Is there any legitimate use for Executive Orders?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
There is nothing intrinsically unconstitutional about an Executive Order. But if an EO is used for the wrong thing, then it CAN be unconstitutional.... as many of Obama's are.

Executive Orders are what a President is supposed to use to carry out something passed by Congress (and signed into law by the Prez, of course).

Classic example is, Congress passes something saying that a group of Federal buildings on a corner in DC will be painted brown. Obama signs it into law. Obama then issues an Exec Order to solicit three companies for bids on the painting work, issues another order to check the bidding companies' qualifications etc. Obama is issuing Exec Orders pursuant to something Congress passed into law.

If he's issuing Exec Orders to do something Congress did NOT pass, such as to delay implementation of part of Obamacare for a year, that's the equivalent of issuing an EO to paint the buildings red instead of brown. It does NOT carry out what Congress passed. In fact, it's the act of a dictator with no Congressional oversight or adherence to procedures required by the Constitution, at all.

Or, if Congress passes something that violates the Constitution, such as a law that says people must have a license granted by government before they can buy or sell firearms, then any EO that implements it must be equally unconstitutional.

Executive orders have a legitimate use... but a narrow one. They must implement something Congress has already passed, and the law they are implementing must constitutional itself.
Depends on how they want to craft the licensing, typically it falls under interstate commerce clause. The Federal Firearm license is already a thing, so therefore they've already worked it out. The whole "government" is made-up anyway.

That's the problem Republicans have, the government is made up, but the Repubs want us to take their form of government seriously based on some authority of history?
EO's are fine during time of war but have NO PLACE during peace time.
Why not? What's the difference? EOs simply dictate how a President's executive will be operated.
That office has to much power during peace time. In case you missed it Gunocrat power resides with the states.
Historically the States always oppress the people in favor for small minorities of super rich whites.

So why would I care what states want?
Depends on how they want to craft the licensing, typically it falls under interstate commerce clause.
That only gives the Fed govt the power to regulate commerce between the several states, which most gun sales aren't.

Even for sales that are between states, the 2nd amendment modified the Commerce Clause to take away any power to infringe on people's right to own and carry (which includes buying and selling) guns.

As I thought, there is no power given to the government by the Constitution to require people to obtain government licenses to buy and sell firearms.

The Federal Firearm license is already a thing, so therefore they've already worked it out.

That's like saying that since a bank robber already has the money he stole from the bank, he must have "worked it out" and therefore his theft was legal.

Liberals come up with the silliest excuses for violating the Constitution. You have to give them credit for imagination, at least. :biggrin:
EO's are fine during time of war but have NO PLACE during peace time.
So the example I gave in the OP (painting buildings brown as passed by Congress) isn't correct?

In what way?
"Classic example is, Congress passes something saying that a group of Federal buildings on a corner in DC will be painted brown. Obama signs it into law. Obama then issues an Exec Order to solicit three companies for bids on the painting work, issues another order to check the bidding companies' qualifications etc. Obama is issuing Exec Orders pursuant to something Congress passed into law."

The EO you quote would only cover federal buildings NOT private homes. Had the issue been private homes it would be illegal. Just like his EO's on guns ensnare PRIVATE property NOT federal property.
EO's are fine during time of war but have NO PLACE during peace time.
Why not? What's the difference? EOs simply dictate how a President's executive will be operated.
That office has to much power during peace time. In case you missed it Gunocrat power resides with the states.
Historically the States always oppress the people in favor for small minorities of super rich whites.

So why would I care what states want?
Because the federal government has no credibility
The EO you quote would only cover federal buildings NOT private homes.
So the example I gave WAS legitimate in peacetime?
Had the issue been private homes it would be illegal.
Which is why the example I gave was not for private homes.
Legit in peace time yes. It his job to oversee federal property.
It his job to set troop needs. Something he fails at quite badly. And its his job to FIRE idiots who run agencys. Something ELSE he fails at {EPA}.
EO's are fine during time of war but have NO PLACE during peace time.
Why not? What's the difference? EOs simply dictate how a President's executive will be operated.
That office has to much power during peace time. In case you missed it Gunocrat power resides with the states.

You should have mentioned that when they were writing the constitution.
actually, it sort of is there, the constitution outlines what the federal government can do, everything outside of those things are states issues.
Depends on how they want to craft the licensing, typically it falls under interstate commerce clause.
That only gives the Fed govt the power to regulate commerce between the several states, which most gun sales aren't.

Even for sales that are between states, the 2nd amendment modified the Commerce Clause to take away any power to infringe on people's right to own and carry (which includes buying and selling) guns.

As I thought, there is no power given to the government by the Constitution to require people to obtain government licenses to buy and sell firearms.

The Federal Firearm license is already a thing, so therefore they've already worked it out.

That's like saying that since a bank robber already has the money he stole from the bank, he must have "worked it out" and therefore his theft was legal.

Liberals come up with the silliest excuses for violating the Constitution. You have to give them credit for imagination, at least. :biggrin:

A few years back, Governor Perry issued and EO that teen age girls must undergo 3 injections to prevent STDs that you can only get through intercourse. The Gardasil product had been shown to actually cause cancer itself.

He issued the EO without any input from the legislature.

How do you guys feel about this EO?

Rick Perry Admits Mistake on Gardasil-HPV Vaccine Decision
Depends on how they want to craft the licensing, typically it falls under interstate commerce clause.
That only gives the Fed govt the power to regulate commerce between the several states, which most gun sales aren't.

Even for sales that are between states, the 2nd amendment modified the Commerce Clause to take away any power to infringe on people's right to own and carry (which includes buying and selling) guns.

As I thought, there is no power given to the government by the Constitution to require people to obtain government licenses to buy and sell firearms.

The Federal Firearm license is already a thing, so therefore they've already worked it out.

That's like saying that since a bank robber already has the money he stole from the bank, he must have "worked it out" and therefore his theft was legal.

Liberals come up with the silliest excuses for violating the Constitution. You have to give them credit for imagination, at least. :biggrin:

A few years back, Governor Perry issued and EO that teen age girls must undergo 3 injections to prevent STDs that you can only get through intercourse. The Gardasil product had been shown to actually cause cancer itself.

He issued the EO without any input from the legislature.

How do you guys feel about this EO?

Rick Perry Admits Mistake on Gardasil-HPV Vaccine Decision
Perry's EO should have been limited to state affairs NOT private citizens.

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