Is there anything Democrats, Republicans and Independents agree on?

None are evil. Ideologies in general aren’t good or bad, they are just sets of principles and operational ideas. The evil comes from the human side, it comes from the execution of power and pursuit of more. Some people are evil and some are well intentioned. Happens on both sides of the aisle
No, liberals are evil. It is in their nature.
Honest question:

Bigger the better.
Not all Republicans are maximal statists who support intrusive politicians and bureaucrats seizing control of wombs, who seek to criminalize parents in matters of their own children's gender identity, or who legislate pretexts to impede Americans' voting.

Americans are, for the most part, united behind the President in his leadership of advanced democratic nations in opposition to the brutality of Trump's "savvy genius," but there are a few perverse anomalies:

Representative Madison Cawthorn called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a "thug."
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Cawthorn, a North Carolina Republican and Trump lickspittle may be pissy because the courageous Ukrainian president refused to contrive fake criminal charges against Biden when the Loser withheld military aid to pressure him to do so.

Nor do most rally to white supremacist rallies, or crap on the will of the People in safe and secure elections.

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The GOP's lunatic fringe, the RINOs of Trumpery, is a disparate matter from decent, patriotic Republicans.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
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Honest question:

#1) Big Gov't: Democrats are all for it. Bigger the better. Welfare state. Republicans want small Gov't fewer regulations. Trust the market forces in terms of minimum wage, limit welfare, etc. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. They (I) believe there needs to be a safety net but a limited one. The more Gov't interference we have the worse the situation gets.

#2) Racism: Democrats now believe the country is systemically racist. They believe in teaching CRT in schools and the 1619 project. They want to treat PoC as 2nd class citizens via getting them jobs and college placement based on diversity vs. accomplishments. Treat PoC as too stupid to achieve success strictly based on merit. GOP believe everyone should be treated equally but they dismiss many a time the history of oppression and how many PoC have a tough time competing not because of skin color but because of education opportunities. Yes, PoC are equals but their starting line isn't always the same as those who are white and or Asian. Independents believe that the number of parents is a bigger indicator than skin color and that is what we need to concentrate on. A black child with two parents on average is more successful than a white child with one parent. Problem is 75% of black children only have one parent vs. 40% of white children. GOP and Independents for the most part agree that CRT is fine but should be taught as a college elective not to elementary or middle school kids as it causes more division not less. Independents see systemic racism as something that was in the past. Currently black people have the same legal rights as white people.

#3) Economy: Democrats want to go big or go home. Spend a ton and tax the rich. Even though the rich already pay like 80% of all the taxes. Republicans want to spend big but not on Green New Deal stuff and entitlements but the military. Neither is fiscally responsible. Independents would like some fiscal responsibility. Military spend is very important and we should be more environmentally friendly but a balanced budget is critical too and more and or higher taxes is not the answer because our Gov't doesn't understand how to spend efficiently.

#4) Foreign Policy: GOP and the Democrats seem to be all set with endless wars. That being said a military presence is needed overseas to make sure events like 9/11 do not happen again. Democrats believe American meddling caused 9/11 not the fact that Islamists are insane. So Democrats want out of the Middle East and to tell Israel to stand on its own. GOP wants to support Israel as it is a critical ally in the Middle East. The Afghanistan exist further divided the parties. Independents as I see it generally side with the GOP on foreign policy.

#5) Censorship: Democrats are the party of cancel culture. You offend them and they want you cancelled. Period. End of Story. There is no grace. There is no forgiveness. An email you sent 15 years ago will haunt you now even though you may have only been 15 when you sent it. GOP understands the slippery slope of this and generally is opposed to cancel culture unless in extreme circumstances. GOP believes that social media companies like FB, Twitter and YouTube lean way too far left. Independent as I see it generally side with the GOP on this. Overall all three distrust the media as illustrated by poor approval ratings (Only Congress has lower ones).

#6) LGTBQ: Democrats have embraced the community. They are 100% pro gay marriage, trans rights and will cancel you if you oppose it. Zero tolerance. GOP is highly religious and is on the opposite of this. They have become more tolerant to gay rights but many don't believe a religious baker has to bake a cake for example. Independents believe that gay rights are important but side with the GOP more frequently on trans rights when it comes to athletic competitions and locker rooms. They believe treating trans girls as biological girls in those instances is asking too much.

#7) Abortion: Democrats are pro choice up to month 39. GOP is pro life. Independents fall in the middle. Pro choice in the first trimester. Many like myself just shut their mouth because we are men. Tough situation. Independents tend to lean toward the Democratic Party position here.

#8) China/COVID: Democrats believe the virus came from a market and saying otherwise is racist. GOP believe it came from a lab and was covered up and anyone who doesn't see that as in putting two and two together is stupid. Independents seem to lean with the GOP on this one.

#9) Vaccines: Democrats believe if you don't get vaccinated you're a selfish person and should be shamed and cancelled. This is whether you had the virus already or not. GOP believe you should get the vaccine if you're at risk but it should be a personal choice. Independents seem to side with the GOP on this one.

#10) Masks: Democrats believe if you had COVID and are vaccinated you should still wear a mask because Dr. Fauci says so. GOP believe masks are superfluous. Independents seem to fall somewhere in the middle. Tough situation. Those with kids do believe kids wearing them all day is unfortunate and not necessary (Independents and GOP).

#11) Trump: Democrats see him as the Anti-Christ. GOP see him as Christ reborn. Independents like his fiscal policies for the most part as well as stance on immigration and military. Dislike his rhetoric and divisive nature.

#12) Jan 6th: Democrats see it as a full insurrection. GOP see it as a protest that got out of hand. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. Post news that the FBI found that it was not coordinated and not one person has been charged with insurrection they lean more with the GOP.

#13) BLM Riots: Democrats see them as mostly peaceful protests and anger over police violence. GOP see the Democrats as hypocrites as BLM rioted all summer and looted and murdered but because Democrats rely on the black vote, GOP believes that Democrats shrugged at the riots. Independents seem to side with the GOP on this one.

#14) Immigration: Democrats are as close to open border support as I have seen. They say no but actions speak louder than words. GOP wants the border wall and all illegals deported. Independents want a strong border policy with some humanitarian traits. Illegals should be deported if dangerous but also given an opportunity to become legal.

#15) Healthcare: Democrats want UH or if not that expanded ACA. GOP seem to want to move to a more free market healthcare state. Independents are in the middle. You can have two of three: (i) Affordability (ii) Universality (iii) Quality. Democrats seem to want II and III. GOP wants I and III. Independents seem to want I and III as well.

#16) 2nd Amendment: Democrats want to demonize gun owners. GOP is the polar opposite. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. Gun rights are important since the horse has left the barn but maybe stricter background checks and such are necessary.

#17) Min Wage: Democrats want it at $15/hr and maybe more. They use the term living wage frequently. GOP believes that will hinder many small businesses. Independents believe it should be by state. $15 carries a lot less value in NYC than Jackson Miss.

#18) Police: Democrats see them as racist and support defunding the police. GOP is all Blue Lives Matter. Police are critical in keeping our neighborhoods safe. Independents definitely side with the GOP here.

This is all I got. Feel free to add anything I may have missed and of course feel free to disagree. It doesn't seem like we all agree on much of anything these days.
Honest question:

#1) Big Gov't: Democrats are all for it. Bigger the better. Welfare state. Republicans want small Gov't fewer regulations. Trust the market forces in terms of minimum wage, limit welfare, etc. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. They (I) believe there needs to be a safety net but a limited one. The more Gov't interference we have the worse the situation gets.

#2) Racism: Democrats now believe the country is systemically racist. They believe in teaching CRT in schools and the 1619 project. They want to treat PoC as 2nd class citizens via getting them jobs and college placement based on diversity vs. accomplishments. Treat PoC as too stupid to achieve success strictly based on merit. GOP believe everyone should be treated equally but they dismiss many a time the history of oppression and how many PoC have a tough time competing not because of skin color but because of education opportunities. Yes, PoC are equals but their starting line isn't always the same as those who are white and or Asian. Independents believe that the number of parents is a bigger indicator than skin color and that is what we need to concentrate on. A black child with two parents on average is more successful than a white child with one parent. Problem is 75% of black children only have one parent vs. 40% of white children. GOP and Independents for the most part agree that CRT is fine but should be taught as a college elective not to elementary or middle school kids as it causes more division not less. Independents see systemic racism as something that was in the past. Currently black people have the same legal rights as white people.

#3) Economy: Democrats want to go big or go home. Spend a ton and tax the rich. Even though the rich already pay like 80% of all the taxes. Republicans want to spend big but not on Green New Deal stuff and entitlements but the military. Neither is fiscally responsible. Independents would like some fiscal responsibility. Military spend is very important and we should be more environmentally friendly but a balanced budget is critical too and more and or higher taxes is not the answer because our Gov't doesn't understand how to spend efficiently.

#4) Foreign Policy: GOP and the Democrats seem to be all set with endless wars. That being said a military presence is needed overseas to make sure events like 9/11 do not happen again. Democrats believe American meddling caused 9/11 not the fact that Islamists are insane. So Democrats want out of the Middle East and to tell Israel to stand on its own. GOP wants to support Israel as it is a critical ally in the Middle East. The Afghanistan exist further divided the parties. Independents as I see it generally side with the GOP on foreign policy.

#5) Censorship: Democrats are the party of cancel culture. You offend them and they want you cancelled. Period. End of Story. There is no grace. There is no forgiveness. An email you sent 15 years ago will haunt you now even though you may have only been 15 when you sent it. GOP understands the slippery slope of this and generally is opposed to cancel culture unless in extreme circumstances. GOP believes that social media companies like FB, Twitter and YouTube lean way too far left. Independent as I see it generally side with the GOP on this. Overall all three distrust the media as illustrated by poor approval ratings (Only Congress has lower ones).

#6) LGTBQ: Democrats have embraced the community. They are 100% pro gay marriage, trans rights and will cancel you if you oppose it. Zero tolerance. GOP is highly religious and is on the opposite of this. They have become more tolerant to gay rights but many don't believe a religious baker has to bake a cake for example. Independents believe that gay rights are important but side with the GOP more frequently on trans rights when it comes to athletic competitions and locker rooms. They believe treating trans girls as biological girls in those instances is asking too much.

#7) Abortion: Democrats are pro choice up to month 39. GOP is pro life. Independents fall in the middle. Pro choice in the first trimester. Many like myself just shut their mouth because we are men. Tough situation. Independents tend to lean toward the Democratic Party position here.

#8) China/COVID: Democrats believe the virus came from a market and saying otherwise is racist. GOP believe it came from a lab and was covered up and anyone who doesn't see that as in putting two and two together is stupid. Independents seem to lean with the GOP on this one.

#9) Vaccines: Democrats believe if you don't get vaccinated you're a selfish person and should be shamed and cancelled. This is whether you had the virus already or not. GOP believe you should get the vaccine if you're at risk but it should be a personal choice. Independents seem to side with the GOP on this one.

#10) Masks: Democrats believe if you had COVID and are vaccinated you should still wear a mask because Dr. Fauci says so. GOP believe masks are superfluous. Independents seem to fall somewhere in the middle. Tough situation. Those with kids do believe kids wearing them all day is unfortunate and not necessary (Independents and GOP).

#11) Trump: Democrats see him as the Anti-Christ. GOP see him as Christ reborn. Independents like his fiscal policies for the most part as well as stance on immigration and military. Dislike his rhetoric and divisive nature.

#12) Jan 6th: Democrats see it as a full insurrection. GOP see it as a protest that got out of hand. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. Post news that the FBI found that it was not coordinated and not one person has been charged with insurrection they lean more with the GOP.

#13) BLM Riots: Democrats see them as mostly peaceful protests and anger over police violence. GOP see the Democrats as hypocrites as BLM rioted all summer and looted and murdered but because Democrats rely on the black vote, GOP believes that Democrats shrugged at the riots. Independents seem to side with the GOP on this one.

#14) Immigration: Democrats are as close to open border support as I have seen. They say no but actions speak louder than words. GOP wants the border wall and all illegals deported. Independents want a strong border policy with some humanitarian traits. Illegals should be deported if dangerous but also given an opportunity to become legal.

#15) Healthcare: Democrats want UH or if not that expanded ACA. GOP seem to want to move to a more free market healthcare state. Independents are in the middle. You can have two of three: (i) Affordability (ii) Universality (iii) Quality. Democrats seem to want II and III. GOP wants I and III. Independents seem to want I and III as well.

#16) 2nd Amendment: Democrats want to demonize gun owners. GOP is the polar opposite. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. Gun rights are important since the horse has left the barn but maybe stricter background checks and such are necessary.

#17) Min Wage: Democrats want it at $15/hr and maybe more. They use the term living wage frequently. GOP believes that will hinder many small businesses. Independents believe it should be by state. $15 carries a lot less value in NYC than Jackson Miss.

#18) Police: Democrats see them as racist and support defunding the police. GOP is all Blue Lives Matter. Police are critical in keeping our neighborhoods safe. Independents definitely side with the GOP here.

This is all I got. Feel free to add anything I may have missed and of course feel free to disagree. It doesn't seem like we all agree on much of anything these days.

Of course not. But there's a clear reason for that, we are different. The "right" broadly supports individualism. The "left" about the collective. The problem with that is no collective is successful when people are forced to join. Everything at that point becomes Democrats trying harder to pin us down while we try harder to resist. Those worlds are totally different
Honest question:

#1) Big Gov't: Democrats are all for it. Bigger the better. Welfare state. Republicans want small Gov't fewer regulations. Trust the market forces in terms of minimum wage, limit welfare, etc. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. They (I) believe there needs to be a safety net but a limited one. The more Gov't interference we have the worse the situation gets.

#2) Racism: Democrats now believe the country is systemically racist. They believe in teaching CRT in schools and the 1619 project. They want to treat PoC as 2nd class citizens via getting them jobs and college placement based on diversity vs. accomplishments. Treat PoC as too stupid to achieve success strictly based on merit. GOP believe everyone should be treated equally but they dismiss many a time the history of oppression and how many PoC have a tough time competing not because of skin color but because of education opportunities. Yes, PoC are equals but their starting line isn't always the same as those who are white and or Asian. Independents believe that the number of parents is a bigger indicator than skin color and that is what we need to concentrate on. A black child with two parents on average is more successful than a white child with one parent. Problem is 75% of black children only have one parent vs. 40% of white children. GOP and Independents for the most part agree that CRT is fine but should be taught as a college elective not to elementary or middle school kids as it causes more division not less. Independents see systemic racism as something that was in the past. Currently black people have the same legal rights as white people.

#3) Economy: Democrats want to go big or go home. Spend a ton and tax the rich. Even though the rich already pay like 80% of all the taxes. Republicans want to spend big but not on Green New Deal stuff and entitlements but the military. Neither is fiscally responsible. Independents would like some fiscal responsibility. Military spend is very important and we should be more environmentally friendly but a balanced budget is critical too and more and or higher taxes is not the answer because our Gov't doesn't understand how to spend efficiently.

#4) Foreign Policy: GOP and the Democrats seem to be all set with endless wars. That being said a military presence is needed overseas to make sure events like 9/11 do not happen again. Democrats believe American meddling caused 9/11 not the fact that Islamists are insane. So Democrats want out of the Middle East and to tell Israel to stand on its own. GOP wants to support Israel as it is a critical ally in the Middle East. The Afghanistan exist further divided the parties. Independents as I see it generally side with the GOP on foreign policy.

#5) Censorship: Democrats are the party of cancel culture. You offend them and they want you cancelled. Period. End of Story. There is no grace. There is no forgiveness. An email you sent 15 years ago will haunt you now even though you may have only been 15 when you sent it. GOP understands the slippery slope of this and generally is opposed to cancel culture unless in extreme circumstances. GOP believes that social media companies like FB, Twitter and YouTube lean way too far left. Independent as I see it generally side with the GOP on this. Overall all three distrust the media as illustrated by poor approval ratings (Only Congress has lower ones).

#6) LGTBQ: Democrats have embraced the community. They are 100% pro gay marriage, trans rights and will cancel you if you oppose it. Zero tolerance. GOP is highly religious and is on the opposite of this. They have become more tolerant to gay rights but many don't believe a religious baker has to bake a cake for example. Independents believe that gay rights are important but side with the GOP more frequently on trans rights when it comes to athletic competitions and locker rooms. They believe treating trans girls as biological girls in those instances is asking too much.

#7) Abortion: Democrats are pro choice up to month 39. GOP is pro life. Independents fall in the middle. Pro choice in the first trimester. Many like myself just shut their mouth because we are men. Tough situation. Independents tend to lean toward the Democratic Party position here.

#8) China/COVID: Democrats believe the virus came from a market and saying otherwise is racist. GOP believe it came from a lab and was covered up and anyone who doesn't see that as in putting two and two together is stupid. Independents seem to lean with the GOP on this one.

#9) Vaccines: Democrats believe if you don't get vaccinated you're a selfish person and should be shamed and cancelled. This is whether you had the virus already or not. GOP believe you should get the vaccine if you're at risk but it should be a personal choice. Independents seem to side with the GOP on this one.

#10) Masks: Democrats believe if you had COVID and are vaccinated you should still wear a mask because Dr. Fauci says so. GOP believe masks are superfluous. Independents seem to fall somewhere in the middle. Tough situation. Those with kids do believe kids wearing them all day is unfortunate and not necessary (Independents and GOP).

#11) Trump: Democrats see him as the Anti-Christ. GOP see him as Christ reborn. Independents like his fiscal policies for the most part as well as stance on immigration and military. Dislike his rhetoric and divisive nature.

#12) Jan 6th: Democrats see it as a full insurrection. GOP see it as a protest that got out of hand. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. Post news that the FBI found that it was not coordinated and not one person has been charged with insurrection they lean more with the GOP.

#13) BLM Riots: Democrats see them as mostly peaceful protests and anger over police violence. GOP see the Democrats as hypocrites as BLM rioted all summer and looted and murdered but because Democrats rely on the black vote, GOP believes that Democrats shrugged at the riots. Independents seem to side with the GOP on this one.

#14) Immigration: Democrats are as close to open border support as I have seen. They say no but actions speak louder than words. GOP wants the border wall and all illegals deported. Independents want a strong border policy with some humanitarian traits. Illegals should be deported if dangerous but also given an opportunity to become legal.

#15) Healthcare: Democrats want UH or if not that expanded ACA. GOP seem to want to move to a more free market healthcare state. Independents are in the middle. You can have two of three: (i) Affordability (ii) Universality (iii) Quality. Democrats seem to want II and III. GOP wants I and III. Independents seem to want I and III as well.

#16) 2nd Amendment: Democrats want to demonize gun owners. GOP is the polar opposite. Independents fall somewhere in the middle. Gun rights are important since the horse has left the barn but maybe stricter background checks and such are necessary.

#17) Min Wage: Democrats want it at $15/hr and maybe more. They use the term living wage frequently. GOP believes that will hinder many small businesses. Independents believe it should be by state. $15 carries a lot less value in NYC than Jackson Miss.

#18) Police: Democrats see them as racist and support defunding the police. GOP is all Blue Lives Matter. Police are critical in keeping our neighborhoods safe. Independents definitely side with the GOP here.

This is all I got. Feel free to add anything I may have missed and of course feel free to disagree. It doesn't seem like we all agree on much of anything these days.
No republicans love America democrats hate America
  • Thanks
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Wait until you see the next three generations of kids in schools democrats have educated lol
No republicans love America democrats hate America

Democrats are trying to weaken us because we have unequal power. Like they hate the rich. And why they love the unsuccessful and the poor. We are about distribution of wealth by ability. Democrats are for exactly the reverse. The Democrat way, everyone ends up in poverty but the political elites.

Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

sealybobo has a loophole. He wants Communism, but he's putting in his reservation for being an elite now
Per usual you add zero to the forum. What a waste of a life you are.
Every single point you took so much time to type was blatantly wrong and reflects the intellect of the right wing today. You feel so insecure in your political positions you distort and lie. If you had any courage you’d simply argue real policies not bullshit like you listed. Your whole post was just a temper tantrum. Sad.

Republicans run bigger deficits.

Republicans run worse economies

Republicans are worse for employment

The only censorship and assault to individual rights is happening in Texas and Florida who are trying to pass government restrictions on what companies allow on their sites, censoring history so white students don’t feel bad, and assaulting the freedom to govern your own body.

If the virus came from a lab Trump should go to jail. It happened on his watch and he praised the CCP nonstop.

Republicans have no health care proposals, no infrastructure proposals, no immigration reform proposals.

Your post was a pile of shit about how you feel. Fuck your feelings I have data and facts.
Every single point you took so much time to type was blatantly wrong and reflects the intellect of the right wing today. You feel so insecure in your political positions you distort and lie. If you had any courage you’d simply argue real policies not bullshit like you listed. Your whole post was just a temper tantrum. Sad.

Republicans run bigger deficits.

Republicans run worse economies

Republicans are worse for employment

The only censorship and assault to individual rights is happening in Texas and Florida who are trying to pass government restrictions on what companies allow on their sites, censoring history so white students don’t feel bad, and assaulting the freedom to govern your own body.

If the virus came from a lab Trump should go to jail. It happened on his watch and he praised the CCP nonstop.

Republicans have no health care proposals, no infrastructure proposals, no immigration reform proposals.

Your post was a pile of shit about how you feel. Fuck your feelings I have data and facts.
So now an opinion may be wrong? You’re an idiot.
You’re still an idiot. We have had countless interactions here. You’re a defect who lives in a fantasy world.
You’ve proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re an idiot. Congrats. Although that was an easy task.

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