Is the theocratic authoritarianism of the GOP on the rise or in eclipse?

The 'theocratic authoritarianism' is on the rise on the right just like it is on the left. The entire political apparatus is moving in the direction of authoritarianism and both sides are to busy bitching at the other side to even bother hiding the fact they are authoritarian.

But the partisans want authoritarianism, they always have.
Not as long as we have snowflake MAGAts crying "FRAUD" everytime they loose legitimately."
The Democrats have learned how to steal elections with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, counted by goddamn dishonest Democrats.

Illigitimate as hell and that is why we are a banana republic now and will never have another legitimate election.
Yep. He doesn't understand the basic facts:
Democrats want to make the USA into CA & NY (failed states)
Republicans want to make the USA more like FL & UT (successful states)

Schmid points to stupid talking points instead of relevant government policy.
Those who crave and support authoritarian rule become upset when it is identified as what it is.

It’s common to call this GOP behavior “anti-democratic,” but the description can only go so far. It tells us what they’re moving America away from, but not where they want to take it. The term “minority rule” is closer, but euphemistic; it puts the Republican actions in the same category as a Supreme Court ruling, counter-majoritarian moves inside a democratic framework rather than something fundamentally opposed to it.
It’s worth being clear about this: The GOP has become an authoritarian party pushing an authoritarian policy agenda.
The loser of the 2020 presidential election (according to the certified electoral vote totals of all 50 states) refused and persists in refusing to respect the will of the People, despite all challenges, investigations, audits, and recounts affirming the result, and his impotence in producing a modicum of evidence to the contrary in the past 2 1/2 years.

He continues his baseless attacks on democracy, and has a cult of mindless bobbleheads who worship the loser, and lash out irrationally and hysterically at empirical data that contradicts their inane dogmatic beliefs.

Screen Shot 2023-07-04 at 4.21.55 PM.png

Interrupt their mindless paeans to the sexual abuser, and politely ask them to list the evidentiary proof of the loser's stolen "Landslide!" and they lash out in their meaningless diversions, vulgar vituperations, and personal ad hominems, but contrive nothing of substance.
The Democrats have learned how to steal elections with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, counted by goddamn dishonest Democrats.

Illigitimate as hell and that is why we are a banana republic now and will never have another legitimate election.
Mail in ballots are a perfectly legal and legitimate method of voting.
Get used to it. It is the future of voting.
There are just too many registered voters participating nowdays to expect them all to vote in person on one day.
Snowflake Republicans only whine about it because it successfully thwarts all the voter suppression tactics the GOP has perfected over the years and allows more people to vote.
And we all know that when more people vote, Republicans lose.
With a weaponized Supreme Court latching onto make-believe cases to legislate that discrimination against legal marriages is legal, where is the nation headed?

John Adams who wrote to his wife Abigail that “My religion you know is not exactly conformable to that of the greatest part of the Christian World,” proclaimed in the Treaty of Tripoli that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.”

Thomas Jefferson, intensely interested in religious philosophy and an enthusiastic proponent of religions freedom, emphasize the need for “a wall of separation between church and state.”


Did a fake Mexican-financed wall builder play a role in tearing down Jefferson's?View attachment 801228
For, verily, I proclaim unto you
"I did try and f*ck her, she was married...

And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything...
Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything!"

Has there been backsliding from patriotic, fundamental principles?

One religious sect that has been increasing politically-intrusive, Southern Baptists, lost nearly half a million members in 2022

The long, slow decline of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination continues.

Membership in the Southern Baptist Convention was down by nearly half a million in 2022…

the SBC had 13.2 million members in 2022, down from 13.68 million in 2021. That loss of 457,371 members is the largest in more than a century…

Once a denomination of 16.3 million, the SBC has declined by 1.5 million members since 2018, and by more than 3 million members since 2006. The COVID-19 pandemic played a role in the downturn, as did the reality that as older members die off, there are fewer young people to replace them.

What remain the nation's largest Protestant denomination is still adamant that a woman should submit to the will of her man, even if he’s a flaming anal aperture.

It decrees that a woman’s reproductive freedom should be abrogated to politicians, predominantly men, of course.

It vehemently opposes gender equality in marriage, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of Americans who are supportive of it.

Dominated by aging white men without a college degree, it is in denial of scientific awareness, particularly in climatology, and in medicine that recognizes conditions such as gender dysphoria. The thumpers insist that children suffering from the condition must be neglected rather than treated.

It’s hardly surprising that their veneration of a court-declared sexual abuser remains fanatical. The shrinking Southern Baptist Convention remains a seething hotbed of Trumpery,

Bart Barber, after being re-elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, called Trump “a demonstrably evil man.”

“He’s vain, vulgar, vicious and vindictive,” Al Jackson, a retired pastor from Auburn, Alabama succinctly summed up the sore loser of the 2020 presidential election.

And what rough beast,
its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born

View attachment 801231

Still indulging yourself on mind altering substances eh?
Mail in ballots are a perfectly legal and legitimate method of voting.
Get used to it. It is the future of voting.
There are just too many registered voters participating nowdays to expect them all to vote in person on one day.
Snowflake Republicans only whine about it because it successfully thwarts all the voter suppression tactics the GOP has perfected over the years and allows more people to vote.
And we all know that when more people vote, Republicans lose.
You stupid confused Moon Bat.

Mail in and harvested ballots that were filled out ahead of time by the goddamn Democrats were not legitimate. That is exactly what happen. The Democrat filth used the Pandemic as a cover to create unverifiable illegitimate mail in and harvested ballots, counted by dishonest Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. The Democrats stole the Electoral College from Trump and the American people and that is despicable.

You can bet your bottom dollar that once the Democrat nominee is determine the Democrat assholes will have ballots already printed up and filled in for the next election. We will never have another honest election.

Democrats are the scum of this country. They are like all Leftest revolutionaries that we see in the rest of the world. They believe in any means necessary. They are hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole so they can get free stuff and they will lie, cheat and steal to make it happen.
You stupid confused Moon Bat.

Mail in and harvested ballots that were filled out ahead of time by the goddamn Democrats were not legitimate. That is exactly what happen. The Democrat filth used the Pandemic as a cover to create unverifiable illegitimate mail in and harvested ballots, counted by dishonest Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. The Democrats stole the Electoral College from Trump and the American people and that is despicable.

You can bet your bottom dollar that once the Democrat nominee is determine the Democrat assholes will have ballots already printed up and filled in for the next election. We will never have another honest election.

Democrats are the scum of this country. They are like all Leftest revolutionaries that we see in the rest of the world. They believe in any means necessary. They are hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole so they can get free stuff and they will lie, cheat and steal to make it happen.
That's weird!
More than 60 federal judges ruled that everything you've just said here is complete caca.
You loose moonbat!
That's weird!
More than 60 federal judges ruled that everything you've just said here is complete caca.
You loose moonbat!
Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

There were other villains in the stolen 2020 election besides the Democrat scum that did the stealing.

Like the Judicial branch that decided to stay out of the election. Like the chickenshit Supreme Court coming up with the bat shit crazy determination that the states had no standing to challenge a Federal election. How stupid was that?

What should have happen was a Congressional election audit but the cowards in Congress did not call for an audit, despite overwhelming evidence of fraud in Democrat controlled districts.

Voters decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything.

Our country is fucked with the Democrat scum controlling so many ballots in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. We will never see another legitimate election. Like the German said in Saving Private Ryan, "The US is Kaput".
Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

There were other villains in the stolen 2020 election besides the Democrat scum that did the stealing.

Like the Judicial branch that decided to stay out of the election. Like the chickenshit Supreme Court coming up with the bat shit crazy determination that the states had no standing to challenge a Federal election. How stupid was that?

What should have happen was a Congressional election audit but the cowards in Congress did not call for an audit, despite overwhelming evidence of fraud in Democrat controlled districts.

Voters decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything.

Our country is fucked with the Democrat scum controlling so many ballots in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. We will never see another legitimate election. Like the German said in Saving Private Ryan, "The US is Kaput".
Whacky, discredited, conspiracy theory much?
Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

There were other villains in the stolen 2020 election besides the Democrat scum that did the stealing.

Like the Judicial branch that decided to stay out of the election. Like the chickenshit Supreme Court coming up with the bat shit crazy determination that the states had no standing to challenge a Federal election. How stupid was that?

What should have happen was a Congressional election audit but the cowards in Congress did not call for an audit, despite overwhelming evidence of fraud in Democrat controlled districts.

Voters decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything.

Our country is fucked with the Democrat scum controlling so many ballots in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. We will never see another legitimate election. Like the German said in Saving Private Ryan, "The US is Kaput".
Convenient way to explain away the fact that your political ideology is actually a bunch of horseshit BUNK that nobody wants to vote for anymore.
Just call their votes "fraudulent" and then you can feel alright about yourself.
Get used to LOSING!
Those who crave and support authoritarian rule become upset when it is identified as what it is.

It’s common to call this GOP behavior “anti-democratic,” but the description can only go so far. It tells us what they’re moving America away from, but not where they want to take it. The term “minority rule” is closer, but euphemistic; it puts the Republican actions in the same category as a Supreme Court ruling, counter-majoritarian moves inside a democratic framework rather than something fundamentally opposed to it. It’s worth being clear about this: The GOP has become an authoritarian party pushing an authoritarian policy agenda.
The loser of the 2020 presidential election (according to the certified electoral vote totals of all 50 states) refused and persists in refusing to respect the will of the People, despite all challenges, investigations, audits, and recounts affirming the result, and his impotence in producing a modicum of evidence to the contrary in the past 2 1/2 years. He continues his baseless attacks on democracy, and has a cult of mindless bobbleheads who worship the loser, and lash out irrationally and hysterically at empirical data that contradicts their inane dogmatic beliefs.

Interrupt their mindless paeans to the sexual abuser, and politely ask them to list the evidentiary proof of the loser's stolen "Landslide!" and they lash out in their meaningless diversions, vulgar vituperations, and personal ad hominems, but contrive nothing of substance.
I'll try to reply to your points one by one:
1. Who craves authoritarian rule? IMHO its the democrats who try to cancel you if you disagree with them.
Here is a list of items that they want to IMPOSE on the rest of us:

From their MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech oligarchs. Who decides what is true and what is a lie? We can't even agree on facts anymore.
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY

2. Following the US Constitution is NOT pushing an authoritarian agenda. Pushing an unconstitutional "woke agenda" is authoritarian.

3. The 2020 election was de-legitimized by the actions of the FBI who denied voters the right to know about Hunter Biden's laptop and the "influence peddling" racket the Bidens use to make $millions. On top of that, 51 traitors signed a letter saying that the Hunter Laptop was "Russian Disinformation". Trump only lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI. If the FBI did not put their interference in censoring the laptop via Twitter and Facebook the election could easily have been in Trump's favor. So Biden won illegitimately, by government interference in a free and fair election.

4. Glad you brought up "sexual abuser".


Democrats want to expose kids to deviant behaviors w/o parental consent
The 'theocratic authoritarianism' is on the rise on the right just like it is on the left. The entire political apparatus is moving in the direction of authoritarianism and both sides are to busy bitching at the other side to even bother hiding the fact they are authoritarian.

But the partisans want authoritarianism, they always have.
If you live in an area and experience it, then it is authoritarianism. Supporting police and judicial entities is not supporting nazi style complying. These people in power are germinating seeds of discontent as the aging collecting all the checks that takes from the youngers pads their local community's bottom line. Freedom is not complying in dictatorial demands. Or asking friendly at first. More and more people seek vengeance as more and more innocent become victims as the authoritarians make victims out of nothing.
With a weaponized Supreme Court latching onto make-believe cases to legislate that discrimination against legal marriages is legal, where is the nation headed?

John Adams who wrote to his wife Abigail that “My religion you know is not exactly conformable to that of the greatest part of the Christian World,” proclaimed in the Treaty of Tripoli that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.”

Thomas Jefferson, intensely interested in religious philosophy and an enthusiastic proponent of religions freedom, emphasize the need for “a wall of separation between church and state.”


Did a fake Mexican-financed wall builder play a role in tearing down Jefferson's?View attachment 801228
For, verily, I proclaim unto you
"I did try and f*ck her, she was married...

And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything...
Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything!"

Has there been backsliding from patriotic, fundamental principles?

One religious sect that has been increasing politically-intrusive, Southern Baptists, lost nearly half a million members in 2022

The long, slow decline of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination continues.

Membership in the Southern Baptist Convention was down by nearly half a million in 2022…

the SBC had 13.2 million members in 2022, down from 13.68 million in 2021. That loss of 457,371 members is the largest in more than a century…

Once a denomination of 16.3 million, the SBC has declined by 1.5 million members since 2018, and by more than 3 million members since 2006. The COVID-19 pandemic played a role in the downturn, as did the reality that as older members die off, there are fewer young people to replace them.

What remain the nation's largest Protestant denomination is still adamant that a woman should submit to the will of her man, even if he’s a flaming anal aperture.

It decrees that a woman’s reproductive freedom should be abrogated to politicians, predominantly men, of course.

It vehemently opposes gender equality in marriage, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of Americans who are supportive of it.

Dominated by aging white men without a college degree, it is in denial of scientific awareness, particularly in climatology, and in medicine that recognizes conditions such as gender dysphoria. The thumpers insist that children suffering from the condition must be neglected rather than treated.

It’s hardly surprising that their veneration of a court-declared sexual abuser remains fanatical. The shrinking Southern Baptist Convention remains a seething hotbed of Trumpery,

Bart Barber, after being re-elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, called Trump “a demonstrably evil man.”

“He’s vain, vulgar, vicious and vindictive,” Al Jackson, a retired pastor from Auburn, Alabama succinctly summed up the sore loser of the 2020 presidential election.

And what rough beast,
its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born

View attachment 801231

Denominations are failing, but you are mistaken if you equate that with a reduction of Christians. The nondenominational churches are increasing and they're mostly conservative.

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