Is the Quran Gods words?

The Quran contains the word of a pedophile who wants everyone to wipe their ass with an uneven number of rocks. No wonder muslers are so pissed! :D
Now you're sounding like a propagandist. I could waste my time with you but I won't. You specifically target Islam. It's a disease with you Muslim haters. But nothing of the Torah which the bible came from, and what it says. Of course none of that disgusts you. We know who you are. The same old same old.

The Torah is filled with imperfection, and fear of hell, but that is where Muhammad got his idea of scaring people with hellfire. The following verses show just how evil Muhammad was in trying to enslave peoples minds with fear of God. A God who would do such things to human beings is a sadistic monster to be despised not worshipped.

Quran sura
22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.
Now you're sounding like a propagandist. I could waste my time with you but I won't. You specifically target Islam. It's a disease with you Muslim haters. But nothing of the Torah which the bible came from, and what it says. Of course none of that disgusts you. We know who you are. The same old same old.

The Torah is filled with imperfection, and fear of hell, but that is where Muhammad got his idea of scaring people with hellfire. The following verses show just how evil Muhammad was in trying to enslave peoples minds with fear of God. A God who would do such things to human beings is a sadistic monster to be despised not worshipped.

Quran sura
22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"
4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.

At least the torah doesn't tell Jews to wipe their ass with an uneven number of rocks, like the prophet Muhammy describes.
Now you're sounding like a propagandist. I could waste my time with you but I won't. You specifically target Islam. It's a disease with you Muslim haters. But nothing of the Torah which the bible came from, and what it says. Of course none of that disgusts you. We know who you are. The same old same old.

The Torah is filled with imperfection, and fear of hell, but that is where Muhammad got his idea of scaring people with hellfire. The following verses show just how evil Muhammad was in trying to enslave peoples minds with fear of God. A God who would do such things to human beings is a sadistic monster to be despised not worshipped.

Quran sura
22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.

Hellfire is described as such in every abrahamic religion. And no " dajjal" you aren't putting words in my mouth. It wasn't Muhammad it was God.
I don't care what you believe.

I don't care that you read the Koran after 9/11. That shouldn't interfere with your objective.

I don't care what you think of Prophets. Moses ordered Prisoners to be killed.And you didn't back up your claim on what the Prophet ordered. Muhammad was in a Arabic world and culture. Different than everyone else, it was way worse before him, the laws were like that.

As for God, I don't believe what you believe, this would all be a waste of time if it was your way. We weren't created for no reason.

And no your theory on perfecting souls is not realistic or possible, it sounds like a stupid game.

I read the quran after 9/11 because I wanted to understand what motivated Muslims to commit a suicide attack of such magnitude. As I say I started reading the quran with an open mind, expecting it to be a spiritual book like the teachings of Jesus or Buddha.

What I found in a very short time from opening the quran for the first time is that it is largely stolen material, taken directly from the bible and other sources. I did a study of this and wrote some pieces which I pasted in at the beginning of this thread.
The quran is a poorly written, half remembered rendition of the bible, and it has little or no narrative. Unlike the bible which tells stories in an orderly fashion.
The quran says little more than name dropping a list of bible prophets, with little detail about what they have done. This is most obvious in sura 12 which completely omits all the basic details of the story of Joseph. It is so obvious that sura 12 is a half rememberer rendition of the bible story that it is laughable. Especially when Muslims claim the quran is so profound it is a miracle.

Added to this the quran is filled with complete nonsense, like the sun orbits the earth in a semi circle and is reset at every dawn.

I also find all the lurid descriptions of hell in the quran a sickening diatribe of offensive nonsense. All my studies of the practical occult tell me that God would never do such things to human beings, and therefore it is all the lies of Muhammad, trying to scare people into fighting his wars for him, and threatening them with hell if he does not.

I feel the need to try to free peoples minds from the fear of Muhammad's false God, so I will continue to criticize the quran at every opportunity.

Now you're sounding like a propagandist. I could waste my time with you but I won't. You specifically target Islam. It's a disease with you Muslim haters. But nothing of the Torah which the bible came from, and what it says. Of course none of that disgusts you. We know who you are. The same old same old.

It's a propagandist who would defend a totalitarian politico-religious ideology such as Islam.

There are varied claims as to what islam "is" as there are varied subdivisions of islamism. The religion's inventor created a politico-religious ideology which is still interpreted literally and is a virulent manifesto of God-given Islamosupremacy. The Muslim Brotherhood and dozens of their contemporaries are following the blueprint for the Religion of Peace's agenda. It's actually just a matter of convenience to identify a discrete group of villains with a name, rather than the religious ideology that inspires them.

The Koran, for me, is tedious, disjointed, and long-winded, but instructive nevertheless in demonstrating a firm religious basis for the violent expansion of Islamic supremacy through jihad. I found this sanction and obligation for holy war in the koran confirmed and reinforced when I read the hadith (the collections of sunnah—the deeds, behavior, and words of Muhammud (swish) and his companions) of Bukhari and Muslim, which are considered to be wholly authentic. Throughout the sunnah, jihad is glorified as a supreme act of faith. I've also read Sirat Rasul Allah, Muhammad's sacralized biography by Ibn Ishaq, the 'Umdat al-Salik manual of Islamic fiqh, works by Sayyid Qutb, Ibn Taimiyyah, Abul-A`la al-Maududi, Abdullah Azzam, and any other writings I could find from islamist sheikhs and "scholars". Most importantly, I've read Islam's history, particularly focusing on jihad and its colonialistic/imperialistic character. I also began to follow the worldwide jihad in the media, and I started to pay more attention to what has been taking place in the islamist Middle East.
Islam has no inventor. God sent it.

I could care less that you hate muslims.

You behave like a animal.

Don't care for your poltical reasons.

You made no point at all.

Besides saying you throw Christianity under the bus and you're not a person for God. You're for satan. He plays with your head.

You don't have an ounce of love for God the way you speak of religion.
People like Hollie are so brainwashed and fed propaganda they don't even notice how vile they start being. Like she said she followed the media. No wonder she sounds like a sheep.
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People like Hollie are so brainwashed and fed propaganda they don't even notice how vile they start being. Like she said she followed the media. No wonder she sounds like a sheep.

Yours is the stereotypical blathering of the propagandist. Boilerplate responses which, of course, respond to nothing. You're unable to offer anything in refutation so you're reduced to childish name-calling.
People like Hollie are so brainwashed and fed propaganda they don't even notice how vile they start being. Like she said she followed the media. No wonder she sounds like a sheep.

Yours is the stereotypical blathering of the propagandist. Boilerplate responses which, of course, respond to nothing. You're unable to offer anything in refutation so you're reduced to childish name-calling.

Refutation of what? :lol:

No I won't respond to hateful nonsense. If you actually try to make a point it would make a little more sense
Islam has no inventor. God sent it.

I could care less that you hate muslims.

You behave like a animal.

Don't care for your poltical reasons.

You made no point at all.

Besides saying you throw Christianity under the bus and you're not a person for God. You're for satan. He plays with your head.

You don't have an ounce of love for God the way you speak of religion.

So.... aside from that childish tantrum.... could you re-read you post and try to compose sentences as if you're a grown-up.
Islam has no inventor. God sent it.

I could care less that you hate muslims.

You behave like a animal.

Don't care for your poltical reasons.

You made no point at all.

Besides saying you throw Christianity under the bus and you're not a person for God. You're for satan. He plays with your head.

You don't have an ounce of love for God the way you speak of religion.

So.... aside from that childish tantrum.... could you re-read you post and try to compose sentences as if you're a grown-up.

I don't copy and paste my things like you. All your stuff is off a website. I won't even bother stating where you get your pickup lines.
People like Hollie are so brainwashed and fed propaganda they don't even notice how vile they start being. Like she said she followed the media. No wonder she sounds like a sheep.

Yours is the stereotypical blathering of the propagandist. Boilerplate responses which, of course, respond to nothing. You're unable to offer anything in refutation so you're reduced to childish name-calling.

Refutation of what? :lol:

No I won't respond to hateful nonsense. If you actually try to make a point it would make a little more sense

I offered several points you could have responded to. If you can't make sense of Islam's history of war, conquest and subjugation, you're either in denial or a pedestrian propagandist. How would you describe yourself?
Islam has no inventor. God sent it.

I could care less that you hate muslims.

You behave like a animal.

Don't care for your poltical reasons.

You made no point at all.

Besides saying you throw Christianity under the bus and you're not a person for God. You're for satan. He plays with your head.

You don't have an ounce of love for God the way you speak of religion.

So.... aside from that childish tantrum.... could you re-read you post and try to compose sentences as if you're a grown-up.

I don't copy and paste my things like you. All your stuff is off a website. I won't even bother stating where you get your pickup lines.

I'm not responsible for your childish tantrums.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) lead? Hint: 3.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) fight in? Hint: 72
Yours is the stereotypical blathering of the propagandist. Boilerplate responses which, of course, respond to nothing. You're unable to offer anything in refutation so you're reduced to childish name-calling.

Refutation of what? :lol:

No I won't respond to hateful nonsense. If you actually try to make a point it would make a little more sense

I offered several points you could have responded to. If you can't make sense of Islam's history of war, conquest and subjugation, you're either in denial or a pedestrian propagandist. How would you describe yourself?
Submission is part and parcel of Islam. After all "Islam" means submission to God. If you want to submit, do so if you please. I do not feel the need to do so, nor do I feel the need to respect pedophiles.
Yours is the stereotypical blathering of the propagandist. Boilerplate responses which, of course, respond to nothing. You're unable to offer anything in refutation so you're reduced to childish name-calling.

Refutation of what? :lol:

No I won't respond to hateful nonsense. If you actually try to make a point it would make a little more sense

I offered several points you could have responded to. If you can't make sense of Islam's history of war, conquest and subjugation, you're either in denial or a pedestrian propagandist. How would you describe yourself?

What do you mean?? You're a funny person.
So.... aside from that childish tantrum.... could you re-read you post and try to compose sentences as if you're a grown-up.

I don't copy and paste my things like you. All your stuff is off a website. I won't even bother stating where you get your pickup lines.

I'm not responsible for your childish tantrums.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) lead? Hint: 3.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) fight in? Hint: 72

Wrong. He never lead any wars. He was defending his people who were being persecuted in a few battles. Inside of Arabia. All self defense.

Moses was involved in plenty of wars. I don't see what's your point.
I don't copy and paste my things like you. All your stuff is off a website. I won't even bother stating where you get your pickup lines.

I'm not responsible for your childish tantrums.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) lead? Hint: 3.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) fight in? Hint: 72

Wrong. He never lead any wars. He was defending his people who were being persecuted in a few battles. Inside of Arabia. All self defense.

Moses was involved in plenty of wars. I don't see what's your point.
False! Only a propagandist would claim that the endless wars fought by muhammud (swish) were defensive.
I'm not responsible for your childish tantrums.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) lead? Hint: 3.

How many wars of aggression did muhammud (swish) fight in? Hint: 72

Wrong. He never lead any wars. He was defending his people who were being persecuted in a few battles. Inside of Arabia. All self defense.

Moses was involved in plenty of wars. I don't see what's your point.
False! Only a propagandist would claim that the endless wars fought by muhammud (swish) were defensive.

No. They weren't wars. But battles of self defense.

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