Is the National Debt Really Too Big?

Let the world know the US will no longer police the world.

good point then we'll let the Girl Scouts do it and see civilization collapse!! Maybe California can save money too by getting rid of its police!! Genius for sure!!

A liberal will be 100% slow. Is any other explanation possible??
In other words..the debt is manageable and can be shrunk without doing crazy, economy killing cuts.

Clinton proved it.

too stupid and completely liberal of course!!. Debt was nothing under Clinton; now it is $150,000 per family. Its just like having another mortgage and it cuts down every families standard of living by exactly what another mortgage would.

Republican capitalism made us all rich, and then liberals stole
the money!!

Maybe you're psychotic and not simply an immature know-it-all? Capitalism makes some rich - not all - and usually because they have exploited someone or something. Hard working people rarely become rich unless on the backs of other's labor. Now, that's not to suggest capitalism is evil, it's simply a statement of facts. However, some capitalists are evil. Have you done any research into Bain and Co.?
Capitalism makes some rich - not all -

too stupid by 1000% and perfectly liberal of course!!

1)today a poor person is far better of than a rich person was 50 years ago thank to Republican supply side capitalist inventions!! The lesson of course is to encourage capitalism above all else by far

2) an average American could retire rich by putting 15% of is income in a private account as opposed to SS and retire with $1.4 rather than liberal SS dof food money!!

Republicans made us all rich;a libturd will lack the IQ to understand it!!
Capitalism makes some rich - not all -

too stupid by 1000% and perfectly liberal of course!!

1)today a poor person is far better of than a rich person was 50 years ago thank to Republican supply side capitalist inventions!! The lesson of course is to encourage capitalism above all else by far

2) an average American could retire rich by putting 15% of is income in a private account as opposed to SS and retire with $1.4 rather than liberal SS dof food money!!

Republicans made us all rich;a libturd will lack the IQ to understand it!!

LOL, anger issues? Your use of language and inability to compose a concise and comprehensive message suggests an IQ of double digits; an educational experience which never included a college level course in reading comprehension and composition (Eng. 101), as well as an immaturity I noted in my first sentence.
Capitalism makes some rich - not all -

too stupid by 1000% and perfectly liberal of course!!

1)today a poor person is far better of than a rich person was 50 years ago thank to Republican supply side capitalist inventions!! The lesson of course is to encourage capitalism above all else by far

2) an average American could retire rich by putting 15% of is income in a private account as opposed to SS and retire with $1.4 rather than liberal SS dof food money!!

Republicans made us all rich;a libturd will lack the IQ to understand it!!

LOL, anger issues? Your use of language and inability to compose a concise and comprehensive message suggests an IQ of double digits; an educational experience which never included a college level course in reading comprehension and composition (Eng. 101), as well as an immaturity I noted in my first sentence.

violent personal attack because the liberal lacks the IQ to debate the subject
too stupid by 1000% and perfectly liberal of course!!

1)today a poor person is far better of than a rich person was 50 years ago thank to Republican supply side capitalist inventions!! The lesson of course is to encourage capitalism above all else by far

2) an average American could retire rich by putting 15% of is income in a private account as opposed to SS and retire with $1.4 rather than liberal SS dof food money!!

Republicans made us all rich;a libturd will lack the IQ to understand it!!

LOL, anger issues? Your use of language and inability to compose a concise and comprehensive message suggests an IQ of double digits; an educational experience which never included a college level course in reading comprehension and composition (Eng. 101), as well as an immaturity I noted in my first sentence.

violent personal attack because the liberal lacks the IQ to debate the subject

There is nothing violent in what I posted, it only hurts those injured by the truth.
Stating you know all who voted for The President have no money is all the evidence needed conclude you're a partisan hack;

Ill bet you $10,000 that the poorer someone is the more likely he is to vote for BO. Bet??? or run away once again with your liberal tail between your legs!
Is it just me or the collective IQ of all the Republicans/Conservatives on this board dropped off dramatically in the last few weeks?
Is it just me or the collective IQ of all the Republicans/Conservatives on this board dropped off dramatically in the last few weeks?

of course if true you would not be so afraid present your most substantive example of this. What does your fear tell us??
Which basically comes down to this:

Our Debt Is Getting More Affordable

The affordability of our national debt is an issue that gets little attention. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve of St. Louis keeps track of how well the economy is handling our debt. It does so in the form of a chart that measures the percent of GDP devoted to paying interest on the nation’s debt. What that chart says is illuminating. According to the Fed, the percent of our nation’s GDP devoted to paying interest on the debt has fallen to its lowest level since 1973.

Presently, we spend roughly 1.4 percent of GDP to pay the interest on what the Federal government has borrowed. Since 1940, the largest share of GDP devoted to pay the interest on our debt was in 1990, when the U.S. spent roughly 3.25 percent of GDP on interest payments.

The share of GDP going to pay interest on the debt began falling in 1994. And, with the exception of the period of the Great Recession, has continued falling ever since. My guess is that if America’s credit rating was measured the same way consumers are measured when they finance the purchase of a car, we would get the car.

Of course, interest payments on our debt fell sharply because interest rates came down as a result of actions by the Federal Reserve to overcome the recession. But that’s not the only reason. The long-term reason our debt became more affordable is that the country has been growing steadily since the mid-1990s, except for the period immediately following the financial crisis. These two factors – growth and lower interest rates -- pushed down the country’s interest payments, as a percent of GDP, to levels not seen since Gerald Ford was in the White House.
Is the National Debt Really Too Big? | The Exchange - Yahoo! Finance

In other words..the debt is manageable and can be shrunk without doing crazy, economy killing cuts.

Clinton proved it.

So all your whining and complaining under Bush was just political bullshit, right?
LOL, anger issues? Your use of language and inability to compose a concise and comprehensive message suggests an IQ of double digits; an educational experience which never included a college level course in reading comprehension and composition (Eng. 101), as well as an immaturity I noted in my first sentence.

violent personal attack because the liberal lacks the IQ to debate the subject

There is nothing violent in what I posted, it only hurts those injured by the truth.

changing the subject with personal attack violence is used by liberals because they lack the IQ for subtance.
debt is relative

actually the debt is 17 trillion or 150,000 per family. Its just like having another mortgage, its cuts our standard of living in half!! Relative to 300k its half, and relative to o its double. At 150k its just like another mortgage.

A liberal has no where near the IQ to grasp the concept!!
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What is an excessive debt to GDP ratio?

Economists continue to debate about the level of debt relative to GDP that signals a "red line" or dangerous level, or if any such level exists. In January 2010, Economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart stated that gross debt (i.e., debt held by the public plus intragovernmental debt) exceeding 90% of GDP might be an indicative danger level.[102] A February 2013 paper from four economists concluded that, "Countries with debt above 80 percent of GDP and persistent current-account [trade] deficits are vulnerable to a rapid fiscal deterioration..."[103][104]

Fed Chair Ben Bernanke stated in April 2010 that "Neither experience nor economic theory clearly indicates the threshold at which government debt begins to endanger prosperity and economic stability. But given the significant costs and risks associated with a rapidly rising federal debt, our nation should soon put in place a credible plan for reducing deficits to sustainable levels over time."

Why won't the GOP allow President Obama to lead on how to deal with the debt?
debt is relative

actually the debt is 17 trillion or 150,000 per family. Its just like having another mortgage, its cuts our standard of living in half!! Relative to 300k its half, and relative to o its double. At 150k its just like another mortgage.

A liberal has no where near the IQ to grasp the concept!!

debt is not static. it changes year to year, so your numbers are masturbatory as are most all your posts
16 trillion and climbing....Obama and his crew wouldn't give a shit if it hits 20 trillion.
He and Michelle will be living in Hawaii laughing their asses off at the dopes who put them in power.

Not only that but Barry's constituents have no money so they are not the ones who will be paying off the debt, while they are the ones who are receiving most of the welfare entitlements that are causing the debt. Barry then has no incentive to care about the debt.

That's a load of crap.
16 trillion and climbing....Obama and his crew wouldn't give a shit if it hits 20 trillion.
He and Michelle will be living in Hawaii laughing their asses off at the dopes who put them in power.

Not only that but Barry's constituents have no money so they are not the ones who will be paying off the debt, while they are the ones who are receiving most of the welfare entitlements that are causing the debt. Barry then has no incentive to care about the debt.

That's a load of crap.

I repeat, you and your fellow Liberals howled like a pack of scared monkeys about the 6 trillion Bush added in 8 years, now all of a sudden 6 trillion more in 4 years is no concern. So we can assume that your being upset about Bush had nothing to do with logic reality or facts it was all scare mongering by you for politics. RIGHT?
debt is relative

actually the debt is 17 trillion or 150,000 per family. Its just like having another mortgage, its cuts our standard of living in half!! Relative to 300k its half, and relative to o its double. At 150k its just like another mortgage.

A liberal has no where near the IQ to grasp the concept!!

debt is not static. it changes year to year, so your numbers are masturbatory as are most all your posts

of course if the debt is not really $17 trillion you would not be so afraid to tell us what it really is. What does your fear tell us about
the perfect ignorance on which liberalism is based??
Stating you know all who voted for The President have no money is all the evidence needed conclude you're a partisan hack;

Ill bet you $10,000 that the poorer someone is the more likely he is to vote for BO. Bet??? or run away once again with your liberal tail between your legs!
You are claiming x then implying you can prove it because of y.

You clearly made the claim that supporters of Obama have no money therefore will not be contributing to paying off the debt. To support your claim you'd have to demonstrate that the taxable income across all the millions of Obama supporters is zero.

Whether poor people are more likely to be Obama supporters does not back up your claim. Do you know what percentage of tax revenue comes from republicans vs. democrats? I don't but I suspect it is a lot closer than you think, and even if it was only 40% for dems it would completely sink your the "facts" you've been spouting.

So again, how can you prove that Obama supporters have no money?

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