Is the Quran Gods words?

Separate verses that were compiled by his followers. And, for any of those things to be included in the Quaran, they had to be witnessed to have been said in front of no less than 2 followers, which means there could have been room for collaboration.

Face it Because You Blow Goats, you don't know much about anything.

Go back under your rock ya cock choking sperm burping colon jouster.

Are you drunk, donkey #2? The bible was written by Jesus followers dumbass than they put it together, no different than the Koran dumbass, and there is no proof of Jesus existing even though I believe in him, but just to make you look like a donkey

Actually, it depends on which part of the Bible you're looking at. The OT is the first 5 books which were given to Moses, and the rest of the OT is pretty much a written history of the Jewish people. follows a chronological order.

The NT has the first 4 books (written by various followers) who put the life of Yeshua in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, which was followed by more stories, ending with Revelation.

Like I said, God brought order out of chaos, why would He support a mixed up religion following a mixed up book?

What's the matter, still got your head stuck firmly up your ass? You may wish to install a glass belly button so that you can see where you're going.

Yet another Fail, Because You Blow Goats.

Donkey #2, he make no sense whatsoever, what do you mean by mixed religion? The Koran reaccounts the other prohets stories make a real statement
Oh..............and by the way..............there IS proof that Yeshua existed. He was written about by the historian Josephus, as well as there's a coin that has been found with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it (coins weren't minted back then for fictional characters, only actual people).

But, I guess facts and history are something you don't pay much attention to.

No there isn't lmao, you are only looking at the world in a Christian point of view you make no sense again learn how to debate, you are just putting words in my mouth over and over because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Are you drunk, donkey #2? The bible was written by Jesus followers dumbass than they put it together, no different than the Koran dumbass, and there is no proof of Jesus existing even though I believe in him, but just to make you look like a donkey

Actually, it depends on which part of the Bible you're looking at. The OT is the first 5 books which were given to Moses, and the rest of the OT is pretty much a written history of the Jewish people. follows a chronological order.

The NT has the first 4 books (written by various followers) who put the life of Yeshua in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, which was followed by more stories, ending with Revelation.

Like I said, God brought order out of chaos, why would He support a mixed up religion following a mixed up book?

What's the matter, still got your head stuck firmly up your ass? You may wish to install a glass belly button so that you can see where you're going.

Yet another Fail, Because You Blow Goats.

Donkey #2, he make no sense whatsoever, what do you mean by mixed religion? The Koran reaccounts the other prohets stories make a real statement

What's the matter, did the sperm from your goat dry in your eyes making it hard to read?


There IS order and a chronological sense to the Bible.

What part of that do you not understand?
Actually, it depends on which part of the Bible you're looking at. The OT is the first 5 books which were given to Moses, and the rest of the OT is pretty much a written history of the Jewish people. follows a chronological order.

The NT has the first 4 books (written by various followers) who put the life of Yeshua in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, which was followed by more stories, ending with Revelation.

Like I said, God brought order out of chaos, why would He support a mixed up religion following a mixed up book?

What's the matter, still got your head stuck firmly up your ass? You may wish to install a glass belly button so that you can see where you're going.

Yet another Fail, Because You Blow Goats.

Donkey #2, he make no sense whatsoever, what do you mean by mixed religion? The Koran reaccounts the other prohets stories make a real statement

What's the matter, did the sperm from your goat dry in your eyes making it hard to read?


There IS order and a chronological sense to the Bible.

What part of that do you not understand?

It came verse in chronological order, but the book no, so what? Muhammad was the only prophet there so are you saying Christians would record that Muhamamd was the final prophet? Hell no they wouldn't
This guy is funny? Which do you agree on? Genesis 1 and Genisis 2 Disagree about the order in which events happened
Donkey #2, he make no sense whatsoever, what do you mean by mixed religion? The Koran reaccounts the other prohets stories make a real statement

What's the matter, did the sperm from your goat dry in your eyes making it hard to read?


There IS order and a chronological sense to the Bible.

What part of that do you not understand?

It came verse in chronological order, but the book no, so what? Muhammad was the only prophet there so are you saying Christians would record that Muhamamd was the final prophet? Hell no they wouldn't

Mohammed was the ONLY prophet? (I highlighted your quote to let others know how stupid you are).

Shows how much you don't know, because even the Koran acknowledges Yeshua as a prophet.
What's the matter, did the sperm from your goat dry in your eyes making it hard to read?


There IS order and a chronological sense to the Bible.

What part of that do you not understand?

It came verse in chronological order, but the book no, so what? Muhammad was the only prophet there so are you saying Christians would record that Muhamamd was the final prophet? Hell no they wouldn't

Mohammed was the ONLY prophet? (I highlighted your quote to let others know how stupid you are).

Shows how much you don't know, because even the Koran acknowledges Yeshua as a prophet.

I acknowledge Jesus as a prophet, and look again donkey "Muhammad was the only prophet THERE" , do you see that donkey? There in Mecca at the time, again all the gospels disagree with each other so your claim that various recorded the same thing is false
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Hey...................Because You Blow Goats..................ever think that the only reason I respond to you is to laugh?

Way to go ya sperm burping gutter bitch.
If Allah is the One True Living God, then why are all the muslim men such cowards and wife beaters who hide behind baby carriages while they toss bombs are children?
It's about fcking bad people not about the Quran or the Bible , people changed holy books according to their own interest

World wide Islam has reached 1.5 million adherents and growing every day. :cool:

Does that make you feel secure? My security comes from the One True Living God, not from the number of who believe.
i agree with you Buford The number of people doesn't mean anything , i prefer one good muslim instead of 1 millon bad muslimfor example i heard a lot of non-islamic things in Iran that they know that's islamic.

Does that make you feel secure? My security comes from the One True Living God, not from the number of who believe.
I just like being on the winning team!! :D
this is not a game or war to win , this talking ain't nice , it doesn't suit islam
Oh..............and by the way..............there IS proof that Yeshua existed. He was written about by the historian Josephus, as well as there's a coin that has been found with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it (coins weren't minted back then for fictional characters, only actual people).

But, I guess facts and history are something you don't pay much attention to.

Josephus was born in the year 37, meaning he didn't actually know and never saw Jesus, so that's called hearsay or wishful thinking. Nice try though.

The coins are from about 1000 years ago. Not even close.

Got anything else?
Oh..............and by the way..............there IS proof that Yeshua existed. He was written about by the historian Josephus, as well as there's a coin that has been found with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it (coins weren't minted back then for fictional characters, only actual people).

But, I guess facts and history are something you don't pay much attention to.

Josephus was born in the year 37, meaning he didn't actually know and never saw Jesus, so that's called hearsay or wishful thinking. Nice try though.

The coins are from about 1000 years ago. Not even close.

Got anything else?

From the annals of the Roman historian Tacitus. Annal 15:44

15.44.2. But, despite kindly influence, despite the leader's generous handouts, despite appeasing the gods, the scandal did not subside, rather the blaze came to be believed to be an official act. So, in order to quash the rumour, Nero blamed it on, and applied the cruellest punishments to, those sinners, whom ordinary people call Christians, hating them for their shameful behaviour.
15.44.3. The originator of this name, Christ, was sentenced to torture by Procurator Pontius Pilate, during the reign of Tiberius, but although checked for a moment, the deadly cult erupted again, not just in Judaea, the source of its evil, but even in Rome, where all the sins and scandals of the world gather and are glorified.
Hey...................Because You Blow Goats..................ever think that the only reason I respond to you is to laugh?

Way to go ya sperm burping gutter bitch.

You just embarrassed yourself dumbass trying to prove that I'm STUPID moron but you forgot the last word on the sentence, lmao now you only do it for laughs hahahahaha sureeeee
Oh..............and by the way..............there IS proof that Yeshua existed. He was written about by the historian Josephus, as well as there's a coin that has been found with the likeness and name of Yeshua on it (coins weren't minted back then for fictional characters, only actual people).

But, I guess facts and history are something you don't pay much attention to.

Josephus was born in the year 37, meaning he didn't actually know and never saw Jesus, so that's called hearsay or wishful thinking. Nice try though.

The coins are from about 1000 years ago. Not even close.

Got anything else?

From the annals of the Roman historian Tacitus. Annal 15:44

15.44.2. But, despite kindly influence, despite the leader's generous handouts, despite appeasing the gods, the scandal did not subside, rather the blaze came to be believed to be an official act. So, in order to quash the rumour, Nero blamed it on, and applied the cruellest punishments to, those sinners, whom ordinary people call Christians, hating them for their shameful behaviour.
15.44.3. The originator of this name, Christ, was sentenced to torture by Procurator Pontius Pilate, during the reign of Tiberius, but although checked for a moment, the deadly cult erupted again, not just in Judaea, the source of its evil, but even in Rome, where all the sins and scandals of the world gather and are glorified.

Tacitus was born in the year 56, so he didn't meet Jesus either.
Tacitus was born in the year 56, so he didn't meet Jesus either.

Well arn't you a clever boy? But I think there are Roman records of Neros persecution of christians in 43 AD. This was within living memory of Jesus time.

It would seem strange if people were willing to die in Jesus name, rather than deny him.
Only 43 years after his reported death. Would they have died for a fictional character within living memory of his time?.
Pliny the Younger, on christians

'They were in the habit of meeting before dawn on a fixed day. They would recite in alternate verse a hymn to Christ as to a God, and would bind themselves by a solemn oath, not to do any criminal act, but rather that they would not commit any fraud, theft or adultery, nor betray any trust nor refuse to restore a deposit on demand. This done, they would disperse, and then they would meet again later to eat together (but the food was quite ordinary and harmless.)
Josephus was born in the year 37, meaning he didn't actually know and never saw Jesus, so that's called hearsay or wishful thinking. Nice try though.

The coins are from about 1000 years ago. Not even close.

Got anything else?

From the annals of the Roman historian Tacitus. Annal 15:44

15.44.2. But, despite kindly influence, despite the leader's generous handouts, despite appeasing the gods, the scandal did not subside, rather the blaze came to be believed to be an official act. So, in order to quash the rumour, Nero blamed it on, and applied the cruellest punishments to, those sinners, whom ordinary people call Christians, hating them for their shameful behaviour.
15.44.3. The originator of this name, Christ, was sentenced to torture by Procurator Pontius Pilate, during the reign of Tiberius, but although checked for a moment, the deadly cult erupted again, not just in Judaea, the source of its evil, but even in Rome, where all the sins and scandals of the world gather and are glorified.

Tacitus was born in the year 56, so he didn't meet Jesus either.

I never met Thomas Edison either, but I do know that he existed from the historical evidence.

You don't have to actually meet the person to know if they existed or not.
From the annals of the Roman historian Tacitus. Annal 15:44

15.44.2. But, despite kindly influence, despite the leader's generous handouts, despite appeasing the gods, the scandal did not subside, rather the blaze came to be believed to be an official act. So, in order to quash the rumour, Nero blamed it on, and applied the cruellest punishments to, those sinners, whom ordinary people call Christians, hating them for their shameful behaviour.
15.44.3. The originator of this name, Christ, was sentenced to torture by Procurator Pontius Pilate, during the reign of Tiberius, but although checked for a moment, the deadly cult erupted again, not just in Judaea, the source of its evil, but even in Rome, where all the sins and scandals of the world gather and are glorified.

Tacitus was born in the year 56, so he didn't meet Jesus either.

I never met Thomas Edison either, but I do know that he existed from the historical evidence.

You don't have to actually meet the person to know if they existed or not.

... of the people of the time.

It's possible that someone named Jesus existed and started a religion, but all the things attributed to him doing? Pure fiction to advance their religion because who's going to follow some ordinary douchesack who was crucified in his underwear? Saving that story from becoming The Greatest Comedy Ever Told was maybe the biggest literary coup of all time!
Sorry bout that,

1. Its possible that God himself eternal God, was able to install his seed, a complete copy of himself as an human fertilized egg inside the ready uterus of the Virgin Mary.
2. God the creator of the Universe, was born as a baby, grew up just like every other human in his image, to not only judge his creation, but actually be one of his creations, for a while, kicking the tires on life as *we* know it, so to be able to know what we live with, and for, and how this reality shapes our lives, to be able reach out with condescension to *our* lives: *Self Created Human Being* a special creation, only God could accomplish.
3. God himself, fulfilling hundreds of prophetic sayings spoken of by his prophets who he himself sent.
4. In short; I just peeled back all reality; so even the simple have no reason now; not to understand who Jesus Christ, *is*.

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