Is the Quran Gods words?

And no your theory on perfecting souls is not realistic or possible, it sounds like a stupid game.

So you think we will all go to heaven or hell for all eternity, and remain imperfect as we are for all of time?

That makes no sense and is not workable.

Unless you are happy to sit by flowing streams where the fruit hangs low, being waited on by wide eyed youths for all eternity. Which is the heaven Muhammad promised to dusty old Arabs in the quran.

Well let me make it plain where I am going according to Islam, because I utterly reject Muhammad and his monster God Allah the unmerciful. I would rather go to burn in hell than grovel on my head before such a terrible God.

But I am confident I will suffer no such fate, because the Allah described in the quran is the invention of a cruel minded bandit, not a messenger of God.
And no your theory on perfecting souls is not realistic or possible, it sounds like a stupid game.

So you think we will all go to heaven or hell for all eternity, and remain imperfect as we are for all of time?

That makes no sense and is not workable.

Unless you are happy to sit by flowing streams where the fruit hangs low, being waited on by wide eyed youths for all eternity. Which is the heaven Muhammad promised to dusty old Arabs in the quran.

Well let me make it plain where I am going according to Islam, because I utterly reject Muhammad and his monster God Allah the unmerciful. I would rather go to burn in hell than grovel on my head before such a terrible God.

But I am confident I will suffer no such fate, because the Allah described in the quran is the invention of a cruel minded bandit, not a messenger of God.

Since they had no toilet paper in islam, do you think that maybe sometimes they'd use pages from the koran to wipe the poo from their starfish?
Moses was involved in plenty of wars. I don't see what's your point.
False! Only a propagandist would claim that the endless wars fought by muhammud (swish) were defensive.

I agree with BecauseIKnow, religious wars, or any wars, are by no means restricted to Islam, however many more Islamic states tended to engage in over history.
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Moses was involved in plenty of wars. I don't see what's your point.
False! Only a propagandist would claim that the endless wars fought by muhammud (swish) were defensive.

I agree with BecauseIKnow, religious wars, or any wars, are by no means restricted to Islam, however many more Islamic states tended to engage in over history.

Is that because the muslims are more violent

Or is it due to the lack of order amongst Islamic countries in comparison to the Catholic order imposed on the majority of European states up until the reformation?

Note--with the reformation era came a period of increased warfare amongst European states. The Catholic stranglehold on religious beliefs, as well as their authority and influence in European affairs, was at an end.
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False! Only a propagandist would claim that the endless wars fought by muhammud (swish) were defensive.

I agree with BecauseIKnow, religious wars, or any wars, are by no means restricted to Islam, however many more Islamic states tended to engage in over history.

Is that because the muslims are more violent

Or is it due to the lack of order amongst Islamic countries in comparison to the Catholic order imposed on the majority of European states up until the reformation?

Note--with the reformation era came a period of increased warfare amongst European states. The Catholic stranglehold on religious beliefs, as well as their authority and influence in European affairs, was at an end.

GW Bush's Christian Crusade in Iraq and Afghanistan was way more violent than anything the Muslims have done in recent memory.
As for the word of God, it could be said that of course the Koran is.

A modern monotheist maintains that God is One. As there is no duality in God, creation is part. As humans are part of creation and therefore part of God, of course all words are God's.

Perhaps we should all be much more careful of what we say, even non-believers.
I think Muhammy wrote the quran so he wouldn't have to wipe his ass with rocks any more, so he invented the first portable bumwad. That's why good muslims memorize the quran, because eventually you run out of pages.
Who ever heard of a holy book that has an entire chapter/sura in it entitled, The spoils of War.

Sura 8 is a clear example of Muhammads mind at work, telling Arab bandits they can win booty by fighting his battles for him. It begins in sura 8.1 by telling them all spoils of war belong to Allah and his messenger. But by the time he had reached sura 8.41 Muhammad obviously decided he would have to share the booty if he wanted people to risk their lives for him, so he said only one fifth of the spoils belonged to him.

This is a clear contradiction in a book that says if you can find contradictions in it, it is not from God.

As for saying spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger, Muhammad is obviously claiming the spoils for himself, as Allah needs no spoils of war.
Dajjal spreading mis information and interpreting it his own way, he likes playing around with verses and making different stories up for each.

"And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to God,- and to the Apostle, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in God and in the revelation We sent down to Our servant on the Day of Testing,- the Day of the meeting of the two forces. For God hath power over all things. (The Noble Quran, 8:41)"

"Booty taken in a lawful and just war does not belong to any individual. If he fought for such accessory rewards, he fought from wrong motives. It belongs to the Cause, in this case the Cause of Allah, as administered by His Messenger. Any portion given out to individuals are accessory gifts, windfalls from the bounty of the Commander. The chief thing is to remain staunch to the Cause of Allah, and have no differences among those who stand for the Cause. Our internal relations must be kept straight: they must not be disturbed by cupidity or worldly considerations of gain, for any windfalls of this kind should be outside our calculations." [2]

"The rule is that a fifth share is set apart for the Imam (the Commander) and the rest is divided among the forces. The fifth share reserved is expressed to be for Allah and the Prophet, and for charitable purposes for those to whom charity is due. Ultimately everything is at the disposal of Allah and His Prophet: (Noble Verse) 8:1: but four-fifths are divided, and only one-fifth is retained for the special purposes. The Imam has discretion as to the mode of division. In the Prophet's lifetime a certain portion was assigned to him and his near relatives." [3]

That's what it went to.

He doesn't seem to mention Aaron and his sons took all of the spoils of war.

He doesn't also understand the concept of why they, the Prophets, received them.
Btw. When it says It goes to Allah(God), it doesn't mean he literally takes it, it's his Prophets who are chosen by God and it spreads the message of God. Basically God decides it since he tells Muhammad and other Prophets what to do. Many times he commands them, whether in the bible, or torah, or Koran.
You do not have to read very far into sura 8 to smell a rat. Muhammad claims God would send a thousand angels to fight alongside the muslims. But that obviously never happened, or history would have recorded it big time. So Muhammad was lying to bolster the courage of his army.

Quran, sura 8.9 Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you:
"I will assist you with a thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks."
Here is the verse in Sura 8 which tells muslims to behead unbelievers. It is clearly talking about striking their necks with a sword.

8.12 Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you:
give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers:
smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."
Gee, dajjal, it seems that when you take a verse out of context it tends to cause confusion, and misinformation.

You cannot be honest for once, can ya?

The whole chapter is titled the "Spoils of War"

It has 75 verses, too many to post here. People can search it and decide themselves, rather than go to your foolish preaching.
And the verse 8:12 is directly referring to the battle where Muslims had angels help them. So in a war, if you want to live, you kill the enemies. That's common sense
Gee, dajjal, it seems that when you take a verse out of context it tends to cause confusion, and misinformation.

You cannot be honest for once, can ya?

The whole chapter is titled the "Spoils of War"

It has 75 verses, too many to post here. People can search it and decide themselves, rather than go to your foolish preaching.

Too right, there is a whole sura in the quran entitled Spoils of war. That is exactly my point.

The quran is not a holy book, or a message from God, it is the handbook of an Arab bandit who stole religion from the Bible to scare people into fighting for him.
He then pays them off by claiming that God said it is right to take booty in war.

Quran sura 8.69 But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good: but fear God: for
God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
And the verse 8:12 is directly referring to the battle where Muslims had angels help them. So in a war, if you want to live, you kill the enemies. That's common sense

The quran divides people into believers and unbelievers in Muhammad.
It says believers will be rewarded in heaven if they die in battle and it says that unbelievers will burn in eternal hell. It says that the curse of God is on unbelievers.
It sets believers against unbelievers in war and hatred.

How obvious does it have to be for muslims to see they have been deceived by a false prophet, and a war monger?

Would a just God create a world full of people and then take sides and set them at war?

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