Is the Quran Gods words?

Btw this thread is titled "is the Quran Gods words?", it's a discussion of abrahamic religions so I don't get what you mean by "stop trying to sell yours"

I'm not selling anything. I am responding to the OP. You may not like the input but it is not off topic. There is no god therefore there are no god's words Muslim Christian Jew or otherwise. Your faith is not proof therefore not truth.
Btw this thread is titled "is the Quran Gods words?", it's a discussion of abrahamic religions so I don't get what you mean by "stop trying to sell yours"

I'm not selling anything. I am responding to the OP. You may not like the input but it is not off topic. There is no god therefore there are no god's words Muslim Christian Jew or otherwise. Your faith is not proof therefore not truth.

Are you one of those proofie guys? What kind of proof are looking for? Btw that's your belief, I and many others believe in God. I can offer proof except showing you God I cannot do
Sorry bout that,

1. islam is evil, pure evil, will kill your soul, and your families souls.
2. I hope that I have made this clear.
3. Stay away from or get out of islam.
4. That is all.

Btw this thread is titled "is the Quran Gods words?", it's a discussion of abrahamic religions so I don't get what you mean by "stop trying to sell yours"

I'm not selling anything. I am responding to the OP. You may not like the input but it is not off topic. There is no god therefore there are no god's words Muslim Christian Jew or otherwise. Your faith is not proof therefore not truth.

Are you one of those proofie guys? What kind of proof are looking for? Btw that's your belief, I and many others believe in God. I can offer proof except showing you God I cannot do

I'm happy just being here. I have no desire to try and justify it.
Sorry bout that,

1. islam is evil, pure evil, will kill your soul, and your families souls.
2. I hope that I have made this clear.
3. Stay away from or get out of islam.
4. That is all.


Kill your soul? I know 60 Americans who converted to Islam just this Ramadan in a mosque, most of them said Christians aren't true to their values and they wanted to know the rest, Islam cleared many of their questions.

Don't get me wrong I also know many devout, and I mean very devout Christians that are some of the kindest if not the kindest people I met. They don't speak with your rhetoric that's doesn't attract people.

And that's a funny post really I am sure you can convince people with that informative post:D
Muhamamd was exactly like Moses, so you're either agnostic or atheist or maybe you believe in the flying spaghetti monster haha!


Moses led the Jews. Mohammed just wanted to kill them

Moses didn't fuck children.

King Solomon had 700 wives what's your point and You wanna talk about killing here let me quote the bible:

Deuteronomy 20:17 You must utterly destroy the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, just as the LORD your God has commanded you.

I am not an adherent of the Old Testament, you mindless fuckwit.

I don't give a shit about the words in the OT.

If you got arrested for pedophilia, would your defense be "well, other people have done it, too?"

The topic is NOT how does Moses (or Solomon or anybody else) stack up against the Muslim "prophet?" The topic remains, entirely, how fucked up the diseased scumbag pedophile piece of shit Mohammed was.
well for one you have to understand that Muhammad had a short time, God told him to turn the region around and raise the people's hands to the sky, you told me yesterday you might believe in a God but you don't think he expects anything from us, did i understood that right? please correct me if i was wrong.

So may i ask why do you believe God made this universe and what does he expect, if at all anything?

Whatever divine purpose the Almighty may have had for the creation of the universe is NOT likely to have been revealed to the psychotic bigoted piece of shit madman pedophile, Mohammed, using the Angel Gabriel as His messenger.

Wait so are you an agnostic or athiest? Tell us want God expects from humans

Your question is irrelevant.

My religious beliefs -- such as they are -- have no connection to the discussion.

Whether ANYBODY can tell us what a supernatural CREATOR may "want" is doubtful.

But it is a certainty that no Almighty Divine Creator of the entire universe would deliver the completely insane, psychotic message -- by angelic delivery no less -- to some old hideous fuckwit bigot piece of shit nomadic pedophile scumbag in the middle east. God may work in mysterious ways, but He is certainly not silly.

What kind of moron could believe that God would send His word to Mohammed the Pedophile, that vile murderous shit stain, and do so in a way that is not only self-contradictory, but unverifiable?

Grow the fuck up. The Qur'an is a bad fairy tale.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. islam is evil, pure evil, will kill your soul, and your families souls.
2. I hope that I have made this clear.
3. Stay away from or get out of islam.
4. That is all.


Kill your soul? I know 60 Americans who converted to Islam just this Ramadan in a mosque, most of them said Christians aren't true to their values and they wanted to know the rest, Islam cleared many of their questions.

Don't get me wrong I also know many devout, and I mean very devout Christians that are some of the kindest if not the kindest people I met. They don't speak with your rhetoric that's doesn't attract people.

And that's a funny post really I am sure you can convince people with that informative post:D

1. Just the facts and my short answer.
2. 60 dead eh?
3. Thats a tough one.
4. It is true a sucker IS born every minute.
5. Get it?

Here is a verse in which Muhammad tries to justify the fact that he cannot do miracles.Then claims his proof is that he quotes the former scriptures, but as I have shown, Muhammad had the torah read out to him. So all the references he makes to bible stories are copied from it.

20.133 And they say: if only he would bring us a miracle from his Lord!
Has there not come unto them the proof of what is in the former Scriptures.

There are also many verses where people ask Muhammad to bring his angel to give them proof, but he finds excuses every time
The Quran is Muhammad's miracle.

We muslims need no other proof. :cool:

And that is the problem we are having. The quran is no miracle. It is a poorly constructed, poorly narrated, plagiarism from earlier sources, such as the bible and Arab mythology, and Greek writings.

If you read the pieces of writings I posted early in this thread, you can see my reasoning as plain as daylight.
Sorry, but we don't go by your alleged reasoning or self assumed logic when it comes to the Quran.

We are totally satisfied with it's authenticity beyond any doubt. :cool:

So you are happy that the quran says the sun orbits the earth? But what is more it says the sun orbits the flat earth in a semicircle, and is reset at every dawn. As proved by a hadith that confirms the quranic verse that states the sun goes to its resting place.

I have posted all that early in this thread with all references. Here are the verses, and the rest of my text can be found on page 1 of this thread.

Sura 21.33 And he it is who created the night and the day, and the Sun and the Moon. They float, each in an orbit.

sura 36.38 And the Sun runs on unto a resting place for him, That is the measuring of the mighty and wise.
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The Quran is not a book of science; and yes we are happy with every aspect of it's teachings. :cool:

So you are happy with the following quranic references to an Arab myth?

I have found many bible myths repeated in the quran, and these in themselves are unbelievable, but there are Arab myths too.
According to Arab mythology a man that preceded Muhammad called Salih, said he was a prophet too, and the people did not believe him . So he split a rock and produce a she camel. Then the people of Thamud hamstrung the camel, so Allah destroyed them. The details of this story are absent from the quran but it is mentioned. Like most of the bible references in the quran there are no details or narratives given.
Here is the Pickthall translation of the quranic references to Thamud, the she camel.

007:073 And to (the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him. A wonder from your Lord hath come unto you. Lo! this is the camel of Allah, a token unto you; so let her feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with hurt lest painful torment seize you.

011:064 O my people! This is the camel of Allah, a token unto you, so suffer her to feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with harm lest a near torment seize you.

026:155 He said: (Behold) this she-camel. She hath the right to drink (at the well), and ye have the right to drink, (each) on an appointed day.

091:013 And the messenger of Allah said: It is the she-camel of Allah, so let her drink!
Sorry bout that,

1. Its really kinda hard to argue with the dead.
2. Like trying to reason with a terrorist homicide bomber, what does one have to live for, already being dead inside?
3. Those with a family are all dead, but just going through the motions of actually caring for each other, there is no caring in the dead.
4. Thats why they are able to murder their wives, daughters, and sons, over stupid honor bullshit, dead don't care, seriously.
5. They just don't dave folks.:badgrin:


It's still no problem with me or any other muslim.

Why does it bother you soo much? :cool:

In literature, it's called "the willing suspension of disbelief."

To accept the Qur'an, one MUST suspend the disbelief of the ridiculous things it says.

Put another way, it doesn't bother a flaming moron that his views are idiotic and this fully explains why the inherent idiocy of the Qur'an makes no difference to chuckle head Muslims.
It's still no problem with me or any other muslim.

Why does it bother you soo much? :cool:

I assume your post is a follow on to my last post.

It bothers me that 1.5 billion people are so delusional about their false God that they are likely to try to take over airplanes and crash them into buildings.

See the following example of madness and destruction from Allah in the quran.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took
them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.
It's still no problem with me or any other muslim.

Why does it bother you soo much? :cool:

I assume your post is a follow on to my last post.

It bothers me that 1.5 billion people are so delusional about their false God that they are likely to try to take over airplanes and crash them into buildings.

See the following example of madness and destruction from Allah in the quran.

7.4 How many towns have We destroyed (for their sins)? Our punishment took
them on a sudden by night or while they slept for their afternoon rest.
The Bible basically tells of the same type of destruction in the O.T and Christians / Jews don't care.

Maybe you should target them. :cool:

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