Is the MSM becoming more "fair and balanced" after seeing evidence against the Bidens? (Poll)

Is the "free press" becoming more "fair and balanced" or not?

  • Yes, the pressers are becoming less partisan, there is hope for a "free press"

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, as the 2024 election season approaches the MSM will show their true DNC colors

    Votes: 21 95.5%

  • Total voters
It is so obvious Republicans and Trump are more Putin's buddies than us on the left. You're joking right?

Trump speaks highly of Putin. A lot of right wing USMB cons start threads that we should not be supporting Ukraine. Any pro Russia talk is coming from the right.

You're a joke. You have no clue how important Ukraine is to the West. You sir are an idiot. Please don't talk about things you have no knowledge of. Go back to coloring your crayon book bitch.
You hate the white race. And the people who are globalists are mostly white people from Europe. Mostly white men.
Correction: Ukraine is on the ropes despite hundreds of billions in aid, munitions, drones, tanks, etc.
See what I mean everyone? These fucking traitors to the west and pro putin/russia Republicans are so fucking ass backwards it's sickening.

Where are you getting this news? From Republican sources. Anti American. Pro Russian sources. Man you guys are shameless.

Where are you getting your news from Comrade?

Americans’ Support for Ukraine Aid Stays High After F-16 Decision​

June 26, 2023 | By Greg Hadley
Support for sending military aid to Ukraine remains high among the American public, according to a new poll, but many want European allies to do more.
The survey, released June 25 by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, was conducted between May 31 and June 6—shortly after President Joe Biden announced the U.S. would support allies who provide fourth-generation fighters such as F-16s to Ukraine.
Of 1,254 American adults surveyed, 59 percent said they support military aid to Ukraine, nearly double the 30 percent opposed.

You are in the small minority pal.
You hate the white race. And the people who are globalists are mostly white people from Europe. Mostly white men.
Ultimately if I have to side with the globalists or Trumpsters, I choose the globalists. Chris Christie. Ron DeSantis. Nikki Haley. Mitt Romney. Liz Chaney
You hate the white race. And the people who are globalists are mostly white people from Europe. Mostly white men.
Correction. I don't hate the white race. I want the brown, yellow, black, etc. races to have equality in America.

You think the gap between rich and rest of us isn't getting wider for you too just because you are white?

See, you stupid white people need bad shit to happen to you before you have empathy for other people. For example, you LOVED cops when they were murdering black men. But the minute they don't let you storm the capitol, you hate them. You love the law, but you don't like the FBI. You love the courts. But if the courts charge Trump, you suddenly don't like the justice system.

Sounds to me like you are vindicating what blacks have been saying all these years. The system is rigged! Only you told them to fuck off when they said it. Now it's you who feels like you are being persecuted? Poor white men. So sad for you.
See what I mean everyone? These fucking traitors to the west and pro putin/russia Republicans are so fucking ass backwards it's sickening.

Where are you getting this news? From Republican sources. Anti American. Pro Russian sources. Man you guys are shameless.

Where are you getting your news from Comrade?

Americans’ Support for Ukraine Aid Stays High After F-16 Decision​

June 26, 2023 | By Greg Hadley
Support for sending military aid to Ukraine remains high among the American public, according to a new poll, but many want European allies to do more.
The survey, released June 25 by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, was conducted between May 31 and June 6—shortly after President Joe Biden announced the U.S. would support allies who provide fourth-generation fighters such as F-16s to Ukraine.
Of 1,254 American adults surveyed, 59 percent said they support military aid to Ukraine, nearly double the 30 percent opposed.

You are in the small minority pal.

No, you're gobbling up the west propaganda and then you assumed I am a putin supporter. This is how messed up you are in your thinking. I do feel sorry for people like you who are deceived and will believe the delusion.
You mean like the fauxtoids you used?

Don't forget Trump threatened to not give Ukraine aid if they didn't dig up dirt on his political opponents. That's another reason why Trump should never be president ever again.

Here's something you don't seem to understand. Republicans wouldn't have this anti Ukraine position if Trump was president. They only have it because Biden is president. So they'll argue do the opposite of whatever Biden decided to do.

Trump got played by China. Lost the trade war. Kissed Putin's ass. You think Trump is smarter than Putin? You're insane.

Did you hear Chris Christie on CNN? He laid out why he should be president. One of Trump's supporters asked why Biden was spending our money in Ukraine when we need things here at home. Christie gave her a good answer. We can and should do both. We should not stop helping out Ukraine because we get cheap. If we do that, we must not realize how important it is to not let Putin win this one. Do you understand that? So just like you made us support the Iraq war, even though you lied us into it, I think you should support the war effort in Ukraine because it's the patriotic thing to do. It's the right thing to do.

More than four-in-ten Republicans now say the U.S. is providing too much aid to Ukraine​

1. Trump wanted Z to investigate corruption. That is not digging up dirt unless the Bidens are dirty. Asking for an investigation when we know Burisma is a cesspool is doing his job. Unlike Joe Biden withholding $1b in aid unless Z fired the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Biden earned his $5m bribe and bragged about it.

2. There is no anti-Ukraine Republican position. There is a NATO fairness position whereby Republicans want other NATO nations to contribute aid as well. We do NOT want the US to pay 90% of the aid to Ukraine. The US and EU should each pay about the same amount.

3. How did Trump get played by China? Before Trump China ran roughshod over US trade and IP. Biden benefited by having Repubs agree to several initiatives like the Chips Act and bringing onshoring critical manufacturing jobs. I remember Lightheizer pushing for the US instead of always getting rolled by unfair trade deals.

4. I agree to support Ukraine, in proportion to how much the EU funds Ukraine.
“Congratulate our friends,” former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said. “Don’t congratulate our enemies."
Former Vice President Mike Pence, who reportedly plans to announce his own bid for the White House any day, didn’t speak of Trump by name, but told Fox News this weekend: “No one should be praising the dictator in North Korea or praising the leader of Russia who has launched an unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine.”
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) also fired off a jab at Trump
1. Trump showed Kim Jung Un what prosperity looks like when they met in Singapore. NK is a disaster who used to get money from the US when they misbehaved. Trump didn't give them anything. No food aid, nothing until they stopped developing nukes.

2. I don't know how Trump, who wrote :The Art of the Deal" planned to negotiate with Un or Putin, but we know he was working them.

3. Biden called Xi a "dictator" until Xi and China whined about it, then it was kiss up time.
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1. Trump wanted Z to investigate corruption. That is not digging up dirt unless the Bidens are dirty. Asking for an investigation when we know Burisma is a cesspool is doing his job. Unlike Joe Biden withholding $1b in aid unless Z fired the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Biden earned his $5m bribe and bragged about it.

2. There is no anti-Ukraine Republican position. There is a NATO fairness position whereby Republicans want other NATO nations to contribute aid as well. We do NOT want the US to pay 90% of the aid to Ukraine. The US and EU should each pay about the same amount.

3. How did Trump get played by China? Before Trump China ran roughshod over US trade and IP. Biden benefited by having Repubs agree to several initiatives like the Chips Act and bringing onshoring critical manufacturing jobs. I remember Lightheizer pushing for the US instead of always getting rolled by unfair trade deals.

4. I agree to support Ukraine, in proportion to how much the EU funds Ukraine.
Oh please. I stopped reading after Trump wanted Z to investigate corruption. We all know that is so not true.

Trump only cared about corruption in Ukraine when he found out Biden was running and Hunter worked in Ukraine. Come on dude. Stop being intellectually dishonest with me and yourself.

We aren't as stupid as you guys because your arguments are so obvious.

It's like if I watched someone murder someone and then you argue to me later that i didn't see what I saw.
1. Trump showed Kim Jung Un what prosperity looks like when they met in Singapore. NK is a disaster who used to get money from the US when they misbehaved. Trump didn't give them anything. No food aid, nothing until they stopped developing nukes.

2. I don't know how Trump, who write :The Art of the Deal" planned to negotiate with Un or Putin, but we know he was working them.

3. Biden called Xi a "dictator" until Xi and China whined about it, then it was kiss up time.
Ey Eye Captain

Oh please. I stopped reading after Trump wanted Z to investigate corruption. We all know that is so not true.
Trump only cared about corruption in Ukraine when he found out Biden was running and Hunter worked in Ukraine. Come on dude. Stop being intellectually dishonest with me and yourself.
We aren't as stupid as you guys because your arguments are so obvious.
It's like if I watched someone murder someone and then you argue to me later that i didn't see what I saw.
1. Read the phone call transcript dumbass. Then tell me what Trump said. Here is a link to it. See who is the LIAR.

2. Your 2nd sentence contradicts the 1st. WTF. So you admit Trump asked for an investigation and not "dirt on Biden"?
1. Read the phone call transcript dumbass. Then tell me what Trump said. Here is a link to it. See who is the LIAR.

2. Your 2nd sentence contradicts the 1st. WTF. So you admit Trump asked for an investigation and not "dirt on Biden"?
Whatever dude. I've heard the calls, seen the transcripts. Your claims are laughable. Stop it.
The answer is neither of your choices.

Most of the powers that be do not want Biden running in 2024, his dementia is getting too hard to hide.

Thus they have found a way to get him step out of the way.

At least you admit that the Democrat media is corrupt.

Big for a left wing-loon.
On AEW Wrestling the tag team made up of a rapper and gay guy came out and part of their rap was about Biden's son's taxes.

We know. It's not going to hurt Biden.

Do we really want to put Putin's buddy back in power when Putin is on the ropes?

Nothing will hurt Biden, He is a Democrat.
Plus, the American Idol/Netflix generation has no idea what actually goes on in the world.
I don't see a campaign schedule, but he was in Phila and SF to start, he's still going. Democrats elected Fetterman over Dr. Oz, so Biden looks safe to me.
Hell, the dems even elected a dead guy.

Fetterman beat Oz because the top of the ticket was so terrible Biden doesnt have the luxury of coat tails. But if the Republicans insist on nominating Trump he might win anyway.
Correction. I don't hate the white race. I want the brown, yellow, black, etc. races to have equality in America.

You think the gap between rich and rest of us isn't getting wider for you too just because you are white?

See, you stupid white people need bad shit to happen to you before you have empathy for other people. For example, you LOVED cops when they were murdering black men. But the minute they don't let you storm the capitol, you hate them. You love the law, but you don't like the FBI. You love the courts. But if the courts charge Trump, you suddenly don't like the justice system.

Sounds to me like you are vindicating what blacks have been saying all these years. The system is rigged! Only you told them to fuck off when they said it. Now it's you who feels like you are being persecuted? Poor white men. So sad for you.

The irony is that the majority of blacks vote for the party of slavery and segregation and continue to vote for the libs who hold them in bondage.
Nothing will hurt Biden, He is a Democrat.
Plus, the American Idol/Netflix generation has no idea what actually goes on in the world.
Isn't that what they always say?

Unfortunately for you guys, abortion is why you are going to lose next year.

Plus none of the pooh you have flung at the wall has stuck. You keep trying to say the Biden's are corrupt as hell but you show no proof.

US President Joe Biden has largely stuck with his predecessor’s tough economic line against China, and even taken it a bit further. But that’s not how Donald Trump is telling it.

When your lies don't even sound close to reality....

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