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Is there anything left that we can come together on?

But let's be honest - how was any of that possible? The complete and total abandonment of the U.S. Constitution by progressive idiots like Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

If the highest law in the land is strictly enforced (as it absolutely should be), there is no Federal Reserve, IMF, etc. There is no Department of Energy, Department of Education, etc. bankrupting the nation.
How is that possible? He that pays the piper picks the tune. We have had patriots on both sides of the political aisles that stood against the Federal Reserve but money talks. Wilson later regretted what he did...not that it means anything and FDR 100% totally sold us out by making our labor surety on the debt and doing the gold confiscation which robbed the people of REAL money instead of a fiat currency with no intrinsic value and that is why we are about to crash.
I think it is important to remember that patriotic liberals in America have been silenced by the MSM. Americans in this nation have NOT been heard from.

As I intimated in my original post, folks that are TRUE to their families and communities here in America yet have left leaning political leanings have much in common with conservatives. They have noted that the Democrats were bought out and went off the cliff.

Leftists such as Naomi Wolf and the LaRache PAC all are aware of the danger of the globalists. They also have abhorred what is being done by these fascist globalists.

Naomi Wolf, a notable progressive, wrote a book during the Bush admin. called, "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot," and was asked to give a presentation to a libertarian forum. She finally saw the light about the 2nd amendment. That says something when progressives see the reason why the 2nd amendment was drafted by founders.

Likewise, the LaRouche PAC has been marginalized and ridiculed by the MSM, even though they are a liberal PAC. They are patriotic left leaning Americans that are opposed to giving over American sovereignty to the global corporations.

Yep, what we have today are pseudo liberals and Fabian socialists that believe that the state is the answer and it is all about serving the collective...the neocons are cut from the same sorry cloth and at the top they all work together and they have common ties that bind. I have gone down that rabbit hole once the scales fell from my eyes and I lost all partisanship because finding the truth became an obsession and remains to this day. I don't have all the answers, but I know a great deal. I have learned to have great admiration for people i once thought I should despise to despising people I once held in high esteem.

It'a helluva thing to have your whole belief system crushed and smashed into tiny bite size pieces with the realization that I had been played for a chump while being a tiny part of the problem. Trying to get people to snap out their daze has proven to be a daunting task...for every one person I get to wake up, I am attacked by ten that say I am crazy even though they have never done any research or reading. Throwing off the programming that has been instilled in you from childhood has been the toughest thing I have ever undertaken but I will say this...once you unplug and shun television, it's amazing how the clarity of thought returns and the ability to discern information is simply a given. I can't even watch an occasional football game at a sports bar without getting a headache when at one time I couldn't go to sleep unless it was on in the background. Television is the greatest propaganda tool ever. The flicker rate that can instill messages into your mind that you can't see but it affects you subliminally was something the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes figured out a long time ago. That is why people that don't believe anything that doesn't fall in lockstep with the corporate media....the blind trust they have from manufactured news is a huge reason as to why we are at this place in time. I love to look up old footage of news reels from the 50'sand 60's before it was totally taken over but even some of that stuff was manufactured......but compared to what we have today back when I watched it?? No comparison. Glad that you are awake , my friend....always love to read your postings....good on ya

I honestly don't have the answers.

I was trained in political science and liberal arts. I have met my heroes, and attended a couple institutions of higher learning.

I have also lived in ghettos and trailer parks. The elites don't read Plato's dialogs so much as a philosophical texts, but as a blue print.

The problem is, men AREN'T angles, there are no "philosopher kings," so that plan can never work. It doesn't stop them from believing a Statist Utopian can't be achieved. All the elites read the famous political tracts, (Roseau, Marx, Smith, Hobbes, Locke, Machiavelli, etc.) and actually have lofty notions that run counter to human nature, because they have no experience living with the salt of the land. They have illusions about what can be achieved. When their illusions don't pan out, often times, their solutions involve unspeakable genocides. Genocides are never forgotten.

On the same token, the lower classes don't have a care about any of that. They remain politically ignorant, and they always will.

In a modern world, pure anarchy can't be the answer, but the violence that government force implies is not the answer either. Humankind has become too enlightened for "government." Reagan's political philosophy that got him elected was on the mark, but then he betrayed it after he was elected.

So I don't have the answer.

Strangely enough, if we can't reform this system, with the technology we have today, believe it or not, all the weakness that the original Articles of Confederation had, could easily be solved with technological integration of a confederated technocracy. That is, if the middle classes were involved and the elite moneyed dark state were kicked out of power. How this could be achieved? I don't pretend to know. Everyone has their ego much too attached to the State, having them take care of things, rather than having families and communities take care of each other.

I don't know how to reform the current system or switch to the former to tell the truth. However, I do think that power needs to flow back to families and communities to where it belongs. Otherwise, the trend will be toward more and more centralization.

A far off capital never knows how to serve a community as well as local representatives. That is government 101.

How about a return to common law instead of admiralty law. Under common law, if there is no victim, there is no crime. It is based off of four things...do not harm others, do not harm their property, do not steal and honor the contracts that you sign. right now there are over 800,000 acts, statutes and codes and they put more into action after every legislation session..... all designed to bring in more money for this massive corporate entity.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was alluding to. . .
The Constitution Con - An Article by Michael Tsarion. Part Two of Weapons of Mass Destruction Found...The Con of the US Constitution...The British Control of America...
How is that possible? He that pays the piper picks the tune. We have had patriots on both sides of the political aisles that stood against the Federal Reserve but money talks. Wilson later regretted what he did...not that it means anything and FDR 100% totally sold us out by making our labor surety on the debt and doing the gold confiscation which robbed the people of REAL money instead of a fiat currency with no intrinsic value and that is why we are about to crash.
I think it is important to remember that patriotic liberals in America have been silenced by the MSM. Americans in this nation have NOT been heard from.

As I intimated in my original post, folks that are TRUE to their families and communities here in America yet have left leaning political leanings have much in common with conservatives. They have noted that the Democrats were bought out and went off the cliff.

Leftists such as Naomi Wolf and the LaRache PAC all are aware of the danger of the globalists. They also have abhorred what is being done by these fascist globalists.

Naomi Wolf, a notable progressive, wrote a book during the Bush admin. called, "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot," and was asked to give a presentation to a libertarian forum. She finally saw the light about the 2nd amendment. That says something when progressives see the reason why the 2nd amendment was drafted by founders.

Likewise, the LaRouche PAC has been marginalized and ridiculed by the MSM, even though they are a liberal PAC. They are patriotic left leaning Americans that are opposed to giving over American sovereignty to the global corporations.

Yep, what we have today are pseudo liberals and Fabian socialists that believe that the state is the answer and it is all about serving the collective...the neocons are cut from the same sorry cloth and at the top they all work together and they have common ties that bind. I have gone down that rabbit hole once the scales fell from my eyes and I lost all partisanship because finding the truth became an obsession and remains to this day. I don't have all the answers, but I know a great deal. I have learned to have great admiration for people i once thought I should despise to despising people I once held in high esteem.

It'a helluva thing to have your whole belief system crushed and smashed into tiny bite size pieces with the realization that I had been played for a chump while being a tiny part of the problem. Trying to get people to snap out their daze has proven to be a daunting task...for every one person I get to wake up, I am attacked by ten that say I am crazy even though they have never done any research or reading. Throwing off the programming that has been instilled in you from childhood has been the toughest thing I have ever undertaken but I will say this...once you unplug and shun television, it's amazing how the clarity of thought returns and the ability to discern information is simply a given. I can't even watch an occasional football game at a sports bar without getting a headache when at one time I couldn't go to sleep unless it was on in the background. Television is the greatest propaganda tool ever. The flicker rate that can instill messages into your mind that you can't see but it affects you subliminally was something the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes figured out a long time ago. That is why people that don't believe anything that doesn't fall in lockstep with the corporate media....the blind trust they have from manufactured news is a huge reason as to why we are at this place in time. I love to look up old footage of news reels from the 50'sand 60's before it was totally taken over but even some of that stuff was manufactured......but compared to what we have today back when I watched it?? No comparison. Glad that you are awake , my friend....always love to read your postings....good on ya

I honestly don't have the answers.

I was trained in political science and liberal arts. I have met my heroes, and attended a couple institutions of higher learning.

I have also lived in ghettos and trailer parks. The elites don't read Plato's dialogs so much as a philosophical texts, but as a blue print.

The problem is, men AREN'T angles, there are no "philosopher kings," so that plan can never work. It doesn't stop them from believing a Statist Utopian can't be achieved. All the elites read the famous political tracts, (Roseau, Marx, Smith, Hobbes, Locke, Machiavelli, etc.) and actually have lofty notions that run counter to human nature, because they have no experience living with the salt of the land. They have illusions about what can be achieved. When their illusions don't pan out, often times, their solutions involve unspeakable genocides. Genocides are never forgotten.

On the same token, the lower classes don't have a care about any of that. They remain politically ignorant, and they always will.

In a modern world, pure anarchy can't be the answer, but the violence that government force implies is not the answer either. Humankind has become too enlightened for "government." Reagan's political philosophy that got him elected was on the mark, but then he betrayed it after he was elected.

So I don't have the answer.

Strangely enough, if we can't reform this system, with the technology we have today, believe it or not, all the weakness that the original Articles of Confederation had, could easily be solved with technological integration of a confederated technocracy. That is, if the middle classes were involved and the elite moneyed dark state were kicked out of power. How this could be achieved? I don't pretend to know. Everyone has their ego much too attached to the State, having them take care of things, rather than having families and communities take care of each other.

I don't know how to reform the current system or switch to the former to tell the truth. However, I do think that power needs to flow back to families and communities to where it belongs. Otherwise, the trend will be toward more and more centralization.

A far off capital never knows how to serve a community as well as local representatives. That is government 101.

How about a return to common law instead of admiralty law. Under common law, if there is no victim, there is no crime. It is based off of four things...do not harm others, do not harm their property, do not steal and honor the contracts that you sign. right now there are over 800,000 acts, statutes and codes and they put more into action after every legislation session..... all designed to bring in more money for this massive corporate entity.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was alluding to. . .
The Constitution Con - An Article by Michael Tsarion. Part Two of Weapons of Mass Destruction Found...The Con of the US Constitution...The British Control of America...

It's really awesome to come across someone like you that knows this stuff....good on ya!!
Here's some hope for coming together.

Massachusetts, Mississippi, & New York.

There is nothing in the annals of our country recording any incidents in which this trio was like The Three Musketeers.

But, these three states were the three who gave Trump his highest winning percentages in the primaries.

I am not sure what it means, but I think it means that the "Fuck Washington" message which Trump champions is very, very, broad...and best not be fucked with by the Establishment Pussies in the Republican Party.

I haven't made up my mind on where Trump stands regarding the Deep State yet.

I don't know if he is opposed to it, or if he is a part of it.

He runs Resorts International which launders the dirty money of the CIA, and he learned the dirty tricks from those associated with the Deep State. Back in the sixties and before, organized crime used to be heavily intertwined with both parties. Today? Not so much. If they were, I don't think the US would be allowing and encouraging the cartel activity at the border. Those cartels are in direct competition with organized crime.

Another thing that makes me wonder where his loyalties lay, is his stance on Edward Snowden.

Ed Snowden is a hero for taking on the Deep State.

Trump has even suggested the death penalty for Snowden. :wtf:

If someone wants to reduce the power and corruption of the deep state, the last thing you want to do is increase opacity of government and punish whistle blowers.

I've stated before, if it was a race between Sanders and Trump, I seriously don't know who I would want to win. I don't know how much Sanders knows about the Deep State. How much did Sanders support Obama's Continuation of the National Emergency and suspension of the Constitution year after year? Was it simple a partisan move, or did Sanders genuinely believe it necessary? Is he part of the deep state? Is Trump? I haven't made that discernment.

The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
I think it is important to remember that patriotic liberals in America have been silenced by the MSM. Americans in this nation have NOT been heard from.

As I intimated in my original post, folks that are TRUE to their families and communities here in America yet have left leaning political leanings have much in common with conservatives. They have noted that the Democrats were bought out and went off the cliff.

Leftists such as Naomi Wolf and the LaRache PAC all are aware of the danger of the globalists. They also have abhorred what is being done by these fascist globalists.

Naomi Wolf, a notable progressive, wrote a book during the Bush admin. called, "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot," and was asked to give a presentation to a libertarian forum. She finally saw the light about the 2nd amendment. That says something when progressives see the reason why the 2nd amendment was drafted by founders.

Likewise, the LaRouche PAC has been marginalized and ridiculed by the MSM, even though they are a liberal PAC. They are patriotic left leaning Americans that are opposed to giving over American sovereignty to the global corporations.

Yep, what we have today are pseudo liberals and Fabian socialists that believe that the state is the answer and it is all about serving the collective...the neocons are cut from the same sorry cloth and at the top they all work together and they have common ties that bind. I have gone down that rabbit hole once the scales fell from my eyes and I lost all partisanship because finding the truth became an obsession and remains to this day. I don't have all the answers, but I know a great deal. I have learned to have great admiration for people i once thought I should despise to despising people I once held in high esteem.

It'a helluva thing to have your whole belief system crushed and smashed into tiny bite size pieces with the realization that I had been played for a chump while being a tiny part of the problem. Trying to get people to snap out their daze has proven to be a daunting task...for every one person I get to wake up, I am attacked by ten that say I am crazy even though they have never done any research or reading. Throwing off the programming that has been instilled in you from childhood has been the toughest thing I have ever undertaken but I will say this...once you unplug and shun television, it's amazing how the clarity of thought returns and the ability to discern information is simply a given. I can't even watch an occasional football game at a sports bar without getting a headache when at one time I couldn't go to sleep unless it was on in the background. Television is the greatest propaganda tool ever. The flicker rate that can instill messages into your mind that you can't see but it affects you subliminally was something the Tavistock and Brookings Institutes figured out a long time ago. That is why people that don't believe anything that doesn't fall in lockstep with the corporate media....the blind trust they have from manufactured news is a huge reason as to why we are at this place in time. I love to look up old footage of news reels from the 50'sand 60's before it was totally taken over but even some of that stuff was manufactured......but compared to what we have today back when I watched it?? No comparison. Glad that you are awake , my friend....always love to read your postings....good on ya

I honestly don't have the answers.

I was trained in political science and liberal arts. I have met my heroes, and attended a couple institutions of higher learning.

I have also lived in ghettos and trailer parks. The elites don't read Plato's dialogs so much as a philosophical texts, but as a blue print.

The problem is, men AREN'T angles, there are no "philosopher kings," so that plan can never work. It doesn't stop them from believing a Statist Utopian can't be achieved. All the elites read the famous political tracts, (Roseau, Marx, Smith, Hobbes, Locke, Machiavelli, etc.) and actually have lofty notions that run counter to human nature, because they have no experience living with the salt of the land. They have illusions about what can be achieved. When their illusions don't pan out, often times, their solutions involve unspeakable genocides. Genocides are never forgotten.

On the same token, the lower classes don't have a care about any of that. They remain politically ignorant, and they always will.

In a modern world, pure anarchy can't be the answer, but the violence that government force implies is not the answer either. Humankind has become too enlightened for "government." Reagan's political philosophy that got him elected was on the mark, but then he betrayed it after he was elected.

So I don't have the answer.

Strangely enough, if we can't reform this system, with the technology we have today, believe it or not, all the weakness that the original Articles of Confederation had, could easily be solved with technological integration of a confederated technocracy. That is, if the middle classes were involved and the elite moneyed dark state were kicked out of power. How this could be achieved? I don't pretend to know. Everyone has their ego much too attached to the State, having them take care of things, rather than having families and communities take care of each other.

I don't know how to reform the current system or switch to the former to tell the truth. However, I do think that power needs to flow back to families and communities to where it belongs. Otherwise, the trend will be toward more and more centralization.

A far off capital never knows how to serve a community as well as local representatives. That is government 101.

How about a return to common law instead of admiralty law. Under common law, if there is no victim, there is no crime. It is based off of four things...do not harm others, do not harm their property, do not steal and honor the contracts that you sign. right now there are over 800,000 acts, statutes and codes and they put more into action after every legislation session..... all designed to bring in more money for this massive corporate entity.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was alluding to. . .
The Constitution Con - An Article by Michael Tsarion. Part Two of Weapons of Mass Destruction Found...The Con of the US Constitution...The British Control of America...

It's really awesome to come across someone like you that knows this stuff....good on ya!!

This is why, as long as any sitting administration renews the C.O.G. orders every year, no matter what it does, will be deemed by the courts as "lawful" even if it isn't "legal." It doesn't matter what legislation under the Constitution the legislature passes, b/c the Constitution no longer is binding.

Legal or Lawful?
Legal v. Lawful

“Legal” looks more to the letter [form/appearance], and “Lawful” to the spirit [substance/content], of the law. “Legal” is more appropriate for conformity to positive rules of law; “Lawful” for accord with ethical principle. “Legal” imports rather that the forms [appearances] of law are observed, that the proceeding is correct in method, that rules prescribed have been obeyed; “Lawful” that the right is actful in substance, that moral quality is secured. “Legal” is the antithesis of equitable, and the equivalent of constructive. 2 Abbott’s Law Dic. 24. [Bold emphasis added]

Legal matters administrate, conform to, and follow rules. They are equitable in nature and are implied (presumed) rather than actual (express). A legal process can be defective in law. This accords with the previous discussions of legal fictions and color of law. To be legal, a matter does not follow the law. Instead, it conforms to and follows the rules or form of law. This may help you to understand why the Federal and State Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure are cited in every court petition so as to conform to legal requirements of the specific juristic persons named, e.g., “STATE OF GEORGIA” or the “U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” that rule the courts.

Lawful matters are ethically enjoined in the law of the land—the law of the people—and are actual in nature, not implied. This is why whatever true law was upheld by the organic Constitution has no bearing or authority in the present day legal courts. It is impossible for anyone in “authority” today to access, or even take cognizance of, true law since “authority” is the “law of necessity,” 12 USC 95.

Therefore, it would appear that the meaning of the word “legal” is “color of law,” a term which Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, defines as:

Color of law. The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under “color of law.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 241.

Obama's actions lawful, top legal scholars say
Obama's actions lawful, top legal scholars say

“President Obama’s executive amnesty violates the laws Congress has passed in order to create and implement laws Congress has refused to pass,” Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said in a statement.

“This amnesty plan was rejected by the American people’s Congress,” Sessions continued. “By refusing to carry out the laws of the United States in order to make his own, the President is endangering our entire Constitutional order.”

But the law professors argue that the “setting of removal priorities and the use of deferred action” had been “used many times by the executive branch under presidents of both parties, and Congress has explicitly and implicitly endorsed their use.”

Obama Asks the Supreme Court to Rewrite His Immigration Policy
Obama Asks the Supreme Court to Rewrite His Immigration Policy, by Josh Blackman, National Review

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced the policy known as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA). This executive action purported to rely on “prosecutorial discretion” to defer the deportations of up to 5 million aliens and grant them work authorization and other federal benefits. Critically, the memorandum announcing DAPA included this sentence: “Deferred action does not confer any form of legal status in this country, much less citizenship; it simply means that, for a specified period of time, an individual is permitted to be lawfully present in the United States.” (Emphasis added.)

IOW, good luck indicting Hillary for doing anything "illegal," while she was working for the administration, because by definition, anything she did was, "lawful."


For those that say that the divisions we face is a chasm too deep and wide to overcome? I will politely beg to differ. We are being pitted against each other for a reason. If you have love for your fellow man and you are willing to look at how we got to this place without trying to play the "blame game"? Then you are my brother and you are my sister. We can agree to disagree and still love and respect each other. If we have a chance to throw off the shackles of this debt slavery system that we are under? Many of our differences would vanish instantly...if you believe that our rights come from a higher power or energy source than a "benevolent" government ruled by a small faction of elitists that have used their wealth to enslave humanity that can bestow privileges or withdraw them at their whim? We are kindred spirits....we don't need these people.......they can't function without us. We fix things, we have the ability to create inventions...all they have is a power that we can easily take from them if we simply wake up. I bet there isn't one globalist that would have the slightest idea on how to change a tire....because they depend on us. The system is what it is because we got fat and lazy and accepted the slow erosion of our freedoms....never questioning because our lives were so cozy....you best beware because that rug is about to be yanked out from under us....
The problem - D.S. - is that the liberals desperately want to place shackles on us and return to their "good 'ole days" of slavery. Everything they do and support is with a focus on power & control over others and forcing others to labor on their behalf. They refuse to accept my rights, my freedoms, or even the U.S. Constitution.
For those that say that the divisions we face is a chasm too deep and wide to overcome? I will politely beg to differ. We are being pitted against each other for a reason. If you have love for your fellow man and you are willing to look at how we got to this place without trying to play the "blame game"? Then you are my brother and you are my sister. We can agree to disagree and still love and respect each other. If we have a chance to throw off the shackles of this debt slavery system that we are under? Many of our differences would vanish instantly...if you believe that our rights come from a higher power or energy source than a "benevolent" government ruled by a small faction of elitists that have used their wealth to enslave humanity that can bestow privileges or withdraw them at their whim? We are kindred spirits....we don't need these people.......they can't function without us. We fix things, we have the ability to create inventions...all they have is a power that we can easily take from them if we simply wake up. I bet there isn't one globalist that would have the slightest idea on how to change a tire....because they depend on us. The system is what it is because we got fat and lazy and accepted the slow erosion of our freedoms....never questioning because our lives were so cozy....you best beware because that rug is about to be yanked out from under us....
The problem - D.S. - is that the liberals desperately want to place shackles on us and return to their "good 'ole days" of slavery. Everything they do and support is with a focus on power & control over others and forcing others to labor on their behalf. They refuse to accept my rights, my freedoms, or even the U.S. Constitution.

According to Dr.John Coleman, former MI5 intel officer with access to lots of records, the Democrat party held a secret caucus in 1980 and they adopted the socialist platform based on the Socialist party of the 1930's. If you have read the book, "The Naked Communist" one of the 45 goals they needed to accomplish was to take control of a political party if not both. The communist movement has always been funded by the international bankers because the end game is a one world feudalistic totalitarian communist state with all wealth and all power centralized and put into the hands of a few. The Jesuits and their secret societies are the establishment and they are the ones trying to push us towards this.
For those that say that the divisions we face is a chasm too deep and wide to overcome? I will politely beg to differ. We are being pitted against each other for a reason. If you have love for your fellow man and you are willing to look at how we got to this place without trying to play the "blame game"? Then you are my brother and you are my sister. We can agree to disagree and still love and respect each other. If we have a chance to throw off the shackles of this debt slavery system that we are under? Many of our differences would vanish instantly...if you believe that our rights come from a higher power or energy source than a "benevolent" government ruled by a small faction of elitists that have used their wealth to enslave humanity that can bestow privileges or withdraw them at their whim? We are kindred spirits....we don't need these people.......they can't function without us. We fix things, we have the ability to create inventions...all they have is a power that we can easily take from them if we simply wake up. I bet there isn't one globalist that would have the slightest idea on how to change a tire....because they depend on us. The system is what it is because we got fat and lazy and accepted the slow erosion of our freedoms....never questioning because our lives were so cozy....you best beware because that rug is about to be yanked out from under us....
The problem - D.S. - is that the liberals desperately want to place shackles on us and return to their "good 'ole days" of slavery. Everything they do and support is with a focus on power & control over others and forcing others to labor on their behalf. They refuse to accept my rights, my freedoms, or even the U.S. Constitution.
I think we already crossed the Rubicon back in 1913.

I don't think it was exclusively one party or the others fault. When a person labors, they are trading their time and energy for compensation, there is no "profit" involved, it is a straight exchange. Thus, if a person is robbed of the results of that labor, it is the same thing as slavery. I know this is a very abstract concept, it is very hard for some people to grasp. Especially for the lower classes for whom this fraud has been foisted upon.

In 1865, we had the 13th amendment to the Constitution ratified. It boggles my mind that folks can't see that the 13th amendment and the 16th amendment lay in direct opposition to each other. One abolishes slavery, the other re-establishes it. The 16th amendment, if you follow the transitive property of exchange, IS involuntary servitude.



The founders knew, I don't know why we don't, that direct taxation is akin to slavery.




The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?
Liberals and Conservatives can come together on the fact that no grown man has any right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and girls in the face with their penis.

The fact that you actually believe that the left thinks that a "grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis" means you watch too many far right wing opinion pieces to have a realistic view on...pretty much anything. You must also be one of those "flat earth" people.

Personally, I'd like to see far left and far right extremists (like this poster I quoted) get their heads out of their own asses. I think the moderates on both sides can agree that the extremists are what is tearing America apart more than anything else.
For those that say that the divisions we face is a chasm too deep and wide to overcome? I will politely beg to differ. We are being pitted against each other for a reason. If you have love for your fellow man and you are willing to look at how we got to this place without trying to play the "blame game"? Then you are my brother and you are my sister. We can agree to disagree and still love and respect each other. If we have a chance to throw off the shackles of this debt slavery system that we are under? Many of our differences would vanish instantly...if you believe that our rights come from a higher power or energy source than a "benevolent" government ruled by a small faction of elitists that have used their wealth to enslave humanity that can bestow privileges or withdraw them at their whim? We are kindred spirits....we don't need these people.......they can't function without us. We fix things, we have the ability to create inventions...all they have is a power that we can easily take from them if we simply wake up. I bet there isn't one globalist that would have the slightest idea on how to change a tire....because they depend on us. The system is what it is because we got fat and lazy and accepted the slow erosion of our freedoms....never questioning because our lives were so cozy....you best beware because that rug is about to be yanked out from under us....
The problem - D.S. - is that the liberals desperately want to place shackles on us and return to their "good 'ole days" of slavery. Everything they do and support is with a focus on power & control over others and forcing others to labor on their behalf. They refuse to accept my rights, my freedoms, or even the U.S. Constitution.
I think we already crossed the Rubicon back in 1913.

I don't think it was exclusively one party or the others fault. When a person labors, they are trading their time and energy for compensation, there is no "profit" involved, it is a straight exchange. Thus, if a person is robbed of the results of that labor, it is the same thing as slavery. I know this is a very abstract concept, it is very hard for some people to grasp. Especially for the lower classes for whom this fraud has been foisted upon.

In 1865, we had the 13th amendment to the Constitution ratified. It boggles my mind that folks can't see that the 13th amendment and the 16th amendment lay in direct opposition to each other. One abolishes slavery, the other re-establishes it. The 16th amendment, if you follow the transitive property of exchange, IS involuntary servitude.



The founders knew, I don't know why we don't, that direct taxation is akin to slavery.





Great post and we are definitely on the same page. How can we be taxed from our labor when we have never been paid with real money? Gold and silver is money. This fiat currency has no intrinsic value but in all essence is nothing but a debt note...a fancy looking I.O.U. Our founding fathers never intended for us to be taxed for bartering our time for something to sustain us...even if it is just debt notes because it is still a medium of exchange for however long it will be accepted. Other countries have caught onto our printing press methodology of creating currency out thin air which is why the yuan may soon take the place of the dollar and countries that are tired of this arrangement are hitching their wagons to the new BRICS alliance that will totally bypass the dollar. The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with and a Supreme Court ruled in 1916 or somewhere around there that the 16th amendment gave no new authority to collect disproportionate taxes.

The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico and it is Trust#62. I looked it up on Dun and Bradstreet. America is not a country, it is a for profit corporation...even the Supreme Court has become incorporated. The information is out there but it's not gonna come looking for you. Have you done any research about the CAFR that every corporation has to file every year? The wealth of hidden assets for most of these states are simply staggering. As of 2012, USA.INC's composite governmental corporations are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets like stocks, bonds, golf courses, amusement parks, race tracks, etc, etc. This composite government receives over 13 TRILLION dollars a year in dividends from their investments not only from here but overseas markets as well. Walter Burien is one of the people that has gone through them because he is in finance. Check out this video. He has a website "cafr1.com". It is an eye-opener....we may be broke, but USA.INC isn't at all....
The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
Your unsubstantiated trolling is not appreciated. Here's the percentage breakdown. The nation would have to be split three ways. Those who think for themselves, and the other two sections.


I think in the final analysis, wouldn't it be better for us to come together than to be fooled into destroying each other for those who would have us enslaved?



The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
Your unsubstantiated trolling is not appreciated. Here's the percentage breakdown. The nation would have to be split three ways. Those who think for themselves, and the other two sections.


I think in the final analysis, wouldn't it be better for us to come together than to be fooled into destroying each other for those who would have us enslaved?




Antelope have no reason to "come together" with lions. For the same reason, conservatives and libertarians have no reason to come together with leftwing douche bags. The only reason you turds want to be together is so you can loot and enslave us.

Go fuck yourselves.
The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
Your unsubstantiated trolling is not appreciated. Here's the percentage breakdown. The nation would have to be split three ways. Those who think for themselves, and the other two sections.


I think in the final analysis, wouldn't it be better for us to come together than to be fooled into destroying each other for those who would have us enslaved?




Democrats have been trying to meet y'all in the middle for two decades. It's time they started negotiating from a better position.
The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
Your unsubstantiated trolling is not appreciated. Here's the percentage breakdown. The nation would have to be split three ways. Those who think for themselves, and the other two sections.


I think in the final analysis, wouldn't it be better for us to come together than to be fooled into destroying each other for those who would have us enslaved?




Democrats have been trying to meet y'all in the middle for two decades. It's time they started negotiating from a better position.
As I recall, it was the democrats on the senate banking committee in 2014 that blocked a House bill that would have allowed a top to bottom audit of the criminal federal reserve private bank that has been stealing from us for a 102 years so spare me the bullshit. I am sure it was all theater anyway as I doubt that as long as the bankers own the politicians , we are never going to rid ourselves of this parasitic entity. The politicians in D.C are nothing but corporate offices that hope dupes like you never catch on like I and others have.
Last edited:
For those that say that the divisions we face is a chasm too deep and wide to overcome? I will politely beg to differ. We are being pitted against each other for a reason. If you have love for your fellow man and you are willing to look at how we got to this place without trying to play the "blame game"? Then you are my brother and you are my sister. We can agree to disagree and still love and respect each other. If we have a chance to throw off the shackles of this debt slavery system that we are under? Many of our differences would vanish instantly...if you believe that our rights come from a higher power or energy source than a "benevolent" government ruled by a small faction of elitists that have used their wealth to enslave humanity that can bestow privileges or withdraw them at their whim? We are kindred spirits....we don't need these people.......they can't function without us. We fix things, we have the ability to create inventions...all they have is a power that we can easily take from them if we simply wake up. I bet there isn't one globalist that would have the slightest idea on how to change a tire....because they depend on us. The system is what it is because we got fat and lazy and accepted the slow erosion of our freedoms....never questioning because our lives were so cozy....you best beware because that rug is about to be yanked out from under us....
The problem - D.S. - is that the liberals desperately want to place shackles on us and return to their "good 'ole days" of slavery. Everything they do and support is with a focus on power & control over others and forcing others to labor on their behalf. They refuse to accept my rights, my freedoms, or even the U.S. Constitution.
I think we already crossed the Rubicon back in 1913.

I don't think it was exclusively one party or the others fault. When a person labors, they are trading their time and energy for compensation, there is no "profit" involved, it is a straight exchange. Thus, if a person is robbed of the results of that labor, it is the same thing as slavery. I know this is a very abstract concept, it is very hard for some people to grasp. Especially for the lower classes for whom this fraud has been foisted upon.

In 1865, we had the 13th amendment to the Constitution ratified. It boggles my mind that folks can't see that the 13th amendment and the 16th amendment lay in direct opposition to each other. One abolishes slavery, the other re-establishes it. The 16th amendment, if you follow the transitive property of exchange, IS involuntary servitude.



The founders knew, I don't know why we don't, that direct taxation is akin to slavery.





Great post and we are definitely on the same page. How can we be taxed from our labor when we have never been paid with real money? Gold and silver is money. This fiat currency has no intrinsic value but in all essence is nothing but a debt note...a fancy looking I.O.U. Our founding fathers never intended for us to be taxed for bartering our time for something to sustain us...even if it is just debt notes because it is still a medium of exchange for however long it will be accepted. Other countries have caught onto our printing press methodology of creating currency out thin air which is why the yuan may soon take the place of the dollar and countries that are tired of this arrangement are hitching their wagons to the new BRICS alliance that will totally bypass the dollar. The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with and a Supreme Court ruled in 1916 or somewhere around there that the 16th amendment gave no new authority to collect disproportionate taxes.

The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico and it is Trust#62. I looked it up on Dun and Bradstreet. America is not a country, it is a for profit corporation...even the Supreme Court has become incorporated. The information is out there but it's not gonna come looking for you. Have you done any research about the CAFR that every corporation has to file every year? The wealth of hidden assets for most of these states are simply staggering. As of 2012, USA.INC's composite governmental corporations are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets like stocks, bonds, golf courses, amusement parks, race tracks, etc, etc. This composite government receives over 13 TRILLION dollars a year in dividends from their investments not only from here but overseas markets as well. Walter Burien is one of the people that has gone through them because he is in finance. Check out this video. He has a website "cafr1.com". It is an eye-opener....we may be broke, but USA.INC isn't at all....

I'm aware.


You're not supposed to know this.

Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie
Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie
Of course, this article like all others doesn’t mention the legal crime operating behind these horrific scenes and reported in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) – what I have nicknamed the “Achilles Heel” of government. While these facts and figures are certainly important as to the physical state of Detroit, the absence of public information on the actual financial state of that fictional municipal corporation government called “City of Detroit” is never discussed due to the overwhelming lack of exposure and coverage by every news outlet in America about the financial statements required by Federal law for every government entity and corporation in the United States. The greatest open secret in fascist history remains open and secret. In short, these municipalities across the nation in every State have exacted, extorted, and excavated all of the wealth of the people for its organized and collective investment schemes that, not ironically, are only disclosed in the CAFR of government. And collectively the over 230,000 local and state government entities across the nation have been legally required to funnel taxpayer money into investment funds that ultimately never benefit these local or state governments or their people. Instead, they invest in “emerging markets” in countries like Mexico and China – which soon will become the largest economy in the world thanks to the ignorance of the very citizens of the United States that have no idea this has been happening for over 70 years.

One would in general look at the above factoids about Detroit and justifiably assume that the decaying state of that City is a direct reflection of the similar financial state of the government corporation that controls that area. This, however, is patently false – a fallacy built up through media and political misrepresentation.

The true culprit of that misrepresentation is in the form of the hand selected “budget report” that is delivered to the people publicly each year. The people are never told that this “budget” is actually not the original and main financial statement that is created by governments and audited by independent accounting firms. You see, the budget report is nothing but an intentionally dumbed-down version of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is filed each year as a requirement of the Federal and State legal codes.

What does this mean?

It means that the budget is merely a reflection of what I call the “creative accounting” that is applied to the audited CAFR report so as to make the budget report appear to be in a state of decay, debt, default, and loss. While the CAFR may show assets of millions or billions in cash and investments, the budget report will be creatively manipulated by this special creative accounting process to create an illusionist “balance sheet” that somehow, incredibly, and magically turns an asset into a liability.

Detroit is of course no exception to this rule. For the decaying state of this city has very little to do with the financial state of this municipal corporation. But the fallacy remains that as the city decays so too does the financial state of its government.

Here is a link to the City of Detroit’s 2012 CAFR:

http://www.detroitmi.gov/Portals/0/docs/finance/CAFR/Final 2012 Detroit Financial Statements.pdf

**Note that this website takes you to the Detroit government (.gov) website.

While I will not go into the full detail of how this corrupt Municipal Corporation of organized crime has gotten to this point, I will just point out the most important factor in determining whether or not this corporation is actually bankrupt – a factor that I guarantee will be ignored by the government court and bankruptcy judge in this case if the people do not finally rise up and demand that Detroit pay its debt today instead of defaulting on it. That factoid is the promotion of its future debt payments as a current liability effecting today’s balance sheet. The fact is that 99% of the entire structure of municipalities across the nation could be out of debt tomorrow and still have money and investments to spare (be in the black) if it weren’t for the fact that governments enjoy, promote, and profit from the interest (usury) created by debt. In other words, instead of using the money it holds today for services in its investment funds, a government will create a municipal bond and pay that loan off over 20-50 years at interest. Sometimes it is other governments across the nation that are funding those bonds, sometimes banks, and sometimes Public Private Partnerships (PPP) are created in agreement for the loan by private or publicly traded corporations. Ironically, that money that government could have used in lieu of that loan to pay for that service is often invested in such things as corporate bonds – loans to governments, banks, and private and publicly traded corporations. And these bonds are bundled and sold as securities on the bond markets as commodities – debt contracts worth a future value. And the investment scam continues while televisions pump digital airwaves of Stars dancing and Idols singing.

On page 41 of this CAFR we see the illusion blatantly spelled out for us in the basic “Statement of Net Assets”. Of course, this is not the full disclosure of investment fund totals for the City because of other creative accounting within the CAFR designed to minimize those balances shown on this chart, but it shows the scam very well in its full corrupt glory.

The City claims to have over $10.6 billion in liabilities, which it then “balances” against about $10.3 billion in assets. This leaves a “balance” of assets that gets shown to the people of a negative $3oo million dollars.

Just one problem though…

You see, most people would simply consider this balance as the cash balance of the government, having no clue about the investment scam their government has participated in for decades that funnels taxpayer monies out of the taxpayer base and into governments investment funds.

This CAFR is for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, ending June 30,2012.

But it reports for the fiscal year 2012-2013, which will have ended in the month of June this year (2013), the actual current liabilities (due within one year as of June 2012) – which represent debt payments for that fiscal year that would be paid in that 2013 fiscal year ending June 2013. And that “current” debt for the fiscal year only amounts to about $309 million TOTAL.

This means that the other $9.1 billion dollars listed here as “due after one year” is all future debt payments that will basically amount to somewhere around a $300-500 million dollar amortization schedule for the next fiscal year and so on. In other words, for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, Detroit’s actual “current liabilities” are only $300-500 million dollars. The rest of that $9.1 billion still is not due until future payments are made in 5, 10, 20, and up to 50 years in the future!!!

If this is not clear, this means that the over $9 billion in future debt payments to be made has absolutely nothing to do with the financial state of the government today, or even within one year of today.

And yet those payments and future debts are somehow effecting the current balance of today (June 2012)?

Can you say creative accounting?

Can you say FRAUD?

Can you imagine if you told the IRS that you have earned no money this year because you have future debts to pay in 10 years?

You’d go to jail… but this is legal for government!

The trick here is that, as with all municipalities across the nation, by law these governments are able to and encouraged to not include future assets in the form or fees and taxes that will be collected in those future years that will certainly pay for those future debt payments. So here we see that government is claiming a future liability as a current liability, and yet conveniently disregarding the projected future assets it will receive in the future as current assets to balance the future liabilities.


The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
Your unsubstantiated trolling is not appreciated. Here's the percentage breakdown. The nation would have to be split three ways. Those who think for themselves, and the other two sections.


I think in the final analysis, wouldn't it be better for us to come together than to be fooled into destroying each other for those who would have us enslaved?




Antelope have no reason to "come together" with lions. For the same reason, conservatives and libertarians have no reason to come together with leftwing douche bags. The only reason you turds want to be together is so you can loot and enslave us.

Go fuck yourselves.
What I'm saying, is this has nothing to do with "libertarian" or "progressives," or the "left" or the "right."

It has to do with the good people of this land freeing themselves of control of the Deep State. It has to do with individual sovereignty and bringing back the protections of the Bill of Rights. We need eliminate the Imperial Presidency and bring back the rule of law.

Why did Ike warn us of the military-industrial-complex? Why did JFK want to reduce the scope and power of the CIA?



Seems the only people that really get it are Alaskans. They just won't have the folks on the left or right divided by the globalists.

Two notable anti-globalists, from the left and the right.

The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people."

The power to leave the union is reserved to the states, and they may exercise that power whenever they wish.
For those that say that the divisions we face is a chasm too deep and wide to overcome? I will politely beg to differ. We are being pitted against each other for a reason. If you have love for your fellow man and you are willing to look at how we got to this place without trying to play the "blame game"? Then you are my brother and you are my sister. We can agree to disagree and still love and respect each other. If we have a chance to throw off the shackles of this debt slavery system that we are under? Many of our differences would vanish instantly...if you believe that our rights come from a higher power or energy source than a "benevolent" government ruled by a small faction of elitists that have used their wealth to enslave humanity that can bestow privileges or withdraw them at their whim? We are kindred spirits....we don't need these people.......they can't function without us. We fix things, we have the ability to create inventions...all they have is a power that we can easily take from them if we simply wake up. I bet there isn't one globalist that would have the slightest idea on how to change a tire....because they depend on us. The system is what it is because we got fat and lazy and accepted the slow erosion of our freedoms....never questioning because our lives were so cozy....you best beware because that rug is about to be yanked out from under us....
The problem - D.S. - is that the liberals desperately want to place shackles on us and return to their "good 'ole days" of slavery. Everything they do and support is with a focus on power & control over others and forcing others to labor on their behalf. They refuse to accept my rights, my freedoms, or even the U.S. Constitution.
I think we already crossed the Rubicon back in 1913.

I don't think it was exclusively one party or the others fault. When a person labors, they are trading their time and energy for compensation, there is no "profit" involved, it is a straight exchange. Thus, if a person is robbed of the results of that labor, it is the same thing as slavery. I know this is a very abstract concept, it is very hard for some people to grasp. Especially for the lower classes for whom this fraud has been foisted upon.

In 1865, we had the 13th amendment to the Constitution ratified. It boggles my mind that folks can't see that the 13th amendment and the 16th amendment lay in direct opposition to each other. One abolishes slavery, the other re-establishes it. The 16th amendment, if you follow the transitive property of exchange, IS involuntary servitude.



The founders knew, I don't know why we don't, that direct taxation is akin to slavery.





Great post and we are definitely on the same page. How can we be taxed from our labor when we have never been paid with real money? Gold and silver is money. This fiat currency has no intrinsic value but in all essence is nothing but a debt note...a fancy looking I.O.U. Our founding fathers never intended for us to be taxed for bartering our time for something to sustain us...even if it is just debt notes because it is still a medium of exchange for however long it will be accepted. Other countries have caught onto our printing press methodology of creating currency out thin air which is why the yuan may soon take the place of the dollar and countries that are tired of this arrangement are hitching their wagons to the new BRICS alliance that will totally bypass the dollar. The 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with and a Supreme Court ruled in 1916 or somewhere around there that the 16th amendment gave no new authority to collect disproportionate taxes.

The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico and it is Trust#62. I looked it up on Dun and Bradstreet. America is not a country, it is a for profit corporation...even the Supreme Court has become incorporated. The information is out there but it's not gonna come looking for you. Have you done any research about the CAFR that every corporation has to file every year? The wealth of hidden assets for most of these states are simply staggering. As of 2012, USA.INC's composite governmental corporations are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars worth of assets like stocks, bonds, golf courses, amusement parks, race tracks, etc, etc. This composite government receives over 13 TRILLION dollars a year in dividends from their investments not only from here but overseas markets as well. Walter Burien is one of the people that has gone through them because he is in finance. Check out this video. He has a website "cafr1.com". It is an eye-opener....we may be broke, but USA.INC isn't at all....

I'm aware.


You're not supposed to know this.

Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie
Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie
Of course, this article like all others doesn’t mention the legal crime operating behind these horrific scenes and reported in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) – what I have nicknamed the “Achilles Heel” of government. While these facts and figures are certainly important as to the physical state of Detroit, the absence of public information on the actual financial state of that fictional municipal corporation government called “City of Detroit” is never discussed due to the overwhelming lack of exposure and coverage by every news outlet in America about the financial statements required by Federal law for every government entity and corporation in the United States. The greatest open secret in fascist history remains open and secret. In short, these municipalities across the nation in every State have exacted, extorted, and excavated all of the wealth of the people for its organized and collective investment schemes that, not ironically, are only disclosed in the CAFR of government. And collectively the over 230,000 local and state government entities across the nation have been legally required to funnel taxpayer money into investment funds that ultimately never benefit these local or state governments or their people. Instead, they invest in “emerging markets” in countries like Mexico and China – which soon will become the largest economy in the world thanks to the ignorance of the very citizens of the United States that have no idea this has been happening for over 70 years.

One would in general look at the above factoids about Detroit and justifiably assume that the decaying state of that City is a direct reflection of the similar financial state of the government corporation that controls that area. This, however, is patently false – a fallacy built up through media and political misrepresentation.

The true culprit of that misrepresentation is in the form of the hand selected “budget report” that is delivered to the people publicly each year. The people are never told that this “budget” is actually not the original and main financial statement that is created by governments and audited by independent accounting firms. You see, the budget report is nothing but an intentionally dumbed-down version of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is filed each year as a requirement of the Federal and State legal codes.

What does this mean?

It means that the budget is merely a reflection of what I call the “creative accounting” that is applied to the audited CAFR report so as to make the budget report appear to be in a state of decay, debt, default, and loss. While the CAFR may show assets of millions or billions in cash and investments, the budget report will be creatively manipulated by this special creative accounting process to create an illusionist “balance sheet” that somehow, incredibly, and magically turns an asset into a liability.

Detroit is of course no exception to this rule. For the decaying state of this city has very little to do with the financial state of this municipal corporation. But the fallacy remains that as the city decays so too does the financial state of its government.

Here is a link to the City of Detroit’s 2012 CAFR:

http://www.detroitmi.gov/Portals/0/docs/finance/CAFR/Final 2012 Detroit Financial Statements.pdf

**Note that this website takes you to the Detroit government (.gov) website.

While I will not go into the full detail of how this corrupt Municipal Corporation of organized crime has gotten to this point, I will just point out the most important factor in determining whether or not this corporation is actually bankrupt – a factor that I guarantee will be ignored by the government court and bankruptcy judge in this case if the people do not finally rise up and demand that Detroit pay its debt today instead of defaulting on it. That factoid is the promotion of its future debt payments as a current liability effecting today’s balance sheet. The fact is that 99% of the entire structure of municipalities across the nation could be out of debt tomorrow and still have money and investments to spare (be in the black) if it weren’t for the fact that governments enjoy, promote, and profit from the interest (usury) created by debt. In other words, instead of using the money it holds today for services in its investment funds, a government will create a municipal bond and pay that loan off over 20-50 years at interest. Sometimes it is other governments across the nation that are funding those bonds, sometimes banks, and sometimes Public Private Partnerships (PPP) are created in agreement for the loan by private or publicly traded corporations. Ironically, that money that government could have used in lieu of that loan to pay for that service is often invested in such things as corporate bonds – loans to governments, banks, and private and publicly traded corporations. And these bonds are bundled and sold as securities on the bond markets as commodities – debt contracts worth a future value. And the investment scam continues while televisions pump digital airwaves of Stars dancing and Idols singing.

On page 41 of this CAFR we see the illusion blatantly spelled out for us in the basic “Statement of Net Assets”. Of course, this is not the full disclosure of investment fund totals for the City because of other creative accounting within the CAFR designed to minimize those balances shown on this chart, but it shows the scam very well in its full corrupt glory.

The City claims to have over $10.6 billion in liabilities, which it then “balances” against about $10.3 billion in assets. This leaves a “balance” of assets that gets shown to the people of a negative $3oo million dollars.

Just one problem though…

You see, most people would simply consider this balance as the cash balance of the government, having no clue about the investment scam their government has participated in for decades that funnels taxpayer monies out of the taxpayer base and into governments investment funds.

This CAFR is for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, ending June 30,2012.

But it reports for the fiscal year 2012-2013, which will have ended in the month of June this year (2013), the actual current liabilities (due within one year as of June 2012) – which represent debt payments for that fiscal year that would be paid in that 2013 fiscal year ending June 2013. And that “current” debt for the fiscal year only amounts to about $309 million TOTAL.

This means that the other $9.1 billion dollars listed here as “due after one year” is all future debt payments that will basically amount to somewhere around a $300-500 million dollar amortization schedule for the next fiscal year and so on. In other words, for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, Detroit’s actual “current liabilities” are only $300-500 million dollars. The rest of that $9.1 billion still is not due until future payments are made in 5, 10, 20, and up to 50 years in the future!!!

If this is not clear, this means that the over $9 billion in future debt payments to be made has absolutely nothing to do with the financial state of the government today, or even within one year of today.

And yet those payments and future debts are somehow effecting the current balance of today (June 2012)?

Can you say creative accounting?

Can you say FRAUD?

Can you imagine if you told the IRS that you have earned no money this year because you have future debts to pay in 10 years?

You’d go to jail… but this is legal for government!

The trick here is that, as with all municipalities across the nation, by law these governments are able to and encouraged to not include future assets in the form or fees and taxes that will be collected in those future years that will certainly pay for those future debt payments. So here we see that government is claiming a future liability as a current liability, and yet conveniently disregarding the projected future assets it will receive in the future as current assets to balance the future liabilities.


I wish I could give your post 10,000 "WINNER" rating......you knocked that out of the park.....and the ball still hasn't landed....
The left in this country has become so extreme and so radicalized that I've really come to the conclusion that the U.S. should be peacefully divide up so that conservatives can restore the United States of America (what ever half remained for us) and liberals would be free to destroy a new nation built on socialism and free from the Constitution that they hate so much.

I would really like to be wrong (for once). But watching liberals insist that a grown man has every right to walk into a women's restroom and slap women and little children in the face with their penis just affirms what I already thought.

So with that in mind - I'm wondering if anyone can post something that conservatives and liberals can come together on. There are some items which one would think we be basic and obvious (like the U.S. Constitution, defense, and the right of children to be free from the opposite sex in the restroom) but it would appear that would not be the case. If we can't even agree on these basic and obvious issues, what can we agree on?

Half? Get real! The derp-derp coalition accounts for 25% of the population. How about we give y'all a Sister-kissing reservation? :rolleyes:
Your unsubstantiated trolling is not appreciated. Here's the percentage breakdown. The nation would have to be split three ways. Those who think for themselves, and the other two sections.


I think in the final analysis, wouldn't it be better for us to come together than to be fooled into destroying each other for those who would have us enslaved?




Antelope have no reason to "come together" with lions. For the same reason, conservatives and libertarians have no reason to come together with leftwing douche bags. The only reason you turds want to be together is so you can loot and enslave us.

Go fuck yourselves.
What I'm saying, is this has nothing to do with "libertarian" or "progressives," or the "left" or the "right."

It has to do with the good people of this land freeing themselves of control of the Deep State. It has to do with individual sovereignty and bringing back the protections of the Bill of Rights. We need eliminate the Imperial Presidency and bring back the rule of law.

Why did Ike warn us of the military-industrial-complex? Why did JFK want to reduce the scope and power of the CIA?



Seems the only people that really get it are Alaskans. They just won't have the folks on the left or right divided by the globalists.

Two notable anti-globalists, from the left and the right.

Damn, MisterBeale goes back to back "Leaves the park" home runs...gonna copy and paste this stuff to share on Facebook...outstanding!!!!!
Is there anything left that we can come together on?

No. Co-operation and mutual respect has been down the toilet for several decades.

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