Is there anything more hypocritical than Susan Rice accusing Trump of...


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
…"misrepresenting the facts"? She went on, what, FIVE television shows to LIE to the American people about a YouTube video being the motivation behind the terrorist attacks? Rachel Maddow obviously had NO PROBLEM with Rice being a prolific liar as she interview her. If you're not a liar, you're not a Democrat.

Susan Rice accuses President Trump of misrepresenting Soleimani facts
Here we go with this shit again

Rice was relaying the best information currently available from the CIA. Not unreasonable considering the video she was talking about had sparked attacks similar to Benghazi all over the globe the DAY before.

Trump is relying on nothing but his own "intuition"
Here we go with this shit again

Rice was relaying the best information currently available from the CIA. Not unreasonable considering the video she was talking about had sparked attacks similar to Benghazi all over the globe the DAY before.

Trump is relying on nothing but his own "intuition"

Bullshit. They ALL knew it was a planned, coordinated attack and wasn't based on a fucking video. Are you really that fucking stupid or just a fucking liar?
Here we go with this shit again

Rice was relaying the best information currently available from the CIA. Not unreasonable considering the video she was talking about had sparked attacks similar to Benghazi all over the globe the DAY before.

Trump is relying on nothing but his own "intuition"

Bullshit. They ALL knew it was a planned, coordinated attack and wasn't based on a fucking video. Are you really that fucking stupid or just a fucking liar?
Yep, Hillary’s own emails confirmed she knew the truth that night and yet spread that lie anyway.
Didn’t she refuse to honor Subpoenas to testify in front of Congress for The Obama Administration's Illegal Unmasking Scheme?

…"misrepresenting the facts"? She went on, what, FIVE television shows to LIE to the American people about a YouTube video being the motivation behind the terrorist attacks? Rachel Maddow obviously had NO PROBLEM with Rice being a prolific liar as she interview her. If you're not a liar, you're not a Democrat.

Susan Rice accuses President Trump of misrepresenting Soleimani facts
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Here we go with this shit again

Rice was relaying the best information currently available from the CIA. Not unreasonable considering the video she was talking about had sparked attacks similar to Benghazi all over the globe the DAY before.

Trump is relying on nothing but his own "intuition"

Bullshit. They ALL knew it was a planned, coordinated attack and wasn't based on a fucking video. Are you really that fucking stupid or just a fucking liar?
They did huh?

Document that. It should be easy after what.,..7 Congressional investigations?
Didn’t she refuse to honor Subpoenas to testify in front of Congress for Illegal Unmasking Scheme?

…"misrepresenting the facts"? She went on, what, FIVE television shows to LIE to the American people about a YouTube video being the motivation behind the terrorist attacks? Rachel Maddow obviously had NO PROBLEM with Rice being a prolific liar as she interview her. If you're not a liar, you're not a Democrat.

Susan Rice accuses President Trump of misrepresenting Soleimani facts
Wrong thread shitbird
Susan Rice? THE Susan Rice? the Susan Rice always lying to cover for Hussein Barack? the one who went to five TV News programs and falsely claimed that the Benghazi attacks were a "spontaneous" reaction?

I want to know...

Why isn't she in Guantanamo???

Why isn't that lying traitor in jail ????
Didn’t she refuse to honor Subpoenas to testify in front of Congress for The Obama Administration’s Illegal Unmasking Scheme?

…"misrepresenting the facts"? She went on, what, FIVE television shows to LIE to the American people about a YouTube video being the motivation behind the terrorist attacks? Rachel Maddow obviously had NO PROBLEM with Rice being a prolific liar as she interview her. If you're not a liar, you're not a Democrat.

Susan Rice accuses President Trump of misrepresenting Soleimani facts
Wrong thread shitbird
Isn’t the question about Rice’s Hypocrisy?

Then answer the Question:

Didn’t she refuse to honor Subpoenas to testify in front of Congress for The Obama Administration’s Illegal Unmasking Scheme?
In the minority report released June 27, the Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi said that “it remains unclear to this day precisely what motivated all of the individuals in Benghazi on the night of the attacks.” The report quoted former CIA Director David Petraeus as saying, “I’m still not absolutely certain what absolutely took place … and to be candid with you, I am not sure that the amount of scrutiny spent on this has been in the least bit worth it.”
Document that. It should be easy after what.,..7 Congressional investigations?

Here you go dumbass.

A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).” The group subscribes to “AQ ideologies:”

JW: Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened
Susan Rice? THE Susan Rice? the Susan Rice always lying to cover for Hussein Barack? the one who went to five TV News programs and falsely claimed that the Benghazi attacks were a "spontaneous" reaction?

I want to know...

Why isn't she in Guantanamo???

Why isn't that lying traitor in jail ????
In jail for what exactly? She went on TV and relayed information given to her by the CIA.

Was that information accurate? Even Petraeus isn't sure. Why is it important?
All the past Administration should go to jail.

They are all scum and traitors.
In the minority report released June 27, the Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi said that “it remains unclear to this day precisely what motivated all of the individuals in Benghazi on the night of the attacks.” The report quoted former CIA Director David Petraeus as saying, “I’m still not absolutely certain what absolutely took place … and to be candid with you, I am not sure that the amount of scrutiny spent on this has been in the least bit worth it.”
Honey, they lied. - NBC News-
Clinton's Emails Give Glimpse Into Candidate Under Pressure
The Night of the Benghazi Attacks

On the night of the Benghazi attacks, Clinton emailed her daughter Chelsea, writing "Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow."
One day after the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, the Defense Intelligence Agency concluded the assault had been planned 10 days earlier by an al-Qaeda affiliate, according to documents released Monday by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.

"The attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman," said a preliminary intelligence report by the Defense Intelligence Agency, obtained through a lawsuit following a Freedom of Information Act request.

The group, which also conducted attacks against the Red Cross in Benghazi, was established by Abdul Baset Azuz, a "violent radical" sent by al-Qaeda to set up bases in Libya, the defense agency report said.

The attack was planned on Sept. 1, 2012, with the intent "to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge" for the killing of a militant in Pakistan and to memorialize the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the report said.
Senate report: Benghazi attackers tied to Al Qaeda groups
Impeach 44!

Seriously the amount of shit Hillary Rotten Clinton and Obama Bin Lying got away with was Horrific and Unreal.

And then when you add in Kerry, Pelosi, Biden, Podesta all going to The Ukraine and getting kickbacks from our Foreign Aid, pouring Millions in to Ukraine elections to keep an Anticorruption Government from getting elected and these people should all be hung for treason.

Don’t even get me started on Learner, Holder, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Strozk and the rest of those criminals.

Let’s not forget Rosenstein, Yates, Brennan, Clapper and Susan Powers.

Document that. It should be easy after what.,..7 Congressional investigations?

Here you go dumbass.

A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).” The group subscribes to “AQ ideologies:”

JW: Obama Admin Knew About Benghazi Before It Happened
…"misrepresenting the facts"? She went on, what, FIVE television shows to LIE to the American people about a YouTube video being the motivation behind the terrorist attacks? Rachel Maddow obviously had NO PROBLEM with Rice being a prolific liar as she interview her. If you're not a liar, you're not a Democrat.

Susan Rice accuses President Trump of misrepresenting Soleimani facts
Who does she think she is?

Everyone knows Trump uses “alternative facts”

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