Is the sea rising...or is the land sinking?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...or both?

According to this article...the land is sinking...the hypothesis is pumping water out of the aquifers for all those people living on the East Coast is causing the subsidence...

So, all you the planet...stop using water.

Didn't a politician some time ago once say that if people moved to one side of a country (I forget where) that the land would tip over into the ocean?
...or both?

According to this article...the land is sinking...the hypothesis is pumping water out of the aquifers for all those people living on the East Coast is causing the subsidence...

So, all you the planet...stop using water.

Different regions behave differently. Some rise, some sink, some do nothing. It is carefully accounted for in the calculation of sea level rise.
Different regions behave differently. Some rise, some sink, some do nothing. It is carefully accounted for in the calculation of sea level rise.
Environmental alarmist bot has malfunctioned...the study didn't come out until last month...and the title itself calls the information "hidden"...

So try again...

Remember this alarmist narrative just last month?

View attachment 787507

If the land is sinking... This makes perfect sense.

Or, after a flood event, shit like this happens, gets photo-ed and trotted out as "evidence."

The warmers actually do have a few things "sinking" on Earth, islands in the South Pacific, but they know that claiming that here gets nowhere, because those islands like Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands are on a plate headed to PROF (Pacific Ring of Fire) and are sinking because in a few million years they will be....


Other than those, nothing on Earth is sinking because there is


because there is



Environmental alarmist bot has malfunctioned...the study didn't come out until last month...and the title itself calls the information "hidden"...

So try again...

View attachment 787503

What does the date of this article have to do with my statement? Ahh... I see. When I said that uplift and subsidence were accounted for in the calculation of sea level rise, you thought I meant that THIS subsidence was accounted for. I was simply pointing out that people calculating sea level rise have paid attention to uplift and subsidence for as long as they've been working the problem.

I would also like to point out a slightly misleading piece in the OP's linked article (the Engineering mag, not Nature). It seemed to indicate that plate tectonics wasn't discovered till 1968. That the Earth's plates move was first discovered by a geologist by the name of Alfred Wegener and published in 1912. The theory was controversial and it wasn't till the late 1960s that resistance to Wegener's theory ended, but it had certainly been a known and thoroughly discussed topic for many decades before then.
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Remember this alarmist narrative just last month?

View attachment 787507

If the land is sinking... This makes perfect sense.
If you're smart enough to support Trump you're smart enough to believe that people calculating sea level changes were ignorant of basic geology.
Or, after a flood event, shit like this happens, gets photo-ed and trotted out as "evidence."

The warmers actually do have a few things "sinking" on Earth, islands in the South Pacific, but they know that claiming that here gets nowhere, because those islands like Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands are on a plate headed to PROF (Pacific Ring of Fire) and are sinking because in a few million years they will be....


Other than those, nothing on Earth is sinking because there is


because there is



Dunno about sinks all the time--now if the weather becomes more energetic it sets up some natural disaster scenarios that we should plan for, right?

Dunno about sinks all the time--now if the weather becomes more energetic it sets up some natural disaster scenarios that we should plan for, right?


The first issue is whether or not there is ocean rise. There isn't. That is complete fudge and the warmers have been lying about Antarctica all along. Antarctica, 90% of Earth ice, has been gaining ice for tens of millions of years.

Got that from the British Court in 2007 - the warmers were busted lying and kept right on lying

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

The NASA explained why Antarctica busts the IPCC fudging on ocean rise...

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some..."

Serious taxpayer funded fudgebaking fraud at IPCC on ocean "rise"
So that is the first problem. Land moves. We have sinkholes and hills and valleys. That is really noise. The warmers cannot show one single landmark that is sinking, not one. The last issue was Norfolk Naval Station, the evidence was a photo of a 2017 storm surge, the response was Google images for past year... showing no ocean rise...

These people who push the CO2 fraud are really sick and dishonest people.
Dunno about sinks all the time--now if the weather becomes more energetic it sets up some natural disaster scenarios that we should plan for, right?

Think about it. Just about exactly as much surface must rise as sinks. We don't have a black hole at the center of the planet.
Think about it. Just about exactly as much surface must rise as sinks. We don't have a black hole at the center of the planet.
Well..true far as it goes. Of course, sublimation involves some dissolution of the land into the water--thus not disappearing, of course, but settling many feet below the surface.
a very ignorant article, begins talking about the problem on the east coast but then uses california as an explanation?

Stupidity disguised as an article. I see they include Connecticut? How is it possible for solid rock to sink because you are pumping water out of the cracks? How do they equate Connecticut and California as having the same cause.

The earth is always in a process of change, most likely it is that force that Einstein wrongly said does not exist and now we will find out it is simply squeezing the earth.
I was simply pointing out that people calculating sea level rise have paid attention to uplift and subsidence for as long as they've been working the problem.

We're using satellite altimeters now ... the land's up-and-downs don't effect those ... although if I remember correctly, it was the horizontal movement that was the worst ... 10 times sea level rise ... Seattle is moving towards Tokyo at 30 mm/yr ... compared to sea level rise at 3.1 mm/yr ... North America is a speed demon in that sense ...
We're using satellite altimeters now ... the land's up-and-downs don't effect those ... although if I remember correctly, it was the horizontal movement that was the worst ... 10 times sea level rise ... Seattle is moving towards Tokyo at 30 mm/yr ... compared to sea level rise at 3.1 mm/yr ... North America is a speed demon in that sense ...
Of course the land's up's and downs affect those. Changes to the topology of the Earth's surface (above and below water) affect the volume of the basins. The idea is to determine trends for the total volume of the world's oceans; sea level data from places like the CU lab are eutstatic.
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Of course the land's up's and downs affect those. Changes to the topology of the Earth's surface (above and below water) affect the volume of the basins. The idea is to determine trends for the total volume of the world's oceans; sea level data from places like the CU lab are eutstatic.

... or satellite altimeters ...

Do you mean volume and density? ... because force is proportional to mass ... and mean sea level is defined in terms of the force of gravity ... it is the shell of equal gravitational potential ... and fluid mechanics demands water seek her own level ... on average ... which is what "mean" means in this context ...

I'd like to see your data from this "CU lab" ... I doubt credit unions have must to do with this ... or why a CU would have a lab ... but regardless, we don't know if satellite altimetry works or not (it's not like we have barometers in orbit), so it's always nice to have a second dataset for comparison ...
Maybe the ice caps melting is causing it.

I mean millions of years ago the antarctic was a rainforest. So all that ice 90 million years ago was not there like it is today.

The Antarctic was not frozen because it was not at the poles. The poles have always been the coldest places on this planet.

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