Is the South less accepting?

Sci fi primarily escapist tripe. This goes for those ridiculous super hero movies too - pure shit fed to the simple minded pigs by Hollywood Jews to fatten their bank accounts. It is really quite admirable - the Jews, that is. I have always admired the ability of Jews to establish and maintain wealth generating endeavors wherever they roam, usually upon the backs of the natives, and they do this based only upon their wits.

If I had to adopt a religious ideology it would be Judaism.

Absolute bullshit. If you don't like sci-fi, that is fine. But to try and claim it is shit fed to the simple minded is pure bullshit.

Scifi is looking forward. It is imagining with no limitations. It is taking the barest glimmer and creating entire universes. But you want to claim it is a jewish plot. lmao Too funny.

Battlestar Galactica is forward-looking fiction that will lead to the advancement of humankind? Bitch, please! Go check out some Ed Wood flicks then get back to me on this, Guido.

As a fan of science fiction I agree that most sci-fi is tripe; however, the works of Heinlein, Le Guin, Arcthur C. Clark, Huxley, Verne, Niven, Neal Stephenson, Douglas Adams, Phillip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov and others are best categorized as speculative fiction or satire using futuristic settings or sci-fi themes to make social commentary or to provide insight into the human condition or the future and their works have value as literature.

The OP is wrong and generalizing ignorantly, and so is ZackB .
No, no. I agree with you on the op, but not on Zack. Good fiction cuts across all genres, even porn. For example, Kubrick's "Space Odyssey" is a fine piece of fiction. Star Wars, on the other hand is total crap. "Fury Road" was a wonderful flick. Super Hero movies suck dirty taint.

Thus, maybe I did over-generalize. For that I admit my mistake.

2001 is a masterpiece. Star Wars is fantasy. I thought Fury Road was just okay. The Martian was excellent. Interstellar sucked except the cinematic visualization of a black hole and the effects of heavy gravitational tides on a water planet. I really wish there'd be more better quality sci-fi produced in film and literature. Check out "The Expanse" done by Syfy channel. Best thing they ever did - which isn't saying much but it's not half bad and has pretty decent production values.

Give up the anti-semitic stuff. Only harms any credibility you might have.
People are people. Matters not where you live. Why try and make a division where there is none?
Amen to this especially when people who are in the south can always be from another part of the country originally.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am in east Tennessee, but I was born in Florida and raised in northern Kentucky.
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