Is there a right wing counterpart to the Social Justice Warrior?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Social Justice Warriors (or SJWs for short) are a particularly interesting recent development on the left. The typical SJW is a teenager to twenty something, probably female, most likely either unemployed or in a minimum wage position, possesses some level of college education (often in the humanities or liberal identity politics-based classes like African American sdtudies or women's studies), and seeks to validate herself through zealous online left wing political activism as a hobby. The primary habitat of the SJW is the neutral and left wing social media, most typically including Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, and Tumblr.

Their position is essentially a particularly rigid and dogmatic amalgam of many independent leftist doctrines and can be characterized as: pro-abortion; Malthusian; pro-feminism; pro-selective personhood*; pro-selective equality**; pro-unlimited marriage rights; anti-nuclear family; pro-fat acceptance; pro-disability acceptance; pro-trans acceptance; anti-military; anti-national boundaries; proto-Socialist; and semi-Puritanical***.

I say position in the singular because even SJWs breaking - even accidentally - from the current interpretation of Social Justice (as distinguished from actual social justice work done by academia and social service professionals) will lead to the offender being treated as a hostile non-member. Common tactics used in dealing with non-members who prove incapable of recruitment include dogpiling, doxxing, cyberstalking, contacting the non-member's place of business and/or employer, and legal harassment.

*Dolphins are people. Trees are people. Unborn puppies are people. Unborn humans may be people on a case by case basis.
**It's one of the few egalitarian movements that actively pushes for the adoption of a complex caste-based social hierarchy in which your permanent social role and individual worth are assigned according to biological sex, gender, orientation, disabilities and personality disorders, ethnic makeup, skin color, birth culture, national origin, native language, difficulty of childhood, and level of conformity to Social Justice thought.
***This is most easily illustrated with the attempt to remove any behavior or idea of a possibly offensive (or "triggering", in the parlance of the movement) nature from speech, art, the natural world, and every other aspect of life.
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Conservatives are too smart for that bullshit. They're getting jobs and making something of themselves.
a warrior: great so now they are teaching your children to be rude and violent citizens in the country..and call it "social justice warriors"
how lovely eh
a warrior: great so now they are teaching your children to be rude and violent citizens in the country..and call it "social justice warriors"
how lovely eh
Hitler had his brownshirts. Just saying.

I hear you. Parents need to keep an eye on what is being taught in these Universities, colleges, etc. they are becoming nothing but commie camps to raise good little "warriors" for their causes/agendas
Conservatives are too smart for that bullshit. They're getting jobs and making something of themselves.

The conservative equivlent is the Slack-Jawed inbred Southerner living in a trailer park who keeps voting for Republicans because they are "Right with Jesus" while they watch their jobs go overseas and they wonder why their health coverage got cancelled.
The conservative equivlent is the Slack-Jawed inbred Southerner living in a trailer park who keeps voting for Republicans because they are "Right with Jesus" while they watch their jobs go overseas and they wonder why their health coverage got cancelled.
Aren't you the same guy who kept insisting that I'm racist against Islam for mentioning that that the Islamic State considers itself to be Islamic? It's irrelevant to the question, but so was your post.
The conservative equivlent is the Slack-Jawed inbred Southerner living in a trailer park who keeps voting for Republicans because they are "Right with Jesus" while they watch their jobs go overseas and they wonder why their health coverage got cancelled.
Aren't you the same guy who kept insisting that I'm racist against Islam for mentioning that that the Islamic State identifies with Islam?

No, I'm the guy who called you a fucking retard. Probably because you ate paint chips as a child.
Conservatives are too smart for that bullshit. They're getting jobs and making something of themselves.

You guys have your fair share of annoying single issue obsessed crackpots, the gun nuts and the pro-lifers especially.
The conservative equivlent is the Slack-Jawed inbred Southerner living in a trailer park who keeps voting for Republicans because they are "Right with Jesus" while they watch their jobs go overseas and they wonder why their health coverage got cancelled.
Aren't you the same guy who kept insisting that I'm racist against Islam for mentioning that that the Islamic State identifies with Islam?

No, I'm the guy who called you a fucking retard. Probably because you ate paint chips as a child.
Oh yeah. That's right. I forgot about you after setting you to ignore for saying "guy" all the time. You're right. It was pretty retarded to think that they're Muslim just because they worship Allah, accept the Qur'an as his unchanging word, believe in Muhammad and the last day, and fight for the sake of Allah as Muhammad commanded them to do in his final sermon. That's like the exact opposite of what real Muslims do, and you're clearly the expert here.

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