CDZ Is the US Government prepared to declare war on it's own citizens?

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Koresh raped 12 year old girls

That is why conservatives worship him
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

Those who employ falsehood as a form of censorship confess by their actions their guilt; as they aid and abet, lend moral, and material support to very evil people.
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

There are recordings of the Feds on bullhorns begging Koresh to allow the children to leave the burning compound. Koresh had the children shot instead

THAT is the man you worship
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

There are recordings of the Feds on bullhorns begging Koresh to allow the children to leave the burning compound. Koresh had the children shot instead

THAT is the man you worship

So the feds knew the guy was dangerous and that he had weapons....and children at his compound.
Yet they didnt even try to take him on his regular visits to town.
I know you're none to bright and all but can you not see the logic in that?
And as far as Koresh goes I really dont care that he died,I do however care about those kids that you claim to be so worried about. If only you had been there to warn the feds of the pending disaster.
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

There are recordings of the Feds on bullhorns begging Koresh to allow the children to leave the burning compound. Koresh had the children shot instead

THAT is the man you worship

So the feds knew the guy was dangerous and that he had weapons....and children at his compound.
Yet they didnt even try to take him on his regular visits to town.
I know you're none to bright and all but can you not see the logic in that?
And as far as Koresh goes I really dont care that he died,I do however care about those kids that you claim to be so worried about. If only you had been there to warn the feds of the pending disaster.

They served a lawful warrant. Koresh was tipped off by a mailman

Koresh opened fire and killed four agents

That is the man you worship
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

There are recordings of the Feds on bullhorns begging Koresh to allow the children to leave the burning compound. Koresh had the children shot instead

THAT is the man you worship

So the feds knew the guy was dangerous and that he had weapons....and children at his compound.
Yet they didnt even try to take him on his regular visits to town.
I know you're none to bright and all but can you not see the logic in that?
And as far as Koresh goes I really dont care that he died,I do however care about those kids that you claim to be so worried about. If only you had been there to warn the feds of the pending disaster.

They served a lawful warrant. Koresh was tipped off by a mailman

Koresh opened fire and killed four agents

That is the man you worship

Yeah and I knew one of those agents personally so you need to refrain from making claims of worship.
The feds screwed it up and the result was a bunch of dead kids.
I always knew you libs didnt care about abortion but this is going a little to far.

Accusations of the abuse of children can be cause for action at law. On the other hand there are actions by criminals dead set on experimenting on babies with psychological weapons including a claim that you can safely give up, walk outside with your hands up, while the previous attempts result in the murder of the one giving up.

Please, please, please don't burn yourselves alive, say the criminals, while they burn the innocent people alive.

As with every other crime perpetrated by the criminals and their minions, under the color of law, there is never an employment of actual rule of law.

Rule of law would have been an accusation of wrongdoing and a request to answer for the accusation informally in minor cases, or formally with a Grand Jury Presentment, and then a summons.

The criminals have been claiming to be the authorities for thousands of years as they torture and burn people alive. This is not news.
Needs to be said again "One cannot expect 'clean debate' when the premise of his thread fails as a ridiculous loaded question fallacy."

Place this in the conspiracy forum, please.
if all we had was boobs like you, we'd have no chance. However, we DO have people who know to use poison, fire, explosives to wreck the economy. No tax base, the $ becomes toilet paper. When Big Bro can't pay his thugs, then he won't HAVE any thugs.

Obama fears the redneck army

There are at least two obvious opposing sides in this Topic.

1. Those claiming that the authorities are a small group of people called "the government"

2. Those who know that the government are the people themselves.

Those who are in category 2 can express their viewpoint well enough without having someone in group 1 twist the information offered into something false.

Bonding Code

In that example are words the describe what happens when someone trusted to protect, defend, and ensure the happiness of people are in fact criminals perpetrating crimes upon innocent people under the color of law. The criminal essentially declares war on the people because the criminal under the color of law employs the deception of "protecting and serving" as a false front that hides the willful act of advance knowledge, with malice aforethought, of targeting, and then injuring, innocent people.

The oath is a method of establishing the fact that the employee of government knows his or her boundaries inside rule of law. When the criminal then perpetrates crimes under the color of law, the fact of guilt is thereby supported with that evidence in the form of an oath.

Someone insane, for example, is not likely to take an oath to protect and serve people, and therefore someone insane will not be confessing their guilt in doing something wrong since they were incapable of taking an oath; when there is no oath, there is the real possibility that the perpetrator of the crime simply did not know that they were perpetrating a crime. Criminally insane people torture and burn babies alive because it is simply what looked, to them, like the right thing to do at the time.

Those who claim to be members of the Clean Debate Zone confess too, as they join the Forum, agree to the rules, and then when they resort to character assassination when they fail to deal with the actual information offered in Clean Debate, they are similarly confessing their guilty minds.
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

There are recordings of the Feds on bullhorns begging Koresh to allow the children to leave the burning compound. Koresh had the children shot instead

THAT is the man you worship

So the feds knew the guy was dangerous and that he had weapons....and children at his compound.
Yet they didnt even try to take him on his regular visits to town.
I know you're none to bright and all but can you not see the logic in that?
And as far as Koresh goes I really dont care that he died,I do however care about those kids that you claim to be so worried about. If only you had been there to warn the feds of the pending disaster.

They served a lawful warrant. Koresh was tipped off by a mailman

Koresh opened fire and killed four agents

That is the man you worship

Yeah and I knew one of those agents personally so you need to refrain from making claims of worship.
The feds screwed it up and the result was a bunch of dead kids.
I always knew you libs didnt care about abortion but this is going a little to far.
Yea...Monday morning quarterbacking can do that

Koresh was a pedophile murderer who was not going to give up without killing his flock

I can see why you worship the guy
Koresh was a regular at the local hardware store and the feds knew it.
Why didnt they pick him up there? Because it was obvious they expected trouble when they showed up at his compound.

There are recordings of the Feds on bullhorns begging Koresh to allow the children to leave the burning compound. Koresh had the children shot instead

THAT is the man you worship

So the feds knew the guy was dangerous and that he had weapons....and children at his compound.
Yet they didnt even try to take him on his regular visits to town.
I know you're none to bright and all but can you not see the logic in that?
And as far as Koresh goes I really dont care that he died,I do however care about those kids that you claim to be so worried about. If only you had been there to warn the feds of the pending disaster.

They served a lawful warrant. Koresh was tipped off by a mailman

Koresh opened fire and killed four agents

That is the man you worship

Yeah and I knew one of those agents personally so you need to refrain from making claims of worship.
The feds screwed it up and the result was a bunch of dead kids.
I always knew you libs didnt care about abortion but this is going a little to far.
Yea...Monday morning quarterbacking can do that

Koresh was a pedophile murderer who was not going to give up without killing his flock

I can see why you worship the guy
HWGA, if you defend Koresh, the OP will fail.
The concept of convicting someone who was burned alive before any trial of any kind could have occurred is a concept dreamed up by people who have something other than rule of law in their minds.

Along with the one being convicted by the forum judge/jury/executioners are a number of people whose autopsies were done; where there ever to actually be rule of law applied to this case, other than rule by judge/jury/executioners on a forum.

Randomly selecting people around the crime scene, numbering 25 for a determination of what is, or is not, an accusation worthy of time and effort, expense, in any case, can be a concept applied in this case where someone was accused of failing to pay a tax on a gun.

If by some odd chance only sociopaths who prefer torturing children and burning them alive were randomly selected out of the local area in Texas, then maybe there would have been a cause of action, in the form of a presentment, which would then authorize a summons, and the accused, who is accused of failing to pay a tax on a gun, is called in to face a trial with another 12 randomly selected people around Waco Texas, where all the evidence proving that it is a crime to fail to pay a tax on a gun.

If someone actually knew the law, then someone could defend the accused with a simple reference to the 2nd amendment, and if, again, by some odd chance, only sociopaths who prefer systematically torturing children and burning them alive showed up as jurists for the trial, then the defense attorney would have to be really stupid to not recognize that the entire pool of jurists, through the process of voir dire, was sociopaths who prefer systematically torturing and burning children alive. At that point, failing to have any defense of any kind, since the entire pool of sociopaths managed to get past voir dire proceedings, and the entire jury constituted criminals whose preference is to systematically torture and mass murder children by burning them alive, that jury might then determine punishment to be a systematic torture of the accused who is accused of failing to pay a tax on a gun, and the additional punishment of systematic torture of 80 or so other innocent people who are not accused of anything, and all 80 or so people, including the accused who was found guilty by these sociopathic jurists who were randomly selected from the area around Waco Texas, are burned alive as their just punishment according to that jury of sociopaths who prefer systematic torture of children before burning them alive.

What exactly did the jury prescribe as torture to be done to the convicted who was convicted by all the sociopaths involved in reality, not on this forum?
I understand that this is the clean debate zone and insults are not allowed. In this particular case saying the OP is just crazy is not an insult. It's a statement of fact. The US government is not, and will nor prepare to declare war on it's own citizens, and anybody who believes that is a serious possibility has problems with reality and needs medical consultation. There is no way to rationally discuss something so ridiculous as if it was an actual reality..
The so called "government" cannot act, think, be responsible, nor can the so called "government" be held accountable, and it is not an accident that some people believe that the so called "government" can act, think, be responsible, and be held to an accurate account as if the so called "government" were a living, breathing, thinking, acting, responsible, and accountable individual.

The fraud demonstrably works on some people; other's not so much.

Bonding Code

9.2 - Escalation
A law enforcement officer will lose his bond if he oppresses a citizen to the point of civil. rebellion when that citizen attempts to obtain redress of grievances (U.S. constitutional 1st so-called amendment).
When a state, by and through its officials and agents, deprives a citizen of all of his remedies by the due process of law and deprives the citizen of the equal protection of the law, the state commits an act of mixed war against the citizen, and, by its behavior, the state declares war on the citizen. The citizen has the right to recognize this act by the publication of a solemn recognition of mixed war. This writing has the same force as the Declaration of Independence. It invokes the citizen's U.S. constitutional 9th and 10th so-called amend guarantees of the right to create an effective remedy where otherwise none exists.

Ignorance can lead otherwise good people into blind obedience to falsehood without question; demonstrated often enough to prove the case.
Self censorship includes the voluntary choice to avoid reading a Forum Topic. The idea of censoring other people, on the other hand, can be effective, or it can be ineffective.
Self censorship includes the voluntary choice to avoid reading a Forum Topic. The idea of censoring other people, on the other hand, can be effective, or it can be ineffective.
By placing an OP in the proper forum is not censoring.
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The authority who is able to respond to any claim of impropriety on this or any forum may exert his or her power to respond to that claim of impropriety.

If in this case the topic is moved without any explanation as to why the topic was moved, then that is a form of communication: an omission of information that may help other people know what is, or is not, proper according to whoever decides what is, or is not, proper.

Is it not a good idea to offer Forum rules that actually are the Forum rules?
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