Is the USA and Congress being infiltrated through election fraud?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008

Elected officials that have no respect for the law always peak my interest and get me wondering what kind of people elected them into those positions. Then I got to thinking about how the elections were monkeyed in L.A. with illegal votes and the comment of the anchor baby senator in California who talks as though he thinks mehico will be able to fully overtake the U.S. in time. That guy had made a statement in one of the videos about how they already had California, Arizona, New Mexico and Illinois pretty well locked up. Yesterday I came across speeches by Luis Gutierrez. I just assumed by his words and disregard for the law maybe he is one of those people in that gang that thinks they can take over America so I started digging deeper.Luis Gutierrez - Discover the Networks . That "take back America" group seems more like a 'take over America' group when you start looking into these peeps history.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano and Nydia Velazquez to pressure President Bill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period, killing 9 people while injuring and maiming dozens of others. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members. As attorney Deborah Burlingame wrote in 2013: "Rep. Gutierrez, against all evidence, including FBI undercover videotapes of these people making bombs, called them political prisoners and threatened to marshal the Puerto Rican community against the Clintons [and] Vice President [Al] Gore, [who was] then preparing a presidential run as well." For additional details about the FALN case and the Clinton pardons, click here.

During his years in Congress, Gutierrez has cultivated a reputation as the Democratic Party's leading strategist and spokesperson on immigration issues, and has been at the forefront of the effort to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation. In 2001 he became the first elected official to sponsor a version of the DREAM Act—legislation designed to create a path-to-citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors.

In 2004 Gutierrez was a guest speaker at a “Take Back America” conference organized by the Campaign for America's Future, an organization dominated by the Democratic Socialists of America and the Institute for Policy Studies.

Why did more votes than voters in that district get put in for Gutierrez for Congress?

"There are 88,527 Suburban Cook County registered voters in 4th Congressional District." per the Cook County Clerk of Illinois webpages but it is reported that he got 171,297 votes????? Every other election reporting that the candidate got a reported 100% plus votes should be immediately over turned and these bogus elected officials need to receive cease and desist orders plus be removed from any committees where any security issues may be involved.

Registration Statistics
Registration Statistics
The Cook County Clerk's office maintains voter registration rolls for suburban Cook County. Here you will find current registration statistics. The jurisdiction and precinct tabs in the Registration Statistics Search will allow you to browse registration statistics countywide, for particular offices or for specific precincts. To learn the total number of registered voters in suburban Cook County, select "ALL" in both drop-down menus on the jurisdiction search.
Registration Statistics: Search by Jurisdiction:
*Level of Government
*Elected Office
There are 88,527 Suburban Cook County registered voters in 4th Congressional District.
* = required

Gutierrez results.png

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Office Type: Office:
Candidate Name Party Votes % of Votes
Vote Totals: 171297
COOK 171297
The article below is an excerpt was written in 2000 by By Waller, J. Michael. He told us what was coming down the pike with these billionaires pulling peoples chains through subversive unamerican activities using the ignorant fools willing to fall for the propaganda but no one was hearing it or the chosen leaders were playing let's make a deal.

This is an article preview. You must be a member of Questia to read the full article.... "Funding Subversion of National Security" by Waller, J. Michael - Insight on the News, Vol. 16, Issue 31, August 21, 2000 | Online Research Library: Questia The lists and links to see who the major players in these subversive NGO's can be searched at Discover the Networks Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG) - Discover the Networks Margery Tabankin - Discover the Networks, Apollo Alliance is just one among many others that has member ties to Bill Ayers and others,

Apollo objectives:

Funding Subversion of National Security

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Article excerpt

How huge foundations now are lavishing money to gut U.S. national interests from leading defense and security bodies, outspending sounder national-security programs 10-to-1.

Traditional national-security groups in academia, government and public policy are disappearing. And that, observers say, presents an alarming trend for the 21st century. "Most national-security-minded groups simply aren't there anymore," says John Lenczowski, director of the Institute of World Politics, perhaps the only graduate school in the United States devoted to teaching traditional statecraft. "The veterans groups don't serve their old purpose at all anymore; they're in it for government benefits. And when it comes to academic institutions, you've got mostly a kind of internationalist crowd. Most of the schools of international affairs focus on internationalism, rather than the American national interest."

Meanwhile, thanks to the globalist-collectivist bias of the leading universities, relatively few younger people are equipped to replace the Reagan-era thinkers and doers who won the Cold War. The dominant force of the next generation is intellectually rooted in a fundamental distrust of the United States and of U.S. might and mission during the Cold War and sees the United States as even less to be trusted as the world's sole superpower. This worldview deliberately tends to diminish U.S. influence by promoting more numerous and more powerful international organizations and courts, nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, and treaties that would constrain the United States while doing little, in practical terms, to restrain regimes hostile to America and to freedom. This view also treats U.S. economic, diplomatic and even military resources as tools with which to advance political, social and cultural agendas ranging from gun-control and the environment to gender- and sex-related causes.

It means that this century's new diplomats, intelligence analysts, military planners, congressional staffers and strategic thinkers will come mostly with a worldview that minimizes U.S. national interests. Their work will be reinforced -- or even initiated and shaped -- by think tanks, journalists and NGOs financed by the same multibillion-dollar pool.

With the exception of a hardy handful of small foundations, the end of the Cold War saw funding all but evaporate for traditional organizations and programs focused on national-security policy. But the big foundations that bankrolled academics and activists professionally opposed to U.S. Cold War leadership regrouped, even going on retreats and conducting studies to "examine" their new purpose and to redefine the ideas of defense and security. In most cases, according to a Center for Security Policy study of the 70 largest foundations in the defense and security field, the grantors changed their program names. They stripped out "national" from security and replaced it with global, environmental or collectivist themes.

Less than a decade after the collapse of the Soviet empire, the new globalist strain is outspending traditional national-security programming by more than 10-to-1, according to the study. The combined endowments of foundations funding global-collectivist security programs exceed $42 billion, while foundations devoted to more traditional national-security and defense policies hold a comparatively tiny $4 billion in assets -- one year's worth of interest income of their collectivist counterparts.

Spending from those endowments on defense and security education, training and public policy totals about $200 million annually -- not including peripheral issues such as democratic transitions and postconflict aid, or the $100 million that CNN mogul Ted Turner gives annually to U.N. programs. Traditional national-security education and policy receives only about $23 million a year. "This is a 10-to-1 endowment advantage and a 7-to-1 funding advantage for the left," according to the study. …
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