Is the MSM becoming more "fair and balanced" after seeing evidence against the Bidens? (Poll)

Is the "free press" becoming more "fair and balanced" or not?

  • Yes, the pressers are becoming less partisan, there is hope for a "free press"

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, as the 2024 election season approaches the MSM will show their true DNC colors

    Votes: 21 95.5%

  • Total voters
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?

No....the word from the Democrat party Borg Queen has gone out....biden must be now the democrat party drones in the media are allowed to bring up biden issues...which before they weren't allowed to discuss....
No, you're gobbling up the west propaganda and then you assumed I am a putin supporter. This is how messed up you are in your thinking. I do feel sorry for people like you who are deceived and will believe the delusion.
You aren't a Putin supporter...

Your one of those gullible fucks who believe anything that confirms your bias...

You see you have lost objectivity and if I say any about Biden being bad or Trump being good, you will just believe me.. You then repeat that like a little trained parrot...

Then you come here and we ask you for evidence. This makes you all upset...
You aren't a Putin supporter...

Your one of those gullible fucks who believe anything that confirms your bias...

You see you have lost objectivity and if I say any about Biden being bad or Trump being good, you will just believe me.. You then repeat that like a little trained parrot...

Then you come here and we ask you for evidence. This makes you all upset...

Projection thy name is Ted.
Wishful thinking. The democrats would run Joe Biden if he's breathing or dead.
Look at Fetterman. QED.
yeah but Bidens polls are tanking and the scandals are starting to pile up ... they'll find another puppet .
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?

KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?

Why does right wing media keep attacking the White House over the actions of private citizen Hunter Biden????

Oh yeah, so they can get a 30 second sound bite for FOX News of her refusing to answer the question.

Let’s start demanding Trump answer questions about Jared’s $2 billion dollar bribe from the Saudi’s!!!!
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
Seeing there is literally NO evidence of Joe Biden committing any crimes, you are blowing smoke out of your asshole, rube.
No, you're gobbling up the west propaganda and then you assumed I am a putin supporter. This is how messed up you are in your thinking. I do feel sorry for people like you who are deceived and will believe the delusion.

The war in the Ukraine is one of those situations where if you’re not with us you’re against us.

Anything that doesn’t support your government and their work to prevent Putin from taking over the Ukraine, supports Putin.

Why do you consider this a "troll thread?"

Because he talked about there being evidence that Joe Biden was corrupt.

There hasn’t been a shred of evidence produced just a lot of excuses about missing witnesses and unsupported claims that “need to be looked into” because they “appear to” involve criminal activity and they “look like”something nefarious is going on and it “could be” that it is.

In the meantime, the Senate is investigating Jared Kushner’s $2 billion payday from the Saudi’s. Donald Trump is said to be really pissed about that because he didn’t get a cut so they threw him a bone with Liv golf tournaments.

This is all evidence of corruption of Donald Trump and his family. This isn’t “looks like”,could be” or “appears to”. Donald Trump admitted that he took $11 million from his secret Chinese bank after he was elected. Donald Junior really did get a $500 million loan approved by the Chinese government while his father was in office. It was in all the papers along with his sisters, dozens of personal trademarks which were gifts from Chairman Xi. Not a whisper about any of this from you people

But we have a half a dozen threads every day about the corruption of Hunter, Biden, and the Biden crime family, but so far there are no charges other than failing to file taxes.

Donald Trump and his businesses have already been convicted/found liable for of tax evasion, sexual abuse, illegal fundraising, illegal campaign contributions, and Trump is currently under investigation in multiple jurisdictions for the fake electors schemes, illegal fundraising from the fake court cases, trying to overturn the election, the Mar-a-Lago, document, skis, A fraud case in New York, filed by Mary Trump and her brother over her father’s share of her grandfathers estate, Another slander suit from E. Jean Carroll.

Another round of Trump, lawyers his quit, which means another round of new hires.

Each round of new hires gets less competent than last as Trump goes deeper and deeper into the barrel. Anyone competent with any kind of professional ethics won’t even take him on as a client. When your client goes on national television, several times a week and admits, he’s done everything he’s been charged with, it’s pretty hard to mount any sort of reasonable defence for him
Whatever dude. I've heard the calls, seen the transcripts. Your claims are laughable. Stop it.
Loser. You're a liar. The transcript proves I'm right. Trump asked for an investigation into corruption. Thanks for playing.
This is a troll thread and should be placed down under.
Why is it a troll thread? The MSM used to ask Biden what his favorite ice cream flavor was.
Now they want to know what cell phone data shows. Was Biden's cell phone near Hunter's when Hunter wrote that text?

Maybe democrats see that old Joe needs to lose the primaries?
Fetterman beat Oz because the top of the ticket was so terrible Biden doesn't have the luxury of coat tails. But if the Republicans insist on nominating Trump he might win anyway.
The top of the ticket in 2022, dumbass. PA voters are more retarded than Fetterman.
No....the word from the Democrat party Borg Queen has gone out....biden must be now the democrat party drones in the media are allowed to bring up biden issues...which before they weren't allowed to discuss....
Who is the DNC Borg Queen? Pelosi is gone. Kamala is a loser. Hillary is gone.
Why does right wing media keep attacking the White House over the actions of private citizen Hunter Biden????
Oh yeah, so they can get a 30 second sound bite for FOX News of her refusing to answer the question.
Let’s start demanding Trump answer questions about Jared’s $2 billion dollar bribe from the Saudi’s!!!!
1. The Sauds INVESTED $2b in Jarad's real estate business. If it was a "bribe" what would Jarad give them, dumbass? Hint: nothing

2. Hunter Biden's extortion schemes and bribes involve Joe Biden. That's why
The MSM is finally waking up to the truth that the FBI Gestapo and 51 Traitors covered up for the Bidens.
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The top of the ticket in 2022, dumbass. PA voters are more retarded than Fetterman.
Yes the top of the ticket in 2022 in PA was the Governors race dumb ass. Trump backed Mastriano who was a terrible candidate. He lost by 15 points. Oz lost by 5. Few people vote a split ticket. It’s typically less than 10%. Id tell you to do the math but we both know how that would end up.
Seeing there is literally NO evidence of Joe Biden committing any crimes, you are blowing smoke out of your asshole, rube.
There is smoke, lots of it.
There are whistleblowers, lots.
There is a laptop detailing crimes

That's 100x more than the MSM had on Trump for two impeachments and the Russia Collusion investigation.

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