Is the US really doing the best in the world dealing with the coronavirus?

Is the US really doing the best in the world dealing with the coronavirus? I think not. We need our leadership to quit talking the talk and start walking the walk to do what is necessary to defeat the virus.
View attachment 334759
Trump's inability to confront reality has caused US infection rates and deaths to soar far beyond what they would have been with a competent POTUS:

"Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated that, had the guidelines been implemented earlier, a crucial period in the exponential spread of the virus would have been mitigated and American lives saved.

"Leading epidemiologists have put a finer point on this, estimating that 50 to 80 percent of covid-19 deaths in New York and approximately 90 percent of all American covid-19 deaths can now be attributed to the administration’s delay between March 2 and 16."

Nothing was stopping those governors from doing just that. So why didn't they?
Nothing was stopping those governors from doing just that. So why didn't they?
A national pandemic requires national (federal) leadership.
Why did Trump fail to provide that guidance?

Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?
Nothing was stopping those governors from doing just that. So why didn't they?
A national pandemic requires national (federal) leadership.
Why did Trump fail to provide that guidance?

Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

because under our system of government, the President can't issue a national lockdown. Only the governors can do it. It's called federalism. So again, I pose the question, why didn't they do it? They have the authority & their own experts as well. Are they that beholden to Washington they can't think for themselves....
because under our system of government, the President can't issue a national lockdown. Only the governors can do it. It's called federalism. So again, I pose the question, why didn't they do it? They have the authority & their own experts as well. Are they that beholden to Washington they can't think for themselves....
Effective lock-downs depend on adequate testing, something Trump has never supplied, possibly because he believes accurate numbers will work to his disadvantage in November?

Trump PR Stunt Falls Flat, as White House Video Exposes His Failure to Prepare for Pandemic
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Is the US really doing the best in the world dealing with the coronavirus? I think not. We need our leadership to quit talking the talk and start walking the walk to do what is necessary to defeat the virus.
View attachment 334759
They are doing the worst.
The nation's in the cities that are doing the worst are the ones that had the most visitors flying in from China

Before we found out how China's government was lying to us, and we had to shut down flights from China... sadly the Chinese had already infected people in other parts of the world and those infected people were flying around the rest of the world sickening the entire planet. So, blame China, blame China, and when you're done with that blame China again, cuz they did this to us, and they'll do it to us again
The blame game can come later. We have a crisis. The focus has to be what we do to solve the crisis.
Trump continually tells us what he has done. He needs to focus on what he going to do.
His claims of wins in what he has done are half lies. Trump needs to shut the f##k up and focus on doing not bragging.
It's out of Trump's hands, he's the president he's not your mayor, he's got your governor, he has no control over your life. Your governor and your Mayor and your boss, if you work for somebody in a corporation or some business, they're the ones were going to decide whether you go back to work or not. They're the ones that are going to decide the safety precautions and mitigation practices that you're going to be using to keep safe. This is not going to be coming from President Trump. President Trump can recommend but that's all he can do.

Our medical experts are the ones are going to find a vaccine, they're the ones they're going to find treatments that work, the President is not an epidemiologist or a doctor.

When it comes to this virus all Trump's going to do is repeat the opinions, views and recommendations from the so-called experts, like he's been doing for the past couple months.
Which one's are that? The one's where he downplayed it as a hoax?
Nothing was stopping those governors from doing just that. So why didn't they?
A national pandemic requires national (federal) leadership.
Why did Trump fail to provide that guidance?

Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

because under our system of government, the President can't issue a national lockdown. Only the governors can do it. It's called federalism. So again, I pose the question, why didn't they do it? They have the authority & their own experts as well. Are they that beholden to Washington they can't think for themselves....
This pandemic is war. It's already killed more than the Vietnam war. This requires federal responses and federal money, and federal leadership. This affects every state, not just some. This is not something for the states. My God man, can't you see that?
Which one's are that? The one's where he downplayed it as a hoax?
You are seriously going to play that ignorant game again? The president declared a National Health Emergency at the end of January. At the same time, he banned flights from China for fear that they were going to carry the Wuhan virus into United States. He also instituted quarantine procedures for inbound Travelers.

And you're going to tell me at the same time he was doing this he was equating the virus itself to being a hoax?? Don't be absurd, it's ignorant, stupid and foolish of you
Which one's are that? The one's where he downplayed it as a hoax?
You are seriously going to play that ignorant game again? The president declared a National Health Emergency at the end of January. At the same time, he banned flights from China for fear that they were going to carry the Wuhan virus into United States. He also instituted quarantine procedures for inbound Travelers.

And you're going to tell me at the same time he was doing this he was equating the virus itself to being a hoax?? Don't be absurd, it's ignorant, stupid and foolish of you
Would you like for me to post up the video of him saying that? Game over folks. Trump is a liar and a failure. And yes, he said it. The same way the Republicans took Obama literally, when he said you could keep your doctor. Presidents are held to what they say. Join the club. Do you think Trump gets a pass and Obama doesn't? Fuck no!

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