Is the Quran Gods words?

This thread is trolling.

For one I assume the OP does not know classical Arabic.

Two, never trust a man who chooses an Avatar of a man with a bird on his face.

I don't need to be able to read Arabic to understand the quran is a load of lying crap, and my avatar is a photo of me kissing my pet bird on the bum while she swings on my glasses.

Yes you need to read Arabic to understand words.

In my favorite passage in the Qur'an it says:

"Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir Raheem,
Alhamdulilahi Rabbil Alamin...."

In The Name Of God, The Compassionate The Merciful

All praise is due to God, The Lord Of The Universe.

The word Alamin has various terms.

Alamin could mean matter, space, it means All that exist. Arabic is not english where a word means one thing.

If its that easy why have scholars on the Torah, Bible and Qur'an?

I say that the general meaning of the quran can be deduced by comparing various translations, and as I have said on this thread, there is only one meaning and purpose in the quran.

It says, many times, "Obey Allah, and the messenger"

Any bloody fool can see that this is Muhammad telling you to obey him, and fight his rotten wars for him, and even die for him. With the promise of heaven if you do and hellfire if you do not.


To hell with Arabic, I refuse to try to understand that scribble, because the English translations are clear enough to deduce the quran is evil lies about God.
In case anyone is thinking of converting to Islam, please read this thread first.
I say it is not, for the following reasons.

1. The quran is filled with references to the bible and other texts, and I say is is copied from these sources, and not an original work.

2. The quran is full of terrible quotes about what God will do to unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgement, and that he will burn them in hellfire for all eternity, and I say this is all lies which degrade God, and make him a monster. It was written to scare people into obeying Muhammad, and it does not come from God.

Does anyone want to dispute my opinions?

There is no sky fairy named "god". Therefore there are no "god's" words. There are mans words, sponsored by governments, aimed at stupid people to manipulate them and keep these stupid people managable. are right. The Koran is rubbish. But then so is your bible.
In case anyone is thinking of converting to Islam, please read this thread first.

No, it's even simpler than that. Mohammy described how a good muslim should wipe his or her ass with rocks, the size, shape... everything. So first, if you want to be a true muslim, wipe your ass with rocks, then tell your wife that you're getting 3 more hags just like her, and if you're still alive after that, beat the wife until she begs for allah's forgiveness. While constantly going to kiss a smelly carpet about 3 inches away from some other sweaty muslim dirty feet who's just taken his shoes off.

That's step 1.

allah is not God.

The filthy koran is NOT the Bible.

That about sums it up.

The bible is the biggest book of bullshit ever written. And if the god of the bible made man in his own image, he must be one hell of a dumb fuck.
Awww! Dajjal you convinced of how tormenting it is to follow a religion. Ahh I'm so scared. He He He!

You're cause is getting you no where.
I have been involved in spiritualism and the occult for over fourty years, and the least I can do with all that experience is to apply it to the conventional religions.

I found many flaws in the bible, and was more impressed by eastern religions which believe in reincarnation and karma, although I have no respect for all the Gods of the Hindus.

I read the quran after 9/11 and read it with an open mind. If it had been a message from God I would have known it. But I soon saw it was full of evil lies about God and it makes him out to be a monster.

I believe Gods plan is perfect and he makes no mistakes. Nobody will burn in eternal fire, and all souls will ultimately become perfect themselves, after countless incarnations.
I don't care what you believe.

I don't care that you read the Koran after 9/11. That shouldn't interfere with your objective.

I don't care what you think of Prophets. Moses ordered Prisoners to be killed.And you didn't back up your claim on what the Prophet ordered. Muhammad was in a Arabic world and culture. Different than everyone else, it was way worse before him, the laws were like that.

As for God, I don't believe what you believe, this would all be a waste of time if it was your way. We weren't created for no reason.

And no your theory on perfecting souls is not realistic or possible, it sounds like a stupid game.
You're being a stupid still :eusa_angel:

"Allah" of the Koran is the Djin of the Phallic Stone in the Kaaba. Who does history record as the resident of that particular idol? The idol that all Muslims bow to 5 times daily?

Oh, that's right - the meteorite known as the Phallic or Black Stone is the traditional idol thought to house the Mesopotamian moon god, who the Israelites called "Ba'al."


Don't do this for the fun or the trolling. Especially you, people aren't looking for your insight.
I don't care what you believe.

I don't care that you read the Koran after 9/11. That shouldn't interfere with your objective.

I don't care what you think of Prophets. Moses ordered Prisoners to be killed.And you didn't back up your claim on what the Prophet ordered. Muhammad was in a Arabic world and culture. Different than everyone else, it was way worse before him, the laws were like that.

As for God, I don't believe what you believe, this would all be a waste of time if it was your way. We weren't created for no reason.

And no your theory on perfecting souls is not realistic or possible, it sounds like a stupid game.

I read the quran after 9/11 because I wanted to understand what motivated Muslims to commit a suicide attack of such magnitude. As I say I started reading the quran with an open mind, expecting it to be a spiritual book like the teachings of Jesus or Buddha.

What I found in a very short time from opening the quran for the first time is that it is largely stolen material, taken directly from the bible and other sources. I did a study of this and wrote some pieces which I pasted in at the beginning of this thread.
The quran is a poorly written, half remembered rendition of the bible, and it has little or no narrative. Unlike the bible which tells stories in an orderly fashion.
The quran says little more than name dropping a list of bible prophets, with little detail about what they have done. This is most obvious in sura 12 which completely omits all the basic details of the story of Joseph. It is so obvious that sura 12 is a half rememberer rendition of the bible story that it is laughable. Especially when Muslims claim the quran is so profound it is a miracle.

Added to this the quran is filled with complete nonsense, like the sun orbits the earth in a semi circle and is reset at every dawn.

I also find all the lurid descriptions of hell in the quran a sickening diatribe of offensive nonsense. All my studies of the practical occult tell me that God would never do such things to human beings, and therefore it is all the lies of Muhammad, trying to scare people into fighting his wars for him, and threatening them with hell if he does not.

I feel the need to try to free peoples minds from the fear of Muhammad's false God, so I will continue to criticize the quran at every opportunity.
I don't care what you believe.

I don't care that you read the Koran after 9/11. That shouldn't interfere with your objective.

I don't care what you think of Prophets. Moses ordered Prisoners to be killed.And you didn't back up your claim on what the Prophet ordered. Muhammad was in a Arabic world and culture. Different than everyone else, it was way worse before him, the laws were like that.

As for God, I don't believe what you believe, this would all be a waste of time if it was your way. We weren't created for no reason.

And no your theory on perfecting souls is not realistic or possible, it sounds like a stupid game.

I read the quran after 9/11 because I wanted to understand what motivated Muslims to commit a suicide attack of such magnitude. As I say I started reading the quran with an open mind, expecting it to be a spiritual book like the teachings of Jesus or Buddha.

What I found in a very short time from opening the quran for the first time is that it is largely stolen material, taken directly from the bible and other sources. I did a study of this and wrote some pieces which I pasted in at the beginning of this thread.
The quran is a poorly written, half remembered rendition of the bible, and it has little or no narrative. Unlike the bible which tells stories in an orderly fashion.
The quran says little more than name dropping a list of bible prophets, with little detail about what they have done. This is most obvious in sura 12 which completely omits all the basic details of the story of Joseph. It is so obvious that sura 12 is a half rememberer rendition of the bible story that it is laughable. Especially when Muslims claim the quran is so profound it is a miracle.

Added to this the quran is filled with complete nonsense, like the sun orbits the earth in a semi circle and is reset at every dawn.

I also find all the lurid descriptions of hell in the quran a sickening diatribe of offensive nonsense. All my studies of the practical occult tell me that God would never do such things to human beings, and therefore it is all the lies of Muhammad, trying to scare people into fighting his wars for him, and threatening them with hell if he does not.

I feel the need to try to free peoples minds from the fear of Muhammad's false God, so I will continue to criticize the quran at every opportunity.

Now you're sounding like a propagandist. I could waste my time with you but I won't. You specifically target Islam. It's a disease with you Muslim haters. But nothing of the Torah which the bible came from, and what it says. Of course none of that disgusts you. We know who you are. The same old same old.

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