their true DNC colors

    Votes: 21 95.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
The answer is neither of your choices.

Most of the powers that be do not want Biden running in 2024, his dementia is getting too hard to hide.

Thus they have found a way to get him step out of the way.
The answer is neither of your choices.
Most of the powers that be do not want Biden running in 2024, his dementia is getting too hard to hide.
Thus they have found a way to get him step out of the way.
What way have they found?
I'm not seeing it. Biden is still campaigning.
I'll bet dollars to donuts that when the primaries start the MSM will be 100% for Biden and 100% against the Republicans.
What way have they found?
I'm not seeing it. Biden is still campaigning.
I'll bet dollars to donuts that when the primaries start the MSM will be 100% for Biden and 100% against the Republicans.

Is he? How many campaign events has he held?

I lost a bet that he would not still be POTUS in 2023, but went double or nothing that he will not be the Nominee in 2024.

Time will tell if I am correct or not
What way have they found?
I'm not seeing it. Biden is still campaigning.
I'll bet dollars to donuts that when the primaries start the MSM will be 100% for Biden and 100% against the Republicans.
Have your money ready, unless you don't consider Fox News to be MSM. It is only the biggest of them all.
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
On AEW Wrestling the tag team made up of a rapper and gay guy came out and part of their rap was about Biden's son's taxes.

We know. It's not going to hurt Biden.

Do we really want to put Putin's buddy back in power when Putin is on the ropes?
Is he? How many campaign events has he held?
I lost a bet that he would not still be POTUS in 2023, but went double or nothing that he will not be the Nominee in 2024.
Time will tell if I am correct or not
I don't see a campaign schedule, but he was in Phila and SF to start, he's still going. Democrats elected Fetterman over Dr. Oz, so Biden looks safe to me.
Hell, the dems even elected a dead guy.

KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
I pick choice three. The evidence has been so overwhelming that they are forced to cover it. After all, they want to at least look like respectable journalists. When the evidence is not overwhelming they will continue burying anything bad for Democrats while pushing stuff that is underwhelming when it comes to the right.
On AEW Wrestling the tag team made up of a rapper and gay guy came out and part of their rap was about Biden's son's taxes.
We know. It's not going to hurt Biden.
Do we really want to put Putin's buddy back in power when Putin is on the ropes?
Biden is Putin's buddy.
Ukraine is just lucky that selling military equipment is more lucrative for Joe than a few shekels from Russian oligarchs.
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
no the msm is controlled by the DNC ... Biden is tanking in the polls and the left may be giving the msm directives to be more truthful in order to get Biden to announce that he's not running in 2024 ! the recent uncovering of Biden business dealings is starting to worry the left about 2024 ! they think they will do better with a younger more radical candidate .
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Biden is Putin's buddy.
Ukraine is just lucky that selling military equipment is more lucrative for Joe than a few shekels from Russian oligarchs.

It is so obvious Republicans and Trump are more Putin's buddies than us on the left. You're joking right?

Trump speaks highly of Putin. A lot of right wing USMB cons start threads that we should not be supporting Ukraine. Any pro Russia talk is coming from the right.

You're a joke. You have no clue how important Ukraine is to the West. You sir are an idiot. Please don't talk about things you have no knowledge of. Go back to coloring your crayon book bitch.
It is so obvious Republicans and Trump are more Putin's buddies than us on the left. You're joking right?

Trump speaks highly of Putin. A lot of right wing USMB cons start threads that we should not be supporting Ukraine. Any pro Russia talk is coming from the right.

You're a joke. You have no clue how important Ukraine is to the West. You sir are an idiot. Please don't talk about things you have no knowledge of. Go back to coloring your crayon book bitch.
So it's ok to waive sanctions on a pipeline, but speak highly of Putin and/or not supporting Ukraine makes one Putin's buddy...fricken idiot.
Fair? Not at all.

The news isn't unbiased anymore and hasn't been for a while. Not since bill Clinton fucked everything up.

The msm is still full tilt pushing democrats and pretty much all in against republicans. And that won't change without a major upset in our society.

Anything they have to say bad about Biden is because the democratic party and the higher ups decided he is on the way out because he is a lability or served his purpose. But I doubt it will be anything too bad because they don't want to tarnish their brand. The only way it will be bad is if too much bad stuff comes out and they have to distance themselves from him.
So it's ok to waive sanctions on a pipeline, but speak highly of Putin and/or not supporting Ukraine makes one Putin's buddy...fricken idiot.
Whatever decision you are talking about is above your pay grade.

Yes, you Republicans hate it that your tax dollars are fighting Russia. You're a bunch of Putin's little bitches.
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
It would be wonderful if we had a press that actually did its job instead of shilling for the Democrat party, but alas. It is refreshing to see a couple of brave reporters representing foreign press actually doing some credible journalism, but you can also see KJP shutting them down. The vast majority of mainstream MSM continue to refuse to report what is actually happening and spend most of their time reporting dirt or imaginary dirt on anybody right of center. KJP is not even allowing Peter Doocy to ask any questions lately.

Because most of the MSM is now made up of those who only pretend to be journalists and who report only what they are allowed to report, I don't see the situation changing in the next year and a half. And that means we go into yet another election with at least half the country not having a clue about what the real situation is re the economy, the border, foreign saber rattling, corruption among government officials etc.

Those who can control the message can claim the power. And that does not look good for the Republican Party.
no the msm is controlled by the DNC ... Biden is tanking in the polls and the left may be giving the msm directives to be more truthful in order to get Biden to announce that he's not running in 2024 ! the recent uncovering of Biden business dealings is starting to worry the left about 2024 ! they think they will do better with a younger more radical candidate .
Wishful thinking. The democrats would run Joe Biden if he's breathing or dead.
Look at Fetterman. QED.
It is so obvious Republicans and Trump are more Putin's buddies than us on the left. You're joking right?
Trump speaks highly of Putin. A lot of right wing USMB cons start threads that we should not be supporting Ukraine. Any pro Russia talk is coming from the right.
You're a joke. You have no clue how important Ukraine is to the West. You sir are an idiot. Please don't talk about things you have no knowledge of. Go back to coloring your crayon book bitch.
1. Your list of lies are nothing but dem talking points. prove what you say.

2. Trump gave Ukraine WEAPONS: Stingers and Javelins to defeat the Russians. Obama and Biden only gave non-lethal aid (MREs and blankets) for fear of pissing Putin off.

3. Trump blows smoke up dictator's asses, like Putin and Kim Jung Un of NK. Trump was working some type of game with them. I hardly believe Trump is madly in love w/KJU.

4. The right never supports Russia dumbass. Democrats are communists, much more aligned with Russia and China.

If you want to debate, put up a few proven factoids, not lies.
1. Your list of lies are nothing but dem talking points. prove what you say.

2. Trump gave Ukraine WEAPONS: Stingers and Javelins to defeat the Russians. Obama and Biden only gave non-lethal aid (MREs and blankets) for fear of pissing Putin off.

3. Trump blows smoke up dictator's asses, like Putin and Kim Jung Un of NK. Trump was working some type of game with them. I hardly believe Trump is madly in love w/KJU.

4. The right never supports Russia dumbass. Democrats are communists, much more aligned with Russia and China.

If you want to debate, put up a few proven factoids, not lies.
You mean like the fauxtoids you used?

Don't forget Trump threatened to not give Ukraine aid if they didn't dig up dirt on his political opponents. That's another reason why Trump should never be president ever again.

Here's something you don't seem to understand. Republicans wouldn't have this anti Ukraine position if Trump was president. They only have it because Biden is president. So they'll argue do the opposite of whatever Biden decided to do.

Trump got played by China. Lost the trade war. Kissed Putin's ass. You think Trump is smarter than Putin? You're insane.

Did you hear Chris Christie on CNN? He laid out why he should be president. One of Trump's supporters asked why Biden was spending our money in Ukraine when we need things here at home. Christie gave her a good answer. We can and should do both. We should not stop helping out Ukraine because we get cheap. If we do that, we must not realize how important it is to not let Putin win this one. Do you understand that? So just like you made us support the Iraq war, even though you lied us into it, I think you should support the war effort in Ukraine because it's the patriotic thing to do. It's the right thing to do.

More than four-in-ten Republicans now say the U.S. is providing too much aid to Ukraine​

1. Your list of lies are nothing but dem talking points. prove what you say.

2. Trump gave Ukraine WEAPONS: Stingers and Javelins to defeat the Russians. Obama and Biden only gave non-lethal aid (MREs and blankets) for fear of pissing Putin off.

3. Trump blows smoke up dictator's asses, like Putin and Kim Jung Un of NK. Trump was working some type of game with them. I hardly believe Trump is madly in love w/KJU.

4. The right never supports Russia dumbass. Democrats are communists, much more aligned with Russia and China.

If you want to debate, put up a few proven factoids, not lies.

“Congratulate our friends,” former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said. “Don’t congratulate our enemies."

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who reportedly plans to announce his own bid for the White House any day, didn’t speak of Trump by name, but told Fox News this weekend: “No one should be praising the dictator in North Korea or praising the leader of Russia who has launched an unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) also fired off a jab at Trump
On AEW Wrestling the tag team made up of a rapper and gay guy came out and part of their rap was about Biden's son's taxes.

We know. It's not going to hurt Biden.

Do we really want to put Putin's buddy back in power when Putin is on the ropes?

Correction: Ukraine is on the ropes despite hundreds of billions in aid, munitions, drones, tanks, etc.

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