Is the Quran Gods words?

I say it is not, for the following reasons.

1. The quran is filled with references to the bible and other texts, and I say is is copied from these sources, and not an original work.

2. The quran is full of terrible quotes about what God will do to unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgement, and that he will burn them in hellfire for all eternity, and I say this is all lies which degrade God, and make him a monster. It was written to scare people into obeying Muhammad, and it does not come from God.

Does anyone want to dispute my opinions?

Who wrote the Quaran? Who wrote the bible?

Men I have to say more other than man is not perfect? Do you really think men transcribed the word of god into books without errors?
Who wrote the Quaran? Who wrote the bible?

Men I have to say more other than man is not perfect? Do you really think men transcribed the word of god into books without errors?

The quran is supposed to be the words of Muhammad, dictated to him by the angel Gabriel. Muslims claim it is accurate as Muhammads suras were memorized, then written down.

My argument is that it is all lies made up by Muhammad for his own ends, and God had no part in it. Therefore I am dismantling the quran sura by sura to show why it cannot be from God. I am subjecting the quran to literary criticism in the same way that has already been done to the bible by many scholars.

While I am not a scholar I have studied much religion and spiritual teachings, and more recently (since 9/11/01) I have read the quran and applied my experience to a criticism of it.
The next obvious flaw in the quran, reading it from the back is in sura 96. It says man was created from a clot of blood. That is assuming the English translations I have are accurate. I include all the main translations for comparison. They all talk of a clot of blood except the Khalifa quran, which can be disregarded as fabrication. Khalifa changes many verses to make them more believable to the modern mind.
Quran sura 96:2

Pickthall- Createth man from a clot.

Yusuf Ali- Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:

Hilali-Khan- Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood).

Shakir- He created man from a clot.

Sher Ali- Created man from a clot of blood.

Khalifa- He created man from an embryo.

Arberry- created Man of a blood-clot.

Palmer- Who created man from congealed blood!

Rodwell- Created man from CLOTS OF BLOOD: -

Sale- who hath created man of congealed blood.

Darwood- created man from clots of blood.
Who wrote the Quaran? Who wrote the bible?

Men I have to say more other than man is not perfect? Do you really think men transcribed the word of god into books without errors?

Which is even more a factor when you realize that neither book was ever intended to be written as a book. The Quran was a recitation. It was designed to be spoken, not written. Arabic wasnt even a written language at the time.

They did start writing them down. But during the reign of the "Rightly" guided Caliphs, there were varient texts going around and they ordered the book compiled and the varients destroyed. This is historical fact.

There is more than enough time for humans to have corrupted the Quran before it was even compiled to a single volume.

The Bible wasn't meant to be a single volume either. The revelations were written down and then debated and discussed about their accuracy who the revelations were to and whether they were accurate. etc. Some people mistakenly believe they are in chronilogical order when they aren't. And while I dont doubt that God guided the process, I am not of the opinion that He forced people to keep the book free from error. Especially when it never claims to be free from error. (seems to me that if the Bible was to remain free from error, it would be a pretty big error to leave that doctrine out).

The fact that human imperfections may touch the scriptures doesnt take away from the Divine message. As 2 Timothy 3:16 states, the scriptures are given as a tool to bring us to God. They dont need to be exalted in place of God. I fear there are alot of people who make their Bible an idol and miss the invitation to come to Jesus Christ and know Him and the Father.

It's another reason I like the Book of Mormon. Because it doesn't claim perfection. It points out that this is written by men inspired by the Lord who are not perfect and not incorrupt. But instead, go to the Lord and find out from Him whether the doctrines are true.

I know, if I wrote something inspired of God, I would want people to learn from God about it rather than simply relying on what I said. its better to trust the Spirit than the Flesh. Even Flesh as trustworthy as me:)
Who wrote the Quaran? Who wrote the bible?

Men I have to say more other than man is not perfect? Do you really think men transcribed the word of god into books without errors?

Which is even more a factor when you realize that neither book was ever intended to be written as a book. The Quran was a recitation. It was designed to be spoken, not written. Arabic wasnt even a written language at the time.

They did start writing them down. But during the reign of the "Rightly" guided Caliphs, there were varient texts going around and they ordered the book compiled and the varients destroyed. This is historical fact.

There is more than enough time for humans to have corrupted the Quran before it was even compiled to a single volume.

The Bible wasn't meant to be a single volume either. The revelations were written down and then debated and discussed about their accuracy who the revelations were to and whether they were accurate. etc. Some people mistakenly believe they are in chronilogical order when they aren't. And while I dont doubt that God guided the process, I am not of the opinion that He forced people to keep the book free from error. Especially when it never claims to be free from error. (seems to me that if the Bible was to remain free from error, it would be a pretty big error to leave that doctrine out).

The fact that human imperfections may touch the scriptures doesnt take away from the Divine message. As 2 Timothy 3:16 states, the scriptures are given as a tool to bring us to God. They dont need to be exalted in place of God. I fear there are alot of people who make their Bible an idol and miss the invitation to come to Jesus Christ and know Him and the Father.

It's another reason I like the Book of Mormon. Because it doesn't claim perfection. It points out that this is written by men inspired by the Lord who are not perfect and not incorrupt. But instead, go to the Lord and find out from Him whether the doctrines are true.

I know, if I wrote something inspired of God, I would want people to learn from God about it rather than simply relying on what I said. its better to trust the Spirit than the Flesh. Even Flesh as trustworthy as me:)
Nice of you to finally admit that all those books are bullshit. :clap2:
Who wrote the Quaran? Who wrote the bible?

Men I have to say more other than man is not perfect? Do you really think men transcribed the word of god into books without errors?

Which is even more a factor when you realize that neither book was ever intended to be written as a book. The Quran was a recitation. It was designed to be spoken, not written. Arabic wasnt even a written language at the time.

They did start writing them down. But during the reign of the "Rightly" guided Caliphs, there were varient texts going around and they ordered the book compiled and the varients destroyed. This is historical fact.

There is more than enough time for humans to have corrupted the Quran before it was even compiled to a single volume.

The Bible wasn't meant to be a single volume either. The revelations were written down and then debated and discussed about their accuracy who the revelations were to and whether they were accurate. etc. Some people mistakenly believe they are in chronilogical order when they aren't. And while I dont doubt that God guided the process, I am not of the opinion that He forced people to keep the book free from error. Especially when it never claims to be free from error. (seems to me that if the Bible was to remain free from error, it would be a pretty big error to leave that doctrine out).

The fact that human imperfections may touch the scriptures doesnt take away from the Divine message. As 2 Timothy 3:16 states, the scriptures are given as a tool to bring us to God. They dont need to be exalted in place of God. I fear there are alot of people who make their Bible an idol and miss the invitation to come to Jesus Christ and know Him and the Father.

It's another reason I like the Book of Mormon. Because it doesn't claim perfection. It points out that this is written by men inspired by the Lord who are not perfect and not incorrupt. But instead, go to the Lord and find out from Him whether the doctrines are true.

I know, if I wrote something inspired of God, I would want people to learn from God about it rather than simply relying on what I said. its better to trust the Spirit than the Flesh. Even Flesh as trustworthy as me:)
Nice of you to finally admit that all those books are bullshit. :clap2:

I think you need to reread what I wrote. Because I didn't say anything to that effect whatsoever.
In my reverse order reading of the quran, the next verse that is open to clear criticism is sura 91.
I have found many bible myths repeated in the quran, and these in themselves are unbelievable, but there are Arab myths too. Unless you believe in magic camels.
According to Arab mythology a man that preceded Muhammad called Salih, said he was a prophet too, and the people did not believe him . So he split a rock and produced a she camel. Then the people of Thamud hamstrung the camel, so Allah destroyed them. The details of this story are absent from the quran but it is mentioned. Like most of the bible references in the quran there are no details or narratives given.

Pickthall translation of the references to Thamud, the she camel.

007:073 And to (the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him. A wonder from your Lord hath come unto you. Lo! this is the camel of Allah, a token unto you; so let her feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with hurt lest painful torment seize you.

011:064 O my people! This is the camel of Allah, a token unto you, so suffer her to feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with harm lest a near torment seize you.

026:155 He said: (Behold) this she-camel. She hath the right to drink (at the well), and ye have the right to drink, (each) on an appointed day.

Yusuf Ali traslation sura 91

91.11 The Thamud (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrong-doing,

91.12 Behold, the most wicked man among them was deputed (for impiety).

91.13 But the Apostle of God said to them: "It is a She-camel of God! And (bar her not from) having her drink!"

91.14 Then they rejected him (as a false prophet), and they hamstrung her. So their
Lord, on account of their crime, obliterated their traces and made them equal (in destruction, high and low)!
sura 86 contains an obvious falsehood.

86.5 Now let man but think from what he is created!

86.6 He is created from a drop emitted-

86.7 Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:
Hi hjmick, I did not say I believed in the bible, I said the quran is largely copied from it.

One could say the NT is largely copied from the OT, just as you say the Koran is copied from "the bible". All you really have is the "Torah," then, which itself, was copied from near-easter pagan stories, with the exception of it being monolatrist polytheism instead of polytheism.

Not to mention the amount of blatant contradictions in the bible regarding fundamental theological "axioms," hence why there are over 40,000 christian denominations.
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Quran is the new version of Bible .. people changed bible .. Quran had been sent ..

[ame=]Kuranda çeli[/ame]
Which is even more a factor when you realize that neither book was ever intended to be written as a book. The Quran was a recitation. It was designed to be spoken, not written. Arabic wasnt even a written language at the time.

They did start writing them down. But during the reign of the "Rightly" guided Caliphs, there were varient texts going around and they ordered the book compiled and the varients destroyed. This is historical fact.

There is more than enough time for humans to have corrupted the Quran before it was even compiled to a single volume.

The Bible wasn't meant to be a single volume either. The revelations were written down and then debated and discussed about their accuracy who the revelations were to and whether they were accurate. etc. Some people mistakenly believe they are in chronilogical order when they aren't. And while I dont doubt that God guided the process, I am not of the opinion that He forced people to keep the book free from error. Especially when it never claims to be free from error. (seems to me that if the Bible was to remain free from error, it would be a pretty big error to leave that doctrine out).

The fact that human imperfections may touch the scriptures doesnt take away from the Divine message. As 2 Timothy 3:16 states, the scriptures are given as a tool to bring us to God. They dont need to be exalted in place of God. I fear there are alot of people who make their Bible an idol and miss the invitation to come to Jesus Christ and know Him and the Father.

It's another reason I like the Book of Mormon. Because it doesn't claim perfection. It points out that this is written by men inspired by the Lord who are not perfect and not incorrupt. But instead, go to the Lord and find out from Him whether the doctrines are true.

I know, if I wrote something inspired of God, I would want people to learn from God about it rather than simply relying on what I said. its better to trust the Spirit than the Flesh. Even Flesh as trustworthy as me:)
Nice of you to finally admit that all those books are bullshit. :clap2:

I think you need to reread what I wrote. Because I didn't say anything to that effect whatsoever.
"inspired of god" means any bullshit is acceptable.
Quran is the new version of Bible .. people changed bible .. Quran had been sent ..

The quran says it confirms the previous scriptures, for example at sura 3.3, but in fact the quran does not confirm the bible stories. The quran says that Jesus was not the son of God and it says he was not crucified. But the bible has lengthy accounts of the Crucifixion in all four gospels of the disciples.

So when the quran says at sura 3.3 that it confirms the Torah AND THE GOSPELS, it is wrong.

Quran sura 3.3 It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming
what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus)
before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment
between right and wrong).
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Here is a verse which incites hatred against unbelievers.
Quran sura 60.4
Indeed there has been an excellent example for you (muslims) in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: "Verily we are free from you.. and whatever you worship besides Allah: we rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone.
Here is a verse which incites hatred against unbelievers.
Quran sura 60.4
Indeed there has been an excellent example for you (muslims) in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: "Verily we are free from you.. and whatever you worship besides Allah: we rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone.

Its all about Good vs Evil , and make no mistake the quran is the

book of the BEAST. Allah is the beast, muhammad prophet of the beast,

islam religion of the beast , muslims slaves of the evil beast and the fanatical

islamic leaders goal is to unite the world under islam and take it back to the

7Th century where the beast took control of muhammad's soul and islam was


Assyrian International News Agency

~~ |~~ Is Islam Violent?* ~~

Koran-The Ultimate Truth

MEMRITV - The Middle East Media Research Institute

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace

"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29​

2013.06.25 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - Two children and eight women are shredded by a bomb planted by Sunni fundamentalists.

2013.06.24 (Tikrit, Iraq) - Students are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside a university parking garage.

2013.06.24 (Jihad, Iraq) - al-Qaeda bombers take out nine residents of a Shia neighborhood.

2013.06.24 (Husseiniya, Iraq) - Two bombs placed at a Shiite market send eight patrons to Allah.

2013.06.23 (Idlib, Syria) - A Catholic monk is reportedly murdered by Islamists.

2013.06.23 (Zawiyat, Egypt) - Sunni hardliners throw petrol bombs into a house with Shia residents, burning and then stabbing and beating at least four to death.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

In this board ,, I wrote before ,, most members just depend on MEDIA , TV NEWS and NEWSPAPER as a source to get information

these are the IGNORANT S way

I really feel sorry for you


In this board ,, I wrote before ,, most members just depend on MEDIA , TV NEWS and NEWSPAPER as a source to get information

these are the IGNORANT S way

I really feel sorry for you

I get my information direct from the quran and hadiths, and it is clear to me that God had nothing to do with them.

In this board ,, I wrote before ,, most members just depend on MEDIA , TV NEWS and NEWSPAPER as a source to get information

these are the IGNORANT S way

I really feel sorry for you

I get my information direct from the quran and hadiths, and it is clear to me that God had nothing to do with them.

You got that right, it was the beast...

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