Is there a death sentence on America


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
The mystical meaning of today's USA

with what is now happening with the virus, the violence in our streets, a incompetent and dangerous democratic party...many are thinking that we may be on the verge of our final days as a nation....most especially if biden manages to lie his way in.



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Nah, just judgment. God judges His own people and the nation built by His Spirit first. Warnings have been there for a long while but they were ignored and mocked.
The mystical meaning of today's USA

with what is now happening with the virus, the violence in our streets, a incompetent and dangerous democratic party...many are thinking that we may be on the verge of our final days as a nation....most especially if biden manages to lie his way in.

If you included an unhinged, incoherent, incompetent man in the Oval Office and his Republican enablers, I might take you somewhat seriously.
Otherwise, it's just another right wing whine fest and lamenting over the impending death of the conservative ideology. We'll show Trump and a lot of Republicans the door in November.
That should go a long way to getting back to normal. This nation will survive.
The mystical meaning of today's USA

with what is now happening with the virus, the violence in our streets, a incompetent and dangerous democratic party...many are thinking that we may be on the verge of our final days as a nation....most especially if biden manages to lie his way in.

If you included an unhinged, incoherent, incompetent man in the Oval Office and his Republican enablers, I might take you somewhat seriously.
Otherwise, it's just another right wing whine fest and lamenting over the impending death of the conservative ideology. We'll show Trump and a lot of Republicans the door in November.
That should go a long way to getting back to normal. This nation will survive.
You seem to spend the biggest part of your day in that so called whine fest.
The mystical meaning of today's USA

with what is now happening with the virus, the violence in our streets, a incompetent and dangerous democratic party...many are thinking that we may be on the verge of our final days as a nation....most especially if biden manages to lie his way in.

If you included an unhinged, incoherent, incompetent man in the Oval Office and his Republican enablers, I might take you somewhat seriously.
Otherwise, it's just another right wing whine fest and lamenting over the impending death of the conservative ideology. We'll show Trump and a lot of Republicans the door in November.
That should go a long way to getting back to normal. This nation will survive.
You seem to spend the biggest part of your day in that so called whine fest.
They are delusional as they keep dreaming about taking over the country and turning it into total trash.
The mystical meaning of today's USA

with what is now happening with the virus, the violence in our streets, a incompetent and dangerous democratic party...many are thinking that we may be on the verge of our final days as a nation....most especially if biden manages to lie his way in.

Yes and no. Let's peel back the layers of this onion of doom.

First: some personal info. I have been serving in the US Army and now the NG since 1991. I retire in a month. We were deep into the process of purchasing an off-grid home with many remote acres, until very recently. Why did we opt out? Because the damn process was taking too long because, largely, of COVID. I believe there isn't enough time left to wait sixty days to get onto our new property. So I backed out. Now? Now we are looking at live-aboard motor yachts. Why? So we can bug the fuck out ASAP as needed and far out into the Atlantic if necessary. And, I am a patriot. I love my America. But . . . enough is enough already.

Possible doom layer #1:

The democrats, whether victorious in the 2020 presidential election or not, invite the Chinese to land large units of troops on the West and East coast of our United States. Why that's bad: imagine every last power plant, medium-sized city, military base and utility infrastructure going up in small mushroom clouds. Chances for survival if you sit back and stay wherever you're at (unless you've gone off-grid already): 5%.

Possible doom layer #2:

Human waves of terrorist leftist rioters sweep through your cities and towns, suburbs and rural areas and burn, loot, rape, pillage and murder. Chances for survival without preparation: 10% if you don't try to stand and fight them.

Possible doom layer #3:

Whether or not the democrats win the 2020 election(s) they, along with BLM, Antifa and a large part of the US Military decide to round up tens of millions of Americans and stuff them into re-education camps. They'll likely have to murder tens of millions who resist. Chances for survival? Not fucking happy face.

Possible doom layer #4:

A federal and/or total lockdown of all towns, cities, counties and state borders. No grocery trucks in, no driving out. Result: your fucking home becomes a shopping mart for looters and raiders. Cannibal holocaust follows. Chances for survival: you're fucked.

Possible doom layer #5:

Some combination of all of the above. Chances for survival? Yeah, good luck with that . . .

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