Is there anything more hypocritical than Susan Rice accusing Trump of...

Who does she think she is? Everyone knows Trump uses “alternative facts”

Whatever untruths Trump has expressed, none compare to the egregious lies told by Obama and his goons. None even comes close.

Be honest, for a change. You don't have a problem with government lying to the people, as long as they're Democrat.
In the minority report released June 27, the Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi said that “it remains unclear to this day precisely what motivated all of the individuals in Benghazi on the night of the attacks.” The report quoted former CIA Director David Petraeus as saying, “I’m still not absolutely certain what absolutely took place … and to be candid with you, I am not sure that the amount of scrutiny spent on this has been in the least bit worth it.”

A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).” The group subscribes to “AQ ideologies:”

Seems there was some confusion huh?
They spent 8 years breaking every law they could to pocket taxpayer dollars and enrich themselves and their friends all the while trying to undermine The Constitution, Our Economy, Our Military, Our Healthcare system, Our Courts, and Our Military.

They thought they had it rigged and that’s why Obama left so many court appointments for Clinton. It’s also why Clinton thought it was time to propose “A Borderless North America” and it was “Time to replace the dollar with The Amero”!

These Son of a Bitches thought they were on pace to End America.

And if you think we dodged a bullet, we did, but it isn’t over.

It will NEVER be over till The Return of Christ ends all this Globalism.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” in to a Socialist Hell Hole, is the same as Warren’s “Structural Change”
Same as every Democrat talking points running for President Right Now!

UN Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030.

If we don’t keep fighting like we do, we are going to witness America being overrun by Socialist Tyrants as it falls under The Yoke of Global Government.

No, but you wish they did so you could blame it on them.
That isn't the same as reality though.

You're a willful idiot. Do you really believe that the Obama Administration really thought that a YouTube video was the motivation behind the attacks? LOL.

You are certainly loyal to the Democratic Party, even when they act dishonestly, incompetently and at the expense of the American people. You're fascist in that way. The party and state, above all else, right, Benito?

Whatever untruths Trump has expressed, none compare to the egregious lies told by Obama and his goons. None even comes close.

Holy shit dude. There's no hope for people like you
…"misrepresenting the facts"? She went on, what, FIVE television shows to LIE to the American people about a YouTube video being the motivation behind the terrorist attacks? Rachel Maddow obviously had NO PROBLEM with Rice being a prolific liar as she interview her. If you're not a liar, you're not a Democrat.

Susan Rice accuses President Trump of misrepresenting Soleimani facts
I didn't read the article yet, but do you think Iran was behind 9/11 as Pence said recently? I got a bridge to sell ya in Brooklyn, if you do...

Pence Falsely Links Soleimani to 9/11 Attacks to Justify Assassination

Pence Links Suleimani to 9/11. The Public Record Doesn’t Back Him.
Who does she think she is? Everyone knows Trump uses “alternative facts”

Whatever untruths Trump has expressed, none compare to the egregious lies told by Obama and his goons. None even comes close.

Be honest, for a change. You don't have a problem with government lying to the people, as long as they're Democrat.

I absolutely agree with your statement! :thup:
Holy shit dude. There's no hope for people like you

Bullshit. You're a liar just like your leftist masters that you serve. It's been proven that the Obama goons KNEW that the motivation behind the attack had NOTHING to do with a fucking YouTube video. You're a lying, partisan hack.
No, but you wish they did so you could blame it on them.
That isn't the same as reality though.

You're a willful idiot. Do you really believe that the Obama Administration really thought that a YouTube video was the motivation behind the attacks? LOL.

If they do, then they must think his administration was awfully inept...
In the minority report released June 27, the Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi said that “it remains unclear to this day precisely what motivated all of the individuals in Benghazi on the night of the attacks.” The report quoted former CIA Director David Petraeus as saying, “I’m still not absolutely certain what absolutely took place … and to be candid with you, I am not sure that the amount of scrutiny spent on this has been in the least bit worth it.”

A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).” The group subscribes to “AQ ideologies:”

Seems there was some confusion huh?
No. You completely ignored the facts posted in post #17. You did it hoping to not be caught.
Susan Rice? THE Susan Rice? the Susan Rice always lying to cover for Hussein Barack? the one who went to five TV News programs and falsely claimed that the Benghazi attacks were a "spontaneous" reaction?

I want to know...

Why isn't she in Guantanamo???

Why isn't that lying traitor in jail ????

Why aren’t you in jail for lying?

If you want people jailed for lying you’d be doing life without parole. Along with every other Dim.
BOMBSHELL: Iran Admits To Facilitating 9/11 Attacks, Report Says
فريق التواصل DOS on Twitter

9/11 Panel's Report to Offer New Evidence of Iran-Qaeda Ties
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -,8599,664967,00.html
According to reports, Qasem Soleimani used his relations with al-Qaeda in his maneuvers to play on all sides of the conflict to keep Iran at the forefront of possession of all papers of the extremist groups. According to the report, among the evidence, unpublished notes and interviews with senior members of al-Qaeda and the bin laden family show how Suleimani is mastering the relationship with the Sunni jihadist organization described by the official Iranian media as terrorist martyr.

Bin laden documents

The documents, “Abbottabad,” obtained by US forces from the hideout of the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, when he was killed in 2011 in Pakistan, and published by the CIA in November 2017, revealed details of part of Iran’s relationship with Al Qaeda.

Of the 470,000 documents obtained from Bin Laden’s cache, 19 were devoted to this large archive of al-Qaeda’s high profile ties with the Iranian government. One document showed that a senior al-Qaeda member confirmed in a letter that Iran was prepared to provide all that al-Qaeda needed, including funds and weapons, and training camps for Hezbollah in Lebanon in return for the terrorist group attacking US interests in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf ” , According to an investigation by Thomas Jocelyn and Bill Rajev of the foundation for defense of democracies, about 19 pages of al-Qaeda links to Iran from the Abbottabad documents. According to the documents, the Iranian intelligence services, in some cases, facilitated the issuance of visas for the elements of the al-Qaeda in charge of carrying out operations, and at the same time has housed other groups. “Iran’s intelligence services agreed to provide al-Qaeda operatives with visas and facilities and to harbor other members of al-Qaeda,” said another document, which was negotiated with Iran by Abu Hafs al-Mauritani, an influential al-Qaeda member, before the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Iran is fined

Last year, a US court in New York fined Iran for co-operating with al-Qaeda in 9/11 attacks for $ 10.7 billion and other fines of $ 21 billion for the families of American victims of bombings which was carried out by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard cells.
The Iranian Support for Al-Qaeda Terrorism

Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room | CIA FOIA (

November 2017 Release of Abbottabad Compound Material
Here we go with this shit again

Rice was relaying the best information currently available from the CIA. Not unreasonable considering the video she was talking about had sparked attacks similar to Benghazi all over the globe the DAY before.

Trump is relying on nothing but his own "intuition"


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