Is there a libertarian approach to poverty that *doesn't* come down to "just stop being poor"?

Under Communism, the state rules every aspect of society. Under Distributism, subsidiary is one of the most important concepts.

all this is after your lib commie nazi friends kill and slaughter us back to a preindustrial time.
Okay dude. I see you made your choice. It's not the one I was hoping for, but it's the one I had a feeling you'd go with.

Condoning killing anyone would be a betrayal of my values as a pro-life activist btw. The right to life is inherent and inalienable. You couldn't lose it if you wanted to.
Condoning killing anyone would be a betrayal of my values as a pro-life activist btw.

so how would you create your Lib Nazi society and keep the Steve Jobs types from succeeding too much??
Rather than inventing a new nazi society why not present a reason to oppose modern globalized Republican free market capitalism.
and how would a small scale, say, auto manufacturer compete with a huge scale manufacturer in Europe and Mexico???

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Why don't we ask Tesla?

Now, I can tell you 50 reasons I don't like Tesla, and that Elon Musk is a crook, but he took on the big boys and tweaked their balls.
and how would a small scale, say, auto manufacturer compete with a huge scale manufacturer in Europe and Mexico???

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Why don't we ask Tesla?

Now, I can tell you 50 reasons I don't like Tesla, and that Elon Musk is a crook, but he took on the big boys and tweaked their balls.

Tesla is not a small scale capitalist now and has huge plans to be the biggest auto maker in the world!!

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
One libertarian approach to alleviating poverty would be to end economic regulation that prevents the poor from making money. Apple Annie's unlicensed apple cart is illegal because the owners of grocery stores don't like competition. Not because she sells rotten apples.
What economic regulation is that exactly? Requiring a business license?

Among many, many others. Yes.
Ok, so you're not a commie,you're more like a Mennonite. Which is sort of like an olden days commie, or a modern day commune hippie, with the one positive difference..they aren't atheists.
Communism has historically persecuted the religious. Distributism was technically created by Catholics in accordance with that church's social views.
Communism enshrines the state as the highest authority. Distributism is wrapped up with Communitarianism, which gives that honor to the community.
Under Communism, the state owns your labor. Under Distributism, you own your labor.
Under Communism, you are employed and paid by the state. Under Distributism, you may choose to work for yourself or another as you see fit.
Under Communism, the economy is controlled by the state's central planning committees. Under Distributism, the economy is allowed to run organically within protective regulations.
Under Communism, the state rules every aspect of society. Under Distributism, subsidiary is one of the most important concepts.

For what it's worth, I get along exceptionally well with Mennonites, as well as traditionalist Mormons and Catholics/Eastern Orthodox. It's always been a sad fact of history to me that the United Order didn't work out for the Mormons.

Problem is, you are debating with very long term con tools in Ed and kosher. They could care less about truth, or facts, or evidence. They simply post con dogma, much easier for them. Debating with them is a waste of time, as they have no poof of their dogma. They have NO understanding of economics.
You are posting on the basis of concern for the middle class, I think. They are not. They could care less. Lies, truth: all the same to them. They believe in libertarianism, and are incapable of seeing how stupid it is to believe in a system that never has worked, and never will. Then, they make a big deal of Communism failing. What is funny is that neither Communism nor Libertarianism had a chance of success. Poor small minds can't and don't understand, or want to. There are, however, a group of like minded billionaires trying to MAKE a libertarian island, Because the can find no libertarian countries to simply move to. Really, these tools come from the population of believers in the reality of pro wrestling. Poor pathetic clowns.
At any rate, trying to have conversations with con tools like these is LIKE WRESTLING WITH A PIG. YOU BOTH GET DIRTY AND THE PIG LIKES IT! Better to ignore them and find more rational people to discuss ideas with.
Ok, so you're not a commie,you're more like a Mennonite. Which is sort of like an olden days commie, or a modern day commune hippie, with the one positive difference..they aren't atheists.
Communism has historically persecuted the religious. Distributism was technically created by Catholics in accordance with that church's social views.
Communism enshrines the state as the highest authority. Distributism is wrapped up with Communitarianism, which gives that honor to the community.
Under Communism, the state owns your labor. Under Distributism, you own your labor.
Under Communism, you are employed and paid by the state. Under Distributism, you may choose to work for yourself or another as you see fit.
Under Communism, the economy is controlled by the state's central planning committees. Under Distributism, the economy is allowed to run organically within protective regulations.
Under Communism, the state rules every aspect of society. Under Distributism, subsidiary is one of the most important concepts.

For what it's worth, I get along exceptionally well with Mennonites, as well as traditionalist Mormons and Catholics/Eastern Orthodox. It's always been a sad fact of history to me that the United Order didn't work out for the Mormons.

Problem is, you are debating with very long term con tools in Ed and kosher. They could care less about truth, or facts, or evidence. They simply post con dogma, much easier for them. Debating with them is a waste of time, as they have no poof of their dogma. They have NO understanding of economics.
You are posting on the basis of concern for the middle class, I think. They are not. They could care less. Lies, truth: all the same to them. They believe in libertarianism, and are incapable of seeing how stupid it is to believe in a system that never has worked, and never will. Then, they make a big deal of Communism failing. What is funny is that neither Communism nor Libertarianism had a chance of success. Poor small minds can't and don't understand, or want to. There are, however, a group of like minded billionaires trying to MAKE a libertarian island, Because the can find no libertarian countries to simply move to. Really, these tools come from the population of believers in the reality of pro wrestling. Poor pathetic clowns.
At any rate, trying to have conversations with con tools like these is LIKE WRESTLING WITH A PIG. YOU BOTH GET DIRTY AND THE PIG LIKES IT! Better to ignore them and find more rational people to discuss ideas with.

How odd. You know me, and I have no idea who you are.

PS..I'm not libertarian.

And trust me, the pig does like it, but I'm not the pig.
Better to ignore them[conservatives] and find more rational people to discuss ideas with.

to a perfect illiterate liberal, Aristotle Locke Jefferson and Friedman are not rational.

See why we must remain positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
Tesla is not a small scale capitalist now and has huge plans to be the biggest auto maker in the world!!

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I'm literally only replying to you to comment on your bizarre fixation with exaggerating everything as "the most biggest/best/whatever in the world". I mean, I guess everyone has their quirks, but you might wanna tone down the hyperbole. It's pretty noticeable.

If you are poor in the USA it is your own damn fault.
See, this is what the OP was about. "If you didn't want to be poor then you should have had the drive and motivation to be born to a rich family. If you want to stop being poor then get a job. You should be able to squeeze it in between the other two you're already working, you lazy bastard you."

Problem is, you are debating with very long term con tools in Ed and kosher. They could care less about truth, or facts, or evidence. They simply post con dogma, much easier for them. Debating with them is a waste of time, as they have no poof of their dogma. They have NO understanding of economics.
You are posting on the basis of concern for the middle class, I think. They are not. They could care less. Lies, truth: all the same to them. They believe in libertarianism, and are incapable of seeing how stupid it is to believe in a system that never has worked, and never will. Then, they make a big deal of Communism failing. What is funny is that neither Communism nor Libertarianism had a chance of success. Poor small minds can't and don't understand, or want to. There are, however, a group of like minded billionaires trying to MAKE a libertarian island, Because the can find no libertarian countries to simply move to. Really, these tools come from the population of believers in the reality of pro wrestling. Poor pathetic clowns.
At any rate, trying to have conversations with con tools like these is LIKE WRESTLING WITH A PIG. YOU BOTH GET DIRTY AND THE PIG LIKES IT! Better to ignore them and find more rational people to discuss ideas with.
Yeah I've decided to stop replying to Ed until he begins engaging the points being made to him. Koshergrl isn't that bad. Our disagreements tend to get smoothed over with dialogue fairly quickly.
See, this is what the OP was about. "If you didn't want to be poor then you should have had the drive and motivation to be born to a rich family. If you want to stop being poor then get a job. You should be able to squeeze it in between the other two you're already working, you lazy bastard you."

Yep. In this country being poor is a choice. Go into any "poor" persons house, trailer, or apartment and you'll see an enormous TV in every room and not one book......

Wanna stop being poor? Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming others for your problems. There is no government solution for anyone's problems.
See, this is what the OP was about. "If you didn't want to be poor then you should have had the drive and motivation to be born to a rich family. If you want to stop being poor then get a job. You should be able to squeeze it in between the other two you're already working, you lazy bastard you."

Yep. In this country being poor is a choice. Go into any "poor" persons house, trailer, or apartment and you'll see an enormous TV in every room and not one book......

Wanna stop being poor? Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming others for your problems. There is no government solution for anyone's problems.
Huh. I remember living with a relative in her trailer not too long ago. They couldn't afford a tv and even the utility bill was sketchy so they got free, or at least cheap, books wherever they could. Clearly you live in a generally affluent area if your poor folks can afford all that.

It's true! Certainly not via government. There is no "libertarian" solution to poverty because we don't believe it's a problem government should be used to solve. There are, however, any number of ways to alleviate p overty that libertarians support. Just not those that employ the coercive power of legislation.
See, this is what the OP was about. "If you didn't want to be poor then you should have had the drive and motivation to be born to a rich family. If you want to stop being poor then get a job. You should be able to squeeze it in between the other two you're already working, you lazy bastard you."

Yep. In this country being poor is a choice. Go into any "poor" persons house, trailer, or apartment and you'll see an enormous TV in every room and not one book......

Wanna stop being poor? Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming others for your problems. There is no government solution for anyone's problems.
Huh. I remember living with a relative in her trailer not too long ago. They couldn't afford a tv and even the utility bill was sketchy so they got free, or at least cheap, books wherever they could. Clearly you live in a generally affluent area if your poor folks can afford all that.
I do live in an affluent area - it's called the USA.
Huh. I remember living with a relative in her trailer not too long ago. They couldn't afford a tv and even the utility bill was sketchy so they got free, or at least cheap, books wherever they could. Clearly you live in a generally affluent area if your poor folks can afford all that.
I do live in an affluent area - it's called the USA.
I know you're smarter than that. There's a difference between Detroit and Manhattan, despite them both being in the same country.
Huh. I remember living with a relative in her trailer not too long ago. They couldn't afford a tv and even the utility bill was sketchy so they got free, or at least cheap, books wherever they could. Clearly you live in a generally affluent area if your poor folks can afford all that.
I do live in an affluent area - it's called the USA.
I know you're smarter than that. There's a difference between Detroit and Manhattan, despite them both being in the same country.

My point is simple- the "poor" in the US have a very high standard of living compared to most of the world.
See, this is what the OP was about. "If you didn't want to be poor then you should have had the drive and motivation to be born to a rich family. If you want to stop being poor then get a job. You should be able to squeeze it in between the other two you're already working, you lazy bastard you."

Yep. In this country being poor is a choice. Go into any "poor" persons house, trailer, or apartment and you'll see an enormous TV in every room and not one book......

Wanna stop being poor? Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming others for your problems. There is no government solution for anyone's problems.

An enormous TV in EVERY room huh? Somehow I doubt that. Also, a lot of people who are currently "poor" are people who at one time actually did work but fell upon rough times. With the terrible recession, any logical person can see why. You don't know what possessions people accumulated or how they have accumulated them. Besides, TVs are NOT that expensive anymore. You can go to Walmart and pick up a TV for a couple of hundred dollars.
Huh. I remember living with a relative in her trailer not too long ago. They couldn't afford a tv and even the utility bill was sketchy so they got free, or at least cheap, books wherever they could. Clearly you live in a generally affluent area if your poor folks can afford all that.
I do live in an affluent area - it's called the USA.
I know you're smarter than that. There's a difference between Detroit and Manhattan, despite them both being in the same country.

My point is simple- the "poor" in the US have a very high standard of living compared to most of the world.

That is BECAUSE of our social safety nets.

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